Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1392: Undertake (in)

Latest website: Soon after the last war, I was visited by one of their representatives. "Bai Qi recalled, he threw the squeezed cigarette into the trash can, after thinking about it, he lit another one and took a sip. "Until then did I know that in the empire, there still existed The power of the Kiris family. Compared with the organizations in smaller countries, it feels like the Kiris family hides a little deeper. "

"Have you investigated them afterwards?" McGerry asked, "I had contacted them before the last war, but there has been no follow-up. At that time, the attention was completely lost on them, plus the resources and conditions given. It made me instinctively feel that something bad would happen later. I directly refused, because of this matter, I still stayed in the family for a long time. But immediately after the pre-war rehearsal, nothing happened. "

McGlyn looked at Bocha, "Is it possible that the conditions given to you won’t make your heart move? After the war, I don’t think anyone in the military knows Bocha's name. Young colonel, a legendary soldier. , A person led a team to do too many admirable things in the back of the enemy. Within half a year of recovery after the war, he passed the major general and became a lieutenant general. With the rigid rules of the two almost equal military ranks, I think you will definitely leapfrog directly to become a general."

"It should be an admiral?" Soroat interjected coldly, who was silent for several days. "Bai Chi is obviously a person with both strength and command ability. In the military department, this kind of people are all walking up. Afterwards, follow certain rules from a one-star admiral to a five-star admiral to make the marshal’s talent pool for the coming of the next war. The warlord is for those who are not very good at their heads or have no background and powers. Those who have made military exploits will either rely on their own strength all the way to the peak and be recruited by certain forces, or they will stay in the military headquarters and wait to die in the mission-rest-task cycle."

Soroat saw the four people in the room looking at him, and then coughed and sat upright, "Hey! I am also one of the few people in the Infinite Communications Company who has the right to call the super analyzer, Mai Gerry, where you belong to the Chira Andi family, has a super-analysis machine. Born was the first coach of the Samsung Academy of the military school and the head coach of a part-time school. Haven’t you ever been exposed to a super-analysis machine?

This is obviously a rhetorical question. Soroat added his own words, "It must have been contacted. The super analyzer is a wonderful thing. There are many times of the year that it is not running at full power. If there is anything, it is okay to borrow a little permission to investigate some things. , Is it right? This is not a resource that everyone has a chance to get."

Soliat looked a little proud, "Looking at you, you know that both of them are wooden heads." After saying that, he shook his head, "You must know one thing that is classified as a secret-every family power, or It is an organization like the military school, the super analyzers inside the empire, except for our Infinite Communications Company, many others have received Avalon’s help. So even if each super analyzer is a separate individual, it has nothing to do with each other. As long as they will receive the necessary information via radio, they have a chance to get something out of it."

"Regarding the Kiris family in your mouth, I may have information that you don't know, and I don't think so.

Speaking of this, closing their mouths, Macquarie and Biao looked at each other, but they ignored Soroat and brought the topic back to the beginning.

"I have never accepted their invitation, because at that time I saw the so-called hopeful promotion path in the military department and thought I could do something. But a few years later, when I reached the fifth stage of surgery, I was promoted to general. , But found that the so-called road had been sealed long ago. In addition, there was no resources in hand at that time, so I was completely confused about how to live before and after the war. Unlike Macquarie, you have someone from the family to come out to remind you. How to take every step correctly. So I finally went to the military school."

"So, this investigation can be regarded as making up for your regrets decades ago." McGerry lay back on the sofa, "We didn't understand anything during the last war, and it is unclear whether the Chilish family had similar actions. Once, it depends on whether they know the news of the six red stars. In short, for you and me, the Kiris family is indeed covered with a faint mist, so be careful."

After speaking, McGree looked at Soroat, "I just learned something interesting. After I go back, I will trouble you to help me investigate carefully."


Emilia is wearing a long dress today, standing by the street. He carried a very simple bag in his hand, and his long hair was bundled behind his head. In the afternoon, the not strong sunlight poured on her, and a faint shadow fell along the side of the street.

There are not many pedestrians around. Although I have dressed up when I came out, things like temperament have always been naturally revealed, and it is sure to attract almost half of the pedestrians passing by.

After waiting for a few minutes, a taxi turned around from the corner and stopped in front of Emilia in a dangling manner.

"There should be no problem with the injury, right." Emilia sat in the back seat and looked at Kingsley in the rearview mirror. "I heard that the process was not as smooth as planned."

"After all, it is a green tree, and it is also a stage 5 surgeon. It was said a long time ago that such people as long as they want to escape without complete preparation, there is a high probability that the opponent will find a chance." Kingsley said He didn't care, and couldn't tell how troublesome this matter was from his words. He just stated, "We have made a lot of preparations to prevent this from happening. And most of our time is spent on it. However, Green Tree is a very alert person, and one more thing, He seems to trust his instincts far more than women."

"When we were hunting, we discovered that there were actually two protectors around him. We estimated that there was only one protector, so the source of the plan is here."

"But the plan was successfully completed." Emilia said, "That's it."

" The plan is complete." Kingsley let out a heavy breath. The battle was really not a good memory, "Fortunately, you are working with Li Suman, and Li Suman is The powerful surgeons in the empire are just as powerful as the people she commissioned. Otherwise, it’s hard to say. It’s hard to say the result. They are McGly and Biao. As the Knights of the Round Table, one is now and the other used to be. If the two of them are enemies , I'm definitely afraid to close my eyes and rest for a long time."

"Like the guardian of the tribe in the Flame Alliance?"

"The two are not the same and cannot be mixed together." Kingsley smiled with a smile, "Green Tree's power and subordinates in the organization, have they begun to clean up now?"

"But it's only a few days before the end. It will take a while before the end. The job succession is going on at the same time. I will try to minimize the internal shock of this organization. In addition, two weeks later, there will be a temporary replacement for Green Tree. On the purchase of raw materials for the laboratory base, Black Crow led a meeting. In the communicator, don’t forget.”

Kingsley nodded, "So respectable guest, that's all, where do you want to go next?"

"A sunny place."

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