Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1383: People's form and advertisement (middle)

Latest website: It is a bit difficult for the association to want to destroy it, because of certain things, it is possible to shrink its power in a period of time. "Kassia added, standing up and untied the captain's rope, and then sat back on the sofa, "Before you explain, I want to know your future plans. You can see it as a guarantee to me, because you will stay here for a long time at St. Vicky, and you don't want to be caught by your family because of your carelessness and implicate me. "

The captain twisted his neck and stretched his body, feeling much better.

"The family will definitely not be able to go back. There are no resources that I want in the small country, and as you said, the environmental impact is great, and I cannot consciously eradicate the environmental impact. Because of my own surgery, Although I have the idea of ​​going to the other two giant countries, after thinking about it for a long time, I concluded that the common country in the distant sea is more suitable for me. After all, the purpose of doing these things is also for myself." The captain did not hide anything at this point, he did not want Use your life to joke. It is clear that his life is nothing in the eyes of the other party, "I will still go back, but I will stay in another small country for a few months to a year. After I go back, I will choose another region, family influence, and I know its scope very well, and how to avoid it is not a problem."

Cassia nodded, "Do you need something to drink? I think I can't finish talking about the rest in a short time."

"Thank you, sir." The captain replied politely and saw Cassia pouring a cup of hot water. He went to the cupboard in the living room by himself and poured a glass of wine. "Sir, let me make a general first. One is The funds that the association can mobilize now will be in the form of anonymous bank cards, but there are a lot of banks involved. Please forgive me for this. Because of the customer's relationship, it has to be so troublesome."

"The total amount of funds is about 2 billion yuan, the currency of the common country of the ocean." The smiling captain drank half a glass of wine, his face was a little ruddy, "The other is the information issue that you care about, sir. I can do it within two or three days All the information collected by the association over the years will be forwarded to you in the form of a storage card. Although you don’t know if it is useful to you, sir, it involves many networks in more than ten countries. Because customers are excluded In addition to some businessmen, there are also many people in the upper world, nobles, officials, etc. Through this information, you may be helpful to you in the future."

"That's the best." Cassia said, he needed this information. After analysis, it can indeed help you avoid risks during expansion and better find potential customers.

"As for the team that I support, I will try my best to help Mr. Captain." The captain said, "If you ask, you may get some clues."

"If you know the route, or the drop-off location in San Vichu, etc., the number of people and the distribution of strength are not so important." Cassia said with gratitude, "You know in your heart that their disappearance is not only It’s good for me, and as far as Captain is concerned, it will also be good news."

The conversation lasted until 3 o'clock in the morning. When Cassia went to sit and rest on the second floor of the villa, there were a few handwritten lists in the pockets of his pants, which were the corresponding things the captain had agreed to. The association has been established for a long time, although a lot of money is handed over to the family every year, whether it is money, or goods and resources. However, the captain also had other thoughts from a very early time, and started to prepare from then, but suffered from not letting him take the last step.

In addition to money and information, Cassia later explained to the captain that the things in the basement of the villa needed to be taken away, and asked him if he needed it, he could take some out before noon tomorrow. I don't know if the captain kept these things for himself, just put them in their place, or if the captain was afraid that Cassia was testing him. In short, he didn't move anything in the villa, except for some wine.

As for the remaining fourteen people, the captain himself found Cassia and said that he hoped to let him handle it. After thinking about it, Cassia agreed.

Cassia was not clear about the specific process. In the sound wave, only the captain saw the captain drove an extended limousine from the parking garage of the villa residential area and transported the fourteen people away together. Finally, about four kilometers from the villa area, the limo stopped. The captain moved the fourteen people out of the car one by one and threw them into the underground waterway. At eight o'clock in the morning, Cassia still scanned the location from time to time, and none of the fourteen people woke up.

It was probably dead, thought Cassia. After taking down the location, he contacted Broad and told him to come here and go there to see the actual situation.

The captain, as usual, drove a car to the headquarters of the association. The transfer of funds and the acquisition of support team information need to be carried out at the headquarters, and Cassia is not worried that the captain will make other actions. Because the captain left at 9:30, a few minutes before this time, Brod's communication told Cassia that he had seen fourteen corpses left at the said location.

At noon, four decoration vehicles drove into the villa area and stopped in front of a villa. Cassia launched a sound pulse on the second floor, paying attention to the surrounding movement. Below, Broad and Xiwei acted as porters and emptied the basement in an orderly manner. Except for a little remote-controlled bomb.

"I'm optimistic about the vehicle. By the way, through the seller's introduction, I have the contact information of two merchants who can provide modification services. There is still a place on the residence that I haven't had time to go, but the difference between whether I want to go or not is not big. It is a substitute Option, the conditions of the first option are very good, regardless of the later renovation or early residence, it absolutely meets the requirements." Leaving here was at 3 pm, before returning, Broad told Cassia that they were going to investigate the situation in a day and a half.

"I guess I will stay here for some time." Cassia stood at the door and took out a bank card to Brod. "First confirm the residence. The money inside is enough to use, and then we will meet at the new residence. ."

When Brod and the others left, Cassia sat back on the sofa in the living room of the villa and continued reading. There are many similar books in the room of the member who watched the bizarre record. When alone in the villa, Cassia relied on them to pass the time.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the captain returned with good news, and he brought some bank cards to Cassia. However, the amount is less than 800 million, and the rest requires some procedures and procedures, and some time is needed to process.

"Twenty people, twelve of them come from the family’s private army, and the remaining eight are bounty hunters hired in the country. Not all combat units. Apart from a communications expert, there are also two personnel who seem to come over. They are designed to handle the internal affairs of the association. These two people come from within the family and are originally members of the management. But each has three stages of strength. I tried to ask if there is an adult leading the team, but I was very harsh. Meal." The captain smiled and opened a bottle of wine for himself. It can be seen that the captain is not only happy, but also very relaxed, and the feeling for Cassia has completely changed, as if he broke free from some restraints and got a new life.

"Do you think those adults are very leisurely? The association's affairs have to alarm them. This is not something that can be perfunctory by a sentence of'dereliction of duty'." The captain learned the tone of the other party during the communication, "I said that after the incident was over, I You can go back."

"Go back? Isn't this what you've been expecting?" Cassia sat on the sofa, eyes never leaving the book in hand.

"The family is in need of fresh blood recently. This kind of thing happened in the association, and we still need to make a special trip. You must know that the upper management is very dissatisfied with this matter, saying that after the association is stabilized, there must be a reasonable "The captain continued," there is a sentence behind. It must be just an "explanation" when I go back. I don't know if they want to deter me or what they want. For ten years, all the conversations during this period will be through communication Didn’t they think of anything else? But they didn’t notice anything at all. Although I contacted them and said it was to prepare the necessary accommodation. But it seemed to be considered as an attitude to explore their family. It told me a lot of usefulness. information."

He didn't feel uncomfortable or lost because of these words. The captain knew that his image was in the eyes of those people, and he had always stayed when he left ten years ago. I was very happy, even when I was drinking, I hummed a song that Cassia could not understand.

I am willing to observe this phenomenon. According to the book, this may be a spiritual transformation. In the captain, Cassia thinks. Sometimes the changes are very slow and subtle, and when I look back, I suddenly noticed. Sometimes, the captain is an example.

"The residence was ready the next day after learning that there would be a support team from the family. Not far from here, it is another villa residential area." The captain sat across from Cassia, "Would you like to see it? Sir? ."

Closing the book, Cassia let out a sigh, "At noon today, I had someone move everything in the basement."

"Yeah." The captain replied, not understanding the meaning of the sentence, "Just move away, this situation is more in line with the plan's expectations-the left-behind team and support team are completely destroyed, and the resources are looted."

"But there is still a little bit left, those remote-controlled bombs." Cassia continued, "I think these are good things. They are best used as welcome gifts, but the fire is bright enough."

The next night, Cassia took a total of seventeen bank cards and a lot of information-there were many papers, and there were a dozen stored cards, and left the captain's villa. It was about ten o’clock when I went to the residence on the other side of Fort North Tutsi. Both Brod and Xiwei were there, doing their job as a decorator. They put moisture-proof mats on the basement of the small residence for stacking. That pile of weapons and equipment in the living room.

Cassia let them busy first, found a quiet room in the spacious residence, lay on the bed and took out the communicator, and told Hesley about their location.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Hesley brought six people to the residence and met with Cassia. With Wells as the district manager, many things are much easier and simpler. Eleven people knew each other in the living room, while Cassia and Hesley went to a quiet place.

"There will be an action related to the association in three days." Cassia spread out the map. The route and location have been marked on it, and detailed notes have been added. "You have a look first."

A few minutes later, Hesley, who simulated the general process in his head, put away the map and looked at Cassia, "You have cleared the headquarters of the association?"

Cassia pointed to the information piled up in the corner of the room, and then he took out the stack of bank cards, "It doesn't count as cleaning, the team that stayed here has solved it internally. Two billion funds, there are many, many benefits, I think It should be enough. As for the association's headquarters and the future direction of the association, we will think carefully after this operation is over."

"Since the bomb has been placed in the residence, I think the only thing I can do now is to increase the number of explosives." Hesley said, but he didn't agree with Cassia's plan very much. "There is no need to bring others with you. , The two of us are completely enough. It’s not that we are worried about them, but some things really need time to transition. Let them take a good rest recently."

"Just do what you say." Cassia shrugged without refuting. He originally planned to drag Broad and others to the vicinity, and after the explosion, if anyone escaped, he would use heavy firepower to form a firepower net to help catch those who slipped through the net.

"What about the other thing?" Cassia asked, there were other things on the map just now.

"I think it’s better for Wells to know about this. He is a divisional manager, and he also does recruiting work. He has experience and methods. You want to use people from the family behind the association as advertising content. Suppress the association’s influence in more than a dozen countries, thereby increasing its popularity, and motivating some people to join in. It is definitely a good way. The development of the power has to go down in this way. People with strong abilities and strength, even if they cannot become loyal core members, but holding resources and doing something within their abilities can make a lot of resistance disappear naturally."

Hesley also had a roughly the same blueprint in his mind, "But in terms of time, is it a bit early? Is it eager?"

Look at Cassia Hesley asked, expressing his concerns, "Or, this time the action and publicity are a bit too deep. You must know that the effect of advertising is indiscriminate, right For some people, it’s a path and a reference. But for some people, it’s a clue. Do you want to lower the impact level, so that it’s more secure and won’t attract everyone’s attention at once. Because at the moment we In addition, we are only 13 people. When it comes to the collision between the forces, if you can separate and run around, there is no problem at all. But if you can’t, you have to think again.”

"I think these recruited mercenaries and bounty hunters, they can form the expected combat effectiveness, still need time and exercise."


"There are signs of activation, it's a bit late to get here." Li Suman looked at the skeletal fossils in a cluster in front of him, only the size of an eye socket could fit her whole body in. The feeling of oppression emanating from the bone fossils is everywhere, but Li Suman has long been used to it, and she has become used to seeing these fossils. Furthermore, those who are qualified to come this time, except for a few historians and archaeologists, will not be afraid and feel uncomfortable.

"Is it because it was too close to the original test explosion site?" another voice guessed beside him.

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