Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1373: Pleasant screening experience (part 2)

The voice was a little helpless. Brod came into sight very early and was already qualified. Today's action is only to test and obtain specific data without him having any information, so as to provide reference for later training. This state is probably not good now, perhaps because Brod thinks too much, his judgment at this moment is a bit exaggerated.

   explained the general direction. The three of them started chasing at the same time, but the gap was clearly drawn from the first step. Less than a breath, the two were dropped, only the person who fell on the building ran far ahead.

   "Xiwei, what was the situation when the boss inspected you?" He knew clearly that he couldn't keep up with the boss. Among the two people who fell, the man slowed down a bit in the night to make himself more relaxed. He asked the woman named Xiwei next to him, "When I received the task, the boss turned himself into the task target. Then you should know how bad the situation was during those three days? You planned to give up the task midway, but I was noticed by the boss, and the difficulty was reduced, which barely made me catch a little trace. However, after catching up, the result is just another worse reality."

"At that time, I always thought that my luck was definitely not good. This time, the association did not go through detailed investigation and classification of the task, so I met. I was tricked by the boss for a long time, not so much that the boss was the prey at that time. , Rather it’s because he is bored and wants to see how I hunt him."

   "It must have been uncomfortable for the past few days." Xiwei answered with sympathy and understanding, and thought of his roughly the same experience.

"It's no longer a question of feeling well or not, it's entirely a torment to myself. Even if I now know the cause and course of the matter, I still feel terrible in memory. At that time, there was no known information at all. What would my mood be like? Got it. The sturdy cat who is full of food and lays down to play with the mouse. The boss is the cat, and I am the mouse."

"I have been thinking that I might die at any time, and fear and pressure almost overwhelmed myself. Now I think that after these things, whether it is in mood or endurance, it will be a long time." The man is long. Exclaimed, "But if I can choose, I don't want to experience that kind of experience. Really, it feels like a shadow on myself."

"It turned out to be like this." Xiwei said as if he understood, "Compared to the special care given to you by the boss to Tretek, I am much better here. Probably because I am a girl, it is not too strong. Good ending."

   Tretek exhaled a long breath, "It’s great to be a girl."

"It's very good, but I think it's limited to the boss." Xiwei smiled, "Compared with you, it doesn't give me the feeling of fear or death, but there is pressure. How to say, it is after some time , Knowing that I have fallen into the vortex, I can’t escape no matter how hard I struggle, but I hope that I’m right by my side, as long as I stretch my hand out a little bit, I can reach it. In fact, that little distance control is very controlled by the boss Ok. But this kind of experience only lasted for a little more than a day, and the boss saw that I couldn’t support it anymore. Because I was chased and killed for a whole day, and finally gave birth, “Just forget it, wait for death to come. I’m thinking, so I’ll never run away, waiting for the last battle. But the boss who came out was waiting, and he took some time to explain to me.”

   "Well, probably the process is like this. But you have experienced it, and you must understand how slowly time flows during the period."

Tretek nodded in agreement, "It's just that, following the boss, we may be facing a lot more unusual than before. It seems that the surgeons like us all have a convergent effect. What kind of people will get together? People of what kind of strength will often meet together. The environment where the boss is located is the place we have always wanted to go, but I have been educated in advance and I have a certain understanding in my heart."

  As they spoke, the two glanced in a certain direction as if remembering, and stopped from running. Xiwei turned on the bright flashlight, illuminating the surrounding circle, and it was easy to recognize the deep footprints on the ground.

   "How long have we been running?" Xiwei asked.

"Now, it's exactly ten minutes." Tretek replied, "Keep following up. If the boss wants to investigate, he will probably always follow Brod. I guess Brod can maintain this speed for about an hour. Right and left. In other words, this test itself also included us, otherwise we would not be able to find out when the boss fired the flare if it was too far away."

   At the same time, the degree of chase ahead has slowed down. Ten minutes is a limit, and Brod is covered with sweat, and when he adjusts himself, he dare not reduce his speed. Even if the ears were full of whistling wind, the people chasing after him seemed to have deliberately made the movement of chasing themselves so loud that they could be detected without careful identification.

   Broad clearly felt the gap between himself and the person chasing behind him. Of course, this was not due to observation. He didn't even know what the other party looked like, but his unknown vigilance was full of warnings. I've had this feeling a few times before, without exception, those few times were all related to his life.

   I don’t understand why the opponent didn’t catch up directly. Twenty minutes later, Broad had emptied all his thoughts from his head anyway, and all his energy was spent on running. At this time, there is still more energy to care about your physical condition, whether you can speed up, how long your physical strength can support, and so on.

   For half an hour, Brod began to breathe a little bit faster and started to adjust his body, the flow of blood made him feel dangerous. As a last resort, he reduced his speed to make the run longer. At this time, the city became a phantom behind them, surrounded by large blocks of farmland and wasteland. From time to time, you could see the gray-white road twisting and stretching out.

   For forty minutes, Broad unintentionally paid attention to other things, except for himself, only the movement of the enemies behind him.

   "The other party is probably in the same situation, and you can get rid of it after a while." This became Broad's only thought, just like belief. Because the speed at the moment has slowed down twice, the enemy still has not caught up, which seems to indicate something.

   For fifty minutes, Brod was unable to think about anything. He only knows how to drive his legs breathing has been disordered, and the big mouth breathing does not seem to work well. The speed is no longer important. In Brod's head, he just needs to be running now. He has confidence in himself and maintains a high-speed running for more than an hour, which is hardly possible in a small country.

   An hour later, Broad began to forget to calculate the exact time. Both feet carried too much shock in the high-speed running, and numbness appeared at this moment. A feeling of weakness came from all over his body. I don't know how long it took Brod's feet to finally be unable to step. After a few tens of meters of deceleration, his body finally fell down after a few staggers.

   Fortunately, it was a nice barren grass, and I didn't feel any pain when I fell down. Brod used all his remaining power on his breathing. After two minutes or so, his chaotic body was finally cleared up, and he began to recover slowly. Only then did he have a little strength to turn himself over and face the night sky.

   "Ah,,," The still rapid breathing made Brod put a long stress on every word. He raised his head at this moment, looking at the road when he came, it was calm and nothing. Then he looked around for a while, the surroundings were terribly quiet, and there were no insects.

   "No,,, catch up..." As if sure, Broad looked at the night sky and said, and then took a few breaths.

"Indeed, the other two did not catch up." The untimely voice rang out at an untimely time. Before Broad came out of the sound, two shining flares dragged their tails into the sky. It exploded from high places, like the celebration fireworks that Brod had exploded when he reached the end of a long-distance run.

  :. :

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