Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1343: Newborn (bottom)

It's just that these can be quickly added later. Behind No. 0 is the former patriarch of the Chira Andi family. A few months ago, an improved experimental body appeared in the knight attendant team of the Astus family. From this we can glimpse some of Tovelest's layout. Although expelled by the Chila Andi family, and has been a chase and cleanup target. But Tovelest has a deep connection with some families in the Quartet, and the technology of the experimental body can become his strongest protective umbrella afterwards.


   Zero is the perfect experimental subject in Tovilest's words. Its growth trajectory cannot be said to be the same as that of Nuoer, but most of the data is taken from Nuoer. There must be many overlaps in the trajectory.


  Time is also something that No. 0 lacks, but compared to Cassia, No. 0 lacks time, other things are not missing. On the other hand, I lacked time and all other things. It is said that it is possible to obtain something called "experience" from these missing things, but at this time, Cassia already feels that many things can be regarded as trivial matters without any benefit, but they must be handled personally.


   This has always been the contradiction. There is no alternative and no change. Cassia remains optimistic, at least he can be more stable from the foundation, and he has never been alone, although many times, Yejielin can’t contact, and Waters and Delya are not useful. That's it.


"The good news is that the red lines can gradually increase the degree of control through continuous practice in the next time. It is a positive time-related benefit. During this period, you just insert your own plan, and you can go forward according to the established trajectory. After exiting the scaly state, in the evening, Cassia set out to clean up all the traces around him, lying on the pile of leaves, watching the sky gradually appearing in the night, and muttered to himself, "The duration can reach about three hours, no Any side effects. The existence of solid red mercury makes the consumption roughly ignored. Future actions can speed up some progress by relying on the scale state."


   Thinking of this, Cassia spent a few hours sorting out all the data from the past two days, and then cleared a large blank in his head to think about the scenes he saw in his dreams.


   He confirmed that in the two dreams, the posterior continent was not limited, and a large number of people were drawn in on the other left and right continents. I didn't feel this way last time, because the mentality is indeed not at the minimum.


   In the third dream, Cassia clearly felt something strange. I can guess that the source is that I am right, but the power that pulls others into it will definitely not come from me. Except for the giant whales, Cassia only thought of the owner of those huge cross pupils. A huge dragon that doesn't know where it is.


   "I don't know if everyone sees different scenes, or the same." The thinking process seemed very slow, and Cassia had an illusion at the moment that he thought that his time in the dream was longer than others. When there was a tearing sensation on the body at that time, Cassia had some resistance for some reason, not knowing where it came from, as if he was carrying a heavy object, he was not overwhelmed immediately, and fell after a period of support.


   It was also at that time. At the very beginning, the vast ground was trampled by the disaster. When the light of six red stars fell down and hit every place on the ground, the scene in front of me suddenly changed. The flames burning in the distant sky became abruptly smaller, and Cassia himself instantly went to the burning source.


  The huge tree connects the sky and the ground, and the rising flame envelops it. That is the world tree, Cassia remembered a little. There are countless creatures fleeing around. Cassia saw dragons, giant whales that can swim in mid-air, and creatures with transparent wings recorded on stone paintings-slightly taller than humans One point, with sharp ears and smoother skin. On the ground, Cassia saw the largest number of humans with various armors.


Other creatures, such as snow-white horses with sharp horns on their heads, giants like a hill, humans in shape, but dark green in skin, resembling lizards and wild boars, similar to dragons, but bears Giant birds with flaming red feathers, giant navy blue snakes with thousands of meters in length, and so on.


   What I saw before my eyes was like a biological encyclopedia that I would never read and never play, and suddenly appeared in front of me at this moment.


   All the creatures are fleeing away from the World Tree. They have a foreboding of something extremely dangerous. But there was no extra time left for them. Just as a huge explosion of unknown cause occurred in the sky covered by flames and thick smoke, Cassia was not sure whether it was an explosion.


As a bystander, in his line of sight, he only saw an invisible force expanding at a very fast speed, like an invisible circular barrier, squeezing the flames and dense smoke to a distant location out of sight. . A huge vortex hanging upside down above the sky now revealed its shape. The center of the vortex was pointed at the middle of the trunk of the World Tree. The next moment the vortex expanded rapidly, covering the entire World Tree from top to bottom, and the flames turned into a fire tornado, soaking the vortex. Cassia was sure that the invisible barrier really radiated from its middle.


   Maybe this is just less than two or three breaths, and Cassia can't feel the flow of time in his dream. But the many creatures below did not escape too much distance. It was also at this time that the fire tornado ceased to expand and began to shrink toward the sky.


   However, all creatures feel a huge threat, but in the face of the huge attraction brought by the shrinking fire tornado, it seems that most creatures have lost the ability to resist. They become dust in the airstream, unable to control are all sucked to the roots of the whirlpool. But no living thing can reach here. In the middle, the temperature and flames in the fire tornado will burn all living things to ashes.


   But there was a starry faint light, which looked like a firefly, and Cassia clearly remembered that he did see these things.


   Will that be the spirit of substance? The faint light revolved with the fire tornado, and most of them gradually dimmed after a few seconds, and finally disappeared forever, hiding under the light of the flame. After a few breaths, the fire tornado completed the contraction of the entire huge body, turning it into a pure black that can absorb everything, including light.


   That bit of black was not stable, and it exploded in less than a moment. The translucent shock wave instantly spreads around in a circle, sweeping away. At the moment it was affected, Cassia felt an irresistible tear, and it was also at this moment that the giant world tree made a "crack" sound, and when it broke into several sections and fell down, the roots were also lifted up. Numerous sturdy roots, with large chunks of giant mountain-like soil and rock formations, and spewing magma, suddenly collapsed in one direction.


   This was the last sight that Cassia saw. At this point, his consciousness fell into darkness, and when he woke up, it was the morning three days later.



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