Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1340: Source (below)

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"In detail, it takes more than a few hours to talk about this thing. There are always things in the world that are not clear to explain, including myself. I don't understand what happened at the time. .Because as early as that time period long ago, my body was covered with countless chains, and I was imprisoned with this." The dragon said, his face full of memories. Stent, the Pope, and Novissas, who only rely on perception to "look" at the dragon, cannot tell the truth or falsehood of this sentence.

"Speaking of which, I learned this memory from other sources. I didn't experience this huge change at that time, but I can say that this is an established thing. Starting from the changes long ago, this one will cross over. The long-term change will not end. Of course, it has nothing to do with you. Including me. There are too many changes in the middle, and most of the foundations can no longer support the scenes you see in your dreams. Now."

"Whether it can be reproduced is one thing, it will not affect our knowledge of everything that happened at that time." The pope said, without scrutinizing the attitude of the dragon, "this is also part of the agreement. Being pulled into the spiritual world twice, This abnormal phenomenon has already explained that there will be many things that cannot be ignored in the future. Without this information, I want to talk about other people in the religious country..."

The pope paused here and hummed a few times: "This is a deal. Everyone puts out a bargaining chip that satisfies each other. Wouldn't it be better to complete the deal quickly?"

"You only need to tell those old people who are lying on the sickbed and dying, that when the time comes, they can return to their prime of life again. As for the final result, I think it is not important to you Novi Sad." Look very keenly. Knowing the heart of the Pope, the dragon didn't care about any deal. The chips in its hand are more than enough.

"I can tell you in detail after these things, but not now. You also know that the current situation is not normal, so I should hurry up. I have always had only one condition, which is to bring the boy's body back. The rest of the head is intact. It hasn't grown to the point where it makes you tricky, easy things."

The pope shook his head and said nothing. Seeing this, the dragon smiled inwardly, and then said, "A total of sixty-seven, half of which are Type II creatures, and the rest are people like you. Is this result satisfactory? There will never be more of your kind, time It’s still short, and a systematic evolutionary system has not yet been formed. For this alone, you still have an extremely long process to complete gradually. But there is not much time left for you. Maybe afterwards, I can help you again. Make this system complete. Don’t forget, the source of the surgeon is me. Those giant whales are watching my movements, and then they start to help others in the same way in other places, looking forward to working with me. Confrontation. But the result is the same as what I said earlier. This is no longer useful, but it is simply helping you. The time span is too wide, and many things have changed. The most important point is that your church country and the natural association alliance can be It’s because of my help that you won’t let surgeons like you cut off for thousands of years.”

"Novi Sad, here is a piece of advice for you. And after this advice, I will tell the Confederation of Nature Associations as they are. The most important thing is always the present. The ancient history is too far away from the present, so many times, they The information and the fossils used as reference are not counted. It will not have the slightest connection with you, and it will not affect the present. Just keep an eye on what is in front of you. Others, for anyone, treat them as novel materials. It’s not an excellent practice."

"Finally, that boy, you need to hurry up. The sooner his body appears in front of my eyes, the more help it will be for you. This is not difficult. For the state of religion, it is also for the elders in your mouth. Membership is definitely a mutually beneficial transaction."

After a while, the pope replied: "I will reply to you later."

The dragon showed a hideous smile, its huge body slowly sank, and finally disappeared in the magma lake. A burst of miniature explosions stirred up countless high-temperature bubbles, and the sea also instantly became more turbid at this time.


McGlyry kept guarding. He once remembered that the same situation had happened before, and instinctively told him that after the group leader woke up, there would be new and important orders and some intelligence that affected everyone.

The shouting of "Macgri..." would prevent Macquarie's thoughts from being interrupted. He raised his head, looked to the front seat, and replied "Leader".

"The trading company of the Holy Ten Luo Empire first asked a friend of yours to help? Not long after that, we cooperated with the Holy Emperor of the Holy Emperor Hall." The voice of thinking was very sweet, "I remember it seems like That's it."

"Li Suman, a far-reaching priest in the Hall of the Holy Emperor. Up to now, my only friend who is still alive." McGerry said, "Is there any problem? Head, if needed, I will ask Bring the information from that time."

"The progress there needs to be accelerated, and the growth rate is not ideal. The relationship between the two continents must be tense."

"Without waiting for the arrival of the red star, when the central ocean current belt completely blocked the routes between the two continents, the tension was on the surface. Many businessmen did not care about wars that had not yet occurred for their own benefit."

"That's good. Later you can contact your friend, Li Suman, and tell her that this plan is very important. If possible, you can invite her to Kira Andi as a guest. You will allocate the resources you need. , Macquarie. After this year, within half a year, I want to see substantial results. As for other things, you can put aside some of them purposefully."

"What's the matter? Head of the McGerry thought about it before asking.

"I saw the omen. In addition, Macquarie, get ready to go to the airship to Avalon. Remember to contact them and tell them that they have important information. I can tell you here in advance, Red Star The high probability is not two of the observations, but six coming together."


Li Suman was a little surprised by the vibration of the communicator. Without thinking about it, Li Suman pressed the answer button and said hello in a delightful tone, but this kind of joy and surprise became silent in the next moment, so that all her good mood in these few days was instantly sinking. Go down.

"The captain wants to see you, saying that he will let you come to the Kira Andi family and say something." McGlyry's words have never heard any emotion.

"First make sure that you are also involved in copying Cassia, will it be related to it?" Li Suman thought of this for the first time. Being invited by a mad girl, Li Suman doesn’t recognize that it’s a good thing, and she knows that if the mad girl does something to herself in the Kira Andi family, the old friend Macquarie can do, except stand aside Looked, and then helped me take care of the corpse, there would be nothing else.

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