Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1337: End and Beginning (Part 2)

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"It will pay a price, as history says." The dragon replied, not surprised by Grote's words. It's like half joking, half serious. It is said that it is a surgeon after the fifth stage. In fact, every person of this kind who removes the identity of the surgeon can go to a top school to become a professor of history. Few people can be equal. Some secrets and information can only be known by them, because possessing the strength and that share can maintain a relatively natural state of mind. If you change to someone else, after you learn this information, you might do something.

But there are still people who are attracted by this information. There is never a shortage of these people. In the course of history, they are also needed. Many things are indeed being slowly promoted by such people.

"Miss Eleanor, if you decide on the time later, you can let me know in advance." The dragon stopped continuing this fruitless topic, and looked at the more mature girl beside Grot and said, "Sometimes Too many buried dragon eggs awakened and hatched a large number of newborn young dragons. When there is a specific time, I can remind them, otherwise it will cause bad things, which will be something neither of us want to see. "

"I will, probably in half a year."

"Where's Grot? Since you are still alive, you haven't seen you go back to the country of fog for so long? What you wanted to do at the beginning does not seem to be done, right?" The dragon asked by this rare opportunity. The three of them all felt the gradually increasing sense of tearing in their bodies, and the balance of this world was breaking down a little bit. Compared with the time when I entered the dream world last time, the sustainable time this time is obviously shorter and longer.

Grot shook his head: "There is no time or opportunity. The Flame Alliance is preparing to start the sacrificial ceremony again in a year or two. Even if I go to the country of fog, it doesn't make sense. Besides, my own situation is very complicated. Can't move freely."

The dragon nodded at this moment, raised his head as if remembering, and looked to the other side. It felt the same kind of breath, and after filtering some information in its head, it guessed who the other dragon in this direction is coming. It was also at this moment that the faint "buzz,,," sound spread.

The sound was extremely long and penetrating, and nothing could stop it. From all directions, there is no exact source at all, it seems to be far away, but also close. This is the whisper of a giant whale, whether it is the operator or the second type of creature, who can come in here is very clear.

"I'm leaving first. Time is running out. The giant whales have already arrived. There are still some friends who want to meet. There are too few opportunities in normal times and it takes too long to fly." The dragon said, spreading its wings, but it was bloody. The light spread along with the wings and fell from the sky one by one, covering the three, and also covering the vast land that was trampled by the disaster.

In the sky, the thick clouds and smoke were suddenly and directly driven away by some force. Six bright red stars of different sizes, like moons, were neatly arranged in a straight line and appeared on this land. The sense of tearing has increased several times over a period of time. It is obviously only an illusion, but the influence of the red star still seems to be really acting on them through the illusion.

The dragon still flapped its wings straight, and hovered around them in the next moment: "Miss Eleanor, I look forward to your coming to the country of fog. Grote, I know a little bit about your situation, and I hope you can find a solution as soon as possible. The sights at this moment may actually appear before our eyes soon."

After a gust of wind, the dragon has already gone to the distance. Grot retracted his gaze and looked to his side. The eyes met in the middle, and both of them understood their thoughts.

"In the country of fog, it seems that you have to go." Grote said, "Perhaps what Manicoroa said just now is not without basis. Is this scene reminding us of something?"

"Six red stars..." Nuoer muttered to herself, but in the middle of the sound, she suddenly "uh", and the complete body was torn and reorganized in an instant with this sound.

"There is no time." Grote looked over, and the red glow that crashed down from the sky like a waterfall seemed to be firmly attracted by gravity, becoming more and more dense. "I will use the identity and power of the saint of the Church to accelerate the forces. The establishment of the trans-continental trading company on your side must also speed up the plan."

"I will inform the relevant personnel of this situation. In addition, regarding the matter of my brother, I look forward to receiving urgent letters from the State in the near future." After speaking, the two bodies were torn apart again. This time there was no recovery, but neither disappeared for a while. In other places, the same situation is happening at the same time, and everyone who is pulled in knows what will happen next, and they are quickly exchanging necessary information.

"To tell Avalon about the six red stars, they may have some important information related to it!"

"Start the recovery plan immediately. Some people in the Senate should deal with it immediately. They will definitely have other ideas..."

"Go to Lunotaka and get everything back. We will wake up as soon as possible in the later time..."

"Monica, what is the situation of the World Tree now? There may be major events on the left and right continents. I may go to your side afterwards..."


"It's a magical I saw a lot of interesting things from it." Stent opened his eyes almost at the same time as the Pope, "This time the scope is wider, and I was also pulled in. Also. There are other unfamiliar faces, but they all have impressions, and they are recorded more or less in history."

"Pope, I'm very curious." Stent looked at the sky flowing outside the window and said, "Apart from other countries, it's only within the church country. Did the popes really die?"

The Pope rubbed his head and sighed: "Of course there are, and there are still a lot of them. Relatively speaking. Not everyone is willing to put their lives in the future, and not everyone will give their hopes. The latecomer has it. This is a big bet. Those who are willing to bet are still alive, and those who are unwilling are naturally dead."

"However, the person who died was not useless, nor did he make the wrong choice at that time. One party chooses to gather strength to span a long period of time with a limited life; one party chooses to believe in himself and tries various things within a certain period of time. Method. Both promote their common goals, so,, and can't be said to be right or wrong. Stent, you just have to remember that there are never many of our kind. This is enough."

After speaking, the pope looked out the window. The sight outside touched him: "Today, it should be a new starting point."

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