Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1321: Perfect transaction and silent battle (part 2)

All the information became a signal and was transmitted to Waters more than an hour later.

"They are the lowest-class kinetic armors, the most common type in the army." Winifre read all the information transmitted in the past and immediately contacted the past, "Apley,,, how is it now?"

"It seems that there is no problem, like guests who are not very welcome, in them." Cassia found a suitable adjective and said, "It will take a day for you to get to me, so you can speak slowly. In the meantime, I I need Mr. Winifre to provide basic information about the kinetic armor, focusing on some special functions. If not, things should go very smoothly."

"I will." Winifred did not relax because of this.

"In addition, whether there will be anything implanted in April's body, this is something you need to consider. The distance is a little far away, and I can't see all of them. But refinement seems to be a hallmark feature of the Far Sea Common Country. , The other party’s purpose is to kill both of you after getting the information. I don’t think Miss April, who is a bargaining chip, will really be treated as a guest.” Cassia added this point later, “I’m not sure, but There is nothing wrong with making relevant preparations."

"Also, you tell Waters to let him bring my things. He knows what it is." The connection was disconnected, and Cassia put down the communicator and looked at the map again.

The car repair center is three kilometers away from the villa in a straight line, and a straight street connects the two. Whether it's a limousine ride or the surgeon rushing over by himself, including the obstacles on the road, as well as the time required for information transmission and personnel transfer preparation, the theory is at least two and a half minutes. The most ideal state, in fact, it may be certain that more is needed.

"Two and a half minutes..." Cassia took a pen and tapped on the desktop to mutter to herself, "If you count the increase in speed and power of the kinetic armor, even if it is about twice, it will take them a minute to rush over. Too much time. Far apart, some plans cannot be carried out at the same time. April is also a surgeon, and low sound waves cannot be used at the auto repair center. But if the attack is sudden, at most ten people are equipped with kinetic armor. Status, this is good news."

"For kinetic armor, I don't know whether pneumatic weapons are suitable. The materials used to make them will definitely take this into consideration. It is not surprising that there are corresponding countermeasures. But for the second-generation holy sword, I don't know the specific effect. Wait until Tomorrow afternoon, when Winifre and Waters come over, you can ask about the strength of the alloy of Winifre’s kinetic armor. Probably there will be no problem.” Cassia thought, the effect of the test has some manifestations, and the attack repair center is definitely In the scaly state, the sharpness of the second-generation holy sword, its weight and the strength of its swing, and its cutting ability shortly after obtaining it, Cassia has tried several times.

There are too many gas weapons. One is relying solely on its own strength and sharpness, while the other is relying on extremely high heat and sharpness. Neither the method of use nor the stage of use are the same, and Cassia has an answer in mind whether it is effective.

The rest of the time is just pure observation. The hotel is on the axis between the two, presenting a triangular position with it, and the distance is not very far, probably the situation can be seen by the sound pulse.

In the evening of the next day, Winifred and Waters drove into the hotel. There were also three large trucks scattered into the city, each with 20 fully armed members, and a truck with 17 unmanned attack machines made by Vinifer. I started to discuss how to arrange it. A brand new map was marked and painted with various symbols two hours later, and the plan basically came to an end at this time.

"You are mainly responsible for containing the enemies who come to support on the road. The distance of 3,000 meters is divided into three stages to complete. In terms of time, we should choose to do it at night. Although there will be many vehicles and pedestrians during the day as natural obstacles, This is true for the enemy, and it is the same for us. I have another plan. This is the best case to be digested between the two of us." Cassia glanced at the map, tomorrow or the next night What will happen has already begun to be simulated in his head.

"On the signal shielding device, I will take time to install it tomorrow. But when I move, it is better to bring two on my body to be more safe." When he took it on, Cassia looked at Winifre, "If you still don't worry, you It doesn’t matter if you pull another truck over. Perhaps I can appreciate this feeling. It is like a safety device on an important part of the machine, and no mistake is tolerated."

"I made it by myself." Winifre only answered this sentence.

"Waters, tomorrow you will let the other twenty people familiarize themselves with the main road and the surrounding conditions as soon as possible. Mr. Winifred and you are optimistic about the location of the unmanned attack machine, how to control it, how to put down the flexible cables, etc. It’s time to get familiar with the car repair center. One and a half minutes, I think it should be enough.” Cassia sighed, and then returned to his room with the information about kinetic armor written by Vinifer.

"By the Soriatu, whether it is successful or not, thank you."

For some reason, Cassia heard too many emotions from Vinifer's words. Tension, helplessness, helplessness, anger, etc. Some time ago, when Cassia faced her mother and sister Lilia being targeted, the mood at that time was not different.

"I don't know what they are now..." Cassia shook her head, not trying to throw the appearance of her mother and sister Lilia out of her head. It is a memory that cannot be forgotten. But now, like Winifre, there is no feasible way and the power to execute it. Always ask Delya to mobilize a part of the manpower, centering on the area where they had disappeared, and spreading to the surroundings to search. It has been a long time now, and there is still no useful information to the ears.

"The situation is getting better, and this kind of thing will never happen again in the future." While talking to himself, Cassia turned his attention to the information again.

At 2 pm the next day, Cassia returned to the hotel smoothly. The radio-controlled signal shielding device has been installed by him. In the evening, Winifre and Waters returned, and the two set the location of the unmanned attack machine. Starting at one o'clock in the morning, various trap arrangements began to unfold silently through the city's underground water system.

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