Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1315: Persecution and exchange (part 2)

In the next two days, continuous experiments allowed Cassia's grasp of body information to about 78%. I have a brand new feeling for myself, as if I had just touched this peculiar body. Cassia doesn't care much about the growth of strength and the like. The limitations that existed before have disappeared, and subsequent practice will make it grow more.

What is noticeable is that the perception, acuity and range have been greatly improved, and the sound wave detection has obtained a good enhancement due to the information capture of the body tissues around the throat. In addition, the organizational structure related to hearing is synchronized and linked, and attacks such as low-sound waves can achieve most of the effect after the scaled state in normal times.

The detection radius limit of the acoustic pulse continues to grow to close to six kilometers. In Cassia's view, the huge range is not practical at present. I tried it on the mountain, and the huge consumption was destined to be used only in some special moments. After 30 seconds, Cassia had to withdraw from it because of the dizziness. At the same time as the distance increases, in a limited small range, like detection within two or three kilometers, the sound capture becomes more refined. Cassia has an illusion of integrating perception into the sound wave impulse. The paintings that were previously drawn purely with lines are evolving towards real situations.

He planned to continue to increase the proportion of all information captured to around 95%, but at about 9 o'clock in the morning on the sixteenth day, Waters sent a communication. Cassia immediately interrupted the experiment, buried everything and returned to Waters' residence. When he arrived there in the afternoon, he and Winifred were already waiting there.

Knowing something in the communication, Cassia didn't speak, and went to sit next to the two of them, and picked up the information on the desktop. A few sheets of printing paper and two photos. The one written on the paper is more like a list, recording what the other party wants to get from Winifre, and it is like writing a contract, indicating their bargaining chips. .

"April David." There is only such a name written down, nothing else.

In the two photos, one was a chain of necklaces, and Cassia recognized that it was exactly the same as the one with the micro-control core on Vinifer. The other one was taken in an unknown town-there are no high-rise buildings around, and the ground is also a pristine stone road. Two-thirds of the photo is occupied by a small two-story building. There is a garden in front of this small building. In the garden are clusters of half-withered flowers. A woman is bending over and doing something in it.

Although the female member in the photo only has a profile face, it is too simple for Winifre to recognize who she is.

"The other party gave us a week to put things in the predetermined location." Waters added details. "This information is distributed by them. There are many people who have the same information. It is almost impossible to track the enemy from them. It may be realized. And the employers of these people are also intermediaries in the black market. The enemy separated several layers of contact, and finally let this information come to our hands."

"Then there are several important points. The first one, why is the Kingdom of Chil? The approximate scope is basically accurate. We put the suspects on the pharmacy experts. Because of the bounty hunters and mercenaries hired by neighboring countries , I also go to an intermediary company, and the only place that may be exposed is when the sample is sent over for inspection."

"Too far, not enough time." Cassia shook his head, "It is impossible for the pharmacy expert to know more information."

"The second one is my own intuition. Judging from the other party's methods, I am familiar with it. Not only the Kyle Kingdom. I think the other party has been investigating Mr. Winifre's matter all the time, so there is special The person in charge of has stayed in this small country all year round. That is to say, the opponent has already come to the Kingdom of Chi'er in the previous two or three weeks. There was no immediate action because it was waiting for the support team."

"Extending it, they have mastered the power distribution of the Qi'er Kingdom at this moment. Our words should also be one of the goals. However, looking at it this way, there is good news."

Waters nodded: "Assuming it holds, the other party is somewhere in the Kingdom of Kyle at the moment. It's just not clear whether the location they mentioned is reference."

"The remaining key points need Mr. Winifre to answer for us." Waters and Cassia both looked at the silent Winifre, "What is the level of importance of April David? Can you give up? , Or to say, the priority to ensure her survival is the highest. And who she is and why the enemy is confident that she can exchange the items on the list only with her."

The silence is justified. The three of them didn't speak for a while, and it seemed that everyone in the room was gone in an instant.

After a while, Winifre, without any expression, glanced at the two of them, knowing that silence can no longer replace the answer. He spoke in a complex tone: "If the other party really abides by the agreement, I will exchange information immediately." As if to show determination.

"But the chance that the other party will abide by the agreement is almost zero." Cassia said, "You know it best in your heart, Mr. Winifre. You can choose some information to tell us. You don't need all the information that can remind us, so we are fine. There are some judgments."

"We are classmates, and she has also participated in the research of kinetic armor, but it is not my company, but the research organization of the national army. She serves as the secretary of a professor there." Then she took out the micro-control core "This core is actually incomplete. It is more accurate to say that it is a failed test. She brought me a lot of technical information, which she learned from the research institute and then told me."

"Later, I had an accident. I didn't think too much about it. I thought she would become a target, so I let her escape with me. But the pursuit has never stopped. I know that one day I will be overtaken, so I let her leave midway. But at this moment, I ran away by It would be better for her to stay in the military research institute. Without evidence, and the big family blocked the information, the military There won’t know that someone has leaked some information about kinetic armor. Although it’s not very important, even if it is exposed, at most it will just lose your job." Regret and helpless, Winifre thinks that the original decision was very wrong, but no matter what, he Can't make up for it.

"The other party also knows her identity?" Cassia asked.

"I know, but because she ran away with me, she is no longer a member of the research institute. I am probably the same as me. I will be a mechanic later. Before letting her leave, I taught her a lot. But about kinetic armor. All of the information is with me. There are so many information that one person can’t remember it."

"It's hard to handle. The other party knows the relationship between the two of you. The initiative is on their side now." Cassia said thoughtfully, and then looked at Winifre. "Mr. Winifre, here I want to say something else first. Things." Looking into Winifre’s eyes, Cassia continued, "If you want Miss April there will be no trouble, you must follow our arrangements in the next plan. At the same time, you must also understand that without our help , Go by yourself. The better result is that you are imprisoned and forced to surrender the information. If it is worse, you and Miss April will all die, and the information will be passed to the enemy. No matter what the situation, I I don't think you are willing to accept it?"

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