Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1312: Long test (below)

It's just a tired smile. In the battle, he never felt the body information when he entered the scaled state. The only thing that he cared about was the huge changes in data such as strength and speed. Although just simply accepting information, there is very little identification and analysis. But it's like opening your eyes, even if you lose your mind, the picture you see will still appear in your head. Naturally, I will look at the captured information. The brain consumes huge amounts of energy.

The food brought was originally planned to last three weeks, but there was not much left on the sixth day. Choose to slow down at this time and give yourself some time to relax. Driving to the nearest town to buy a lot of food and water, and returning to the camping tent, Cassia only sat for ten minutes, then lay on the soft cushion again and pressed down the syringe.

Once there is a direction and full preparation, the data and situation records will become more and more referable. After only two days, it only took about twelve or three minutes at that time, Cassia was able to relieve the scaly state. After the number of injections of concentrated dragon blood increased in a day, the brain that was constantly impacted by the flow of information in the previous few days, its The feeling of tiredness has a tendency to weaken compared with before.

Although he did not actively use the swallowing method, Cassia believed that this body had the instinct to swallow dragons, or perfect evolutionary matter, at this moment. I didn't find this situation before. After spending some time thinking about it, Cassia judged that it was probably a good thing, at least for now.

I can’t complete my growth ahead of time by devouring the same species like purebred dragons. Sucarius gave him a method of devouring. At first, he was worried that the violent rejection reaction would damage himself to a certain extent, and rely on this method to absorb the perfect evolution material. , Can repair the part damaged in the rejection reaction.

The actual situation deviated from the expected direction in the late stage of the first stage. Even so, Cassia has not felt that he will actively devour the perfect evolutionary substance. During the knight attendant's assessment, he did not fall into the prepared dragon blood pool.

You must have your own will to give orders to your body. I'm pretty sure about this.

"Most of it is a good thing, but for the bad side." Cassia sat up after recording the information of the experiment and waited for the scaly state to end, "because he is gradually transitioning from the second stage of the operation to the third stage. During this period, this Does Gu's body change silently in a place I don't know?"

Afterwards, this question was put in another place in his head by Cassia. There will be no change during this time, and it will definitely change at other times, which is unavoidable. The comfort of self brought Cassia's attention to the experiment again.

This morning, the time went to the tenth day after going up the mountain. The contact with the outside world was completely disconnected, and the opened communicator never made a sound of contact. Cassia is happy to do this, and after enough rest, start today's test process.

Every day, the number of trials that can be performed will increase irregularly. On the tenth day, I stayed in the scaly state for less than five minutes, and the tiredness disappeared completely. And the images that flashed in the brain five days ago are already intermittent, occasionally coherent images. The acceptance of the flood of information has increased many times. The information flow of a single organ and body tissue can accept Ba Jiǔ 10%, and the clarity of analysis increases with this percentage.

"The remaining ten percent should be the key information for change." In the two seconds after entering the scaly state, Cassia captured the information about the changes in the heart, intermittently. Continuous, it should be that the spirit of some of the effects she first saw was not strong enough, and Cassia didn't know whether the captured images were substantive spiritual effects.

Perception has not yet reached the strength that can capture all the information. After determining the reason, it is more intensive practice. Not feeling tired allows Cassia to spend all of the day in the cycle of injecting blood and waiting for the state to disappear.

On the eleventh day, the 2234th trial, the amount of information captured was close to 95%. The presented picture is basically continuous, but there are always several fragments broken in key places. Combining all the information, I can imagine the general content of a few broken fragments. In the 2232th experiment, the information flow of other organs and body tissues was captured. Even if you are not familiar with it, you can still show many scenes in your head. A rough estimate can be regarded as capturing about 60% of the information. .

Whether this is evidence that one's spirit has been improved has yet to be proved by several experiments.

After finishing the record, Cassia took out another jar from the camping tent and set it aside. Three cans of concentrated dragon blood have been consumed in eleven days, and the speed will be even faster in the future. Don't worry about the amount of materials, the volume of a medium-sized truck, and the number of cans it contains is enough for him to use for a long time.

It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon, Cassia picked up the syringe and then put it down, stood up and walked around a few times. Thinking has never stopped since I went up the mountain. The experiment and practice went on to the eleventh day, and the thoughts accumulated in my head looked like a hill.

Many thoughts were thought of before, but they were delayed because of other things, so they have been sealed in a corner of my head. Or maybe it was some information that I wrote down, but I wanted to investigate it, but it was interrupted at a certain point, so it was never brought up. There are many, many, when you stop, the memory is disturbed, gradually turbulent, so that things under the water begin to gradually float.

Cassia sees it as a manifestation of an increasingly full of energy, and the body is like an engine filled with energy that cannot be stopped for a moment.

After passing these memories, time has only passed by an hour. Feeling scared, this sudden feeling surprised Cassia, but then thought it was normal. In the hour just now, he remembered a lot of information, from books, from other people's mouths, and from eye observations.

But this kind of fear, or the source of fear, is myself.

"I made myself stood in front of the camping tent and said to herself, "If you enter the third stage, what will happen to you? Unlike most surgeons in the Empire, it is difficult to measure themselves by their records. "

The body began to actively devour the perfect evolutionary substance. The incident a few days ago gave Cassia a bad feeling. Perhaps he had completely broken away from the trajectory that Sukarius had envisioned for himself in his dream. It doesn't matter whether it becomes better or worse, and it doesn't matter whether this is considered to be out of Sukarius' control over himself? Maybe it wasn't control from the beginning, but Sucarius wanted to escape from the prison that imprisoned it, and concealed some information.

What Cassia can feel at this moment is that afterwards, he may neither be like Nuoer, complete the assimilation and fusion of the operation with the growth time of the dragon, nor will he follow the same trajectory as ordinary surgeons. Five stages.

What makes me feel a little fear is my own uncertainty and unknown.

This body seems to have another consciousness lurking silently, Cassia likes this. After thinking about it for a long time, in the evening, when Cassia calmed down again and continued to experiment, she concluded that the root of fear or fear came from her ruthlessly treating herself as a real monster.

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