Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1284: Feel the insignificance and think long-term (part 1)

After a little hesitation, the speaker looked at Weigel and waited for dozens of seconds. When he saw that the other party had no more words, he lowered his head and pressed the communicator button to relay the message to Grant.

A few hours later, in the afternoon approaching the evening, Weigel finally went to the camping position built in the dense forest, where he saw some of the members who were ready. Grant waited in the largest tent. After Weigel came in, all but a few important command captains went out. The sound of rain and wind are now the best protective sounds.

An enlarged map of the city’s industrial area is spread out in the center, and the location of the base has been marked. The specific area and various details, including how many members are inside, how the combat power is estimated, etc., are all listed. Come out to become the most intuitive data. There are five red arrows pointing to the location of the stronghold from different directions, and the sides of each arrow are also marked with the leader of the team, the composition of the team, and the estimated value of combat power.

Grant then made a brief explanation of the plan. Wigel combined with the information he knew and spoke from the sidelines, changing the steps and details. He knew that the stronghold was definitely a big trap, but in order to let himself step into the trap willingly, he also prepared a bait to match it. What Weigel needs to do is to completely swallow as much bait into his stomach as possible without triggering the trap. Moreover, he believed that Moninina must know the current ending of the Gumu team, and he was also waiting for Moninina's communication, which would be a turning point in his attitude.

The communication machine is working at full capacity, delivering real-time and latest information to the remaining four teams at any time. It has always been not an easy task, because there are enough areas and details that need to be paid attention to and discussed. From Weigel's return to camping, the final battle plan is not completely over until four hours later. At that time, it happened to be a little past ten o'clock in the evening.

At 11:30, after confirming that all the members knew the retreat route and the route to be explored afterwards, all the lights in the camping area disappeared. In the corner of the dense forest, after the camouflage nets were lifted, multiple armored vehicles, modified ceremonial vehicles, and a number of construction machinery vehicles bought and transformed in surrounding cities all exposed their bodies washed clean by rain.


Time went forward a little bit, Tina, Dudler and others left the stronghold as targets of confusion. They had already walked half of the circuitous route in one night. By noon today, they had joined the other two teams at the edge of a town. According to the plan, after the convergent signal is sent out, a contact will connect here shortly thereafter.

On the opposite side is Moninina, who can be easily judged by just listening to her voice.

"Are there anyone beside you besides Dudler?" Moninina asked, and when Tina went to a quiet place, Moninina continued, "The plan is somewhat different, but if the information is correct If it is, it is good news. The Gumu team has all died during transportation. As for who did it, I don’t know yet. At least for now, this is more than my plan and expectation. So here is one thing to give you in advance With Dudler, Mackintosh and others will be about half of the total number of captains by then."

Moninina spoke as if she was reporting to work, but Tina knew that this was her daily style and remembered every word clearly.

"Immediately let the converging team rush back to the stronghold, the battle there is not far away. And you, after returning to the stronghold, you formed another special team with an adjutant and started walking to the target city. The specific location adjutant knew that at that time You can just follow. By the way, at that time, no matter what happens or what happens in the middle, don't worry about it. Just concentrate on completing the task assigned to you by the adjutant."

The disappearance of words is also the time when the communication ends. Tina went to the converged motorcade and informed Dudler of this information in the limo. The two looked at each other and guessed what they thought from each other's eyes.

At the same time, Moninina, who had left the hotel, was in a large repair shop in a certain city. The air is full of the smell of cleaners to remove oil stains, and the hard concrete floor has long been full of mottle marks under time. Various mixed oils have leached out the concrete patches that cannot be cleaned over the years. .

Moninina thought for a while, and made sure that all the people who needed to be contacted had already been contacted, and she threw the communicator into the barrel of fire not far in front of her. She turned around, looked at the dense gray-white rain curtain outside the open hood, stretched her perfectly curvy body, and then walked to the rudimentary small building for handling affairs.

The fire in the barrel became larger at this time, and the green rain-proof cloth pulled up deep in the hood illuminates the small piece. It was still covered with all kinds of oil stains, but in addition to the oil stains, there was also a bright red liquid slowly flowing out from under the rainproof cloth, following the **** of the ground, all the way to the hood.

The rainwater there has long been dyed light red, forming several small eddies at the mouth of the underground waterway. After dilution, all the water mixed into the underground waterway, and finally merged into a large river not far away.

In the small building, Moninina went to a slightly similar room with two people **** all over. They were thrown into the corner, and when they saw Moninina, their faces and eyes were full of horror.

Moninina didn't give them more time to experience the fear, and when she entered the room, she drew her small pistol, blasting their heads. I picked up the thick stack of loading and transportation lists on the side table. The markings on it can clearly tell that this is the packing and transportation receipt of the freight train, and the location happens to be where she is. A corner of the city. There is a medium-sized station there, mainly for the transportation of crops and some basic mineral refined products.

Putting these lists into a waterproof bag, Moninina drove away from the repair shop and began to return to the base.

Soon after, the repair shop fell completely into As for the corpses covered by rain-proof cloth in the open hood, and a lot of firearms and weapons mixed in scrap parts, perhaps it only waited until the rainstorm. After stopping, it is possible to be discovered by others.


Cassia and Corqueva were still on their way in the evening. After the two agreed, they both believed that since they wanted to avoid the chase of the four-stage surgeons that might exist behind them, of course, the farther away the incident occurred, the better. Rare supplies are made along the way, leaving as few traces as possible. The necessary information was provided by Corqueva's team during this period.

Kolkova had already sent Monia and the others to a relatively far distance. Except for some intelligence personnel, the rest were ready to leave the Kingdom of Chil at any time.

"There is no new information for the time being, and the organization's stronghold is relatively calm." In the limo, Corqueva listened to Monica's report and said, "Unless there is movement in the stronghold, we should not be able to stop our deepening. ." 2k reading network

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