Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1263: Chaos and stronghold (part 2)

In the rainy night, I couldn't see the scene ahead clearly, and I watched it carefully for a long time, before Tina finally gave up.

"The distance is almost the same. According to the map, we are around the designated location." In front of us is a big city, the center of the border area. When the weather is normal, the bright lights of the towering steam furnace discharge tower can be clearly seen here. But at the moment there is nothing, all covered by rain.

"Then I contact the general team, we don't know where the base is, they will give instructions." Dudler just said, Tina called "Wait", then the conversation was intermittent. Dudler heard roughly, the fourth team sent someone here to wait very early, and finally contacted them after confirming the moment.

The stopped convoy began to move forward again. Under the leadership of the docking personnel, it quickly changed its direction in the front and followed the city to an industrial area. Only a few large factories can still see the faint light, and the rest of the factories are all in pitch black. The sound of raindrops hitting the sheds was not regular at all. Under the continuous heavy rain, everything around became wet.

"The rain has flooded many places, and coupled with the strong wind, traffic has become extremely inconvenient. Most of the work has been suspended recently, and all have stayed home. But many people say that this is exactly what we meant, at least there are almost no witnesses. "The guide took off his raincoat after getting into the car, and the clothes inside were still wet. His face and hands turned pale from the cold. He waited for several hours, "Turn left ahead." After speaking, the guide picked up the communicator and said a cipher.

"The dynamic password can only be used once." The leader explained, "The front is considered to be an important stronghold of the organization in the Kingdom of Chil. It took two or three years. I heard it. It was built only a few years ago, but the materials I didn't keep up in time, but it was enough for us. There is still a big place." When speaking, the convoy turned left at the intersection, less than fifty meters away, which was the end of the road. A series of red lights lit up to depict the appearance of a factory door. After the convoy had advanced twenty or thirty meters, the ground in front of the factory gate moved downwards and eventually became a slope, with warm light shining from the opening.

The convoy drove quietly into the open passage, and waited until the last ceremonial car entered, and the concrete road that moved down was restored to its original position. Rainwater quickly covered it and restored its original appearance here.

"After you stop the car, you will be able to move freely. As for other instructions, there will be other people connecting with you. However, the environment of the base is not very good. Water leaks in many places. The underground water system of the entire city is nearly paralyzed. It was barely supported.” When the leader spoke, Tina saw a layer of rain accumulating on the ground in a short tunnel.

After that, the narrow tunnel suddenly became wide, and a huge open space appeared in front. Like an underground factory, it is not a problem to accommodate a thousand people in it. Between the staggered load-bearing columns, the convoy went to the parking lot on the side. Tina and Dudler got out of the car, and the other docking staff came over. Holding the record book in his hand, he did not ask immediately, but led all the members of the team to the rest area.

The entire underground stronghold is divided into several areas. The parking lot is on the left. Closely connected to it is a larger repair and modification area. Some ceremonial vehicles are undergoing repair and installation operations. Nearly fifty or sixty technicians are busy there, not just the ceremonial car, but some heavy weapons are being transformed simultaneously. It is for later convenience and to make some weapons better suitable for heavy rain.

The rest area is at the end, where most people are gathered. It's like an open-air bar built of steel and concrete, and the long counter is full of food and drinks. Probably every surgeon team does not have a rule prohibiting drinking.

Tina saw some people from the Gumu team resting there. They were self-contained, occupying a resting place and eating quietly. Let most people rest here, Tina, Dudler and several team captains, led by the docking staff, went to the small building on the other side. Two compressed floors, with several warehouses just beside it. Some people are moving the necessary materials out of the warehouse. There are also three large lifting platforms next to the warehouse leading to the factory above.

The above factories mainly carry out mechanical processing, and most of the materials for the transformation of weapons and ceremonial cars come from there.

In the lobby on the second floor of the small building, Tina and the others met two of Moninina's three adjutants. In addition, there is the fourth team leader in the lobby, and the leader of the Gumu team, Pegil, is among them. The communication room is next to the lobby. At this moment, it is constantly receiving information from various teams, which is then reflected on the huge map placed in the lobby.

When I entered, I felt a heavy atmosphere. When Tina greeted the two adjutants, she also happened to see the fifth team that was marked "cross". In addition, the Furuki team was also marked with a minus sign.

A lot of things that I didn't know happened during the meeting. Tina thought when she walked over to the map, and Dudler went to the communication room with the docking personnel. There, he needs to give a detailed explanation of the current situation of the team they lead, so that what will be displayed on the map later is true and credible.

At the same time, a gift car without any lights looked like a ghost, following the route taken by Tina and his team to the industrial park here.

He stopped the car at the side and placed it on the fence of the factory. After making the basic disguise, Cassia got out of the car. "Looking" at the long or square sheds standing still like tombstones under the rain, Cassia pursed her mouth, closed her eyes and stood still in the rain for a few and then followed. The route planned in his head bypassed the investigative guards all over the area and went around the stronghold.

The high-frequency sound waves began to penetrate the ground. This process lasted for an hour, and Cassia changed positions several times before basically understanding the situation inside the stronghold.

After a short rest, Cassia found a comfortable place in the surrounding factories and lay down, tilted her head and looked to the left. This is the edge of the industrial park.

"The strength in the stronghold is enough for a large-scale battle, so you are the team that was hidden specifically to deal with the Furuki team?" I don't plan to check it out now, even if it is only a few vague investigations, but from the feeling , Cassia knew that the people resting there must play an important role. It's just that it is not clear how the general team plans to eliminate the influence of the Gumu team.

"Tomorrow, I need to go to the city to collect information about the Thunder Wolf tribe." Before entering a semi-sleep state, Cassia thought. 2k reading network

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