Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1223: The fuel of "light" (7)

The factory expansion plan has been implemented. Phinea and the Geers brothers and sisters became the captains of the expansion team. After returning from Cromi City not long ago, the two went straight to the factory where Waters was located and learned about the current factory. Business with the black market.

The three returned to Cassia’s residence today, brought thumbnails of the surrounding small countries, and discussed the business expansion plan.

Including the Kingdom of Kiel, the map contains a total of seven small countries. A huge river ran through three of these countries and became a very important maritime trade route there. The other few are all landlocked countries, and the transportation is the same as that of the Chil Kingdom. High-speed roads and railway lines are crisscrossed to form a complex transportation network.

The initial plan is to choose one of the small countries where the river runs through. The huge river will eventually flow into the huge virgin forest where the southern forest is located, enter the flame alliance, and then flow into the endless sea. Whether it is upstream or downstream, there are more than a dozen countries passing through. In the future, it will be a very important transportation route to have the opportunity to open up air routes and deal with the relations and problems of various places.

At the same time, there is another small country, sandwiched between the Kyr Kingdom and the Empire. Cassia's plan is to use this location to strengthen the connection between the Empire of Tussini and the factories of the Kyr Kingdom.

The two selected small countries are not large in size, and the population is about half of that of the Kyr Kingdom. He himself is much weaker than the Kingdom of Kiel, from all aspects. Another point is that the two countries are already very close to an area that is often chaotic. If it expands in the future, one can go toward the coastline, and the other can go deep into the center of the posterior continent, **** against the huge gray area.

"The detailed steps, Waters should tell you." It took a whole morning and the four of them refined most of the details. At this moment, Cassia asked Phinea and Geers, they were bounty hunters and had no experience in this area. However, in the preliminary past, the only things that need to be dealt with are the selection of the factory address, the local dark world forces, and the understanding of some important networks. If possible, Phinea and Geers still have the task of clearing up a group of competitors in advance.

After getting an affirmative answer, Cassia then explained some matters needing special attention, which allowed the two to take the selected team and set off today and tomorrow.

When the two left, Cassia and Waters left the house together and found a common restaurant to sit down.

"In the past, we will first expand the black market middlemen, and then formulate the transportation network based on the distribution of these middlemen. Even if the establishment of the factory is fast, obtain the corresponding permits, clear the relationship, and do a good job of disguising the appearance, etc. It is four or five months. Of course, if possible, some small workshops will only take about two or three weeks. For this reason, Delya also designed a portable manufacturing machine for this expansion method. To manufacture bullets, use a large truck as a carrier, and connect the external steam power source to start manufacturing good quality bullets. The supporting mechanism is also installed on another large truck. As long as you can find a stable raw material supplier, It can be produced where needed quickly."

"Delya told me the kind of thing the other day?" Cassia heard Delya talk about it.

"Yes, commander." Waters smiled. "Delya also told me, commander you want to mass-produce this portable production machine as a business. Compared to a small workshop, Thanks to Webley’s technology, coupled with our own design and modification, the efficiency and stability are much stronger. And the quality is still a level higher. However, the team leader, Delya and I both think that at present, we can Slow down this matter."

"First, use it yourself. First, you can find some places that can be optimized and improved. Second, according to Delya’s original idea of ​​letting technicians modify and design it, it was originally intended to be used as a commodity. But avoid The scope of our business radiation, and we must also do a little bit of necessary publicity. After all, on the initial pricing, you may know that the head of the group, some small forces in the dark world will not have enough funds to buy. So maybe later It will involve a certain degree of arrears. And almost half of the arrears will not be returned. This requires a team specially prepared for this problem. Just like business in an empire, probably It’s every transaction, and there are very few people who will pay it off directly. Um,,, "Waters paused here, "Anyway, because it’s a transaction in the dark world, the situation is very complicated. The risk of hacking, even if you put the gun into the mouth of those people, you can’t take it out or you can’t take it out. These problems are the most unhelpful."

Cassia nodded and motioned to Waters to stop here.

"Just follow your plan and Delya's plan. If you need assistance, you can bring it up. There is another one that you need to know. Recently, or in a month or two, I will most likely be Leaving the Kingdom of Chil. You will still be responsible for this here. So if you have any troubles that are difficult to solve, raise them as soon as possible. Hesley will not return soon, and will stay in the Tucinian region for a while. And Phinea and The two talents of Geers join in. The necessary observations and their own learning and adaptation will also take time. Many things can only depend on you."

Waters shook his head, "There is still a lot of energy. This is not a problem, Captain."

Going back to the residence alone, Waters went straight to the station after eating.

When I opened the door, I saw that the communicator on the desktop was flashing a reminder ~ After confirming that it was Adolf, Cassia contacted.

The next day, Cassia met Adolf in the park according to the time and place in yesterday's communication, and Trevikang was also there. The two came here a lot in advance, until they saw Cassia, they ended the conversation.

"Mr. Adolf, Mr. Trevikang." Cassia greeted them respectfully and sat across from them.

"Two things, one is your surgical development project. After Adolf knows about it, he says he can come and help. The experience is enough to be your teacher. If you encounter difficulties, you can ask both Adolf and I." Terry Weikang Speak first.

"The other thing is about the task of the organization. It is expected to start in a week and a half. It is very simple, but because it is very important, I will explain to you in advance some aspects that must be paid attention to when performing the task." Very serious The words, Adolf stared into Cassia's eyes and said.

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