Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1216: Rapid expansion (43)

Although there was a plan to find McDonald with another enemy who had not been killed, Cassia just went over and looked at it. It was only a long way away and he would not really take risks. Believing in their own judgment, the various big families paid a lot in the Knight Attendant's assessment, which indicates that they will not easily allow the benefits that come to be destroyed by other forces.

"Yes, I know that even if I want to say more information, it is impossible at this moment." Dan Lil sighed, glanced at the communicator in his hand, then opened it again and contacted MacDonald. "By the way, Mr. Cassia, apart from the affairs of the Chil Kingdom, is there anything else that needs to be reminded?"

Dan Lier is asking seriously. Based on the information she knows, she believes that there will never be one person standing in front of Cassia at this moment, and behind her, it has the power of a family comparable to the Astus family. The comparison between MacDonald and Cassia is like the gap between him and zero. It will definitely be the key training target of the forces that support him, and for MacDonald, it can touch life threats.

Not only the current self, but after knowing the true identity of the enemy, Dan Lil also did not want MacDonald and the rest of his men to continue to stay in Kyle's kingdom. This is already a place of sovereignty. If you stay here with aggression, the loss will only get bigger and bigger in the future.

Patrick is dead, and soon he will die too. "Speaking of it, who will Lord Macdonald choose to be the deputy commander and who will he choose to be the knight commander?" Dan Lil thought while listening to Cassia's words. The communication was connected after ten seconds or so, Dan Lier let out a sigh of relief, letting out the pain in the body and all the regrets.

"Master Macdonald..." Dan Lil said, took a deep breath and looked towards the sky...

Soon after, a gunshot was masked by the sound of the train's huge whistle.


It only takes more than ten minutes from the factory to the residential area. Halfway through, the time for the last enemy to stop and rest due to the injury caused by the low sound wave is also subtracted. At that time, Cassia had taken advantage of some time to go back to the factory once, collected the heavy weapons, buried them on the edge of the railway line, and prepared to let Waters take them away afterwards.

This is a small gain, a powerful weapon that will always come in handy in the future.

Following the last enemy to a residential area, Cassia opened a distance of nearly two kilometers and stood in a shadow to carefully observe the enemy's movements. It rang a house where no one was present, and Cassia probed it several times for four weeks. After not finding other ambushing enemies, he increased the energy of the low sound waves.

After more than a minute, Cassia confirmed that the enemy was dead more than 2,000 meters away, and finally let out a sigh of relief. Then he walked into the shadows, and it took another half an hour before he came out of an alley in another work clothes, went to retrieve the luggage left in the hotel parking lot, and rebooked the room.

At this moment, it was early in the morning, and after taking a bath, Cassia felt a trace of fatigue from the battle. However, the body did not have the previous side effects. Cassia guessed that it was probably due to the dual effects of the inhibitor tube and the red mercury. I wanted to rest, but after realizing that I didn't need to replenish my spirit, Cassia went to the service area of ​​the hotel to get something to see, while waiting for his throat to return to normal, while waiting for the next afternoon to come.

At the same time, on a train departing from Cromy City at night, McDonald took the communicator and leaned on the comfortable chair of the first-class carriage, looking at the black outside the window. His expressionless face and some lines on his forehead caused by frowning were reflected on the glass.

Without waiting for Dan Lier's follow-up communication, McDonald had already thought of her ending, but chose to continue to wait for the bottom line in his heart.

When the train drove out of the range of Cromi City, McDonald sighed heavily. He lowered the curtain of the window, turned his head to look at the reinforced light fixture on the train, thinking for a long time, and pressed the communicator.

"Recall all the members who went out to perform the mission tonight, and leave the Kingdom of Chil tomorrow morning, and go to the nearest stronghold to wait for new orders." McDonald's words were indifferent. After hearing the other party's answer, he cut off contact and stood. I got up and walked a few laps in the carriage before sitting down, closing my eyes and leaning on the chair to rest.

On the other side, in the factory, Motley looked at the body at his feet and did not move on. For some reason, he laughed involuntarily and looked around, Motley's face appeared in Cassia's head. Finally, he shook his head, wiped his face vigorously, took out the communicator he was carrying and put it in the pocket of a corpse. Finding a few steel bombs, Mortelli pulled the ring and threw it beside the corpse's head, turned and left.

After ten seconds, Motley sighed after the explosion. He recognized the direction of the nearest station, and then walked slowly over. Going to live a new life, Motley thought, hoping that only peace is waiting for him in the future, and he prayed in the same way.


"The lamp exploded and caused a fire in the factory. At present, forty-five people have died." In the early morning of the next day, in various places in the city of Cromi, the information from who was not known to spread across the city at an extremely fast speed. In a breakfast shop, Charlotte was eating breakfast bit by bit while listening to people at the next table talking loudly about it.

Afterwards, Charlotte paid for breakfast and bought a newspaper near the entrance of the street. The urgent news has been quickly published. As he walked around, Charlotte finally threw it in the trash can and returned to his temporary residence. Soon after, he took his luggage, took another identification badge, and got on a long-distance vehicle to the border city.

On the swaying vehicle Charlotte looked through the window to the rear of the three iconic steam emission towers getting smaller and smaller, until they were finally buried by the gray smoke, then the curtains were put up Under the early morning sun, I left Kromi City.

"There will be no time to come back in the future." Charlotte said to himself inwardly. He looked to the front of the vehicle, sighed, and then leaned against the seat and closed his eyes. Hope to have a good dream during the journey of several hours, he thought.


"Just stayed in the hotel for one night and nothing happened."

"Then what do you want to happen? Special services don't blame anyone? Or want to see how many enemies there are and what they look like?" Pullman asked.

"That's not what I mean, I just want to say that you are safe before you leave, don't worry too much." Cassia smacked his lips and said in a low voice. 2k reading network

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