Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1212: Rapid expansion (39) close

The stacked explosions swelled together in an instant, turning into a huge fireball and bursting open. The impact turned into a tangible wave, pushed around one by one, and spread to the entire workshop after a few seconds. Dan Lil and Gerrard did not expect that the power of a single shot could reach such a level. These weapons were all obtained by MacDonald himself through the route of the Imperial Army. Apart from him, Dan Lil had not actually used them. The dozen people who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to continue to attack were all hit on the body. The heat wave made the exposed skin dry, and for a while, they appeared to be withered.

After quickly hiding in the bunker, when the flames turned into billowing smoke, Dan Lier and Gerrard simultaneously ordered a collective attack. But they were the only ones who stuck their heads out of the bunker at this moment, and there were fewer than 20 or 30 people around them. The two people who noticed something was wrong immediately let the team around them move a distance of fifty or sixty meters from the center of the explosion, guarding the front.

Looking at the member who assisted in the attack behind him, no one could maintain the correct shooting posture. All leaning on the machine, the face under the light of the flares was so white that it was so white that it was completely the face of a corpse that had been frozen before being pushed out to examine the cause of death. Dan Lier immediately ordered the others to hold their breath. She approached a member who was panting quickly. When she wanted to ask about the specific situation, the member slipped off the machine she was leaning on. He hurriedly held it with his hand, but all Dan Lier saw and felt, except for the dilated pupils that lost their brilliance, the only thing that came from the palm of his hand was the heartbeat that quickly returned to zero.

Looking up at the others, in Dan Lier's sight, except for the ten or so members who had been injected with medicine, including Olidaba, the bodies of the other players were lying on the ground at this moment. The futile struggle came to an end in one or two breaths. After Dan Lier's vision swept back and forth several times, apart from the dozens of people beside him, he felt the firepower net position established by the auxiliary members in front of him. In, there is no one alive anymore.

"Adjutant Gerard." Dan Lier led Olidaba and the others withdrawing more than ten meters away again, forming a solid defensive position among several machines.

"Except for the twenty or so people I brought here, all the rest are dead." Gerrard said with too much doubt. There was a group of team members behind him. For a short time, the enemy did not even have much direct contact with them, but the eyes Perception does not deceive people at this moment.

Gerrard also pulled the team back, defending against each other. Asking his men to drag a corpse with an unnaturally red face doesn't explain much.

"Look ahead, pay attention to a few people,,,," while speaking, the four subjects who started to act made Gerald shut his mouth, and only sighed. "Deputy Commander Dan Lier, have you noticed anything?" Gerrard asked when he asked his subordinates to start dissecting the corpse on the spot. At this moment, he doubted whether it was the enemy who had put some kind of creature around in the short time difference not long ago. Poison. Thinking about it this way, the enemy seemed to slow down in the nearby area, as if he had started fighting to break through.

"It takes time to dissect the corpse." Doing the same thing, Dan Lier pulled out the tactical knife, and pressed the nearest corpse first, then took off the clothes of the corpse and moved from the center of his chest skillfully. Take a cut. Olidaba and others are watching a dark place tens of meters away, and several members are searching for flares from the corpse.

The blood surged along the opened wound, Dan Lier immediately took a step back. Under the light, a lot of fine organs were swelled out by the residual pressure and air in the body, and fell to the ground along the body.

"The color is normal, the smell is normal, and the temperature is normal." Dan Lier immediately judged. At this time, looking behind her, the four subjects were surrounding the smoke from the explosion. "Looking at the appearance of the fragments, 80 to 90% are Due to the shock and fragmentation, the relationship with biological agents is not very large."

The thoughts in his head turned very, very fast. Dan Lier recalled all the information about biopharmaceuticals that he had used, seen, or jotted down while reading the information. He had never found even one that would cause surgery. Biological medicine from the fragmented internal organs of the patient.

The closest thing is that the functions of the organs and related tissues are rapidly exhausted in a short time, and eventually lose their original functions. None of them had anything to do with the phenomenon in front of him. Dan Lier moved to the back of the machine with doubts, took out the communicator and wanted to ask if Gerrard had made any progress, but a member beside him was unstable and fell down. Her side.

Subconsciously stretched out his hand to help, this member grabbed the machine to stabilize his body, and touched one hand on his stomach. He shook his head at Dan Lier, opened his mouth and took a deep breath, slowly exhaling as if to relieve the pressure on his body. But the next moment his face turned pale instantly, and he opened his mouth and vomited.

Half of the blood had condensed into a semi-mushy lump, and pieces of finely divided organ fragments were spat out by this member. Within a few seconds before and after, the member could no longer support his body and crashed to the ground. Dan Lier walked over in one or two steps, and after a few short breaths, the member also declared dead.

In the explosion smoke ahead, the test subject has been in contact with the enemy again. Dan Lier looked at the only ten people left next to him, and was about to talk. At this time, the perception focused on himself also caught some pain from the body. Dan Lil didn't know how long it took for the sweat to ooze unnaturally on his forehead. But within a few short breaths, the dullness and tiredness of climbing up the body made her have to pay attention.

"Adjutant Gerard!" Dan Lier took Olidaba and the others back. Even though the distance was 100 meters away, the pain and dullness in the perception still did not disappear, and continued to increase, constantly touching Dan Lier himself. Be alert to the bottom line.

"I can feel the pain in my body!" Gerrard also opened the distance from the center of the explosion before Dan Lier. "Seriously, he has begun to vomit blood with a small amount of organ fragments. Look at the dissected corpse. I don’t know what it has to do with biopharmaceuticals. It’s obviously a typical shock injury. There are intangible things that transmit power to us, and continue to shock and shake our weaker organs compared to the body."

"Now we can only think in this way. The dead will feel it before us. It is most likely because the strength is lower than ours, and the physical strength and quality cannot resist this invisible force!" Gerrard only noticed At this point, "it is very likely that it is some kind of surgical development project on the enemy that we don’t know! But no matter what kind of development project, there should be a rough distance limit, just like temperature perception, after exceeding a certain range , It will lose most of its utility. I think it’s better to keep a distance and figure out how the enemy attacked us. You have also felt the pain and tiredness of the body? We are not dead at the moment, we all rely on our bodies. The strength is holding on!"

"Fortunately, there are four scaly surgeons who can hold the enemy's footsteps and give us some buffer time." Gerrard sighed, more than a hundred meters ahead, after the flares were extinguished, was completely covered by darkness. But in the temperature perception, after the temperature in the center of the explosion dissipated, the enemy's abnormal temperature imaging appeared in their eyes again.

Dan Lier and Gerrard reached an agreement at this moment, and both led the team to retreat in the direction they came. Running at this moment aggravated the pain, and the two wanted to stretch the distance to three hundred meters away. But within a short span of less than two hundred meters, two or three people on each side stopped on the way, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood mixed with organ fragments, and stopped forever.

The originally planned distance seemed to have been forgotten by the two in a very short period of time, and the footsteps instinctively led them to go further. After more than four hundred meters, Dan Lier and Gerrard could no longer see the enemy and the subject, and there was only a black post in their field of vision following them. The temperature perception is almost one or two hundred meters longer, which is the limit position. The two men led the team to a stop. As they perceive, the pain and fatigue are still unchangingly superimposed in the body.

"Huh,,," The person beside him felt unwell, and took a deep breath at the moment. Facing the sharp gazes of Dan Lier and others, the member's face suddenly turned pale, "It's okay, it's just a little nervous. Take a break..." The body fell forward without warning. , Until lying on the ground, the corpse with remaining body temperature did not passively spit out several mouthfuls of blood until this moment.

There were only less than seven people left by his side for a short time, and Dan Lier felt an inexplicable cold. The faces of a few people were covered with sweat, and the weight of a few hundred meters should have been spread, but at this time it was obviously a burden on them.

"Adjutant Gerald, retreat for now." Dan Lier looked at the pale faces of the people around him, and perhaps the rapid breathing that they hadn't noticed. After a brief thought, he connected Jie Ladd said, with a feeling of finally relaxing, "The casualties are too large to take the enemy in a short time. Waiting for the organization team to come over will definitely be a disaster for us. Go back and fix it. , The current situation does not support us to stay here. Maybe those scaly surgeons can finally help us take down the enemy, but how many of us can wait until that time, I don’t have confidence myself."

"I have the same idea." Gerrard replied, and gestured to evacuate the dozens of people beside him, "Meet in the warehouse at the end of the road!"

The two teams of less than 30 people never asked about the situation behind them anymore. After traveling two or three hundred meters on their respective routes, the temperature sensing imaging could no longer capture any information about the enemy.

At the same time, the two teams that almost saw the enemy exceeded the preset radius, and No.7, who had been fighting around him, flew out instantly. Before No. 7 landed, it saw the other two subjects flying in different directions at the same time.

The remaining test subject seized the opportunity, and when a punch was thrown out, a tail wrapped around its foot, carried it into the air, and then slammed it to the ground. A foot was then stepped on its chest, and Cassia bent down, her nose slapped on the subject's face.

With both hands grasping the subject's head and jaw, the subject was struggling frantically, and his hands were constantly bombarding Cassia's chest. But he still couldn't stop his mouth being slowly opened by the huge force in the sound of "kaka", revealing the scarlet triangle tongue flashing in it. The spiked tail was poured in immediately, and the brain tissue of the subject was crushed.

The death of a subject seemed to anger them on the 7th. The moment they landed, they became fierce wolves almost at the same time, rushing over on all fours.

An experimental subject was hit to the head with a punch as soon as he approached Cassia. His head smashed into the ground, the concrete fragments splashed around, and the ground sank and rolled out sand and black soil. Half of the subject was lying in the pit, his head was completely smashed into the mud, and he temporarily lost consciousness. Another subject hit Cassia at this time, but it felt like it was hitting a big mountain. He was about to retreat, and a lightning bolt with his hands as fast as a snake caught his head in an instant. No. 7 was here. In the darkness, the chain saw tail that was attacking according to the induction was hit to the ground by a darker stream shadow in the middle. Immediately afterwards, he felt a heavy blow on his chest, an arc-shaped black shadow flashed past itself, and the scales on No. 7's chest suddenly fell off, leaving a small wound.

After stepping back a few steps, No. 7 stepped on the ground with cracks every step of the way to stabilize his body. Blood overflowed from his mouth, and No. 7 made a forward movement, and a crisp "click" sound was heard in front of him. Then, a corpse with its head completely lost was smashed over.

No. 7 smashed the corpse with his hands, and the tail stabs forward from under the to bring out howling noise. A spark flashed out in the darkness, and the tail slid away as if it had stabbed on a smooth object. At this moment, in the spark of a moment, No. 7 saw Cassia standing diagonally, and he immediately retracted his tail, only to find that both speed and strength had been reduced by more than half at this moment. When the pain reached his head as a danger signal, No.7 lowered his head, and the beating cross pupils tried to recognize the darkness in his chest. Nai was a tail with sharp barbs, found the place where the scales were scraped off just now, and pierced into his chest.

At this time, the tail was pulled out under No. 7's gaze. In the sound of "chi-chih", the extremely high pressure caused the blood to splash more than ten meters away, and finally stopped with the fallen No. 7.

Turning to the last subject, Cassia grabbed his foot and pulled it out of the pit. Consciousness has not been restored. After all, it was a punch that Cassia used to slap with all his strength after suppressing his body. For ordinary surgeons, it was completely capable of blasting the skull to pieces.

Hugging the subject's head, Cassia twisted it hard. In the crisp sound, the darkness here returned to its due calm after a brief period of excitement.

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