Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1149: The flame that started to burn (16)

The shield was shaped like a powerful fan, and the moment it was swung by Cassia, a strong wind was generated. The steam flowing in the entire wide mine was unbalanced at this moment, and all turned around for a time, and poured back toward the steam furnace. The steam that flowed away was sucked back, as if the stock was insufficient. The torrential steam broke immediately where the shield was waving, exposing a large blank. A common vacuum extraction process in food factories, and the shield waving at this time achieved the same effect briefly.

The enemy captain showed a clearer appearance. The sturdiness was not his body, but the gray-white hard cuticle that proliferated from inside the body. It looks close to the dry and cracked old bark of a tree with a few years, piece by piece or piece by piece, and the tiles are stacked on the body irregularly. The fragile parts of the heart and neck are consciously thickened, and the shape is more like a smelted metal block, with sufficient density and weight. At the joints as a means of attack, in addition to artificially adding things like iron chains, the enemy's own stratum corneum also formed a cylindrical trapezoid-like cone according to his development requirements.

In a very short period of time, Cassia's rapidly turning thoughts reminded him of two similar things. One is that only a few power-assisted armors have been solved. The cuticle on the enemy's body is very close to it. If you can follow your own consciousness to form some beautiful tubes, the difference between the two may only be the inner material. . The second is the full coverage bone surgery development capability that Cassia is very unwilling to encounter.

That layer of seemingly hard bones has extremely high toughness, and the metal-like layer of bones has a fine to extreme spongy structure inside, which can absorb most of the power and impact of objects that hit him. If there is exercise for the internal organs and tissue structure, it is indeed the strongest defensive performance among the various surgical developments that Cassia knows.

Although the opponent is not the 36 knight attendants himself, his identity will definitely be one of the top few in the team. Perhaps it was an advanced version developed for full coverage bone surgery. At this time, Cassia's thoughts were crashed by the shield he waved and fell on the enemy.

The weight can only be regarded as the slightly obese type among the surgeons. The shield broke with a loud noise, and Patrick flew out and hit the rock wall of the mine. The steam torrent came back at this time, filling the gap between the two in an instant.

"Bounce,,," the other person caught Cassia's position, and fired the firecrackers and fired towards this side. Cassia caught the direction of the muzzle and blocked the half of the shield in front of him, like a game of catching a ball among children, and then all the bullets shot over. At the same time, he rushed to the person who was moving and shooting, grasping the distance, and when he approached, the half of the shield in his hand called to the enemy's head.

Without a good defensive surgery development project, this enemy can only rely on his body to resist. In addition, he has no way of knowing Cassia's attack method, but simply made a defensive posture, hoping to rely on his own reaction to deal with the enemy's attack.

But Cassia didn't give him such time. The moment the shield slammed into steam, he touched his upper body. The spine at the waist was immediately twisted under tremendous force, and the crackling sound of bone fractures carried a physical touch that penetrated the skin. The enemy flew out and rolled in the mine for more than ten meters before hitting the rock wall to stop, and could no longer climb.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... The brief battle just now let him know that the enemy has a certain special way of perception, similar to the temperature perception that is not affected by the ambient temperature, and can capture his position in this environment.

Not dominant in information, Patrick understands that if you want to kill an enemy, you have to stick to the enemy, and rely on your keen sense to catch the enemy from the steam torrent. A cuticle armor suits him for such actions.

The punch was knocked out as expected, and Patrick immediately closed the punch and swept towards Cassia with one kick.

The fuzzy shadow in front of "Boom" immediately changed its shape, the influence of steam, and the agility and speed of the enemy left Patrick without time and opportunity. When instinct drove Patrick to close his feet, his vision was already out of balance.

The ankle was grabbed, and the amazing chimeric power that came from turned Patrick's whole person upside down in an instant. The vibration is transmitted from the heart to the whole body through the blood. The next moment, Patrick felt that the other foot that was about to fight back was also caught. He immediately bent his body with waist strength, and when he wanted to hug the enemy, his whole body was centered on the enemy. With a shake.

The huge force created irresistible centrifugal force on Patrick, and the bent waist was directly straightened. Before Patrick hugged his head to defend himself, a panicking sense of weightlessness suddenly descended.

"Boom!" Suddenly touching the ground, a semi-circular impact pattern appeared in the steam torrent among the splashing rocks. The stratum corneum burst into fine lines, and the huge impact force directly penetrated Patrick's body.

"Ha..." The air pressed out of the body carried a big mouthful of blood, which forced Patrick to open his mouth.

"I'm absolutely stuck on the ground of the mine." Patrick had only one thought when his thoughts returned to his head. I don't know how long it will be in a trance, but in such a battle, a little loss of mind will cause great trouble. At this moment, even if the thick stratum corneum armor is used as a buffer to absorb most of the strength, the damage to the body's internal body is still beginning to manifest.

The pain made Patrick awake particularly quickly. When he flexed his feet and kicked it out, his hands supported the ground at the same time and pulled himself out of the ground. He immediately took the short knife at his waist, and his flexed and stretched feet kicked at the same time.

It is not clear why the enemy would release his hand at this moment, but the sense of danger emanating from the black shadow in front of him made Patrick just want to get his feet on the ground as soon as possible in order to distance himself from the enemy.

The figure of the black shadow in front of him shrank into an irregular Patrick urged his feet to land quickly. When the toes touched the ground, an air blast rang through his ears. Immediately this voice was replaced by the tearing wind of "Hula". This is a subconscious sensation of the body. Patrick felt in a daze that he had been kicked in the chest, and the sunken cuticle gave the illusion of suffocation.

"Isn't it supposed to be rushing behind him?" In his sight, Patrick realized that the torrential steam was returning to him, and was going away in the opposite direction. Blood poured out from his mouth, and the black shadow disappeared from his eyes.

Patrick flew out and bumped into something hard and stopped. When his consciousness returned, he realized that he seemed to be in the lounge just now, and Janet, wearing power-assisted armor, was supporting herself up. On the side, the face of Dan Lier, who was very close, reflected in his pupils.

"It would be better to retreat." Patrick coughed up blood and said weakly. He lowered his head, and his two footprints were deeply imprinted on the cuticle of his chest.

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