Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1035: The Fallen Nobles of the Sub-Frontier (12)

"I'm not pessimistic, I just don't understand what you will do. It stands to reason that you are a person who survived the last war. There are not many people like you. I mean someone who has the same strength as you. People. It is clear that getting involved in this kind of thing before the war brought not only trouble, but also many other unknown dangers."

"Professor Bruce, I said, you have to adapt to changes. Compared to being passive, I think I should fight for something. Those people don't think of you as a living person. This strength is in their eyes. , It’s just a more convenient and powerful tool. It’s okay if they know how to use it properly, but as a public good, I think no one cherishes it. After all, this does not involve their own things, and I There are not many such public goods...

Professor Bruce laughed: "I can't speak to you, but I agree with many of these words. Then I would like to congratulate you on becoming a Knight of the Round Table in the near future. I really don’t want that day. You will come back to the military school secretly, let us old men treat you or something."

"In fact, staying at the military school is pretty good, at least it can save a lot of troubles." Professor Bruce added, as if sighing.

"I don't want that day either, but if the situation really gets to that point, I hope Professor Bruce will not refuse."

"No, I can guarantee that." Professor Bruce said, "Then, apart from saying goodbye, I think it's definitely not just for you to find me alone, right?"

Bei Qi suppressed his smile, and his tone became solemn: "Although I don't want to convey these things on my behalf, I personally think it is still very important to you. "Some things are very thankful to you, but other things, I hope to continue to help." With that said, Professor Bruce, you should know the meaning."

"I know, I think my message network is responsive." Professor Bruce said, "Of course, in exchange, I would like to ask you to help me convey a word back and answer something like that."

Bei Chao nodded, his face was full of seriousness, waiting for Professor Bruce's words.

"You probably don't know anything about him." Whether it's the data you tell other people, or the parts that you only know about yourself, and the state each time you come to check your body, you must add the silver at the end. All the metal is churn in Bruce's head at the moment. It seems that there is no way to know anything from it. Bruce just thinks one by one in chronological order, but feels something terrible from it.

Of course, only Bruce knew about these things from beginning to end, and he was not going to tell anyone, as he always thought. This time it will be no exception.

Coming out of the biological building, Himia was waiting on the side of the stairs outside.

"What's going on, is there any place you miss here? After living for decades, you will have feelings more or less." Simia asked, walking to the door and looking around at the scenery in front of him. Many students who did not go back. When moving in the line of sight, how many of them will become participants in a few years' time, Himia is also unclear. But she did not report an optimistic view.

"Let's go." Bo Qi walked up a few steps, looked forward with Himia, shook his head, and left here.


"Is the investigation clear? We all hope to get detailed information as soon as possible." In the room, when the crisp sound of clinking glasses disappeared, someone asked with concern. At a round table, a dozen people sat down at this moment, stopped talking for a while, and focused their attention on one person. The exquisite film machine in the corner of the room emits soothing music, and the aroma of wine spreads in it. The food on a table only moved a little bit. For the people present, this very common banquet food no longer interest them.

"No." A young man shook his head. He shook the glass in his hand. The red wine was rippling in it. "I think everyone is surprised. After all, the job change here has been stopped for several years. Even if there is a change, It's just a daily internal adjustment. It's a simple matter for everyone to exchange positions. This time, it was a document that was suddenly issued from the top management organization in the Tussini area, which is our upper level."

The young man paused: "But it hasn't been sent yet. I got the news. It was also because there were acquaintances there. I knew it in advance. I only knew that it was a man named'Molymoa', his specific identity and For detailed information, I have to wait until tomorrow before I can give you a specific answer."

"Everyone knows this. And everyone will be sitting here today. I don't think it's just for the detailed identity of this'Molymoa'." Another man said, "What does Tucinny rely on here? Living, I won’t talk about it. But because of this nature, we want to develop for a long time. Every year we must use nearly half of these benefits to seal the mouths of many people. Those are all higher than The administrator of the Tussini area is the city of Amotan. Although everyone seems to be under Tussini’s empire management structure or affiliated families of the Imperial Mineral Resources and the Tricolor Group, they don’t pay much attention to us. It is also very clear in my heart. If Molymoya is in another department, it would be nice to say that the people appointed from Amotan City will have to cooperate a little in the future. But tomorrow, when the appointment is announced, he is Tussini. In charge of the financial sector, that is, the main management of the railway lines, I don’t know what everyone’s opinion is."

Seeing that everyone around him didn’t speak, the man snorted, “I’ll come first. Tussini has been declining here, and the things I can get every year are getting less and less. Personally, I don’t want to let the rest The next part is I also mean the same." About half a minute later, several other people spoke. Until a few minutes passed, everyone in the room reached a unified opinion.

"In that case, I will hand over the detailed information to you as soon as possible. Then, tomorrow night, at the same time, I hope everyone can meet again happily."

After half an hour, the banquet broke up, and a dozen people left each.

"Master Novus." The middle-aged butler opened the door of the car and greeted respectfully, "Should we go to the old place?"

Novis was no longer interested. He opened a few buttons on his dress and sat in the back seat after thinking about it. Then he replied, "No, go straight back today. There are still some things to do. You remember me going back half In a few hours, let Cooper come over and find me, I have something to let him prepare in advance."

"I see, Master." The limo started and drove away from here.

Please remember the domain name of this book's first publication:. Wonderful book house

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