This was the first time she had put on such a posture in front of her master.

A little exciting.

The moment she saw her master nodding, she almost failed because of her relaxation.

"That's fine. Then my master will take you to several places to prepare for your promotion to Jindan in the ancient heaven."

If she had consolidated her realm earlier, she would have gone to the royal city earlier to surprise her disciples...

Ling Shuangxue thought in her mind, and a small smile appeared on her face.

As the leader of Frost Snow Peak finished speaking, the matter was finalized.

The moment she walked out of Frost Snow Pavilion, Miss Sword Immortal even felt a little unreal.

(This is actually how I can make Master give in...)

Lu Yuli, who was sighing in her heart, quietly glanced at the Frost Snow Pavilion behind her.

Maybe the master is still paying attention to her, and she must leave carefully.

But she felt a lot more relaxed.

Looking at the setting sun and stars, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

I don’t know what expression that guy would show if he saw that he had come to the royal city to meet him so soon.

(Speaking of which, he seems to be still the master of the Magic Weapon Pavilion...)

If that guy doesn't have enough manpower, I can... ahem, if that guy asks for my help properly, I can't help him.

Think of it as a return gift from that guy who unknowingly helped his master.

It's just that the way she helped made her feel that if she didn't stop showing up, her master would have to pay for it.

"But be careful that the previous situation doesn't happen again this time..."

Mumbling in a voice that only she could hear, Miss Sword Fairy's steps were a little faster.

It's okay, it hasn't been a month since the last problem. When the January period comes, I'll just find a place to hide.

Anyway, I can't get sick in front of that guy anymore.

If it happened again, I would really die of shame and anger.



Luo Wusheng, whose figure and aura were hidden, moved forward in the lane with extremely poor lighting.

It was the first time he went to Hongyan Tower secretly like this, and his heart beat faster.

(But I obviously just went to listen to the music. It’s in broad daylight, so I can’t announce that in broad daylight...)

Luo Wusheng sighed.

In order not to be discovered, he also deliberately took a detour.

There was nothing I could do about it, after all, I didn't want to take the risk of my character collapsing.

This is where the disadvantages of having a high profile come out.

"Forget it, let's think of something happy."

Then for some reason he suddenly remembered the messages he had sent to Miss Jianxian in the past few days.

A little smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

He won.

Lu Yuli, the indifferent listener? nonexistent.

After trying every means to defeat Miss Sword Fairy on the first day and failing, he learned from the experience on the second day and made many strategic changes.

For example, the direction of the story was modified and a sweet and greasy emotional story was sewn into it.

The effect is quite good.

The communication on the other side is becoming less and less consistent with the original character.

By the time the story was told, I couldn’t tell how much the final character was different from the emotional listener at the beginning.

"But Xiao Yuli's chess skills have improved a lot without realizing it."

Luo Wusheng touched his chin when he thought of the backgammon he played with Chuan Xin during the break two days ago while telling his story.

If the original Miss Sword Fairy was only at the Black Iron level, then in the past two days she has obviously improved to the Bronze level.

You must be dissatisfied with losing to yourself every day, so you should practice hard.

It's a pity that he is the strongest king.

And classmate Xiao Yuli is obviously not a talented player like her junior sister... Well, she is a destiny type.

Luo Wusheng, who was almost amused by his own thoughts, let out a breath.

I don’t know when I will see that beautiful little girl.

Shaking his head, he speeded up a little and turned out of a corner.

In front of him was a long street with people coming and going, and his destination, Hongyan Tower, was diagonally opposite.

After confirming that no one was paying attention to him, Luo Wusheng crossed the long street, quietly entered Hongyan Tower, and found his target.

Xiaoguai, the maid who was waiting for the summons on the first floor, was standing in a deserted corner.

She doesn't seem to be able to fit into the atmosphere of Hongyan Tower.

But it's okay, after all, she only needs to be responsible for the Oiran Yao Ji, and the price to listen to the Oiran's music is not low. In addition, she can't do some unspeakable things. On weekdays, rich people have enough money and interest to listen to the music. The number of children is not that many.

In this way, she has fewer opportunities to communicate with others throughout the day, and she enjoys the peace and quiet.

But just when she felt a little bored and twirled her fingers, she suddenly froze, and then glanced around.

After thinking for a moment, she turned around and ran upstairs.

Go all the way up to the fourth floor.

In front of the door where a wooden table was placed, a handsome young man in white clothes and a sword handed over a written page.

"Long thanked the little girl."

The handsome young man had a smile on his face.

After taking the paper handed to me and looking at the names signed on it, Xiaoguai, the maid in front of me who came upstairs through the message, almost couldn't control her expression and rolled her eyes.

The identity of this man is almost known to everyone in the city now, so why bother with this "dragon sea"?

Ha, man.


//A new month is here, a monthly ticket for the ball.

Section 1 # Volume 1 # Chapter 62 Return to the Courtesan

"Master Long, please wait a moment."

The maid Xiaoguai obviously emphasized a certain word in her words.

But Luo Wusheng didn't care. He had long expected that he would not be able to completely hide his identity.

When his appearance gradually appeared in front of the public, everyone who had close contact with him that night in Hongyanlou would realize that he was the Holy Son of the Demon Sect.

But this will not cause others to collapse.

Because that day he came with four officials from the Magic Weapon Pavilion, and he refused the self-recommended pillow seats from the girls in the building. He only listened to the music in the room of the oiran Yao Ji, and that was the only time he came.

Even if this kind of thing spreads, it will not have a big impact on his image, and it will not spread such an unfavorable reputation as the romantic saint son.

Even if he intends to manipulate the direction of public opinion, he can also create a boss persona who cares for his subordinates.

But this time is different. This is my second time here, and this time I am alone.

It won't be that simple if this gets out.

So he had to be extra careful this time, not even listening to the music for too long, otherwise it would be bad if someone wanted to find out who this "mysterious rich man Long Dahai" who suddenly appeared was.

At this time, the little maid called Xiao Guai knocked on the door gently after asking him to wait.

"Sister Yao Ji, that 'Dragon' young master is here again."

After waiting for a while, Yao Ji's ethereal voice came from behind the door.

"...I understand, let the young master come in."


After a familiar process, Luo Wusheng met the oiran from Hongyan Tower again.

Just like the first time they met, Yao Ji was sitting on her knees in the center of the room, stroking the seven-stringed guqin.

Only this time, the corner of the guqin was embedded with the Xingyue Jade gifted by him.

Xingyue Jade is indeed the most beautiful jade I have. Even if it is inlaid on the piano, it does not lose its luster at all. It even gives the person playing the piano a vague feeling of a fairy from the world.

The most important thing is that he has a lot of it on hand, so he can give it away in exchange for favorability without any psychological burden.

Although he is no longer as enthusiastic about rare stones and jade after awakening his memory, he still maintains the habit of saving different types of jade.

This may be the deepest obsession that my former self left to me now.

He was thinking wildly, but suddenly he heard a clear and clear string sound, which made all the distracting thoughts in his heart disappear.

Seeing that the young man in white in front of her was paying attention to her, Yao Ji, who had just strummed the strings, had a smile on her face.

"I really didn't expect to see the young master again so soon... I didn't expect that the young master would still want to come here to listen to music after causing trouble in the royal city. I'm really flattered."

"Messing up the situation? Miss Yao Ji is joking. I'm just an unknown person attracted by the girl's music. How can I have such ability?"

Luo Wusheng's expression remained unchanged and he sat down opposite Yao Ji with a smile.

The oiran gave him a slightly angry look, but did not reveal what he said.

"What the young master said is still as pleasing to me as before."

She played with the strings and said nonchalantly: "There have been many major events in the royal city in the past two days, so there have been many fewer guests coming to listen to music here."

"Especially the dispute between the Dao Weapon Pavilion and the Magic Weapon Pavilion caused a storm in the city... Yesterday's victory in the Magic Weapon Pavilion brought this matter to the forefront, and the Holy Son of the Demon Sect as the master of the pavilion became a A big shot that everyone in the royal city knows..."

"I really want to see the style of that pavilion master, don't you think so? Master Long?"

When this girl said this, Luo Wusheng, who was not too thin-skinned, felt a little embarrassed on his face.

"That's all, I won't tease you anymore." Yao Ji chuckled: "I wonder what music you want to listen to today?"

Seeing that the oiran had given up, Luo Wusheng immediately returned to his normal appearance, shook his head and said with a smile:

"It all depends on the girl's will. Miss Yao Ji's music is unheard no matter where it is. It's an honor for me to listen to it."

Yao Ji, who was quite impressed by his praise, slightly raised the corners of her mouth, raised her hands lightly, and placed them on the strings.

"Then I would rather be respectful than obey my orders."

Fingertips fiddle with it, and the sound of the piano gradually begins to sound.

In this wonderful music, Luo Wusheng felt that his body and mind relaxed a lot.

Since he left Hongyan Tower last time and encountered a lot of incidents, although he has not changed much on the surface, he still has some pressure accumulated in his heart.

At this moment, these pressures are gradually being washed away by the sound of the piano.

Even many distracting thoughts were eliminated.

(Is this something special brought about by superb piano skills? If this oiran lady is really the empress in mortal form, it might be a special method?)

When the sound of the piano gradually stopped, Luo Wusheng, who came back to his senses, couldn't help but think.

At the same time, he also remembered what the maid Xiaoguai had said before, that the oiran was able to perform in Hongyan Tower without selling his body without being treated in the slightest, all because of his own ability.

I think that ability is the sound of the piano that cleanses people's hearts.

When even he is affected, it is really hard to imagine that anyone can still feel lust after listening to the music.

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