

Chen Ge waved his hand casually, and the three hundred godhood points he got from the critical hit were divided into two hundred on the spot, one hundred to Avril's Light Angel Legion, and one hundred to Emile's Dark Angel Legion.

""Thank you, Lord!"

The light and dark angels who had obtained the godhead shouted in unison, and then devoured the godhead.


Boom! Thunderclouds suddenly pressed down above the territory! Horrible lightning bolts struck down one after another!

"Divine punishment!"

The mermaid princess Ajani shuddered!


Are you going to create two hundred true god-level angels at once?

This move is too bold!

This move is horrifying!

Lord, your behavior is too dangerous!

If you are targeted by the Supreme Will!

Then everything will be gone!


The broken Taoist temple flashed with a faint light, and the divine punishment that was bombarding the territory was instantly annihilated. Two hundred light and dark angels.


The Griffin Queen took a breath of cold air.


The little fallen angel Emile laughed.



It seems?

The lord made such a big fuss?

But it didn't attract the Supreme Will?

The mermaid princess was confused.

"Angel Legion, take down the strange world for me, kill those who should be killed and bury those who should be buried!"

Chen Ge gave an order.

""I obey!"

The angel army rushed into the fog and began a new round of exploration and conquest.




In front of Chen Ge, various harvest information appeared.

Lord points. 12

Territory area.

Accelerated growth and expansion.


Chen Ge threw a godhead to the Griffin Queen. The Griffin Queen trembled and knelt on the ground, crying in excitement.

【Damn it!】

【It turns out that opportunities to go out to sea can be swept directly!】

【If I had known earlier, I would have just swept it!】

【There is no need to go out to sea to explore the various seas myself. I am seasick and almost fainted to death in the sea!】

【I, Li Yaoyang, raided twice and got an epic centaur and a hero tavern. This hero tavern can spawn free heroes! Although the free heroes are a bit rubbish, I, Li Yaoyang, finally survived!】

【Dear students, I, Li Yaoyang, am back again! 】

Lord Channel.

The son of the richest man announced


【You actually got three chances to go to sea?】

【When the first wave of attacks came, didn’t you say that you couldn’t even withstand the first wave of monsters attacking the city? How come you had three chances to go out to sea? 】

Many people were puzzled

【Hehe! My dad contacted my brother! How come my brother also became a god in the weird world! My brother paid a huge price and got me three magic cards for going out to sea!

Each magic card can go out to sea once! My brother is still amazing, but he said there will be no next chance! Alas! My brother became a god, and he doesn’t love me as much as he did when I was a child! People who become gods, will they deprive themselves of their seven emotions and six desires! 】

Li Yaoyang responded

【Damn it!】

【Is this ok?】

【I envy you for having a brother who is a day walker!】

【Student Li Yaoyang, cherish this opportunity. If you lose everything again, even your biological father, the richest man in Blue Star, and your biological brother, who has become a god, cannot save you!】

【Humph! My grandfather, Luo Guangming, almost became a god! But it doesn't matter, I will step on his corpse to ascend to the god level and rebuild the glory of my Luo family! 】

Various information flashed by.


Opportunity to go to sea?

Can I just sweep it?

I still have nine opportunities to go to sea?

How about just sweep it and be done with it?

Chen Ge's eyes lit up.

Start sweeping


【You got a legendary chest!】

【You received an epic chest!】

【You have obtained a treasure map of the deep sea clan!】

【You have obtained the Broken Heavens Teleport Stone!】

【You have obtained a Demigod Chest!】

【You have obtained the magic ship Apostle!】

【You have obtained the corpse of a demigod!】

【You have gained an ocean divinity!】

【You got a blasphemous slate!


The harvest seems to be good?

Chen Ge opened the treasure chest casually and got a legendary bow, an epic dagger, and a demigod magic staff. He used the Eye of Arcane to scan the three weapons. There was nothing special about them, so he gave them to the Griffin Queen.


The demigod's corpse automatically transformed into an angel of death.

Then he used the Eye of Arcane to scan the remaining items.

【Treasure Map of the Deep Sea Clan: The Deep Sea Clan usually refers to the Deep Sea Snake Clan, which is said to be guarding the secret of the salvation ark in the ancient times!】

【Broken Heaven Teleport Stone: A disposable teleport stone that can teleport directly into Broken Heaven!】

【Apostle Magic Ship: Apostle usually refers to the Apostle of the Star Realm. This magic ship has an extremely powerful feature that can increase your chances of finding stars when sailing in the Star Realm! Star iron comes from stars. The smallest star in the Star Realm can also refine 1 trillion tons of star iron!】

【Blasphemy Slate: Every time you blaspheme a god, the Blasphemy Slate will be charged once. The charge energy can be converted into forbidden spells, great forbidden spells, divine arts, great divine arts or chaos forbidden spells. The upper limit of the charge level is the Destroyer! 】


Stars! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Star iron can be extracted from stars!

The smallest star in the star world has one trillion tons of star iron!

The Valkyrie Queen swallowed a ton of star iron!

She can create three godheads!

The Valkyrie Queen swallowed a star!

How many godheads can be ejected!

Combined with the Godhead Critical Ring!

How many godheads can be produced!


You must get the stars!

This magic ship is very good!

By the way!

The Blasphemy Slate is also very good!

If you blaspheme the Goddess of Light and the God of Love, and whip the three queens with the Whip of Divine Punishment, each time it counts as a blasphemy. It is estimated that within a year, the Blasphemy Slate can be charged to the upper limit!

In short!

Within a year!

There is a chance to rely on the Blasphemy Slate!

Get rid of a certain original god!

For example, the Lord of Time!

For example, the Tyrant Adam!

Of course, whether it is the magic ship Apostle or the blasphemous slab, it is basically useless for other lords to get it. Other lords don’t even have the courage to blaspheme the gods, let alone whether they have the strength to blaspheme the gods!


The Valkyrie King has created the Divine Princess!

The Divine Critical Strike Ring!

It is basically useless for other lords to get it!

What I rely on is the Broken Taoist Temple and 100 million divine stones at the beginning!


Chen Ge looked at the Broken Taoist Temple in the center of the territory, and glanced at the self-sealed disaster witch and the suspected goddess of the night Shan. He made a lot of speculations at once.

The most likely one.

The Broken Taoist Temple and 100 million divine stones.

It was the beginning of a student with a very deep background.

By accident.

I exchanged the beginning with that guy.

【Hmm? Poseidon from Yanlong Academy? Poseidon is indeed very beautiful. Even a woman like me is a little envious of her figure! But Poseidon, since we met in the Lord's Cemetery, let's...What! Siren song! Such a weird Siren song! I give up! Big boobs beauty! See you next time! 】

Lord channel.

Selina, a student at God's College, suddenly sent a voice message


【I remember now, Poseidon's original race is mermaid!】

【Fuck? Mermaid? It's taking off! Bo Saixi, your initial mermaid must be legendary! According to the information provided by Asakura Ye, as long as you offer the legendary mermaid to the Emperor of the Undead Empire, you can instantly obtain the title of Earl or even 557 Duke!】

【Beautiful lady, can you help me test the mermaid?】

【I would rather the initial race be a mermaid than a frost dragon. I would rather the initial race be a mermaid. Sacrificing a mermaid will instantly take off! 】

Lord channel.

A heated discussion.


Chen Ge swept towards the portal of the Lord Cemetery. Before the first wave of impact, the portal of the Lord Cemetery had been opened, but there was no time to explore it.

Exploring a Lord Cemetery.

It is not necessary to use a true god-level angel.

"Griffin Queen, 10,000 Royal Female Knights, follow me to the Lord's Cemetery!"

Chen Ge opened his mouth


The Griffin Queen and 10,000 Royal Female Knights followed Chen Ge and flew into the Lord's Cemetery.

"this is not...Bullying? I like bullying too! Bully other lords severely!"

The little fallen angel Emile was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and showed off dozens of divine stones in one breath, flapped his little wings, and flew into the lord's cemetery.


【You have entered the Lords' Cemetery!】

【You can summon the projection of the Death Lord by touching any lord's tombstone!】

【Defeating the Death Lord projection will give you a lot of resources and even arms! 】

Lord Cemetery.

A prompt appeared in front of Chen Ge.


About a thousand meters to the left of where he was, there were more than a dozen figures, led by Bo Saixi, one of the two beauties of Yanlong Academy.

Bo Saixi glanced over.

She saw Chen Ge.

She saw the 10,000 Royal Griffin Knights behind Chen Ge.


Bo Saixi felt her scalp explode!

She subconsciously sent a message on the Lord Channel!

【Damn it!】

【I encountered Chen Ge!】

【He brought tens of thousands of female griffin knights!】

【All of them are fair-skinned, beautiful and have long legs! 】.

Posted by: AnIsMe, 12/03/2023 16:01

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