
Chen Ge whispered the name.

A scene from a movie he had seen before appeared in front of him again. A woman with a beautiful face and beautiful figure was possessed by a demon, imagining being tortured by an indescribable demon.

The mermaid princess in front of him, Adjani, was naturally as beautiful as the goddess of light, the goddess of elves, and the goddess of magic. At most, she was a little worse than the goddess of love and the goddess of death.


【You killed the demigod deep sea serpent Menggal!】

【You have obtained 20 million Lord Points!】

【You have absorbed a ray of ocean divinity!】

【You have obtained the information about Paradise Island!】

【You have obtained the Paradise Island Teleport Stone! 】

A prompt message appears

"Mermaid Princess...It's quite big. I don't like you women. Did you deliberately make it so big to seduce our lord?"

The little fallen angel Emile glanced at the shell on the mermaid's clothes and snorted with disdain.


The mermaid princess was a little confused. If it was in the past, she would have directly refuted it, but these people in front of her were too weird.

In this era!

There are actually angels at the level of true gods!

One of them seems to be a seraph! Oh, right!

These two little angels!

They actually chewed the magic stone like candy!

In this sea area!

It is possible to produce a magic stone only once a hundred years!

And it is only possible!

This human who should be a mortal!

Is actually a true god!

His magic ship seems to be at the master level!

""My Lord, I have heard a rumor that the mermaid with the blood of the ancient deep sea lord is said to be more delicious than the goddess!"

Suddenly, the goddess of luck sent a voice.


What does that mean?

The mermaid princess is more delicious than the goddess?

Chen Ge was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized it, thinking to himself, goddess of luck, you have fallen.


There is a reward!

Chen Ge raised his hand!

One hundred thousand divine stones appeared!

With a flick, one hundred thousand divine stones flew in front of the goddess of luck!

This scene!

The mermaid princess was stunned!

One hundred thousand divine stones!

This lord!

He casually gave this goddess one hundred thousand divine stones!

Is this really not a dream!

"Take it."

Chen Ge raised his hand, and a divine power emerged. The divine power flew in front of the mermaid princess!

The mermaid princess was completely dumbfounded!

An hour later.

The mermaid princess successfully ascended to the true god with the divine power.

"I know the way to Paradise Island. I will take you there!"

The mermaid princess groaned, lowered her head slightly, took out a teleportation stone, and with a flash of white light, the Holy Angel was teleported.


【You found Paradise Island!】

【You landed on Paradise Island!】

【You have received a reward of 10 million Lord Points! 】

This is an extremely large island with almost nothing on it. At a glance, it is like a silent dead place.

"Paradise Island...It should be called Hell Island."

The goddess of luck sighed

"There is not a single living thing. I don't like it."

The little fallen angel Emile bit the divine stone hard.

"I can only lead the master into the underground maze of Paradise Island."

The mermaid princess looked into Chen Ge's eyes and said

"Hmm? Woman? Are you planning to do something bad to our Lord?"

Emile's face turned cold.

"Okay, Emile, there is no god in this world who can kill me."

Chen Ge rubbed Emile's little head and gave the mermaid princess a look. The mermaid princess nodded and teleported with Chen Ge.

As soon as the two landed on Paradise Island, a mysterious black light lit up and instantly swallowed the two.




The originally calm sea around Paradise Island!

Suddenly, a terrifying hurricane blew up!

The Dominant-class Holy Angel!

At this moment, it was also a little precarious!


Emile snorted lightly!

The terrifying hurricane blowing towards Paradise Island!

The wind direction changed in an instant!


【You discovered the underground maze of Paradise Island!】

【You have made it through the underground maze of Paradise Island!】

【You found Heaven's Gate!】

【You need some special methods to open the gate of heaven! 】


The gate of heaven?

This is the door that the deep sea snake Meng Jiaer wants to open?

The ancient holy object that can create the godhood is behind this door?


What method can open this gate of heaven?

It must be the blood descendant of the mermaid princess?

Chen Ge thought of the mysterious goddess at this moment. According to the goddess of light, if the mysterious goddess is tricked into her territory, then she can open almost all the magic seals in the weird world.

The gate of heaven in front of her.

There is no doubt that it is also a magic seal.


The mysterious goddess has never been online in the chat group of the gods.

Come! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Eye of Arcane!

Chen Ge subconsciously activated the Eye of Arcane.

"Lord...I know how to open the gate of heaven, Lord, come on!"


The mermaid princess gritted her teeth slightly!

The divine robe inlaid with shells fell off!

Chen Ge was stunned and understood.

An hour passed.


The gate of heaven at the end of the underground maze of Paradise Island slowly opened.

But there was no bright holy light.

Only endless black light greeted Chen Ge and the mermaid princess.

"Lord...Please step into the gate of heaven!"

The mermaid princess bowed her head slightly.

Chen Ge nodded gently.

Stepping into the gate of heaven.

He thought to himself that the rumor that the goddess of luck had heard was true. The mermaid princess with the blood of the ancient deep sea lord was really more delicious than the goddess of light. It was simply unbelievable.


【You discovered the remains of a demigod!】

【You discovered the true God's corpse!】

【You discovered 10,000 Broken Godheads!】

【You found the mysterious seal! 】

As soon as he stepped into the gate of heaven, the endless black light dissipated, and a pile of corpses came into view. These corpses were all locked on the torture pillars like torture instruments!


It's like an abyss prison!


A head suddenly moved!

The mermaid princess subconsciously hugged Chen Ge's arm!


The black light lit up!

It swallowed up all the demigod corpses and true god corpses here!

This is the death angel troop tower in the territory taking effect!

These demigod corpses and true god corpses were all automatically transformed into death angels!

In an instant!

Chen Ge's territory has more than a dozen demigod death angels and three true god-level death angels!

This troop tower given by the goddess of death!

It is indeed a bit against the sky!


【Damn it! The Undead Princess suddenly revealed some information about mermaids to me. As long as I can capture a legendary mermaid and send it to the Undead Empire, I can get the title of Duke of the Undead Empire! The Emperor of the Undead Empire actually wants to get the mermaid!】

【I was shocked! The dead princess said that mermaids have the most attractive bodies! But don’t mermaids only have mouths?】

【So the question is, if I catch a legendary mermaid, should I offer it to the Emperor of the Undead Empire, or keep it for myself? 】

Lord Channel.

Ma Cang Ye suddenly howled

【Damn it! I have caught mermaids before! But because of the population limit! All the mermaids ran away! In the past three days, I went out to sea five times in total, and I didn’t see a single mermaid!】

【Forehead...I am Norton. One of the two demigods I met at sea just now seems to be the mermaid princess! If I catch the mermaid princess and send her to the Undead Empire, will I become the prince of the Undead Empire directly?】

【Are mermaids so valuable?】

【I went out to sea six times and didn't see a single mermaid. Could it be that classmate Luo Guangming alarmed the enemy?】

【Xerxes, a Westerner, actually knows the idiom"startling the snake by stirring up trouble"?】

【Actually, I am mixed blood, my father is a Yanlong】

【Hmm? Xerxes? The number one genius of our God student? You are actually mixed-blood? But why can't you see any oriental features? Did you have plastic surgery? 】

Suddenly. There was a heated discussion.

Chen Ge just smiled.


Eye of the Arcane!

Scan this mysterious seal in front of you!

【Mysterious Sealed Item: This is an item from the ancient times. Even a powerful Creator like the original Creator cannot open it with brute force! Even the original God must master some special skills to open it! 】


This thing?

Want to unlock it?

It's so difficult?

If the mysterious goddess is here!

Can I open the sealed item easily!

Chen Ge raised his eyebrows slightly.


The next second!

The prompt appears!


【Your Eye of the Arcane resonates mysteriously with Paradise Island!】

【The mysterious sealed object trembles!】

【The mysterious seal chose to compromise! 】


A flash of black light!

The mysterious seal was automatically released!


The mermaid princess was stunned!

This scene!

Beyond her cognition!



The mysterious seal was released!

The complete form appeared in the eyes of the two!

It turned out to be a metal woman statue!

The mermaid princess has not yet recovered!

The metal woman statue suddenly came to life!

The mouth and eyes of the metal woman statue moved!

"You are not mistaken, I am the ancient sacred artifact godhood forging machine! Just feed me the divine stone...Uh! You don't need to feed me the God Stone, just feed me the Star Iron, and I will automatically spit out the Godhead!".

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