
【Weird world!】

【The 99th batch of students is currently ranked first!】

【Yanlong Academy Chen Ge! 】

Blue Star.

Sky Hotel.

On the super giant screen.

The information from the Weird World Lord Channel was flashed simultaneously.

The ranking of Blue Star's students this year was fully exposed.


The exquisite wine glass in the hands of the richest man in Blue Star fell and smashed to pieces on the spot.

"Who? Who is Chen Ge? Where is my son Yaoyang?"

The richest man in Blue Star asked blankly.

"Where is Li Yaoyang?"

Yanlong College President Musk was stunned, and the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

"Chen Ge?"

"Who is Chen Ge? Is he the secret weapon of your Yanlong Academy?"

"I seem to have heard of this name. Is this Chen Ge the worst student in the history of your Yanlong College? Great! Principal of Yanlong College, it turns out that all the news that was spread before was fake. You actually did this!"

"What is Chen Ge's original race?"

"Ms. Gao Lan from Yanlong College, you are the head teacher of this class of students, you should know Chen Ge’s original race!"

"Check which family this Chen Ge belongs to. If he doesn’t belong to any family, we will take him away from the An family!"

A group of Blue Star celebrities asked frantically.

"Initial race...This guy doesn't even have an initial race. I ignored this guy. I thought he would die first, but he got first place!"

Principal Musk took a deep breath.


The first-ranked student of this class!

This Chen Ge!

He doesn't have an initial race!

Weird world! He doesn't even have an initial race!

How could he survive!

How could he be ranked first!

"No! My son Yaoyang! His initial race is the Golden Crow! I have investigated! My son Yaoyang's initial race is invincible! What's more, there are two mysterious treasure chests! How could my son Yaoyang not even rank tenth!"The richest man on Blue Star is crazy!



The richest man on Blue Star pushed hard!

The champagne tower collapsed!

The most expensive champagne on Blue Star!

It was scattered all over the floor!

It was a mess!


All the humans on Blue Star saw this scene through the live broadcast!

There was an uproar!

The richest man on Blue Star!

He held such a grand banquet!

In the end, the second son of the Li family didn't even make the list!

The richest man's mentality collapsed!

At the same time.

The weird world


【Chen Ge is the top student? Why! I, Luo Guangming, refuse to accept this! Cao! I have the dual faith of the Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Life, I have the blessing of the Temple of Light and the Temple of Life, what do you have!】

【Damn it! I, Andre, don't believe it either! How can you, a stupid guy, be the number one student? What is your original race? Don't tell me your original race is also Golden Crow!】

【Damn! How can you be number one?...My original race, Ma Cang Ye, is a frost dragon!】

【Hello Chen Ge, I am Selina from God's College, a witch of the original race, and this is my first time speaking in the Lord Channel.】

【Let me introduce myself. I am Xerxes from the God Academy. This is my first time speaking in the Lord Channel. My initial race is an angel. I thought I had secured first place, but I didn't expect to be surpassed by you.】

【Hmm? The second-ranked Xerxes's original race is an angel? Damn! The original angels have all been surpassed by this guy Chen Ge! Chen Ge, what is your original race?】

Lord channel.

Countless people were shocked.

Many lords contributed their first speech.

【My original race is a gold-eating beast.

Chen Ge thought for a moment and realized that he basically used the divine stone to smash, which was equivalent to money, so he replied.


【Money-eating beast?】

【What race is this? What is their talent?】

【Damn! Does this mean you can use gold coins to recruit various creatures? Is money really that reliable?】

【I don't believe that money can buy the loyalty of creatures in the strange world! 】

Various information again


【The first student Chen Ge!】

【Obtained a Godhead! 】

Lord Channel.

Red letter message brushed


【Damn it!】

【The godhead originally belonged to me, Luo Guangming!】

【Godhead! I want Godhead! I want Godhead even in my dreams! Chen Ge, you bastard! Give me back my Godhead!】

【This is the first Godhead of our class, and it is very likely to be the last one! I have already checked that Godhead is an extremely rare item in the strange world! In our class, it is very likely that only Chen Ge can reach the God level! 】

Lord Channel.

Instantly boiling

【"Damn! Chen Ge! You! I suddenly remembered! I sold you two bronze treasure chests that my father gave me! Others were too lazy to even look at them, but you bought them both! Damn! Those two bronze treasure chests I sold you, there won't be anything special in them!"

Li Yaoyang said.

Wow! A godhead appeared in front of Chen Ge.


【You have obtained a godhead!】

【The ancient holy relic divine critical strike ring is triggered!】

【The critical hit multiplier is 10!】

【You have obtained ten divine powers!】

The holy ring on Chen Ge's body flashed, and the one divine power rewarded suddenly became ten.


The Griffin Queen was stunned.


One became ten!

How is this possible! (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Is there any way to upgrade this ancient holy object? The godhead is not enough."

Chen Ge looked at the Goddess of Light.

"this...Maybe I have to go to the Star Realm and pick up the Star God Ore. This ancient holy object is made of the Star God Ore, which is extremely rare. It is also the characteristics of the Star God Ore that can avoid the perception of the original gods such as the Goddess of Night, Tyrant Adam, and the Lord of Time."

The Goddess of Light groaned.

""Star Realm."

Chen Ge whispered these two words. Some special places in the strange world, such as the Star Realm, the Sea of Time, the Chaos God Realm, the Chaos God Realm, the Chaos Ladder, etc., need to trigger certain conditions to go.

The conditions for the Sea of Time are very demanding.

In the early and middle stages, if you want to go to the Sea of Time, you can only become a god before the first wave of impact.

You can get a reward opportunity.




The wind and snow blowing in the fog are getting stronger and stronger!

Asking for flowers 00


【The first wave of impact has officially arrived! 】

Lord channel!

Red text message flashed!




In the fog outside Chen Ge's territory, densely packed dark creatures rushed out! The first wave of impact is actually a monster attack! If you can't defend, then there is only one result: you will become a tombstone in the lord's cemetery!


Without Chen Ge's order, the angel of death Ymir waved the scythe of death, and the dark creatures that rushed into the territory were instantly harvested!

Black light!

Devoured the corpse of the legendary creature!

The angel of death troop tower automatically transformed into an angel of death!


In the fog!

A large number of dark creatures rushed out again!

These dark creatures seemed to have fallen into madness!

They didn't care about what characters were in Chen Ge's territory!

They roared and pressed forward!



Without any mercy!

Harvesting lives!

Harvesting souls!

In a short period of time!

Nine waves of dark creatures rushed out of the fog!

All were harvested by Ymir alone!

Chen Ge's territory has six or seven more angels of death!


【You survived the first wave!】

【You have been given a chance to explore the astral world!】

【You have been given ten opportunities to go to sea! 】A prompt floated before Chen Ge's eyes. Huh? Explore the star realm? Whatever you need, you will get! The last time I sailed to the star realm, I found a sixteen-winged angel! I found the elder sister of the Lord of Time! I found the wife of Tyrant Adam! This time, as long as I can find the Star God Mine, it will be fine!


【I couldn't even survive the first wave of monsters! I'm done! Remember my name! My original race is a goblin! My name is Sato Ichiro!】

【Damn! Why is there another wave of impact after the first wave? Where is the first wave of impact? I am throwing up! Oh no! I am surrounded by zombies! Help! Someone please save me! My original race is an elf! Elves can build the war ancient tree of the elves! No!】

【Chen Ge, save me!】

【Ghost! There are ghosts! There are so many female ghosts! Don’t come over here! I’m not interested in women!】

Lord channel!

All kinds of wailing!

The avatars of the lords who sent messages turned black one by one!

Black means death!

At least hundreds of thousands of lords didn’t survive the first wave of monsters attacking the city!

Chen Ge was calm!


Use the opportunity to explore the star realm!

Go to the star realm for a stroll!

Chen Ge brought the goddess of luck!

Boarded the Domination-class magic ship and teleported!

The next second!

The Holy Angel was already in the star realm!

At a glance!

It was vast and boundless!


"If you can pick up the Star God Ore this time and upgrade the Ancient Holy Relic Ring, the Lord can rise at super speed! Huh? Wait! It seems that a woman is flying over here!"

The goddess of luck whispered, and she caught a glimpse of something from the corner of her eye. When she looked closely, the goddess of luck covered her mouth and exclaimed!


"This is impossible!"

"Absolutely not!"

"How could it be this goddess, Her Majesty Zero!".

Posted by: AnIsMe, 12/03/2023 15:26

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