

Was she the Lord of the Kingdom of Heaven in the ancient times of the strange world?

From the character panel and rarity, I had already guessed that the little cutie's identity was not simple.

I didn't expect it to be so simple.

Then what is the identity of the little fallen angel Emile?


【Your Eye of Arcane Resonates! 】

Chen Ge was surprised when a message suddenly flashed before his eyes. In an instant, he felt as if he was flying on the spot, and in a short time, he was above the clouds.


Boom! Boom!

The drums of war were beating!



The horns of war were blowing!


With a ruthless roar!

Chen Ge saw billions of angels fighting against billions of demons!

What is this?

A war between gods?

A fight to the death?

Until one side is completely destroyed?


There are twelve-winged angels?

More than one?


The twelve-winged angels are guarding an angel with half pure white wings and half black wings!


Is this the adult form of the little cutie?

Or is it the adult form of Emile?

Or is it the form shared by the two little angels?


God War!

Big Explosion!

""My Lord!"

With a cry of surprise, three twelve-winged angels stabbed the light and dark angel who looked like Avril in the back!

The angel with half pure white wings and half black wings turned into light and disappeared!

Billions of angels turned into nothingness!


Heaven collapsed!


【Your Arcane Eye Resonance Ends!】

A prompt appeared in front of Chen Ge's eyes. The view above the clouds just now disappeared, and all the billions of ghost angels in the Broken Heaven disappeared. Only broken walls and ruins were seen floating in the sky.

It seemed as if just now was just a dream.


The little angel Avril called Chen Ge in a low voice, and a teardrop fell. The teardrop turned into white light, and a building emerged.


Arms Tower!

There is a description of the Arms Tower in the strange world in the Yanlong Academy textbook!

Get the Arms Tower!

But mass-produce a certain type of arm!


【You obtained the Angel Class Tower!】

【Your little Seraph Avril has triggered a mysterious resonance!】

【You will be teleported! 】

The prompt appeared.

A flash of white light.

The next second, Chen Ge and the little angel had returned to the territory.


A building landed on the left side of the Seraph Temple!

It was the Angel Arms Tower!


"This thing...What is coming will come!"

"Therefore, following the Lord's fall is the correct path!"

"All gods are hypocritical, even the tyrant Adam, even the Lord of Time, even the Goddess of Night!"

The goddess of light, the goddess of elves, the goddess of magic, and the goddess of dark moon, the four goddesses looked over, and at this moment they all whispered in the voices of bad women.


The angel troop tower.

The holy light flashed.

One by one, angels flew out.

No more, no less.

Exactly ten.

Ten angels flew directly behind the cute little Avril.


【You have obtained ten angels! 】

A prompt appeared in front of Chen Ge, and ten angel character panels appeared at the same time, all of which were legendary.


Two-winged angels?

The initial level is legendary?

If you only look at the initial level.

It seems that the angel army is not so invincible.

After all, the frost dragon Asakura Ye is a legendary level at the beginning.


The Eye of Arcane!

See if the ten angels have any hidden talents or something like that!

Chen Ge thought about it.

He activated the Eye of Arcane.


Ten angels!

There are really hidden talents!

Ten angels!

Everyone has the talent of the King of Angels!

There is an introduction to the King of Angels in the textbooks of Yanlong Academy!

The twelve-winged angel is called the King of Angels!

The King of Angels is equivalent to the Creator!

Doesn't this mean that all the ten angels are qualified to be promoted to the King of Angels!

The people of my territory, the Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Elf, the Goddess of Dark Moon, the Goddess of Magic, and the Witch of Disaster, these five goddesses are undoubtedly not simple.

It's a pity.

There is a supreme will on their heads.

The five goddesses cannot go down in person at this stage.

So before, the main fighting force was only the little angels Avril and Emile.

Now there are ten more angels.

The main fighting force can be said to have skyrocketed.

"My territory is too small, let's conquer the gray fog area!"

After a brief pause,

Chen Ge opened his mouth and raised his hand at the same time.

Ten angels each gave 10,000 divine stones.

"As you command!"

The ten angels were stunned for a moment when they saw the divine stones, but they quickly came to their senses and swallowed several divine stones on the spot. In an instant, all ten angels were promoted to demigods!


The ten angels turned into light and flew into another outer foggy area!




In front of Chen Ge!

Densely packed prompts appeared!

【You captured the Holy Blood Castle!】

【You conquered Ghost Valley!】

【You captured the Nightmare Cemetery!】

【You have captured the Plains of the Elephants!】

【You conquered Giant's Hill!】

【You have gained Lord Points...】

【Your territory has expanded...】


【Your lord points have exceeded 1 million!】

【Your territory has expanded to a radius of 100 li! 】

In less than an hour, the territory has expanded to a radius of 100 li.

【My Luo Guangming territory has broken through fifteen miles!】

【My Asakura Ye territory has broken through fifteen miles!】

【My Andre's territory has also broken through 15 miles! 】

Lord channel.

Several lords announced the area of their territories in a high-profile manner.

Chen Ge just smiled faintly.

With a wave of his hand, he gave each of the ten angels another 10,000 divine stones.


Just finished rewarding the ten angels!

There is a message reminder!

The message comes from the chat group of the gods!


【The God of Love has started a live broadcast! 】

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