There is no doubt that

Tyrant Adam was angry.

Normally, when the gods are communicating, they will not call out each other's real names, let alone the real name of a goddess.

For a moment, the gods in the chat group of the gods chose to remain silent. No matter what, Tyrant Adam is an original god, but in the eyes of the gods, Tyrant Adam's image is no longer as tall and majestic as the Father.

Chen Ge just smiled and sent an invitation to the Magic Goddess through the chat group of the gods.

Wow! The live broadcast screen of the Magic Goddess disappeared in the chat group of the gods.

It was shown that she had gone offline


【Tyrant Adam has left the chat group! 】

Almost at the same time, a prompt message flashed


"Adam God has left the group?"

"Oh my! There is no need to leave the group! So the question is, did God Adam leave the group because of the rejection of the Magic Goddess, or because of the clarification just now made by the Magic Goddess?"

"I Hercules didn't expect...The Goddess of Magic actually agreed to the invitation of the God of Knowledge because of the magic stone!"

"Her Majesty the Magic Goddess actually clarified it herself and said that she was interested in the God Stone. My worldview has suffered a huge impact!"

The Gods' information was flooding the screen.


At the same time, in Chen Ge's territory, a tall figure wearing a black robe landed.

The Magic Goddess!

She landed in Chen Ge's territory!

"God of Knowledge, thank you for your generous reward. I brought a bottle of ancient heavenly wine. I think we can talk about cooperation while tasting tea and wine, or even the topic of marriage....Hmm? God of knowledge? How?...The Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Elves, and the Goddess of the Dark Moon in the Abyss...Are you three here?"

The magic goddess was dignified and generous. With a slight wave of her hand, a bottle of wine appeared out of thin air. She was only halfway through her words when she was startled. The next moment, her brows slightly frowned.

Her exquisite face turned into a world-weary face in an instant.

This is not the kingdom of God!

This is a mortal territory in the mortal world!


The Goddess of Light!

The Goddess of Dark Moon!

The Goddess of Elves!

How could they gather here!


The magic goddess lit up with divine light, and she was about to teleport away directly, but the next second she returned to the original place. She instantly sensed something! She couldn't teleport away!

She couldn't transmit any information to the outside world!

She couldn't even respond to believers!

This mortal territory is very strange!


【Your broken Taoist temple is forcibly bound to the Magic Goddess!】

【The Magic Goddess can't do any harm to you!】

【You have obtained the magic network talent of the magic goddess!】

【You get unlimited magic power!】

【The people in your territory have gained unlimited magic power!】

【Your territory population +1! 】A prompt appeared in front of Chen Ge.

"Magic goddess, welcome to join our big family."

Chen Ge smiled.


A strange scene appeared!

The fog outside the territory!

Suddenly it retreated three miles!

Chen Ge's territory instantly expanded by three miles!



As long as the Taoist temple is bound to a god?

The territory will expand by itself?

The expansion area is related to the god's rank?

The Creator is five miles?

The Pillar God is three miles?

Below the Pillar God is one mile?

Chen Ge's thoughts flashed.

"you...Not the God of Knowledge? Your territory is very strange. You can no longer transmit information to the outside world through normal means, but the chat group of the gods can still transmit information. I think I should expose you!"The magic goddess stared at Chen Ge.

She was already online in the chat group of the gods.

But she was surprised to find that she couldn't start the live broadcast, but the next second she found that she could send messages, so she immediately sent a message

"There is something wrong with the God of Knowledge. The God of Knowledge is pretended by a mortal lord. The mortal's territory has the Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Elf and the Goddess of Dark Moon. I smell the smell of a shocking conspiracy!"



This mortal lord doesn't seem to be worried at all?


The Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Elf!

Why are they holding the arms of this mortal lord on the left and right!

Wait a minute!

Why is the Elf Goddess, who is known for her purity, wearing black stockings!

Isn't this what those lowly succubi in the abyss love to wear the most!

The noble and pure Goddess of Light?

The pure Elf Goddess with ancient blood?

Are they both corrupted?

The Magic Goddess observed the gods' words and expressions and felt extremely strange. When she scanned the chat group of the gods and thought that she had exposed the weird mortal lord in front of her, her eyes suddenly widened...

"The kingdom of the God of Knowledge is rarely seen as grand and majestic, full of the style of the ancient times! There are many books with angel wings here, they are really a group of cute little ones, flipping through any book here makes people happy!"


The exposure message she just sent in the group chat of the gods!

It turned into this sentence!

The magic goddess swept across the territory in front of her, there was only a shabby oriental Taoist temple and two holy churches, other than that it was extremely empty!

Grand and majestic?

The style of the ancient times?

Books with angel wings?

All the books are cute?

At this moment, the magic goddess wanted to vomit blood!

"Woohoo! Angel, don't cry for me!"

"The Goddess of Magic really accepted the invitation of the God of Knowledge, but I, Bal, cannot accept it!"

"First it was the Elf Goddess, and now it’s the Magic Goddess. The Magic Goddess also praised the Kingdom of the God of Knowledge. I, Hercules, am a tough guy, but my heart aches at this moment!"The chat group of the gods.

The messages of the gods flashed by.

The Magic Goddess rolled her eyes at the messages.

"Since it has come to this, I won't be so hypocritical. I think we can cooperate! I am tired of the days when the original gods are above the gods. The Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Elves have fallen, right? I can also fall!"

Taking a few deep breaths, the Goddess of Magic sorted out her emotions, stared at Chen Ge's eyes, raised her hand and snapped her fingers, and the divine robe wrapped around her body changed.


A divine light flashed!

The Goddess of Magic changed into a black evening dress! The collar of this evening dress is so low! The waist of the evening dress is so high! The Goddess of Magic also changed into a pair of red high heels! The eyes of the Goddess of Light, the Goddess of Elves, the Goddess of Dark Moon, and the little angel Avril all lit up!


【You received a private message from Lucifer!】

【brother...Although the Magic Goddess has come to visit your kingdom, you will definitely not be able to touch her hand this time. Based on my understanding of the Magic Goddess, you will definitely not be able to touch her hand! 】

At this time.

Lucifer sent a private message


Chen Ge responded to Lucifer

【Darkened? What? The magic goddess darkened? What does that mean? I, Lucifer, can't understand it! 】

Lucifer replied again in seconds.

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