
【Chen Ge is the first among the top ten Blue Star students!】

【The title is above the Lord of the Earth! 】

Here it comes!

The giant screen above the Blue Star Sky Hotel!

The world announcement of the strange world lord channel was simultaneously refreshed!


The wine glass in the hand of the richest man in Blue Star fell to the ground, and the rare champagne worth hundreds of thousands of dollars a glass was spilled all over the floor!


The richest man on Blue Star couldn't hold it in any longer, and cursed, staring at the giant screen!

Chen Ge!

It's this Chen Ge again!

This kid has no original race!

He actually won the first place among students for three consecutive times!

"Damn it! Chen Ge, this kid! Did he find a seriously injured goddess after entering the strange world and gain her talent? I, the dean of Yanlong College, can't figure it out that the worst student in the history of our college is actually the best student in this class!"

Yanlong College President Musk also swore.

"Chen Ge..."

"The goddess of the strange world..."

"Maybe this is possible!"

"Everyone knows that if a noble woman is conquered by a man of"080", there is a very high probability that she will be devoted to that man! I have specially investigated this Chen Ge and read his experience report. He is indeed gifted beyond ordinary people!"

"Forehead...We don’t know!"

"Chen Ge...Hasn't he entered the Chaos God Realm to fight? If there is a goddess behind him, how far can he go? Can he establish the third God family on Blue Star?"

The top celebrities on Blue Star were discussing this.

Head teacher Gao Lan was stunned for a moment, and Chen Ge's physical examination report appeared in front of her. Her face turned slightly red, and she wiped away the distracting thoughts in her heart.

Chen Ge!

It is indeed a super dark horse!

In fact, until now!

His family has not found out what kind of adventure Chen Ge has obtained!

Behind Chen Ge!

It is very likely that there is a goddess at the level of the original creator!

【I don't accept it!】

【I, Luo Guangming, have the title of emperor, but I can’t even make the list. How could my title of emperor be inferior to those of other students!】

【I have completed more than a hundred tasks day and night this month to get the title of emperor. You tell me that I can't make the list! 】

Weird world.

Lord channel.

Luo Guangming is crazy

【Chen Ge is number one again?】

【Chen Ge has won first place for three consecutive times!】

【The reward this time is too exaggerated. Chen Ge is going to become stronger again. Who can catch up with this guy? I thought a dark horse would come out. I thought someone from the Shenlong family would appear, but it turned out to be Chen Ge!】

【Chen Ge’s title is Lord of the World?】

【No! The world notice said it was above the Lord of the World! So here comes the question! What title is above the Lord of the World!】

【Chen Ge! Chen Ge! I really want to exchange lives with Chen Ge! In this strange world, is there a magic card that allows you to exchange lives?】

【I'm convinced!】

【I, Medivh, will never be a slave! Wait for the fourth student ranking! I don't believe you'll still be number one!】

【Shit! Did you notice! In this student ranking! Only Chen Ge is above several beauties!】

【I also want to be on top of some beautiful women! 】

Lord channel.

Information is flooding the screen


【You have obtained the Pillar Godhead Reward!】

【You have obtained the Creator's inheritance!】

【You have obtained 100,000 divine stones!】

【You have been given a chance to explore the Chaos Realm!】

【You have obtained one of three god-level arms! 】

Chen Ge, the reward has been issued


【The Divine Critical Hit Ring is triggered!】

【The trigger multiplier is 999!】

【You have obtained 999 pillar godhoods! 】

The bronze ring on his hand flashed with mysterious light, and the pillar godhood rewarded by one second became 999.

However, his attention was not on the godhood, nor on the Creator's inheritance, but on the projections of the three arms that appeared.

The first arm: the Holy Dragon!

The second arm: the Heavenly Knight!

The third arm: the Moon Angel!

Three arms.

All are god-level arms of the Chaos God Realm.

With a glance,

Chen Ge directly filtered out the Holy Dragon and the Heavenly Knight, and his sight fell on the Moon Angel. He could only see some basic information descriptions.


The Eye of Arcane!

Scan the Moon Angel!

Chen Ge activated the Eye of Arcane!

【Moon Angel: The guardian of the Chaos Moon in the Chaos Divine Realm, the initial level master, protected by the Chaos Moon. As long as the Chaos Moon exists, the Moon Angel is immortal!】

【The Moon Angel can trigger the Ancient Moon Tide. Every Ancient Moon Tide has a very high chance of connecting to the Chaos Sea. Items in the Chaos Sea have a certain chance of falling along with the Ancient Moon Tide!】

【The Moon Angel is not good at speaking, the Moon Angel can walk in the depths of extreme cold, and the Moon Angel also represents the past, so the Moon Angel can repair some ruined kingdoms of God and ruined worlds!】

【Under special conditions, the Moon Angel can summon the Chaos Moon, which can crush and destroy the owner! 】


There is something!

Even if you don’t look at the fourth item!

The descriptions of the first three items are very good!

The fourth item!

That’s too buggy!

A dominant Moon Angel!

Summoning the Chaos Moon!

Crush and destroy the owner!

This is simply like a fairy tale! It seems that the conditions for summoning the Chaos Moon are extremely strict!


Choose one of the three types of soldiers!

Choose the Moon Angel! (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Chen Ge made a choice.


The shadow of the Moon Angel!

It suddenly became solid!


At the same time!

A soldier tower landed in the territory!


【You get a Monthly Angel!】

【You have obtained the Moon Angel troop building tower!】

【You can summon a Lunar Angel with Chaos Moonlight!】

【There is a certain chance of obtaining Chaos Moonlight when exploring the astral world! 】

A series of information appeared!

The newly born Moon Angel swept across Chen Ge's territory, and a look of surprise flashed across his eyes. The territory in front of him was clearly just the territory of a lord in the strange world....



In this earthly lord's territory, there are so many goddesses. There is even that terrifying crystal coffin. Why is this territory so abnormal?

""It's your reward."

Chen Ge casually raised his hand and threw 200,000 God Stones to Moon Angel, who was stunned.

God Stones?

This earthly lord?

He gave me so many God Stones?

Doesn't he know?

What does God Stone mean in this era?

"Moon Angel Audrey...Thank you, Lord!"

After taking a deep breath, the Moon Angel accepted the 200,000 divine stones and performed an ancient ritual towards Chen Ge.

"Audrey...It's a good name."

Chen Ge smiled.

"Huh? Dad! My name is Amelie! You never praised my name! Is my name bad? Dad! I want the divine stone too!"

On the side of the little seraph Avril, the space-time silver dragon Amelie was immediately unhappy when she heard it.



This name!

This name is extraordinary!

The moon angel's heart trembled, and she looked at the space-time silver dragon, and was a little confused for a moment.

A space-time silver dragon?

Why is it called this name?


Chen Ge casually threw 500,000 divine stones to the Spacetime Silver Dragon.

"I want to share it with sister Avril!"

The little thing was immediately happy and gave half of the magic stone to Avril.


The little fallen angel Emile saw this scene!

He snorted!

"Lord...You must have heard that in the ancient times of the strange world, there was a goddess of natural disasters named Amei. In fact, in an even more ancient time, there was another goddess named Amei. That goddess was more terrifying than the goddess of natural disasters...."

The Moon Angel thought for a moment and silently used 3.9 soul transmission.

"I don't care about these. Audrey, can you activate the Ancient Moon Tide?"

Chen Ge's soul responded.



Don't care about these?


Aren't you afraid of the legendary horrible curse?


Lord is really a weirdo....

"Audrey will start an Ancient Moon Tide now."

After a pause, the Moon Angel responded with her soul again, then slowly closed her eyes and began to sing an ancient ballad.


When the song sounded!

Over the territory!

The fog immediately dissipated!

A super moon appeared!


The next second!

Lord Channel!

World Notice appeared!


【The Moon Angel launched the Ancient Moon Tide!】

【The ancient moon tide connects to the Chaos Sea!】

【Random encounter time burst!】

【There is a certain chance that Chaos Sea items will drop in your territory!】

【Chaos Sea items may be God King artifacts, Supreme artifacts, the inheritance of the Lord of Destruction, or natural disasters, world-destroying torrents, and the corpse of the Lord of Destruction! 】.

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