
【Your broken Taoist temple is forcibly bound to the fallen angel Emile!】

【Your territory population +1! 】


The character panel of the little fallen angel Emile appears.

【Citizens: Emile】

【Level: Legend】

【Species: Fallen Angel】

【Skills: Dark Magic, Dark Forbidden Spell, Dark Great Forbidden Spell (requires magic support), Chaos Forbidden Spell (not unlocked)】

【Talent: Power of the Fall】

【Talent: Divine Right】

【Talent: God Master】


【Character Rarity: Fantasy】

This initial panel.

Isn't it a copy of Avril

? Seraph Avril?

Fallen Angel Emile?

One symbolizes light?

One symbolizes darkness?

Natural black and white twins?

Twin sisters?

Wait! Is there a way? Avril is the trumpet of the Goddess of Light. Emile is the trumpet of the Goddess of Dark Moon. Chen Ge thought of something.

""My Lord, I'm still a baby, I'm so hungry!"

Emile flew to Chen Ge, hugged one of his legs, rubbed his head against him and acted like a spoiled child.


When the Dark Moon Goddess saw this scene, she was stunned for a moment. She knew very well the origin of the little fallen angel Emile.

Under normal circumstances, even if he had not fully awakened, Emile would not bother to look at the Goddess of Light. But Emile was so close to a lord. Could it be that Emile already knew that the lord had many divine stones?

"Are you hungry?...Take it as a snack."

Chen Ge smiled slightly, and with a wave of his hand, 100,000 divine stones appeared.

""Divine Stone!"

Emile exclaimed, and flew to the 100,000 Divine Stones. He blinked wildly in disbelief. The little creature suddenly stretched out its hand, quickly took a Divine Stone and swallowed it.



The little creature was lit up with divine light.

Legend was promoted to demigod.

""Woo woo woo! Divine Stone! Tastes like chocolate! So delicious! Thank you, Lord! I will definitely work hard!"

Emile shouted, showing off more than a dozen Divine Stones in a row, with a look of satisfaction and enjoyment on his face.

"I won't give it to you!"

The little thing put away the remaining magic stones and gave Avril a boastful look. Avril only took out a magic stone from her pocket and ate it. The little thing was stunned for a moment and instantly understood. Humph!

You also have magic stones given by the lord, right!

But you are not good at work!

This baby is good at work!

This baby will get more magic stones as rewards!

""My Lord, I will start working now!"

Emile snorted in his heart, winked at Chen Ge, and said that the dark fallen angel flapped its wings and flew into the territory's fog.




Wherever Emile passed!

The fog retreated crazily!


"Dad! Come out and see the angel!"

"We are the people of the Beast God. Who dares to attack us? Ah? Angel? Fallen Angel? Lord Angel, spare my life!"

"Angel? No! Don't kill me! I am a believer of the Witch of Disaster! The Witch of Disaster is an abyss demon that is older than the Lord of Disaster!"

""A fallen angel is coming, run for your lives, Asian dragons!"

Then there were countless screams of terror.

The little fallen angel Emile did not cast any magic. Wherever her fallen angel wings passed, the dark creatures instantly exploded into blood mist and turned into ashes in an instant.


【You captured the Frostwolf Horde!】

【You captured the Calamity Shrine!】

【You've captured the Wurm's Lair!】

【You've captured Old Hag Swamp!】

【You have obtained the legendary weapon, the Frostwolf Blade!】

【You have been given a chance to pray to the Witch of Disaster!】

【You obtained an ancient dragon egg!】

【You have obtained the old witch's underwear!】

【You have obtained 100,000 Lord Points!】

【Your territory has expanded by twenty miles!】

【Your territory has expanded to a radius of thirty miles! 】

In front of Chen Ge.

The continuous harvest prompt appeared.

Ancient dragon eggs?

Can they be hatched?

Old witch's underwear?


Chen Ge glanced at the old witch's underwear and was slightly stunned. The old witch in the weird world actually wore lace underwear.


Emile flew back.

"Lord...I feel a little sleepy all of a sudden. I'll take a nap first, and then I'll work for the Lord!"

The little thing yawned, and flew into the Temple of the Fallen Angels. With a bang, the door of the Temple of the Fallen Angels closed.

"How about it..."Emile is very useful, right?"

The Dark Moon Goddess' eyes moved.


Chen Ge made a move.

Ten thousand God Stones appeared.

With a flick of his finger, ten thousand God Stones flew in front of the Dark Moon Goddess.

"Lord...That's too polite. I'll accept it. Thank you for the reward, Lord!"

The Dark Moon Goddess was stunned for a moment, then she came to her senses and accepted 10,000 God Stones with a smile.


【Gods chat group!】

【The magic goddess is online!】

【The Magic Goddess has started a live broadcast! 】

Suddenly, there was a message prompt.

Chen Ge opened the chat group of the gods and saw a woman wearing an extremely gorgeous robe.


Is this the Magic Goddess?

Her face is exquisite!

But it seems to be a face of world-weariness!

As if she has no interest in anything!



Two figures flew out of the Seraph Temple. They are the Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Elves.

"My Lord, please quickly trick the Magic Goddess over here. If you can get the Magic Goddess, you will have unlimited magic power!"

"Lord, use the magic stone to hit the magic goddess hard! The Dark Moon Goddess was knocked unconscious by the Lord. No matter how cold the magic goddess is, she can't resist the attack of the magic stone! The price in the mind of the magic goddess should not exceed three million magic stones!"

The two goddesses smiled like bad women.

The Dark Moon Goddess rolled her eyes.


At this time.

The chat group of the gods.

There is another prompt


【Tyrant Adam joins the chat group! 】


The gods chat group was in an uproar


"Oh my god! The original god! Tyrant Adam is known as the goddess of night and the lord of time!"

"Lord Tyrant has awakened, will Lord Goddess of Night also awaken? Is Lord Goddess of Night going to start a live broadcast? I want to see the supreme divine posture of Lord Goddess of Night!"

"Adam God...Do you want to invite the goddess of magic to visit your kingdom?"

"Adam God...A primordial god...If you invite the Magic Goddess, she won't refuse!"

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