"I've met my lord!"

Wuwei, the current leader of the Grass Ninja Village, was considered a good player even in the Kage level. After seeing Uchiha Feiyu, he half-knelt on the ground without hesitation, with a look of fanatical loyalty on his face.

Of course, Tsunade, who had cultivated the sage mode and awakened the sage body, just took a closer look and determined that this guy must have been under an illusion to be so respectful to Uchiha Feiyu.

"Get up, Wuwei."

Uchiha Feiyu waved his hand and said straight to the point:

"I am looking for you this time because I hope you will cooperate with the Konoha Ninja Village and participate in this war against the Iwa Ninja Village and the Cloud Ninja Village."

"Understood, sir, I will mobilize for war right now and lead the troops to support Konoha tomorrow!"

"Sir, how many troops do you need?"

Uchiha Feiyu said calmly:

"Then send all the ninjas out. Anyway, there are not many ninjas in the Grass Ninja Village nowadays."

"OK, I see."

Wuwei agreed without any hesitation, walked out of the room, and began to issue orders resolutely.

The three Kage-level ninjas in the Grass Ninja Village were all controlled by Uchiha Feiyu using illusions. With the combined efforts of these three senior officials, all the ninjas in the Grass Ninja Village had directly formed a ninja in the early morning of the next day. force.

After hearing about the war, these ordinary ninjas had no complaints, and many even looked excited. You must know that there is a battle, which is equivalent to having new Qi and Blood Pills in their account. For some people who want to make progress, there is no way. This is indeed good news for ninjas who don't care about their lives.

During this period of time, the Grass Ninja Village has wiped out almost all the wandering ninjas in the country, even the ninjas from some small countries nearby.

Because there is no goal, it has developed to the point where the entire ninja village is almost killing each other. But if you can rely on outside ninjas to make alchemy, it will certainly be better than the ninjas in your own ninja village.

When Wuwei led the people from the Grass Ninja Village to the battlefield, Uchiha Feiyu also took Tsunade and directly passed the time and space ninjutsu to the vicinity of Konoha's camp.

At this time, Konoha's troops had just arrived in the Country of Grass. The camp was very crudely built, and the leader was Uchiha Fugaku.

This time, Konoha was taking the lead for the Uchiha and Hyuga clans. Naturally, the two clans had to send the largest number of troops. There were about three to four hundred registered ninjas from the Uchiha clan, and almost all of them joined Konoha's troops.

The Uchiha clan has always been a generation of elites, inheriting the blood of the Sage of Six Paths. Even if the Uchiha has not opened his eyes, he is stronger than ordinary ninjas in terms of chakra amount, changes in chakra properties in the body, and control over chakra. Basically, they are all at the Chunin level.

As long as Uchiha's eyes are open, he will be at the special jounin level at worst, and Sanmagatama Uchiha is also a ruthless character among jounin.

Nowadays, among the Uchiha clan, there are probably more than 100 eye-opening ninjas and more than 20 three magatama, which adds up to more than 20 jounin and more than 100 special jounin!

It can be said that although the number of the ninja troops sent by Konoha this time is small, the quality is definitely high enough because of the outpouring of the Uchiha clan.

The leader of this ninja force is, not surprisingly, Uchiha Fugaku. Even though he no longer has the Mangekyo Sharingan, the power of the three Magatama is no less than Kage level.

After all, Mangekyo's eyes are gone, but the body after the bloodline is awakened is much stronger than the ordinary three-magatama Uchiha in various conditions.

"Hokage-sama, are you here too?"

After receiving the news of Tsunade's arrival, Uchiha Fugaku walked out of the camp with some surprise. After realizing that Tsunade was the real person, he was even more at a loss.

Shouldn't the Hokage stay in the ninja village? Why are you running directly to the battlefield? Whose command should the army follow then?

Before Uchiha Fugaku could think clearly, Tsunade had already spoken directly:

"Don't worry, Fugaku, I'm just here to inform you of some new information. Konoha has reached an agreement with the Grass Ninja Village, and soon the ninjas from the Grass Ninja Village will come to support us!"

"The Country of Grass?! Those grassroots ninjas were actually willing to support us from the beginning!"

There was a slightly shocked expression on Uchiha Fugaku's face. A small ninja village like Grass Country would not place bets immediately every time there was a ninja war. They would not make a bet until which side had the advantage. They may help out and add insult to injury to the losing party.

This is the way to survive in Xiao Ninja Village. Otherwise, if the bet fails at the beginning, it is very likely to be swept by the winner. On the contrary, although the behavior of the wallflower is despised, the winning party will not trouble them again.

"That's right, and don't worry, the Grass Ninja Village will definitely support us 100% this time."

Tsunade said calmly, and Uchiha Fugaku could only nod his head after hearing the words. Since even the Hokage personally guaranteed it, he would not have any doubts.

As for why the Grass Ninja Village behaved like this, he was not concerned. Anyway, he just wanted to ensure that the ninjas in the Grass Ninja Village could help.

After saying a few words to Uchiha Fugaku, Tsunade and Uchiha Feiyu left the camp directly. Looking at the two people who disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye, Uchiha Fugaku's eyes showed a bit of thinking.

"Father, what's wrong with you? What are you thinking about?"

A familiar voice with a hint of childishness sounded in Uchiha Fugaku's ears. Uchiha Fugaku came back to his senses, glanced at his son Uchiha Itachi standing beside him, and shook his head:

"Nothing... I'm just a little surprised. I didn't expect that there was a ninja who mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique by the side of the Hokage. The background of the Hokage is really unfathomable!"

I remember that the Uchiha who took my eyes away at the beginning also possessed the time and space ninjutsu...

But soon Uchiha Fugaku laughed at himself and threw this idea out of his mind. The space ninjutsu used by both sides was completely different. It's not like he didn't know the effect of the Flying Thunder God Technique. What unreliable things was he thinking about?

Although Tsunade, the Hokage, was not very close to the Uchiha clan, he was not as afraid of the Uchiha clan as the Third Hokage, so Uchiha Fugaku didn't think Tsunade would let his men do such a thing. He didn't even think that anyone in Konoha Ninja Village knew that he had opened the Mangekyō.

Not knowing that Uchiha Fugaku almost suspected the truth, Uchiha Feiyu relied on the Flying Thunder God Technique to place a large number of array plates in the Grass Country to carry out preliminary preparations.

The territory of the Grass Country is much larger than the original valley. Uchiha Feiyu used the Divine Power Space to transfer most of his cauldrons in the Konoha Ninja Village. Only within three days, he was ready for the illusion array.

Next, everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

In the sky, a basin-sized crystal ball slowly floated up. In the center of the crystal ball was a Sharingan in the shape of a kaleidoscope.

The crystal ball floated higher and higher until it reached an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, and then it finally stabilized.

Sitting on a hillside, Uchiha Feiyu could vaguely feel the hidden little dot in the sky, which was also the limit of his perception ability.

Then Uchiha Feiyu slightly closed his eyes, and the chakra and pupil power in his body quickly connected with the crystal ball in the sky. In just a moment, Uchiha Feiyu felt that he had a new perspective.

The crystal ball tens of thousands of meters high seemed to have become his other eye, looking clearly at the earth, but at tens of thousands of meters high, even after being refined, the vision of the Mangekyo Sharingan has improved again, and it is very blurry when looking at the ground. Ordinary humans are almost like some ants, and can only see a small black dot.

This is already the amazing vision of the Mangekyo Sharingan. If it is replaced with an ordinary eye, looking down at tens of thousands of meters high, basically nothing can be seen clearly.

"It seems that this thing can't be used as a satellite... Maybe it will be better to replace it with the Eternal Mangekyo?"

However, it seems a bit too wasteful to use an Eternal Mangekyo as a satellite in the sky... I don't know if the reincarnation eye on the moon can be directly transformed into a magic weapon by him?

If there is that huge reincarnation eye, it is not a problem to cover the entire ninja world. The only problem is that Uchiha Feiyu's chakra is not enough, and the duration of the illusion may only be calculated in hours or even minutes.

The idea flashed through his mind, and Uchiha Feiyu concentrated his mind on the large Sharingan instrument in the sky, directly inputting the chakra and pupil power in his body to the maximum extent.

A faint red light instantly spread out from the huge crystal ball in the sky, sweeping across the entire Grass Kingdom. Uchiha Feiyu did not use illusions, but just tested the effect of this crystal ball.

However, Uchiha Feiyu also found that when he used his pupil power to scan the entire Grass Kingdom, he could clearly see the movements of all ninjas in the entire Grass Kingdom. From this perspective, the crystal Sharingan in the sky can still be used as a satellite, but it consumes a little chakra.

When the pupil power scanned, the ninjas in the Land of Grass did not react much. Most of the ninjas did not know what happened. Only Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Obito seemed to feel something. They looked around in confusion and looked up at the sky, but still found nothing.

"At this time, Uchiha Shisui still hasn't awakened the Mangekyō?"

Looking at Uchiha Shisui who did not react, Uchiha Feiyu got the answer. Although Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Obito no longer had the Mangekyō, their bloodlines had also awakened to the level of the Mangekyō. Naturally, they had some sensitivity to the high-purity pupil power that permeated the sky.

If Uchiha Shisui also awakened the Mangekyō, his reaction would definitely be clearer than Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Obito. Even if Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyō was an illusion type, it might be able to resist the illusion in the sky.

Uchiha Feiyu's small Tsukuyomi is definitely not as good as the real infinite Tsukuyomi, not only in terms of range, but also in terms of quality. The general Mangekyō may be no problem, but if it is an illusion-type Mangekyō, Uchiha Feiyu has no confidence that he can control it.

But it doesn't matter... When everyone around him is controlled, then Uchiha Feiyu can completely perform a Truman show for Uchiha Shisui, a large-scale real illusion.

"It's decided... Before the real battle begins, let Uchiha Shisui open the Mangekyō Sharingan!"


Two days later, the ninjas from the Rock Village also came to the Land of Grass, started to build a camp, and sent out ninjas to gather intelligence. At the same time, all the ninjas from the Land of Grass also came to the Konoha camp to join them.

Various ninja teams used for exploration roamed around the small country of the Land of Grass. Although the real battle had not yet begun, the intelligence exploration work of both sides had already begun.

In the Konoha camp.

"Patrol and explore intelligence? Okay, I understand!"

Uchiha Shisui, who received the task, nodded, said something to his three companions, and left the camp directly.

When leaving, Uchiha Shisui did not notice that the red light of the Sharingan flashed in the eyes of both the ninja who gave the order and his three companions.

More than ten hours later, Uchiha Shisui led his three companions and plunged into an ambush circle of the Rock Ninja. Hundreds of ninjas directly surrounded their four-man team...

After a brutal battle, two of Uchiha Shisui's companions covered his retreat, and another companion carried the injured Uchiha Shisui on his back and tried to escape alive.

"Put me down, Yoshiko... In this way, neither of us can escape!"

"No, Shisui! Konoha ninjas don't have the habit of abandoning their companions."

The ninja named Yoshiko shouted, which made Uchiha Shisui full of emotion and sadness. The three magatama in his eyes kept spinning, and even had some slight changes.

"Not good... The other party is chasing us!"

The explosion from the back startled the two of them. It was the detonating talisman trap designed for retreat at the beginning, which was alarmed by someone. Obviously, the pursuer was not too far away from them.

Sure enough, a moment later, there was a swishing sound, and more than a dozen Rock Ninjas caught up with Uchiha Shisui again.

"It's that Uchiha brat... We can't let him go!"

"This brat killed half of our ninjas... He's so young, but he has such talent. We can't let him get away!"

"Kill, kill them!"

As they spoke, the ninjas from the Iwagakure threw out their kunai and shuriken without hesitation. Uchiha Shisui felt his body swaying, and was thrown to the ground by his teammates.

He just raised his head and immediately saw his teammate named Ryoko, standing in front of him, with his body pierced like a hedgehog.

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