Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 94: Sirius Black's reaction

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The Daily Prophet is really too concocted.

Grindelwald, who didn't know much about the story of the past, was a little curious and amazed at Peter Pettigrew when he flipped through the newspaper in his hand: "This is a very scary person, I always thought he was a victim..."

Just don't say anything else!

This forbearance is amazing enough!

According to Wesson's age, these stories hidden in history must be the work of Peter Pettigrew himself.

Even Grindelwald has to admit that a person who is willing to suppress his own nature, a person who pretends to wait for an opportunity for many years, is definitely not a simple person.

"He's also a man to be respected."

Grindelwald complimented Peter Pettigrew in passing, turned over the other side of the newspaper, and read the story behind with some interest: "Not everyone can endure and suppress themselves for so many years, just to wait for a possible opportunity, the last The important thing is that he also seized that opportunity..."

[We all know what happened next...]

[James Potter and Lily Potter died under the spell of the mysterious man, the great mother Lily Potter inspired herself to learn that spell, and she gave her children the power to conquer The ability of the Dark Lord. 】

[Everything was as predicted by Peter Pettigrew. It was for this moment that he forbeared for many years. The Dark Lord, who was always known for his cunning and deceit, died in a conspiracy carefully woven by him, along with a great mother and her husband, leaving only a child who defeated the Dark Lord. 】

[A tale of a cunning conspirator, a wicked Dark Lord and a great mother who created a boy who survived, the boy we are still missing, the esteemed Mr. Harry Potter . 】

"I thought Dumbledore would blame everything on Peter Pettigrew..."

When Wilson Wright looked at these, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "It seems that he still wants that little guy from Harry Potter to be a hero."

If the safety of Harry Potter is simply considered, Dumbledore should probably find a way to count everything on Peter Pettigrew's head, so that it is not easy to cause the hidden Voldemort's hostility to Harry Potter.

However, it now seems that Dumbledore may not be willing to let Harry Potter become a wizard who can grow up safely. He still hopes that the boy can become a hero in the wizarding world.


This is Dumbledore.

In comparison, Sirius Black, who has just been released from Azkaban, may have a simpler mind, because he is reading the newspaper and smashing the table one by one!


Sirius Black is about to blow up!

Unexpectedly, he was toyed with by Peter Pettigrew!

[Peter Pettigrew's conspiracy is flawless...]

[The Dark Lord died, and the Potters died. However, when the conspiracy succeeded, he had to consider another person who knew some secrets, the friend Sirius Black who once trusted him very much... 】

[Sirius Black is the only one who knows that Peter Pettigrew leaked the address of Potter's house to the mysterious person, which originated from the mad bloodline of the pure blood family Black, so that Sirius began to hunt and kill Peter Pettigrew, with the intention of killing Po. The Te family took revenge, but unfortunately he also became a victim of the conspiracy in the end...]

[For a terrifying conspirator like Peter Pettigrew, it is much easier to deceive and frame Sirius Black than to deceive the Dark Lord. Those conspiracies are simply engraved in his bones...]

[Peter Pettigrew used Sirius' pursuit to plan a shocking explosion. He used a powerful blasting spell to blow up a street, and the lives of twelve Muggles became victims... At the same time, Peter Pettigrew left behind With a finger of his own, cheating death escaped the sight of the world. 】

[The only Sirius Black, who was chasing him, paid the price and was framed by him to enter Azkaban with this bombing case. Since then, no one will know his secret anymore, everyone thought he was dead... And Our Ministry of Magic and Sir Merlin even considered him a hero and awarded him an Order of the First Class. 】


12 Grimmauld Place.

This is the ancestral home of the Black family.

On the first day of Sirius Black's release from prison, he originally wanted to visit Harry Potter, but Dumbledore stopped him and only allowed him to stay in his home temporarily to avoid causing more hatred.

Now Sirius can only read the newspapers in the big house, while punching the table from time to time, not even the house-elves who have been staying in this ancestral house dare to approach.

"That bastard, that bastard, that bastard!"

Sirius Black angrily slammed his fists on the table, even if the blood oozes from his fists, he doesn't care, this kind of pain can't offset the hatred in his heart at all!

Because of the relationship that has just been released from prison, Sirius Black's body is still thin, and even his face is covered with a beard. However, he doesn't care about his own image, and just wants to seek revenge on Peter Pettigrew!

"Calm down, Blake."

Dumbledore sat across from Sirius Black, soothing his emotions softly: "This is not the time to seek revenge from him, now you are no longer his opponent..."

"I must kill him!"

Sirius Black suddenly burst into tears!

At this moment, his remorse and pain came back to his heart!

Although Dumbledore put the fault of the year on Peter Pettigrew during the reporter's interview, Sirius Black still stubbornly takes his own mistakes and responsibilities!

"You are not his opponent."

Dumbledore emphasized it again in a deep voice, and continued: "You should have seen the report above. The current Peter is not something that anyone can easily deal with."


Peter Pettigrew's strength skyrocketed.

He doesn't look like a normal wizard by any means.

Regarding this matter, Dumbledore pointed this out to the Daily Prophet.

[When everyone thought Peter Pettigrew was dead, even his mother was distraught when she received the First Class Medal and his finger from the Order of Merlin, and soon the poor mother passed away...]

[Peter Pettigrew did not go to visit his mother, he chose to hide and search for all the treasures left by the mysterious man. When the Death Eaters could not wait to break away from the mysterious man, Peter Pettigrew got the treasure left by the mysterious man. Knowledge of black magic, which also allowed him to completely start his own transformation...]

[After eight years, when the man who everyone thought was dead reappeared, he had incarnated into the third-generation Dark Lord, and finally began to gradually show his edge... WwW.8㈦㈦zw.℃οm

[Hogwarts was the first place to discover Peter Pettigrew's return, and professors in the school were frequently attacked by him, because he greedily wanted to seize the treasure left by the founder of Hogwarts... This also made Dumbledore, the strongest white wizard, finally discovered the man who had risen from the dead. 】

[However, Dumbledore made a mistake, and the greatest headmaster in Hogwarts history himself admitted his mistake, he mistakenly believed that Peter Pettigrew should be dealt with before most people realized the threat of Peter Pettigrew, Rather than causing panic in the wizarding world, Dumbledore himself admitted that he should not be too arrogant. 】

[In order to be able to catch Peter Pettigrew, Dumbledore arranged two traps, believing that he had the ability to catch Peter Pettigrew, because he is always the nemesis of the Dark Lord, and his strength is indeed very strong...]

[However, Dumbledore's traps were seen through by Peter Pettigrew, so he lured the first-generation Dark Lord Grindelwald to escape on Christmas Eve and became his own foreign aid, sending Dumbledore a terrifying Christmas Present - Helped him pick out a formidable opponent. 】

[When the legends of the previous era continued to write their stories in Godric's Hollow, Peter Pettigrew broke through the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, easily defeated half of the Aurors in the Ministry of Magic, and used his return to show With the advent of another dark age... the third generation of the Dark Lord is born! 】m.⑧柒7zω.°CoM

have to say. UU Reading

It's really good in the newspapers.

Even Sirius Black, a friend who used to get along with Peter Pettigrew day and night, couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, that coward-like guy actually did such a thing!

If it weren't for the "Daily Prophet"'s revelation, I'm afraid these secrets would be hidden. After reading these, many people would even compare them involuntarily!

The first generation of the Dark Lord, Grindelwald, all of Europe knew that his magical talent was outstanding. Relying on the theory of wizards ruling the world, he attracted a large number of wizards to gather around him, setting off a catastrophe in the magic world;

The second-generation Dark Lord, Mysterious Man, or Voldemort, a student who graduated from Hogwarts, relies on his powerful magical power and the theory of pure-blooded wizards ruling the wizarding world, and has attracted many wizards to stand in his favor. That end, once made the entire British magic world tremble.

The third generation of the Dark Lord, Peter Pettigrew, this guy who has always been invisible, inexplicably feels a little scary, because he calculated the death of Voldemort and calculated the relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Fighting...877 Chinese

Playing tricks to this extent is really a bit scary!

The top people in the entire magic world are being played by Peter Pettigrew, who else can escape Peter Pettigrew's calculations? Maybe only when you die can you know how you died!

"It seems that the entire wizarding world knows Mr. Peter's story..."

Weisen calmly put down the newspaper in his hand, slowly raised his arm, a fierce-looking owl flew straight over and landed on his arm: "I think Mr. Peter may be a little scared now, Tom, we have to go and help him, right?"

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