Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 86: Peter Pettigrew has appeared! Grindelwald is here!

Be a human again from Hogwarts https://

Gellert Grindelwald.

The name is so eloquent.

Just as wizards grow up hearing Albus Dumbledore's name, they will remember Albus Dumbledore's greatest feat, defeating the first-generation Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald.

Any wizard must have heard of this name.

"Hahaha...You like to joke too much."

Rita Skeeter's laughter suddenly became a little louder, and she couldn't help laughing loudly: "How is it possible? How could someone like Grindelwald appear in this place..."

If it weren't for Rita Skeeter, a Ravenclaw student who has been caught up in Ravenclaw's crown all day, this woman would never have missed another big news.

Because it's no secret that the Ministry of Magic has an emergency meeting.

Rita Skeeter would soon learn the news of Gellert Grindelwald's escape from Nurmengard Castle if she wanted to, but it's a pity that the woman's whole body and soul are engulfed in Ravenclaw's crown On top of this gimmick.

Just as Rita Skeeter was laughing loudly, a group of people heard her voice, and many high-ranking Ministry officials who knew the news couldn't help frowning, and they couldn't help but wonder who the **** was going to tell this. Reporters leaked the news.

With their gaze...

Many people in the crowd also gradually looked towards this area.

Among the crowd present, there were also many elderly people.

One of the elderly couples involuntarily followed the crowd, and they also saw the old man standing beside Ms. Bathilda Bagshot, and thus also saw those breathtaking eyes!

The couple immediately involuntarily stared at the old man in disbelief. The wife of the couple covered her lips and exclaimed!



"What did Mrs Scamander say?"

"She said Grindelwald! Grindelwald!"

The entire venue immediately became a riot!

Just when many thought that Mrs. Scamander was the wrong person, Grindelwald smiled and waved to the couple, as if he had met a long-time friend.

"Hi Tina, Newt, long time no see."

After Grindelwald said hello, his hands slowly stood up and stroked his hair from his forehead little by little, and his appearance quickly changed with his movements!

A head of wild white hair!

The arrogant face of a middle-aged man!

This is what Grindelwald looked like when he was raging all over Europe. The wizards in the entire magic world have seen him like this, or this is what people think of Grindelwald!

Grindelwald completed his gorgeous transformation with a calm expression. He watched the elderly couple twist their necks and sighed: "Tina, Newt, it seems that we are also old friends, I originally I thought you would recognize me when I became like this..."


Grindelwald's old friend.

Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein.

When the couple was young, it caused a lot of trouble for his career, and even when he was defeated by Dumbledore, he also had troubles caused by the couple.

"I will never forget you."

Newt Scamander patted his wife's palm, slowly walked out of the crowd, and said honestly: "Your eyes are very unique, especially your right eye is as charming as a gem..."


Newt Scamander's wife looked instantly furious.

When Tina Goldstein heard Newt Scamander complimenting Grindelwald, she felt really about to be **** off by her husband, can this man be so honest and how much emotional intelligence he has Low!

When he was with her back then, he would only praise her eyes as charming as salamanders. How can he still use gemstones as a metaphor when praising Grindelwald? Although Tina knew very well that what Newt said was the truth, it still did not prevent her from being dissatisfied with her husband!

Too much!

"Thank you so much for your compliment."

Grindelwald bowed gracefully and bowed to Newt Scamander, then slowly turned to look at the female reporter Rita Skeeter beside him, smiling: "I'm so sorry, I'm in a hurry Came to dinner and forgot to get a wand, lady, can I borrow your wand now?"

"...when...of course..."

Rita Skeeter looked terrified.

The female reporter carefully took out her wand from her handbag, and her spirit even broke down a bit from fright. Who can tell her what to do when she encounters the Dark Lord during an interview?

"The material of the rod body is maple, and the core of the rod is the heart nerve of the fire dragon."

Grindelwald fiddled with the wand, and in one sentence revealed the material of Rita Skeeter's wand, because Grindelwald knew very well how wands were made.

"You are right."

Rita Skeeter answered cautiously.

"A pretty good wand."

Grindelwald complimented a little casually, and continued slowly: "If I remember correctly, what should such a wand do if it wants to surrender to its new master?"


Rita Skeeter was dumbfounded.

However, Grindelwald suddenly waved the wand violently, and a magic spell directly knocked Rita Skeeter out of the banquet. Many wizards at the banquet immediately took out their wands and faced them in unison. Get him!

"I don't want to do that either."

Grindelwald stroked the wand in his hand and sighed softly: "Unfortunately I have to do this. Only by defeating the original master will it surrender to its new master..." ωwW.8⑦7zω.còΜ

"Grindelwald, why are you here!"

Newt Scamander and his wife pointed their wands at Grindelwald and stared at him warily: "If I remember correctly, you should be in Nurmengard now..."

"He broke out of jail."

An official from the British Ministry of Magic quickly reminded Newt Scamander in a low voice: "On Christmas Eve last night, Grindelwald escaped from Nurmengard prison..."


Newt Scamander was a little speechless.

Now that you all know about Grindelwald's jailbreak, why not be more vigilant?

The Ministry of Magic official continued in a low voice: "Mr. Scamander, we have sent someone to Dumbledore, and he should be here soon."

Of course.

Dumbledore should be here right away.

Because Dumbledore was sitting by a fireplace at this time, whether Peter Pettigrew appeared in Godric's Hollow or appeared in Hogwarts, he could quickly rush through the Floo network.


A cloud of flaming smoke rose from the fireplace.

A man in a black robe appeared in front of Dumbledore. It was Severus Snape, the potions professor at Hogwarts, and his expression was a little more solemn than ever.

"Peter Pettigrew has appeared!"

Snape held his wand and introduced the situation in a deep voice: "When I came, he had already broken through the defensive barrier of Hogwarts, and we must go back immediately..."


"Grindelwald is here!"

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from outside the bedroom window.

Dumbledore's expression changed immediately, because he knew that what these people shouted couldn't be fake, after all, he received the news that Grindelwald escaped from Nurmengard last night! Eight Seven Seven Chinese Website


The whole bedroom instantly became tense.

The Christmas plan that had been made in advance had gone wrong.

It wasn't until late last night that Dumbledore received the news of Grindelwald's escape from prison, so he didn't have time to perfect his plan, nor did he expect that Grindelwald and Peter Pettigrew would step into different traps at the same time.

Is this what they planned?

Because the worst that Dumbledore had predicted last night was today when he was fighting Peter Pettigrew in one of them, Grindelwald might come to the rescue.

The result is now...

It turned out to be two people acting separately!

Aren't they afraid of being beaten by each other?

Before that, however, Dumbledore had to quickly make a multiple-choice question. Should he choose Grindelwald in Godric's Hollow, or Peter Pettigrew in Hogwarts?

Just think about it The answer to this multiple-choice question is obvious.

Dumbledore put one hand on Snape's shoulder and said solemnly, "Severus, let Minerva find a way to hold Peter, and I'll go back as soon as I settle the matter in Godric's Hollow!"877 Chinese


Snape nodded slowly.

Snape didn't know why Grindelwald appeared, but seeing that Dumbledore might have known about it long ago, Snape also understood Dumbledore's choice.

If Grindelwald appeared in Godric's Hollow, perhaps Peter Pettigrew would be easier to deal with than the first-generation Dark Lord Grindelwald.

The professors at Hogwarts School are not bad either.

After Dumbledore made his decision, of course he was unwilling to just give up the opportunity to seize Peter Pettigrew. He continued in a deep voice, "Milison happens to be here, and I will ask her to send the Aurors there right away. Hogwarts support..."

Millison Barnold is the Minister of Magic.

And the minister was also born in Ravenclaw.

As a matter of fact, the Minister of Magic will be at this banquet today.

If the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic can arrive in time, they should be able to catch Peter Pettigrew. The only thing that is uncertain is how much power Peter Pettigrew gained when he followed Voldemort...


A squat man walked over the stone bridge step by step.

The chubby man walked towards the square of Hogwarts with a smile on his face, looked at the professors standing in the square with their wands in their hands, and smiled at them: "Please, don't be so nervous, everyone present should be happy. A little bit, because the legend of the third Dark Lord will surely tell your story."

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