Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 55: Wesson Wright never lets innocent people take the blame!

All right.

The students will definitely listen to the teacher.

Professor McGonagall said that the attack on Professor Flitwick had nothing to do with Wesson.

Wiesen took it for granted that the issue of Professor Flitwick's attack must have nothing to do with him.

The gray-haired boy obediently followed the two professors to the Forbidden Forest hut, and reassured his pet Ice Crystal Phoenix. He really looked like an innocent student.

Until the group returned to the castle.

Filch, the janitor, greeted him with a terrified face, and asked a question that was inseparable from Wesson Wright.

"Professor McGonagall, the Slytherin students are all hung on the walls of the auditorium!"

The Slytherin students are not very popular on weekdays. Until this time, no one from the academy has reported to the professor what happened in the auditorium!

It wasn't until the janitor Filch was patrolling late at night that he noticed a group of students hanging on the wall of the Hogwarts Great Hall, which made Filch instantly frightened...

Think about that picture...

An elderly night watchman pushed open the door of the Great Hall.

Just as the old night watchman was checking with the oil lamp, he inadvertently raised his head and saw a student hanging on the wall. No, there were neat rows of students hanging on the wall!

This scene almost made Filch's soul fly out of the sky!

No matter how daring Filch was, he was frightened by this scene!

"What did you say?"

Professor Minerva McGonagall felt dark before her eyes.

According to her thoughts, the first thought must be Peter Pettigrew!

It surprised me that…

Peter Pettigrew actually attacked the students!

If the Slytherin students are alive and well, if they die in the Hogwarts Great Hall, this will be the biggest crisis in the history of Hogwarts!

If an entire academy student is killed...

Neither Dumbledore nor Minerva McGonagall are willing to accept this, this is not because they may face the danger of being dismissed, but a group of innocent students were killed like this!

Unspeakable fear and anger instantly filled Professor McGonagall's mind!

The dean of Gryffindor House trembled a little when he spoke, and even the circles of his eyes became red: "That...that can you hurt students..."

"Professor, what are you talking about?"

Wesson Wright looked at Professor McGonagall in surprise, and then at Professor Sprout beside him, and said cautiously: "It seems that I hung the Slytherin guys on the wall during dinner, Sneeze. Didn't Professor Pu save them..."

Wesson Wright felt that Professor Minerva McGonagall might be wrong. Maybe the professor thought that the Slytherin students were hung on the wall by Peter Pettigrew. He was trembling with anger...

This is not very good.

Wesson Wright doesn't like letting innocent people take the blame.

Peter Pettigrew has taken on many heavy burdens that do not belong to him.

As a conscientious student, Wesson Wright believes that such trivial matters as beating Slytherin students should be undertaken by himself.

Speaking of which, it's actually impossible to hide this matter.


A rare opportunity.

With Professor Sprout, the dean of Hufflepuff, by his side, Wesson Wright was not worried about being questioned.

As an accountant, Wesson Wright said it without pressure: "When we dined in the Great Hall at night, the Slytherin students humiliated me and even took out their wands and attacked us at Hufflepuff. Qi's classmates, I had to hang them on the wall..."

"Nice job."

Professor Sprout is worthy of being the dean of Hufflepuff College.

When the dean of Hufflepuff College subconsciously praised Wesson, Wesson Wright recalled the conductor he met on the Hogwarts Express.

Sure enough.

Everyone is Hufflepuff.

Even when it's compliments, it's the same.


Professor Minerva McGonagall no longer knew what her expression was.

Because she didn't know whether she should be angry that Wesson Wright was doing things a little overbearing, or she should be glad that the Slytherin students might be okay.

Wesson Wright stared at Professor McGonagall, and continued to explain calmly: "The students from other colleges are all present, and they all saw that the Slytherin people made the first move. We are just innocent victims..."


Professor Minerva McGonagall felt a little cluttered in her head.

If it weren't for the fact that the Hufflepuff students slept in the dormitory, and the Slytherin students hung on the walls of the auditorium for most of the night, there might be some sympathy for Wesson's victim's remarks...

"Well, it should be like this..."

Professor Sprout is very willing to trust his little badger.

Because a Hufflepuff student would never lie.

And Wesson Wright has enough evidence that as long as the two professors ask students from other colleges tomorrow, they can find out what the conflict in the auditorium was during dinner.

The only problem is...

Wilson Wright's way of doing things is a bit domineering.

Especially this little guy had a similar record before.

"Mr. Wright..."

Professor Minerva McGonagall took a deep breath.

The vice-principal of Hogwarts took the lead and walked towards the great hall, sighing, "I hope I won't hear the news of Professor Snape being hung on the wall tomorrow..."

Yesterday, Wesson just hung the Slytherin prefect on the wall;

Today, Wesson hung the entire Slytherin student on the wall, Will Wesson hang Snape, the head of Slytherin, on the wall?

"how could be…"

Wilson Wright shook his head quickly, frowned and said, "I'm definitely not a match for Professor Snape..."

Professor Minerva McGonagall took another deep breath, and her forehead jumped violently: "Mr. Wright, if you can do it, do you really want to hang your Potions teacher on the wall!"

this moment…

Professor McGonagall finally found an outlet!

All night long...

Professor McGonagall felt like he was going to be blown away by all kinds of strange questions!

Whether it's Peter Pettigrew, the mastermind behind the attack on Professor Flitwick, the naughty Weasley twins who wake up the Ice Phoenix, or the troublesome student Weasley Wright who likes to hang people on the wall!

Hogwarts is really unfavorable!

Professor Sprout smiled and patted Wesson's shoulder, motioned his little badger not to be afraid, and explained, "Minerva, don't scare the little guy, Wesson is just a child..."

"Professor Sprout."

Professor Minerva McGonagall sighed, the dean of Gryffindor held his forehead and said helplessly: "Professor Sprout, you can't always be generous to Hufflepuff. s student…"

"Wesson did nothing wrong."

Professor Sprout shook his head and continued to defend his students softly, even with a hint of stubbornness in his tone: "Honest Hufflepuffs never take the initiative to bully people, and that doesn't mean they can be bullied by others for nothing. ."

After Professor Sprout finished speaking, he looked at Wesson Wright's eyes and became gentle and kind again: "Little guy, you did a good job, go back to the dormitory and get a good night's sleep, don't worry about the rest."

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