Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 53: Who would have thought that Voldemort would also make small reports back then?

The chill is surging!

The ice crystal phoenix broke through the ice!

The whole of Hogwarts entered the cold night again, and the snowflakes began to condense quickly in the sky, falling down one after another!

"It's so beautiful..."

Rubeus Hagrid raised his head and looked at the ice crystal phoenix flying in the air. This half-blood giant did not hesitate to praise the flying Anivia.


Fred Weasley wrapped his clothes coldly and muttered in a low voice, "I hope everyone has turned on the fireplace before going to bed tonight..."


George Weasley wrapped his clothes tightly, leaned close to his brother and Hagrid for warmth, and whispered, "Merlin is above, I hope they won't get sick tomorrow... Praying for them is the only thing we can do now. yes."

Fred Weasley also nodded, agreeing with his brother's opinion very much. He looked at Rubeus Hagrid and asked softly, "Hagrid, what should we do now? Can we freeze it again? ?"

"I'm afraid this is not something we can do..."

Hagrid shook his head gently, pondered for a while, and continued: "But Anivia has made such a commotion, Wesson must have known it, and he may come over soon..."

Very unfortunate.

Wesson Wright never came here.

The huge ice crystal phoenix has already demonstrated its magical power!

Above the sky!

With the influence of magical power, the warning barrier of Hogwarts was frozen and ruptured!

A thick layer of ice quickly formed on the Black Lake near the entire Hogwarts Castle, and the white snow fell, turning the entire lake into a white snow field!

As the ice magic revived in the ice crystal phoenix became stronger and stronger, its influence became larger and larger. The ice surface began to spread out from the ground and spread towards Hogwarts Castle!

If there is no way to stop the raging ice crystal phoenix...

After a while, maybe the whole school will be frozen by it!

Dumbledore and the professors soon realized this.

Dumbledore, Professor Minerva McGonagall, and Professor Snape headed to the Forbidden Forest, followed by Amelia Burns from Defense Against the Dark Arts and Sylvanus from Conservation of Magical Creatures. After that!


Dumbledore called his undead phoenix.

With the flying of Phoenix Fox, Dumbledore waved his wand in his hand, pulling out the flames on Fox's body, forming a circular protective circle, preventing the low temperature from spreading into the castle!

At least you don't have to worry about the castle.

However, if the ice crystal phoenix is ​​still hovering in the sky, this crisis is still not resolved.

"What exactly is going on?"

Professor Minerva McGonagall looked up at the ice crystal phoenix flying in the air, and then glanced at Rubeus Hagrid and the Weasley brothers: "Mr. Hagrid, do you have anything to explain?"

"Feel sorry…"

Rubeus Hagrid fiddled with his palm restrainedly.

Because he never stopped the Weasley twins from disturbing the slumber of the Ice Crystal Phoenix, it caused the accident tonight. It was indeed his dereliction of duty.

"Hagrid is not to blame for this, Minerva."

Dumbledore stretched out his arm, let Phoenix Fox stand on his shoulder, and defended Hagrid aloud: "It was I who allowed Wesson to bring his pet into the school, and it was I who let Wesson bring his pet to the school. Fostering here with Hagrid..."


Professor Minerva McGonagall immediately frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "You shouldn't have agreed to this in the first place, and letting a dangerous animal live in Hogwarts is a disservice to the school. Responsibility…"

"No no no..."

When Rubeus Hagrid heard this, he quickly reached out his hand to stop Professor McGonagall from continuing. He took the initiative to explain: "This is my dereliction of duty, it could have been sleeping forever..."

If I let Professor Minerva McGonagall go on...

Maybe this ice crystal phoenix will be sent away tonight!

"Professor, we woke it up..."

Fred Weasley stood behind Hagrid, poking his head cautiously.

"It's also our fault."

George Weasley stuck his head out from the other side and quickly admitted their mistake.

"You two little guys are really..."

Professor Minerva McGonagall felt her blood pressure rise a little. She put her hand on her forehead and suppressed her anger: "Anyway, Mr. Weasleys, please go back to your dormitory now!"

After finishing speaking, Professor Minerva McGonagall glanced at Dumbledore, Snape and other professors next to him, and continued: "When the school resolves this matter, I will announce the new punishment result for you tomorrow. Weasleys, I hope you are prepared to be locked up and deducted points."


The Weasley twins crept away.

It wasn't until the twins left that the professors present began to discuss business affairs.


Professor Minerva McGonagall looked at the ice crystal phoenix in the sky and still insisted on her opinion: "It is irresponsible to the students to put a dangerous animal in the school, I still insist that Mr. Send it away."

Speaking of this, Professor Minerva McGonagall even glanced at Rubeus Hagrid who wanted to speak next to him and stopped him from speaking: "Mr Hagrid, if you don't want what happened back then, don't Other comments should be made..."


The tall half-blood giant immediately stiffened.

In the face of such a powerful vice-principal as Professor Minerva McGonagall, especially when the vice-principal brought up the story that circulated at Hogwarts back then, Hagrid did not dare to raise any objection at this time.

Because many years ago...

When Hagrid was still studying at, he kept an eight-eyed giant spider at the school, but the giant spider seemed to cause trouble later and hurt a student's life. It directly led to Hagrid being expelled from Hogwarts.

Of course.

Dumbledore and Rubeus Hagrid believed that there must be something tricky about what happened back then.

Because the person who reported that Hagrid had an eight-eyed giant spider...

It was Voldemort when he was young, when Voldemort was a handsome student named Tom Riddle.


Rubeus Hagrid and Voldemort are actually classmates!

And Voldemort once snitched to the school and harassed his classmates!


Dumbledore stopped Professor Minerva McGonagall and offered his suggestion softly: "We might as well solve the current problem first, and then discuss whether to let Mr. Wesson Wright send his pet away..."


Professor Minerva McGonagall turned her head to look at Rubeus Hagrid, and continued to ask, "Mr. Hagrid, do you know how to quiet the ice bird in the sky?"

"This may require Wesson's help..."

Rubeus Hagrid swallowed his saliva and explained carefully: "Because when Anivia came to Hogwarts before, Wesson soothed it into a deep sleep... It is estimated that Wesson is already coming. on the way?"

Generally speaking, in this case, the master of Weisen would definitely not be able to sit still.

However, it was a little strange that Wesson Wright never appeared. Instead, Professor Sprout from Hufflepuff College rushed to the Forbidden Forest cabin and brought them bad news.

"Professor Flitwick was attacked!"

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