Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 48: Is magic too hard to use without moving a finger?

this class.

Wesson Wright listened very carefully.

Professor Amelia Burns did not introduce how to resist and defend against dark creatures. Perhaps she felt that the first class should be more profound for students.

This new professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, the first class has been introducing the sinful history of dark wizards, telling about the harm of dark magic to the entire magic world.


She didn't shy away from mentioning the Dark Lord Voldemort.

"When a dark mark appears in the sky of a house..."

When Amelia Burns said this, she frowned slightly and continued: "People already know that there are only a bunch of corpses left in that house, that is the Dark Lord and his Death Eater. They do it unscrupulously by killing people for fun.”

"In those dark times, every wizard was worried that the Dark Mark would appear in his home before going out, and every day they were afraid that when they came home, they could only see their family members who were still saying goodbye in the morning, and in the evening only There are cold corpses left..."


A group of little wizards shivered.

This was the first time they heard someone talk about that cruel history. Several young wizards' families died at the hands of Death Eaters, and they even cried outright.

However, what this group of little wizards didn't know was that when the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts talked about this history, he was more saddened than the little wizards.

Because Professor Amelia Burns lived through those dark times, even her brother Edgar Burns died at the hands of a group of Death Eaters.


The story told by this female professor is her own experience.

When she and her younger brother rushed to her brother's house back then, they saw a huge black demon imprint floating in the sky of his brother's house, and they only saw the corpse of his brother's family.

The grief and powerlessness...

It was all experienced by Professor Amelia Burns.

However, the female professor was very strong, she didn't show any weakness or pathos, just continued calmly: "Whether it's to protect yourself, or to protect your family and cherished friends, I hope that every one of you is here. Every freshman can learn to resist the dark wizards through the Defense Against the Dark Arts class..."


A group of little wizards immediately raised their heads.

Although Amelia Burns' education method is somewhat cruel, it still does not prevent the professor who is about to be promoted to a high official of the Ministry of Magic from having a high teaching level.

At least…

No one would think that the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is not important anymore.

Perhaps that was exactly what Amelia Burns taught in her first class, and her teaching was so successful that even Vincent Wright was drawn to her way of teaching.

the difference is.

The other little wizards shivered.

Wesson Wright is taking lessons seriously.

The bad things that Voldemort and the Death Eaters did are lessons that Wesson Wright must remember. A Dark Lord who only knows how to create terror is destined to be impossible to succeed.

As a Dark Lord...

You can't be reckless in doing things, and you can't do anything without thinking.

At least like Peter Pettigrew in Weissen's own disguise, right?

With the end of the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class, all the little wizards have realized the importance of learning this class, because only this class will teach them to fight in the way of wizards.

Perhaps this is the gap between people.

Some people are just realizing the importance of learning, and some people have learned from the lessons of their predecessors and failed to become the Dark Lord.

This is not only a difference in cognition of the world, but also a difference in moral qualities. Whose brain circuits are like those of Wesson Wright?

Compared to Professor Amelia in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Flitwick, the teacher in the Charms class, looks a lot like a learned wizard.

Professor Flitwick is the Dean of Ravenclaw House.

This spell professor is actually very short, only about a meter or so, a little like a dwarf. He has fluffy gray hair and a beard. He is a teacher who has taught at Hogwarts for many years.

Even all over Hogwarts.

Professor Flitwick is also very respected.

Of course.

This does not mean that this professor is boring. In fact, Professor Flitwick was a wizard duel champion when he was young, which has always been talked about by the students of Ravenclaw College.

Many people at Hogwarts knew it.

The Sorting Hat at Hogwarts is not omnipotent, and it took a long time to judge whether two freshmen should be sorted into the right house.

One of them is Professor Flitwick.

The other is Professor Minerva McGonagall.

Both of them were considered by the Sorting Hat to have both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw traits when they were teenagers. Professor McGonagall was sorted into Gryffindor House, and Professor Flitwick was sorted into Ravenclaw. Law School.

This is also the most interesting.

If they happened to be assigned to another college at that time, maybe their dean identities could just be swapped.

This also proves that Professor Flitwick is not lacking in courage.


Professor Flitwick still has to stand on a thick stack of textbooks during class, otherwise most students may not see him.

If nothing else happens...

Vincent Wright felt that he would win the praise of Professor Flitwick in the Charms class, and maybe he could help Hufflepuff College add a lot of college points.

Because before the start of school, Wesson Wright had been working hard at home to copy and recite the spells hundreds of times, and learned all the spells that should be learned in the first grade.

Why do you work so hard!

Isn't it just for this time of day!

Wesson Wright intends to make a good impression on Professor Flitwick in the first class, so that he can have a chance to have a good relationship with the dean of Ravenclaw College, and maybe he will get it from Professor Flitwick in the future. To a spell that is not very popular at all.


In the middle, there was still a little bit of trouble.

"What does a successful spell include?"

Standing on a stack of thick textbooks, Professor Flitwick waved his wand and wrote a line on the blackboard: "One precise wand swing, one pitch to sing the correct spell, accompanied by your brain The will in the middle guides the magic, and at this time a magic is successfully cast, let's practice waving the wand first..."


Vincent Wright feels that he is Why does he have to be so particular about waving his wand when casting magic? He didn't learn this on purpose at all!

And isn't magic a thing that just moves your fingers? How can there be such acrimonious demands on how wide a wand can be swung and the pitch of a spell chanted?

This kind of thing...

It's just embarrassing Wesson!

Professor Flitwick wasn't really trying to embarrass Wesson Wright.

Because the well-known Ravenclaw Dean had heard of Wesson Wright's learning method, and even praised Wesson Wright with great praise.

"Maybe everyone can learn from Mr. Wright..."

Professor Flitwick looked at Wesson Wright, and did not hesitate to praise himself: "As long as everyone can recite a lot of memory like Mr. Wright, the range of wand waving and the pitch of singing incantations can become subconscious. Instinct, such as the levitation and fire spells he uses, are very skilled..."


Wilson Wright's eyes were a little blank.

Do not.

You are wrong, Professor Flitwick.

Of course, Wesson couldn't tell Professor Flitwick. In fact, he has always been pretending to wave and shout randomly...

Why do you need to pay attention to the range when waving a magic wand?

Wouldn't that be enough to just wave the wand twice?

Why do we need to pay attention to the pitch of mantras?

Isn't that just opening your mouth and reciting the words casually?

Why are there so many steps to casting magic?

Isn't that just moving your fingers or blinking your eyes?

to be frank…

Seriously be a serious wizard...

Wilson Wright suddenly felt that the road was a bit difficult...

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