Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 45: Peter Pettigrew who can transform into 3 animals!

Generally speaking.

Cats and mice are not unusual at all.

However, the cat-and-mouse chase at Hogwarts this evening is far rarer than the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic catching a dark wizard...

Tell the truth.

Many wizards don't necessarily meet once in a lifetime.

This is a duel between two Animagus masters of shapeshifting. For nearly a century in the 20th century, there were only seven newly registered Animaguss in the world!

A brown mouse was crawling on the floor along the corner of the corridor, looking no different from an ordinary mouse foraging in an old castle.

Until a tabby cat suddenly appeared and quickly chased after it, the mouse's speed suddenly accelerated and hurried towards the stairs!

The cat and mouse rushed up the stairs at the same time!

Relying on its small body, the mouse nimbly moved back and forth in the gap between the stair railings, for fear of being caught by the tabby cat!

The tabby cat really couldn't get past the gap.

next moment!

The body of this tabby cat suddenly changed back to its human form!

"Blast Rumble!"

Professor Minerva McGonagall looked for the mouse, and quickly raised her wand to cast a spell, trying to forcefully blast the stair railing!

Just create an empty environment...

A mouse can't escape the cat's pursuit no matter what.

The mouse's body turned into Peter Pettigrew's body almost at the same time when the spell exploded. His palm grabbed the handrail of the stairs and turned over and jumped up. This squat body was unusually flexible and jumped directly to the other side. on a staircase.

"It's all petrified!"

Professor Minerva McGonagall stared at Peter Pettigrew, who was constantly changing positions between the stairs, and kept casting her own spell!

"Shattered to pieces!"

"It's all petrified!"

"It's all petrified!"

One after another magic spell flew out!

However, there is no way to stop Peter Pettigrew!

Whenever these spells were about to fall on Peter Pettigrew, his body quickly turned into a mouse shape, avoiding Professor McGonagall's spell!

This guy is really clever!

Seeing that the mouse was about to escape, Professor Minerva McGonagall grabbed the stair railing with both hands, and her body suddenly changed back to the form of an Animagus tabby cat!

The tabby cat's hind limbs stepped on the stair railing and jumped with strength, and its vigorous figure crossed the stairs, and the two started a new round of chase!

The chase between the Animagus...

Far more exciting than the chase between any wizards!

When Peter Pettigrew found that he couldn't get rid of the tabby cat, he would change from a humanoid to a mouse again, and hide in every Hogwarts utility room!

However, this could not escape the pursuit of Professor McGonagall!

When Professor Minerva McGonagall saw Peter Pettigrew about to disappear into the utility room, she quickly returned to her human form from cat form, and waved her wand to directly destroy the room where the clutter was accumulated!

For the two of them, the Animagus form and the human form can be changed almost seamlessly, which is almost the highest skill of Transfiguration!

In ten minutes.

Peter Pettigrew and Professor Minerva McGonagall couldn't even count how many transformations they had undergone, and they had already chased them from the second floor to the seventh floor!

On the way, the two passed through the library, through the armored corridor, through the forbidden area, and through the classrooms!

Even if he were replaced by any Animagus, these complicated circumstances could give him the opportunity to escape, but Peter Pettigrew couldn't escape at all!

Peter Pettigrew was chased by Professor McGonagall!


Not necessarily next time!

Now they are on the seventh floor. Once they get to the eighth floor of Hogwarts Castle, according to the complex environment on the eighth floor, Peter Pettigrew will be more difficult to find if he turns into a mouse!

The eighth floor is also the area Peter Pettigrew is most familiar with. This is the floor where Hogwarts uses the most rooms, and it is also the most dangerous and safest floor!

The eighth floor…

Has a Gryffindor dormitory.


It is also the location of the principal's office.

However, if you want to catch an Animagus, it is not easy for Dumbledore to do it, because Animagus and the animal's breath and heartbeat are exactly the same.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

When Professor Minerva McGonagall saw that the little mouse was about to go upstairs again, she quickly returned to her human form and waved her wand!

A spell quickly flew out of the wand!

A section of the stairs was directly blown up by the blasting spell, causing a cloud of smoke!

The mouse that Peter Pettigrew transformed into had no choice but to retreat from the stairs to the corridor on the seventh floor and continue to look for a hiding place.

"Now, you can't escape."

Professor Minerva McGonagall's body twisted and shrank in an instant and turned into a tabby cat again. She flew directly onto the railing, and flew in the direction of the mouse!

this time...

There is absolutely no escape!

Just as the tabby cat jumped into the air and suddenly held down the mouse, thinking that he had finally won the Animagus battle...

A change that shocked the tabby cat suddenly appeared!

The tabby cat watched in astonishment as the mouse it was grabbing suddenly became more than a hundred times bigger...

Do not!

This is not a change in body shape!

But this mouse has become another animal!

This is not a mouse!

It's a majestic lion!

A lion like the coat of arms of Gryffindor!


The tabby cat seemed frightened.

Because it has never seen someone who can turn into a large animal like a lion, let alone someone who has two forms of Animagus!


Never ever!

This intruder, who is suspected to be Peter Pettigrew, actually has two Animagus animal states, a mouse and a lion at the same time, which simply subverts the cognition of the magic world!

Any wizard must be unimaginable, right?

There are people in this world who can become two different animals!

This mighty and tall male lion shook his head. seemed to be a little bit unaccustomed to this state. There was a dazed tabby cat hanging on his back...

The male lion stayed for a few seconds and then reacted quickly. It quickly shook its body and directly shook the tabby cat down!

Obviously they are all cats...

The body size between the two forms a stark contrast. Whether it is deterrence or lethality, the difference between a lion and a cat is almost heaven!

The lion's temperament is even more cruel!

As the male lion noticed the presence of the cat, he suddenly turned his head away, stretched out a huge paw and directly pressed the kitten to the ground!


A **** mouth bit the kitten's head!

With just one bite, it can eat this kitten to death!

The kitten seemed to be frightened and dumbfounded, watching the male lion open its mouth and bite its head!



The **** tragedy did not happen.

This seems to be just a kind of intimidation from the male lion.

Or, Peter Pettigrew doesn't really want to hurt the Dean he respects.

Seeing that the tabby cat he was pressing on the ground didn't respond, the male lion shook his head to himself, his tail twitched gently, and slowly turned towards the corridor windowsill.

Under the gaze of Professor Minerva McGonagall's transformed tabby...

The lion's body shrank rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a little sparrow, flapping its wings and flying out of the castle.

Not two.

Peter Pettigrew can transform into three animals.

This must be the most powerful Animagus ever.

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