Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 40: Who doesn't love having a friend like Wesson Wright?

Dumbledore considered things more comprehensively.

Because Dumbledore knew about Wesson Wright's past and knew about Wesson Wright's character, of course it was impossible to give up such an excellent student.

not to mention…

There are new troubles in the magic world.

Now they need to face not only the threat of Voldemort's resurrection, but also Peter Pettigrew, the coveted behind-the-scenes mastermind.

Wesson Wright is a student who can draw the sword of Gryffindor, and can even defeat three senior Slytherin prefects alone at this age!

Judging from the power of the magic spell that Dumbledore used on Wesson Wright, this is almost a combat power that only an Auror wizard can possess!

Even if Dumbledore had heard about Wesson Wright's hard-working and diligent way of learning, it was impossible to ignore the powerful magical talent he possessed!

Coupled with the old Barty Crouch's level of wizard adoption education, it is no wonder that the little guy has always been proud and behaved like he was domineering in Muggle elementary school!

This is also understandable.

And such a student who has good intentions in his heart but acts a little recklessly, compared to Peter Pettigrew, who looks timid but is behind the scenes, makes the old man Dumbledore much more reassuring.

to be frank.

In fact, in Dumbledore's heart, he didn't want to fire Wesson even more than Professor Sprout, and he even started to think of ways to avoid this situation.

Dumbledore sent the reassured Professor Sprout away, and began to seriously think about ways to make Wesson calm down a little bit, at least to let Wesson Wright know what troubles might cause him to be arrested. expelled.

Of course.

Dumbledore did not forget to remind Snape.

the other side.

Hogwarts Great Hall.

Students of every grade dine here.

Among them, most of the Hufflepuff College students wanted to sit near Wesson Wright and glance at their little badger from time to time, as if they were afraid that he would be expelled from the school.

"I'm going to find my aunt!"

Erwin Burns felt the dull atmosphere, he couldn't help putting down his knife and fork, turned around and wanted to go to the office of the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor!

Because his aunt is not only a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts this year, but also a resident wizard of Wizengamot, the highest council of the Ministry of Magic, even Dumbledore and the Minister of Magic respect his aunt!


Wesson Wright grabbed his clothes and pressed him next to the seat: "I have an honest meal first, I know what I know."

Wesson Wright is very clear.

Dumbledore couldn't have fired him.

Even the humiliated Professor Snape would definitely be persuaded by Dumbledore, because their vision is not like the students, they are never confined to the school.


Weisen's vision is the same.

To get rid of this kind of thing...

There is no need to worry at all.

In fact, there is really no need to worry.

Tonks, Hufflepuff's eldest sister, soon returned with good news.

Professor Sprout asked Tonks to tell Hufflepuff students not to worry about their house's little badger being expelled.

As the dean of Hufflepuff, Professor Sprout never concealed her preference for the students of her own college, and she even personally selected a good-growing Corydalis for Tonks to give to Wesson as a gift to Wesson. Appreciation for my little badger.

Before Tonks could explain Professor Sprout's words clearly, the entire auditorium had already echoed the laughter of Hufflepuff College!

This lunch has never been more cheerful.

Hearing the laughter in his ear, Vincent Wright looked at the small flower pot in Tonks' arms. The herbs in the flower pot happened to be blooming with a bunch of bright orange flowers.

Although everything was as he expected, but now he can clearly feel that the classmates present are happy for him, which makes Weisen unexpectedly a little happy.

"Don't touch this herb with your hands."

Tonks put a small flower pot next to Wesson and warned with a laugh, "Professor Sprout specially explained that as long as you put it in the dormitory, you can get a good night's sleep."

"okay, I get it."

Wei Sen nodded to indicate that he understood, his palm slowly touched the flower pot, and a light smile appeared on his face unconsciously: "I'll go back to the dormitory first, and wake up Cedric to eat by the way, so as not to let him Late in the afternoon."


Wesson feels that he has gained a lot.

Not only the quest rewards given to him by the system, but also the atmosphere of Hufflepuff Academy, which made Weisen feel more happy and relaxed today.


It is also possible that someone was beaten.

[Combat mission: Defeat a first-year student of Slytherin Academy (1/1), reward 10 magic points. 】

[Combat mission: Defeat a fifth-year student of Slytherin Academy (1/1), reward 50 magic points. 】

[Combat mission: Defeat a sixth grader from Slytherin Academy (1/1), reward 60 magic points. 】

[Combat mission: Defeat a seventh-grade student of Slytherin Academy (1/1), reward 70 magic points. 】

[Combat mission: Defeat a first-year student of Gryffindor Academy (1/1), reward 10 health points. 】

This kind of simple combat mission reward is barely okay.

The most important thing is that this kind of task is more than enough, and students of every grade in each academy can cover it, and it can also allow Wesson to improve a lot of magic power and life in his body.

There is no need to rush this task.

Even if these tasks are all completed, UU reading www. can only be regarded as a kind of accumulation, I still have a long school career, and some such simple tasks have the opportunity to complete.

The only regret...

Perhaps it is because there are too few such tasks.

In fact, Weissen felt that the system could send out more tasks like this. Whether it was hitting one student or ten students, it didn't make much difference to him.


Wesson Wright was in a really good mood.

However, when Cedric woke up, he felt a little uneasy.

Stories about him are circulating throughout Hogwarts.

Because he was accidentally injured by magic during the freshman conflict between Gryffindor and Slytherin, which directly led to his friend Wesson beating both freshmen...

Even the three prefects of Slytherin Academy who came to solve the problem were cleaned up by Wesson Wright and hung directly on the wall of Hogwarts...

Good guy!

This is a lot more than what happened at the court ceremony!

Even if Cedric wanted to ask Wesson why he forced himself to go back to rest at that time, he was too embarrassed to speak.


It made Cedric feel a little complicated.

Cedric was moved by Wesson's attitude towards friendship, but also made this kind Hufflepuff boy a lot worried.


Wesson got into trouble for his friends again!

Of course.

It's not all bad.

The Hufflepuff Academy classmates once again realized that Wesson attaches great importance to friendship, and everyone will be a little envious of Cedric, because he has made friends like Wesson when he is still in school.

Who wouldn't love to have a friend like Wesson Wright?

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