Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 37: In order to avoid accidental injury when Hufflepuff tried to persuade the fight, everyon

Everyone present knew it.

The importance of Wilson Wright to his friends.

Even for this reason, he did not hesitate to give up the opportunity to enter Gryffindor House at the sorting ceremony, but instead entered Hufflepuff House, which has always been not very good at Hogwarts.

"I am sorry!"

The dark girl from Gryffindor Academy stood up again, looking very responsible: "This is my mistake, if you think there is something..."

"You don't need to say any more if you apologize."

Wesson Wright interrupted her impatiently, with a look of indifference on his face: "If an apology is useful, why are we learning magic here?"

"What do you want?"

The black girl couldn't help frowning.

Because she has a hot temper, she will admit it is her fault, but what does Wesson Wright mean?

"This attitude..."

Wei Sen stared at her, and suddenly picked up his wand slowly: "It seems that you don't have any sincerity to apologize..."

"No, I am not…"

The black girl felt that there was some misunderstanding in the situation, and quickly waved her hand to explain.


The gray-haired boy no longer wanted to listen to her explanation.

Wilson Wright raised the wand in his hand and pointed to the sky!

"Burning flames."

Accompanied by the dull sound of Wesson chanting a spell.

A group of red flames shot up from Wesson's wand in an instant, and the flames flew into the sky in an instant!

When the flames flew into the sky, they quickly expanded and turned into a huge fireball. The overwhelming scorching sensation made everyone present a little uneasy!

next moment!

The fireball exploded directly from the air like fireworks!

One after another, the small fireballs quickly separated and fell rapidly from the air!

This guy…

As soon as a word disagrees, he immediately takes action!

Even directly cast such a large-scale magic attack!

In the sky, fireballs dragging red tails crossed elegant parabolas, hitting the crowds of Slytherin Academy and Gryffindor Academy like meteors!


A questioning voice suddenly came from the crowd of Gryffindor Academy: "This matter doesn't seem to have anything to do with us, right?"

A group of questioning voices also came from the crowd of Slytherin Academy: "Hey, Wesson Wright, we didn't hurt Cedric! Do you want to declare war with Slytherin!"

"I do not care."

Wisson Wright wielded his wand and controlled the spell to attack all the freshmen of the two colleges: "When my friend was injured in this conflict, I hope that whoever created this conflict can feel his pain first-hand …”

Following the guidance of Wesson Wright, groups of fireballs smashed into the square, and the little wizards fell to the ground by the fireballs, extinguishing the flames on their bodies in panic!

Just a spell!

Let all the little wizards in Gryffindor and Slytherin collapse, and there is no magic that can be resisted head-on!

"Save me! Come and save me!"

"Mom! Dad! I want to go home!"

"Clear water is like a spring! Don't be afraid, use the clear water spell!"

There are some sober people among the group of panicked little wizards.

In the Charms class in Gryffindor and Slytherin Academy this morning, Professor Flitwick of the Charms class happened to teach a simple and common spell such as the Clearwater Mantra!

However, this still could not prevent the entire square from being in chaos.


What Wesson Wright used was just the simplest fire spell, and as long as it was handled properly, it would definitely not endanger his life.

Only the fireballs that fell from the sky were too scary...

Amidst the screams of fear, a few little wizards with relatively strong minds scurried around, waving their wands and helping their classmates to extinguish the flames of the wizard's robes.


The Hufflepuff boy who helped put Cedric to sleep just now came over and asked in a low voice, "Although someone injured Cedric just now, many people are innocent, and now they are also injured, are we? should help..."

Hufflepuff's students are good-natured.

This Hufflepuff teenager is named Erwin Burns, and he also has a nephew who is a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts this year.

"Don't worry, they won't die."

Wesson Wright slowly shook his head and said softly, "However, we have to find a way to solve the problem so that this kind of conflict does not happen again in the future..."


Erwin didn't know what to say.

As long as you can't die, don't you need to worry? Was there something wrong with Wesson, or had the stakes of a Hogwarts fight always been so high?

Weissen looked at the teenager beside him and continued to ask, "Erwin, do you know the reason why they fought today?"

"It seems that it's because of you..."

A little embarrassment appeared on Erwin Burns' face.

The freshmen of Slytherin Academy and Gryffindor Academy will have conflicts at this time, which is the sequelae of the sorting ceremony two days ago, because Wesson Wright refused to join Gryffindor on the spot, resulting in one more Slytherin Academy. Laugh at their reasons.


The dogs are not going!

It would be too insulting to say something like this.

Erwin Burns tried his best to euphemistically convey the reason for the conflict to Wesson Wright.

However, as a Hufflepuff, you must be honest with your words, but Hufflepuff students are usually not good at words...

From the very detailed description given by Erwin Burns, Wesson Wright probably knew that his image was not very good in Slytherin.

Who made him fight three Slytherin freshmen on the train?

"All right…"

Vincent Wright sighed, shook his head and said, "Since all these conflicts are caused by let me end it..."

"How does it end?"

Erwin Burns' little face was full of curiosity.

Wesson Wright didn't answer, but walked towards the center of the square. Many of the little wizards present couldn't help but feel a little worried when they saw his actions.

This dangerous new Hufflepuff...

I just used a magic spell to defeat all the freshmen of the two academies!

In terms of magical power alone, Wesson Wright and his first-year classmates are not at the same level at all!

"Be quiet, I want to say a few words."

Wesson Wright stretched out his arms, motioned everyone to be quiet, and said softly, "No one wants this kind of thing to happen today, so I just came up with a solution to avoid today's conflict..."


Everyone couldn't help but look at Wesson curiously.

This guy has just beaten two freshmen of the academy, and now he says he wants to find a way to resolve the conflict between Gryffindor and Slytherin?

This is a century-old problem!

Even Headmaster Dumbledore couldn't find a way!

All the headmasters of Hogwarts for thousands of years have not found the right way!


They simply think too much.

"starting today…"

Facing everyone's gaze, Wesson Wright calmly proposed his own solution: "In order to avoid our Hufflepuff Academy classmates, like Cedric, being accidentally injured when trying to persuade in other college conflicts, I I hope the classmates of Gryffindor and Slytherin, it is best to restrain yourself from fighting..."


The little wizards felt a question mark on their heads.

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