Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 33: 1 new student who can be a helper

Dumbledore went to Azkaban overnight.

The fact that Peter Pettigrew was the murderer who planned that incident is too serious, Dumbledore must find out the truth of this incident and the year as soon as possible.

If all this is true...

Then Peter Pettigrew's destructive power is too great.

Of course.

Dumbledore had to go to Azkaban by himself.

Because Snape is not very suitable for wandering in Azkaban.

In the past, Severus Snape joined Voldemort and was a Death Eater that Voldemort recognized very much. Otherwise, Voldemort would not have hesitated for a moment before killing Lily Potter.


Then something happened to Voldemort.

All of Voldemort's Death Eaters were imprisoned in Azkaban.

This also means that the Death Eaters imprisoned in Azkaban today are all Snape's colleagues in the past, and it may be a little unpleasant for them to meet.

Plus the relationship between Snape and Sirius Black is very tense.

If Snape was allowed to go there together, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to ask any questions, and the two of them would just use words to humiliate each other all night across the cell...

Late at night.

Small island in the waters of the North Sea.

This small island is cold all year round, and almost no one dares to stay here.

Because in addition to the coldness of the island and the surrounding waters, there are also a group of strange and terrifying dark creatures living on the island.


This kind of creature is hollow and formless. It can survive by absorbing the happiness and courage of human beings, and even when it wants to kill, it can directly **** a human soul.

Even if human beings approach them, they will lose their courage and happiness, and truly feel the extreme darkness of the world.

no doubt.

This is one of the most terrifying creatures in the wizarding world.

However, the intelligence of the dementors is very low, and the Ministry of Magic has reached an agreement with the dementors to make them the jailers of Azkaban.

This small island in the waters of the North Sea is both the prison of the wizarding world, Azkaban, and the residence of creatures like Dementors.

When Dumbledore arrived on this island, the dementors immediately noticed that there were strangers infested, and a group of dementors instantly gathered into a dense mass of black shadows and rushed towards him!

However, when they smelled Dumbledore's body, they quickly stopped their movements, they knew that this was a very threatening person!

Dumbledore took out another document with the special seal of the Minister of Magic, and the dementors smelled the scent of the seal pad and quickly swarmed back.

After Dumbledore dealt with the jailers, he slowly walked along the road on the island into Azkaban Castle.

When Dumbledore walked in, he saw a group of Death Eaters imprisoned in Azkaban Castle. Most of them were tortured by Dementors.

When these prisoners, who had long since lost their spirits, saw Dumbledore, they were frantically pulling the small windows of the prison!


"Headmaster Dumbledore!"

Every prisoner couldn't help shouting Dumbledore's name, as if seeing the hope of leaving Azkaban, hoping that Dumbledore would save him.

Of course.

Of course, there are those who dislike Dumbledore.

Like Bella Lestrange, Voldemort's die-hard fan, a mad woman with tousled hair lying on the ground cursing Dumbledore: "Old stubborn... The headmaster of the wizarding school who betrayed his blood... Bah, the wizard's traitor!"


Dumbledore was completely deaf to this.

Because he has lived to his age and has reached his current status, whether it is abuse, questioning or praise, it is already outside the body to him.

Dumbledore heaved a sigh of relief, ignoring his students who had gone astray, and walked to a narrow prison step by step.

Sirius Black lives here.

Sirius, a wizard with a very noble bloodline and surname, lived a life of no one and no ghost in this prison, as if he didn't care about everything.

Even the Dementors couldn't find happiness in him.

Dumbledore looked at the skinny Sirius, his brows wrinkled imperceptibly, and he called his name softly.



Sirius Black had been listening to abuse in this prison castle, and he was a little unaccustomed to hearing a familiar voice calling his name.

Sirius lay on the floor and slowly turned his head to look at the small window of the prison door. He slowly rolled over and got up, almost crawling to the side of the prison door.


"I have something to ask you."

Dumbledore stared intently at Sirius' eyes, and the old man's eyes were sharper than ever before: "Tell me, was it you or Peter Pettigrew who sold out Potter's safe house?"

"You knew already?"

Sirius Blake took a deep breath and lowered his head in self-care: "I believed in the wrong person back then. I thought he was still our friend. Now, it's meaningless to say this..."

Best friend James Potter and his family are dead.

Only the remaining orphan Harry Potter, Dumbledore and Hagrid and others did not allow him to raise him, or even allow him to approach.

Everything seems pointless now.

Dumbledore did not appease Sirius Black's emotions, but continued to ask in a deep voice: "Did you do the explosion in the Muggle world eight years ago, or did Peter do it himself?"

"...does it make any sense?"

Sirius Black raised his hand indifferently, and was about to lie back on the floor: "Anyway, that traitor is dead, and I don't want to live anymore..."

"tell me!"

Dumbledore's voice suddenly grew a lot louder.

"He did it."

Sirius Black answered this question immediately. He recalled the scene of that day: "I blocked the traitor in a crowded street corner, leaving him nowhere to escape. He created an explosion and committed suicide..."

"I know."

Dumbledore nodded slowly.

After speaking, the old man was about to turn around and leave. Before leaving, he took another look at the decadent Sirius Black, and continued in a deep voice, "If we can find evidence that this is all true, we will find a way. get you off the hook..."

"There's no need for that..."

Sirius Black sat on the ground slowly, leaning against the cell door and said slowly, "Everything is my own fault, what can I do even if I go out..."

"You can meet James' son Harry Potter."

At this moment, Dumbledore seemed to want to give Sirius Black hope again, and said softly: "There are still two years, Harry will be eleven years old, and he will be able to enter Hogwarts soon..."

"Are you willing to let me take care of Harry!"

Sirius Black turned over almost instantly!

At this moment, the man rekindled his hope for freedom. He grabbed the small window of the prison door and looked at Dumbledore hurriedly: "When will you let me go to see Harry! Let's go now!"

"not now."

Dumbledore slowly shook his head and continued: "Harry still needs to stay in the Muggle world for a while... I must also thoroughly investigate the truth of the year, find evidence as soon as possible, and let you leave Azkaban."

This is the most crucial place.

In fact, Dumbledore has now believed Sirius Black's explanation, and he has already decided in his heart that Peter Pettigrew is the real culprit behind everything.

But there is not enough evidence...

The Ministry of Magic would not allow Sirius to leave.

This is where the Ministry of Magic is very cumbersome. When they locked Sirius in, they didn't even have a trial. Now they want to release Sirius, but they will definitely need evidence. UU Reading

"I know…"

Sirius Black lowered his head feebly.

Although he was still a little dejected, at least there was hope in his heart.

If it wasn't for the fear that Dumbledore might not have completely re-trusted him, Sirius Black would have actually wanted to secretly escape...

The days are still long.

Blake can wait slowly.

Sooner or later, he will be able to meet his godson in an open and honest way.

Sirius was in a relaxed mood.

What he didn't know, however, was that when Dumbledore left Azkaban, his heart became unusually heavy.

Peter Pettigrew.

He was the one who betrayed the Potters back then.

Coupled with Pettigrew's knowledge of Voldemort's Horcrux and the deception of Voldemort in the past, this also means that Pettigrew has been playing a huge game of chess.


All of them became pieces on Peter Pettigrew's chessboard.

For the first time, Dumbledore was shocked by Peter Pettigrew's wisdom, and even felt a little surprised and disturbed by his plan.


The only lucky thing is that Peter Pettigrew miscalculated the future. He only knows how to arrange and calculate the powerful wizards in the past, ignoring the little wizards in the future...

The future is unknown...

Dumbledore is not the only one in the world who can destroy Horcruxes.

In the future, there will be many new students who are full of courage to fight against Voldemort, and there will also be people who can destroy Horcruxes.

Especially in this year's freshmen, there is also a little guy who can pull out the Gryffindor sword. In the future, he will definitely become a helper to fight against Voldemort and destroy Horcruxes.

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