Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 294: New teacher, Sirius Black!

What else can Wesson do?

As a student, Wesson was, of course, back on the Hogwarts express train after Christmas break, where he met someone who wasn't supposed to be there.

Sirius Black.

Because Gilderoy Lockhart, the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, secretly leaked the existence of wizards and magic to the Muggle society, and was wanted by the International Magical Union, Hogwarts had to find the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor again.

after all…

There's still half of the semester left...

Even Dumbledore couldn't spend half a year in student classrooms when the magic world was about to come.

Sirius Black has undoubtedly become a fairly suitable candidate, both from his family background and from his own magical literacy.

"It's Blake!"

Let Sirius Black be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and the happiest person must be the little guy Harry Potter!

This is his godfather!

At the Hogwarts dinner.

Harry Potter looked at his godfather sitting on the staff seat, smiling like almost everyone could see!

Professor Minerva McGonagall, and the ghost of Lily Potter also spoke to Sirius Black, and their relationship has always been good.


Snape's expression was a little unpleasant.

After all, when he was in school, Sirius Black was also one of his mortal enemies. Dumbledore called Sirius Black into the school, and it was no wonder that Snape was in a good mood...

"I don't plan to stay here for long..."

Sirius Black rambled on, still not forgetting his original intention: "When Dumbledore finds the next Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, I will continue to hunt down that **** Peter..."

"Someone will take your place soon."

Dumbledore smiled and raised his glass towards Sirius.

In fact, Dumbledore had already thought of a certain candidate in his heart, but due to the lack of time, he could only temporarily invite Sirius to come here for half a year as a substitute.

"Then it couldn't be better..."

Sirius nodded in satisfaction.

There was nothing more important to him than chasing down Peter Pettigrew... Second, being able to match Snape's wits at Hogwarts was another thing.


Sirius and Snape certainly couldn't get along in peace.

Even in front of students, the two would not hide their disgust for each other, and almost every time they accidentally met, they would sneer at each other.

The biggest conflict between the two is undoubtedly that Snape doesn't like Sirius' doting attitude towards Harry Potter at all...

for example…

Sirius likes to add points to Gryffindor House very much, and often deduct points for Slytherin House in order to make Snape look ugly!

The two strike a delicate balance...

So much so that the second half of this semester has just begun, and the breakup between Gryffindor and Slytherin has plummeted, and it doesn't look like it will be related to the Academy Cup...


A lion and a snake fight...

I'm sure I can kill the badger watching the lively next to me...

Ravenclaw, who had always been lonely, flew slowly to the top of the list, and Hufflepuff was still at the bottom...

"Is it so miserable?"

When Weisen saw Hufflepuff's score, he couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and said slowly: "It seems that our luck is not very good..."

"It's not a matter of luck..."

Cedric had a helpless smile on his face.

For the generosity of his friend, even Cedric couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

"Come on, to Hogsmeade Village."

Wei Sen looked back at his friends behind him and seven or eight classmates around him, and took the lead in walking towards the door of the auditorium: "There should be nothing to do this semester..."

According to Wesson's memory, there should be only basilisks making trouble this semester. However, the basilisks have been solved by Dumbledore. There are no hidden dangers at Hogwarts, and they should be able to be safe for a while.

this person...

It seems to ignore the fact that he is the biggest hidden danger of Hogwarts...

"Someone is fighting!"

Just as Wesson was about to take the group of students to Hogsmeade Village, a long-lost shout appeared in the auditorium!

Since Wei Sen came to the school, no one dared to fight for a long time. This is the first time after many years!

Everyone present couldn't help but light up!

It was the little guy from that academy who didn't follow the school rules so much!

"Vison, Cedric!"

A girl rushed in front of them, and before it was too late to say hello, she hurriedly said, "It's a fight in the school square! I'm going to find Professor McGonagall!"


Wei Sen's expression was a little weird.

Why does he think this scene is a little familiar?

"Don't go to Professor McGonagall..."

Cedric glanced at his friends and couldn't help but said, "We just happen to be going out, Wesson, do you want to take a look?"

"Wesson can't solve it!"

The girl quickly shook her head, with a worried look on her face: "This time it's Mr. Black and Mr. Snape fighting!"


Every student present couldn't help looking at each other.



This shouldn't be a problem that Weisen can solve, right?

on Hogwarts Square.

Snape and Sirius Black had a great fight!

Whether it's the feud between them, or the current conflict between the two, they won't do anything lightly!

In the same way, this also allowed the students present to see how adult wizards use magic to fight!

One after another magic spell flew past the square like a shooting star!

Every spell is very splendid, but it can easily blow up a big hole in the square!

The students present were dodging around in embarrassment, but at the same time they wanted to surreptitiously watch how the two teachers who often bicker in school decide a winner...

The fight did not come as a surprise.


It will come sooner or later.

As for the reason for the conflict today, it is purely Sirius who violated the rules.

Sirius always likes to take second-year Harry Potter to Hogsmeade on weekends, ignoring the Hogwarts rules.

After all, when he was a student, he also regarded the school rules as nothing, and now he is wholeheartedly taking the little guy Harry Potter to continue the path he and James Potter walked, intending to make up for the responsibilities of the godfather...

such a teacher...

It's actually quite unreliable.

Snape met them and simply used the topic to taunt Sirius Black and Harry Potter.


Snape's vicious tongue...

Hit the soft underbelly of Sirius and Harry Potter with great precision!

James Potter…

Snape knew that his mention of James Potter and Peter Pettigrew would definitely make Sirius furious, and he wanted to take this opportunity to vent his anger!

"How stupid..."

Snape waved his wand to blow away the incoming spell, and sneered at the corners of his mouth, "You are really a friend of that idiot James Potter, and you haven't learned a little bit of Peter Pettigrew's tricks from the Dark Lord. …”

"Don't mention them!"

Sirius Black's face was full of anger, but the wand in his hand was very dexterous. He swung it twice in a row, and in a short period of time, he shot two spells in a row!

"Except your weapon! Quickly knock back!"

"Are you still using this spell..."

Snape looked indifferently at Sirius's little trick to cast the actually raised his large sleeves, and a flame flashed on the edge of the sleeves, drowning the two curses...

Just when Snape wanted to fight back, another voice appeared in his ear, and with this voice, a group of students rushed to the square!

"Professor Snape, Professor Black..."

The gray-haired youth slowly walked out of the crowd, and reached out to brush the hair on his forehead. "If I remember correctly, fighting should always be forbidden at Hogwarts?"

------off topic-----

Resurrection day!


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