Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 270: 1 unappreciated child...

"what are you saying?"

Old Barty Crouch held his palm, frowned tightly, as if he didn't quite understand what Snape meant: "After Barty escaped in front of me, I went to the basement and saw you alone. …”


Snape's heart was startled, and he suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing.

After all, before he was brought here, he once had a tangle with Peter Pettigrew, but he was subdued by Peter Pettigrew, and it was best not to let too many people know about it.

This can be known to Dumbledore, but it's best not to be known by other people, so as not to cause any trouble, especially someone like old Barty Crouch...

This guy is crazy too...

Just like his son, he is also a mad dog who will bite after staring at people. When old Barty Crouch saw a Death Eater, he would suddenly jump up and take a bite!

"Okay, let's go here..."

Snape took a deep breath and said solemnly, "I'm going to see Dumbledore now, and I'll tell him all the truth..."

never mind.

Anyway, he already knew enough.

As long as he has enough information from old Barty Crouch, the most important thing is the death of Peter Pettigrew and Voldemort, the two Dark Lords, which is the most amazing!

In this case…

At least Lily doesn't have to worry that Peter Pettigrew will suddenly appear and kill Harry in the name of destroying Voldemort's Horcrux; and for the time being, he doesn't have to worry that Voldemort will seek revenge on Harry...

"Then, I'll go first."

Just as Snape stood up and wanted to leave, there was a sudden knock on the door, making everyone present look ugly instantly!

Even the house-elf, Winky, was terrified!

Most of the night…

Who will knock on the door of this house!

Especially this house is very lively tonight!

After old Barty Crouch's heart skipped a beat, he remembered Wesson's instructions, and said in a deep voice, "Maybe something happened at the Ministry of Magic, I'll go and see..."

According to Weisen's instructions before he left, Dumbledore should go to the Ministry of Magic now. At that time, people from the Ministry of Magic will come to him and let him meet Dumbledore...

However, old Barty Crouch never expected that when Blink opened the door, Dumbledore with a gray beard came in wearing a wizard hat, and even a trace of apology on his face: "I'm sorry, Barry. Tee, I overheard those..."

Except for the apology on his face...

There was hardly any solemnity and seriousness in Dumbledore's expression, as if he didn't care about the secrets that old Barty Crouch said...

In fact.

Dumbledore really only paid attention to the two Dark Lords, Voldemort and Peter Pettigrew. Old Barty Crouch concealed that his son was still alive, which was not a big problem for Dumbledore at all!

Old Barty Crouch's expression became a little serious, and his palms twitched back and forth quickly, as if he was a little confused that Dumbledore overheard their conversation.

"do not be afraid."

Dumbledore spoke gently to appease the old Barty Crouch, and continued softly: "Barty, I have heard it all, we all make mistakes, and the little mistakes are not harmful to us old people. now..."

After he finished speaking, Dumbledore took a deep look at Snape again, and his eyes gradually became a little serious: "Professor Severus Snape, now you have completed my 'explaining'. For your business, you can go back to rest first..."

Compare the candor of old Barty Crouch...

Dumbledore was more suspicious of Snape's role tonight, because Snape was full of lies tonight, he never arranged for Snape to do anything tonight, but Snape hit him The name is here!


Snape nodded slowly.

Just when Snape was about to leave, he seemed to consider it for a while, then suddenly turned around and continued: "Dumbledore, about some details about tonight, I think we should have a good chat tomorrow..."

"Of course."

Dumbledore's attitude softened again.

Dumbledore didn't mind what Snape did, as long as Snape was willing to be honest about everything, as he was back then...


The results tonight were all good.

After Dumbledore saw Snape leave, he stretched out his hand and slowly comforted old Barty Crouch and sat down, and casually chatted about home life: "I never thought that so many things would happen tonight, I wanted to go earlier. Find you and talk about hunting down Tom..."

When Dumbledore said this, there was a self-deprecating and kind smile on his face: "Even before I came, I asked Grindelwald to help together and let the Aurors of the entire European Ministry of Magic act together..."


Old Barty Crouch's expression loosened.

However, the next moment, Dumbledore's eyes suddenly condensed, and his eyes were fixed on the old Barty Crouch, and the whole person completely turned into the old and firm White Devil King!

"Can I have a look?"


Old Barty Crouch hesitated for a while, nodded slowly, and could only lead Dumbledore towards the direction of the basement.

This is something he never imagined!

Maybe Wesson Wright didn't even think about it!

Dumbledore would come to his house alone!

If Dumbledore uses some tracing magic, it is very likely that he will find something that is not quite right, and even discover the role of the little guy Wesson Wright in it!

This is troublesome...

However, old Barty Crouch had no way to object, he could only take Dumbledore to the basement step by step, and said softly: "Winky secretly saw Voldemort and Peter the Dark Lord perish together in the basement, Barty took this opportunity to escape from the safehouse, leaving Snape alone..."


Dumbledore nodded irrevocably.

When the most powerful white wizard was led into the basement, he immediately felt the dust and residual blood in the ruins in the basement...


There was indeed a war going on here.

When Dumbledore reached out and touched a wisp of dust, he could feel that it was the ashes left by a powerful wizard, and it should have been left by Voldemort...

Apart from that…

There is still a strong smell of gunpowder in the air... It's a little uncomfortable!

Dumbledore glanced at the basement and said softly: "It seems that a powerful protective barrier has been set up here in advance. This is a trap, and some people use it as a battlefield..."


Old Barty Crouch frowned, and continued softly with some doubts: "I only have some Muggle weapons here..."

"Barty, you've been used."

Dumbledore just glanced at it, and immediately exposed everything hidden in it: "This is a wizard duel field prepared in advance, when he sets up the magic enchantment, he can perceive everything here, he knows that there are some The trap you set up..."

Dumbledore continued calmly: "But... the wizard who arranged the enchantment wanted to kill the person who stepped into this place... It should be Peter's preparation in advance to welcome Tom... Peter asked Snape to use Barty to return The name of the living led Tom here..."


Old Barty Crouch frowned and could not speak.

Because when Dumbledore speculates, everything he says may reveal flaws, and the only thing he has to do is to lead him in the wrong direction when Dumbledore is in a dilemma and can't guess anything...


Dumbledore guessed enough!

Because everything here was arranged by Wesson Wright, Dumbledore did guess that this was a trap arranged by a powerful wizard to kill anyone who stepped into it!

"If the blood was Peter's, it looks like they should all really be dead..."

Dumbledore stretched out his hand and stroked a little blood, his voice gradually became a little more relaxed, and the old man's thoughts that had been pressing in his heart could finally be settled a little.

If all this is true...

At least he doesn't have to worry about Peter Pettigrew causing trouble in the magic world again, at least it can be slowed down for a while, and then what about Peter Pettigrew's resurrection, he has cultivated a new era of heroes...

When Dumbledore thought of this, he slowly looked back at Old Barty: "But... things won't end like this..."

Dumbledore continued with a serious face: "Barty, we should all know that both Tom and Peter are dark wizards who have created evil items such as Horcruxes... If we don't destroy their Horcruxes, they will sooner or later. There will be a comeback..."


The old Barty Crouch nodded quickly: "I have planned to let the Aurors continue to track down the black magic items, but there has been no clue about the Horcrux, Voldemort and the Dark Lord Peter's Horcrux have never had any Discover…"


Dumbledore's attitude was a little hesitant. He slowly looked at old Barty Crouch, but he did not continue to speak.


Dumbledore wanted to have a good chat with Barty Crouch Sr. about Wesson being a Horcrux.

However, Dumbledore overheard from the secret conversation between old Barty and Snape tonight that the man was just using Wesson as a sign to hide Barty still alive...

Once Old Barty knew that Wesson was Peter's Horcrux, he would definitely kill him without hesitation!

This secret...

Don't say it for now.

Now that the inspection has been completed, Dumbledore's heart is reluctantly relieved. He intends to go ahead with a little blood and residual body tissue to do a magic experiment, and try to find a way to verify whether it is Peter's stay...

Although Dumbledore's heart has been determined, he can still feel at ease after a simple experiment.


He also had to settle the Hogwarts matter.

After all, so much happened tonight, besides the death of the two Dark Lords, and the fact that Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts professor Quirrell was sent to Azkaban, and Potions professor Snape lurked unknown the secret...

too little time.

Too much is happening.

Dumbledore felt that his energy was a little low.

However, just when Dumbledore wanted to leave, old Barty Crouch suddenly stopped him: "Dumbledore, about Barty... I will give an account to the Wizengamore Court!"

"Better not at this time."

Dumbledore shook his head quickly, he thought for less than a few seconds, and immediately stopped old Barty Crouch's thoughts, and even reached out and patted his shoulder, softly comforting: "I will think of a way. …”

If it was in the past...

Dumbledore doesn't care about these things!

It's just that it's Dumbledore's honeymoon period with the Ministry of Magic, and the support of the Ministry of Magic has been very useful to him, and old Barty Crouch has always done a good job, and even helped him with Grindelwald. less busy...

To be honest.

Once old Barty Crouch goes down, it must be replaced by Rufus Scrimgeour's grumpy Auror chief of staff, and Dumbledore feels that his relationship with the Ministry may be strained again. …

after all…

Rufus Scrimgeour has a tough attitude towards him, the headmaster of Hogwarts, and even once thought that everything in the wizarding world should be handed over to the Ministry of Magic. Grasp the situation...

And when Rufus Scrimgeour takes over, maybe the British Ministry of Magic and Grindelwald will be at war again...

This is more of a headache.

In comparison, old Barty Crouch is actually more suitable for staying at the Ministry of Magic, and coupled with the mistakes that old Barty has exposed, Dumbledore knows that he and old Barty can get along more happily...

"Don't worry, Crouch, everyone can make mistakes..."

Dumbledore patted Crouch on the shoulder and said softly: "It's better to put these things aside and focus on another child. Wesson is a good child..."

"Yes Yes…"

Old Barty echoed softly without words.


Dumbledore could only sigh, and he could see that old Barty Crouch didn't take his words to heart.

that kid...

never been taken seriously...

Dumbledore remembered the route he had arranged for the child. Perhaps it is the child's best fate to cultivate the child step by step to become a hero against the resurrection of Peter Pettigrew...

Fate is always by chance.

Just when Dumbledore wanted to arrange the fate of the child here, the child was also arranging the fate of others, and even he was ruthless! Grindelwald has returned to Nordic with the door key.

The Dark Lord got into his Thestral carriage and was on his way back to Durmstrang School.

While stroking the phoenix on his shoulder, Grindelwald whispered something to the phoenix: "You killed that mad student of Dumbledore?"


The voice of a young man yawning came from Phoenix's mouth. He seemed to feel a little bored when he spoke: "It was only killed once, and he will be resurrected next year..."

"next year?!"


The boy's voice in Fenghuang's mouth became smaller, and he seemed to be a little sleepy and muttered: "What kind of waste diary is this, and he boasted that he is omnipotent and omnipotent, how can he not even write a formula for controlled nuclear fusion..."


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