Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 259: Peter, rush out, you can!

Voldemort didn't know where this was.

Voldemort didn't really care much about where Muggles lived, but when Snape was talking about it seriously, it meant that there must be something different here.

"This is Crouch's house."

Snape glanced at the round iron gate, he saw the surprise flashing in Voldemort's eyes, and explained softly: "You're right, the Director of Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic, who almost killed the Death Eaters at the beginning. The desperate old Mr. Barty Crouch..."

When the Death Eaters followed Voldemort to wreak havoc in the wizarding world, in addition to Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix being their most powerful enemies, the Aurors led by old Barty Crouch were also the trouble they could not avoid.

Compared with Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix, old Barty Crouch personally applied for permission and passed the Aurors to use the Unforgivable Curse on the dark wizards, so that Voldemort and the Death Eaters wanted to capture the British Ministry of Magic and encroach on the Ministry of Magic. power is far away.

Needless to say.

If speaking seriously, during the Wizarding War, Dumbledore was Voldemort's most terrible person, then old Barty Crouch was the most hated person by the Death Eaters, and for a time forced the Death Eaters to disappear. .

Although old Barty was a big problem for the Death Eaters, Voldemort's mouth was obviously filled with a disdainful sneer: "It turned out to be little Barty's father..."

Barty Crouch Jr.

Voldemort couldn't help but think of his favorite Death Eaters. Barty Crouch Jr was undoubtedly one of them. Even when Voldemort was very interested in playing father-son games with Barty Jr. He loves little Barty very much, treats the little Barty who is under his command as his own child, and allows Barty to use his name to attack the wizard.


Voldemort possessed Quirrell and even inquired about the Death Eaters, of whom Barty Crouch Jr died shortly after being sent into Azkaban by his father Barty Crouch Sr. Let Voldemort feel some regrets.

" my favorite kid..."

Voldemort remembered the sullen youth, and the sadness in his eyes flashed: "I heard...he died in Azkaban?"

Barty Crouch Jr liked to imitate him everywhere, and finally died for the faith of the Death Eaters. Voldemort's heart inevitably felt a little pity for that shady young man, especially when a group of Death Eaters betrayed him...

"I used to think so too..."

Snape shook his head calmly. His eyes were fixed on the round iron gate, but the conversation suddenly turned in a different direction: "But... I found something different..."

"Barty Crouch Jr. . . . has always been alive."

"In a sense, I saw with my own eyes that a colleague with some crazy brains was sent into Azkaban by his father himself under the Wizengamore court. I heard that it will be soon in less than half a year Tortured to death by Dementors..."


"He didn't have a good father."

"But he has an enviable mother."

When Snape said this, he sighed with some wistfulness in his eyes: "According to my speculation, it should be his mother, Mrs. Crouch, who drank a lot of compound decoction and forced her husband to replace her with her. his own son."

"Because I've been looking for your Horcrux..."

"Barty Crouch Jr. is your favorite, and I guess you probably put a Horcrux on him, so I've been keeping an eye on him."

"When the news of his death came from Azkaban, I managed to get hold of his body, I hope he has some clues..."

Speaking of this, Snape's voice paused before continuing: "However... when I checked... I found out that Barty's body had taken a lot of compound decoction..."

"It's impossible to hide this from my nose."

"When I restored his body to its original appearance, I saw what Mrs. Crouch looked like. Mrs. Crouch died in Azkaban instead of Barty...

Even the amount of compound decoction she took before her death was so high that when she was dying, she still looked like her own son... Really..."

"Pretty great maternal love."


Voldemort's eyes narrowed.

Dark wizards in the entire magical world have almost never received any maternal love since childhood, and Voldemort is no exception. His mother should be the most irresponsible.

Only gave him a father's name and left him in an orphanage...

maternal love…

It's a luxury for them.

Fortunately, he didn't care about those useless feelings for a long time.


Voldemort glanced at the phantom of the magic lightsaber composed of the Shadowless Spell that was inserted into his body, and frowned hesitantly: "Little Barty is still alive?"

What a hassle!

The most troublesome thing about the Shenfeng Wuying Curse is that the wounds it causes cannot be healed. Only the anti-curse that Snape himself has developed specifically for Shenfeng Wuying can alleviate it!

"He must be alive."

Snape looked at Voldemort's eyes with a smile on his lips, and continued softly: "When I realized that Mrs. Crouch died in Azkaban in place of her son, I vaguely guessed the truth..."

"As long as the intended result is obtained..."

"It's not difficult to reason about the process."

this kind of thing...

This Snape impersonator is particularly good at it.

This is not a mathematical problem that needs to be proved. As long as the logic is smooth, any process he wants can be easily reversed through the result.

"Barty Jr. is still alive, which is great news for me."

Snape continued slowly: "I've always guessed that he also has a high probability of holding your Horcrux..."


A sneer flashed across Voldemort's face.

Although he is very willing to believe in Barty Crouch Jr.'s loyalty to himself in private, he also knows that Barty Crouch Jr is constrained by his father, Barty, and he doesn't think Barty can hide from his father. Good his Horcrux!


Voldemort never gave any Horcrux to Barty Jr.!

However, Snape's next sentence made Voldemort's smile froze on his face: "Unfortunately, before I could look for him, Peter Pettigrew almost destroyed your Horcrux, leaving only the I got the diary he wanted to use to learn black magic..."


Oh shit!

Peter Pettigrew that bastard!

That **** found all his Horcruxes with Bellatrix!

The anger on Voldemort's face was undisguised, and his hatred of Peter Pettigrew was undoubtedly the highest, not even the hatred of Harry Potter and Snape...

As for Dumbledore...

Only lined up on his hate list...

"Interestingly, that doesn't mean it's over."

When Snape said this, it was obvious that he was talking about interesting things, and his eyes became cold again: "Little Barty is still alive in this world, still has his use, he can be used as a threat. Old Barty Crouch, the high-level handle of the Ministry of Magic..."

"Mr. Barty Crouch Sr. has been keeping the news that his son is still alive in the world, and even for this reason he adopted the very gifted little guy Wesson Wright, seems to want to use the well-known The adopted son hides people's eyes and ears..."


Voldemort remembered the student at Hufflepuff House at Hogwarts. That little guy seemed to be a hard-working little wizard who was targeted by old Barty Crouch?


How sad.

When Voldemort thought of this, his brain couldn't help but start thinking.

Barty Crouch doesn't care about his adopted son, maybe he can take advantage of this and let that kid in Wesson be a sharp blade in his hand...


Now is not the time to think about this!

Voldemort's brain quickly returned to his senses. How could he think of that little brat of Wesson Wright at this time, and getting out of trouble from here was the only thing he had to do!

"What a pity."

When Snape said this, there was indeed a little regret on his face: "Mr. Crouch wanted to use the innocent child of Wesson as a banner to hide people's ears, but he still did not hide from the eyes of those who are interested, the magic world has always been There aren't too many secrets..."

"That idiot Peter seems to have some unusual intuition in this regard. He also found out that little Barty is still alive, and his mind is the same as mine, and he wants to use this as a threat to old Barty Crow. Strange the handle of the high-level Ministry of Magic."

"But what he doesn't know is..."

"The handle of old Barty Crouch..."

"I never knew, but never used it."

A sneer flashed at the corner of Snape's mouth, and he continued softly: "When I found Lily's soul and wanted to use everything I had to bring Lily back to life...

"Peter that idiot..."

"I finally realized that I have always loved Lily!"


Voldemort's eyes twitched.

Didn't Snape think about his own problems when he said this?

This **** has hidden his feelings for Lily, the witch, so deeply that many people can see it, Lily Evans can't see it herself!

"That idiot..."

"Knowing that I made a big mistake..."

Snape's voice gradually cooled, the murderous intent in his eyes barely concealed: "After he helped me destroy or collect all your Horcruxes...he guessed...I will definitely kill he The hiding place has been prepared in advance."

"That mouse... hid here?"

Voldemort's eyes darkened immediately.

Although he also hated Snape very much, after hearing Snape's story before, he already knew that Peter Pettigrew, the little mouse, made his own decisions...

That cowardly mouse...

He is the one he hates the most!

"That's right."

Snape slowly turned his head to look at the basement, and continued softly: "The whole house is full of magic traps, and there is even a safe house that is more secretive than any other place. Not even a Muggle war can destroy it..."


"It should be the hiding place that old Mr. Barty Crouch prepared for his son. When Peter was tracking your Horcrux, he also found out about the little Barty. He threatened Mr. Crouch to hide him in Here, I hope to escape my pursuit."


"The handle he has..."

"I have it in my hands too."

"When I laid it all out in front of Mr. Crouch, he very much wanted me to help him clear Peter's threat and replace the safe house's secrecy with me..."


Voldemort's eyes dimmed strangely.

The Dark Lord couldn't help but look at the round iron door, which was obviously where Peter Pettigrew was hiding...


He has the person he wants to kill the most!

Snape raised his palm, slightly picked his wand, and the light of a spell flashed and landed directly on the round iron gate.

"Araho Cave is open."

With the magic of the opening spell, the extremely thick circular iron door slowly opened, revealing a long passage.

The sound of the round iron door opening was very heavy.

Even the two people living in the safe house and a house-elf heard it.

Little Barty Crouch, who has been living in the safe house, is lying in a mess of paper scraps. He has already tore all the books in the safe house to shreds, and he has no idea what to use for entertainment. The only interesting thing is beating Peter Pettigrew!

However now...

Suddenly I heard the sound of the iron door opening!

Barty Crouch Jr.'s eyes instantly ignited hope, some thin body jumped up, and hurriedly wanted to run to the iron gate to see what was going on!


Peter Pettigrew grabbed his arm violently, widened his eyes and gritted his front teeth in a low voice: "Have you figured it out! Help me create chaos and let me get out of here! As long as I can find my master, we will If you can recover the living stone, then you can go to see your mother by yourself, you don't need to beg that kid, he must be playing with you!"

Since Peter Pettigrew was locked up here, he has been trying to convince Barty Crouch Jr. to help him escape almost every day...

As long as Barty Crouch Jr can create chaos!

Peter Pettigrew looked at Barty Crouch Jr, whose eyes fell instantly when he heard the resurrection stone, and continued in a low voice: "I have already remembered the road outside clearly, as long as you can create chaos, I will definitely be able to. Get out of here and find the master!"

Since these days…

Peter Pettigrew never gave up.

When he was locked in, he remembered how many traps there were in the basement, and always remembered the safest way. He remembered it a hundred times a day...

to be frank…

Peter Pettigrew is going crazy!

This is also Peter Pettigrew's only living obsession!

"do not forget!"

Peter Pettigrew gritted his teeth in a low voice: "That kid is a real devil. He plays tricks on everyone in the magic world. Do you really think he will let you see your mother just like that?"

While speaking, Peter Pettigrew gritted his teeth and continued to emphasize in a low voice: "Instead of waiting for his favor, let me escape to find the master first, that kid... but the cruelest person in this world!"


Barty Crouch Jr was silent for a There was no need for Peter Pettigrew to tell him…

That kid Wesson is really not a good thing...

Barty Crouch Jr raised his head sharply, and there was a flash of madness and wickedness in his eyes, as if he had become the crazy Death Eater again, he looked at the house elf suddenly: "Winky, what is it now? time!"

"It should should be night..."

House-elf Twinkle was too frightened to speak.

Barty Crouch Jr glanced at the date marks he remembered on a piece of paper, and said coldly, "It should be the end of May and the beginning of June. Hogwarts hasn't had a holiday yet, that kid is still there. At school, the old guy should have come to deliver supplies to us... I will help you attract his attention... You become your own Animagus and find the master!"


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