Starting Over at Hogwarts

Chapter 19: Cedric, come on, let's throw people out together

The Hogwarts Express has a lot of space.

However, there are still too many freshmen entering this year.

When Wesson and Cedric got into the car, the two walked all over the freshmen's carriages, and everyone else was already seated in every compartment without incident.

Until he saw that there were still people in the last box, Cedric finally looked at Wesson reluctantly.

"Why don't we go to the fifth box to squeeze in, there's only one person there, and there's still some space..."

"Don't worry, I'll think of a way."

Wesson Wright shook his head slowly and firmly. He clawed at the door and asked the people inside: "If you were assigned to Hufflepuff after school, what would you think?"

"What is a Hufflepuff?"

The teenagers in the box looked at them curiously.

"It's okay, you have a good rest here."

Weissen shook his head, a kind smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and beckoned Cedric to follow him to the next box: "Let's go, let's go to the next box and ask..."


Cedric nodded happily.

At this moment, Cedric didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, and he also thought that Vincent Wright was looking for a classmate who might enter an academy.


Cedric was still a naive boy.


Wesson opened a box door again, looked down at the two girls who stopped talking in the box, and asked them with a smile, "If you were assigned to Hufflepuff after school, what would you think? "

"That's pretty good!"

One of the girls instantly showed a smile and said with a smile, "Because my mother is from Hufflepuff College..."

Another girl saw that Wei Sen was still pushing the car, and said kindly, "Have you found a suitable seat yet? We still have a place here..."

"Will not be disturbing."

Before the girl could finish speaking, Wesson interrupted her and nodded politely to the two girls: "I hope we will meet in Hufflepuff in the future."

After speaking, Wesson closed the door.

The two girls in the box were still somewhat unresponsive.

Just when Cedric wanted to ask Wesson, Wesson had already opened the door of the next box, still maintaining a decent smile on his face: "Excuse everyone here, if you are assigned to Hufflepuff, you Any ideas?"

"That's an academy where garbage is sorted!"

"If I was assigned there, I'd rather drop out!"

"Only a condescending wizard would be willing to go to Hufflepuff!"

The three teenagers in this box immediately seemed to be provoked anger, and everyone seemed to have encountered something disgusting, and arrogantly despised Hufflepuff Academy.

As children from a noble pure-blood wizard family, how could they be willing to be assigned to a mediocre academy like Hufflepuff!

"Okay, I know."

Vincent Wright nodded earnestly, then turned to look at Cedric, whose face was obviously flushed with anger: "I found it, let's sit in this box..."


Cedric was still too angry to react.

The three little wizards in the carriage didn't understand what Weisen meant either.

next moment.

Under Cedric's gaze, Wesson suddenly took out his wand and pointed at the three teenagers in the box!

"It's all petrified!"


Because Wei Sen casts magic too fast, the three teenagers sitting in this box were directly immobilized with a petrification spell before they even had time to let out a scream.

This is…

What's the situation!

Cedric looked at Wesson Wright's operation in disbelief, and was stunned: "Wesson... We used magic to hurt our classmates just after entering school..."

"Isn't it strange for those who don't know..."

Wei Sen waved his hand indifferently, and said to him, "Don't stand there, come and help, let's throw the three of them out..."


Cedric nodded absentmindedly.

The two of them packed up the box together. The three petrified little wizards and their luggage were piled on their own carts and left to hang out in the corridor.

"It doesn't feel right..."

Cedric sat in the box seat, looking at Wesson in disbelief: "You keep asking everyone in the box what their attitude towards Hufflepuff is, you're trying to find out what Hufflepuff said. Patch's bad-mouthing box!"

"Any questions?"

Wesson Wright raised his head suspiciously and explained seriously: "I asked them about their attitude towards Hufflepuff, they humiliated Hufflepuff, I cleaned them up..."


Cedric frowned and began to think seriously about finding loopholes: "But your...your didn't come to ask them about their attitude towards Hufflepuff, you wanted them to humiliate Hufflepuff. , find a reason for your own shot!"

This is…

This is intentional fishing!

Vincent Wright slowly leaned back on the seat, his face suddenly turned cold, and he began to bully the honest man: "So, Cedric, are you blaming your friend?"

"No, I didn't mean that..."

Cedric blushed a little in shame, shook his head and said, "I'm just worried that this might cause you trouble... If I, as your friend, don't stop you when you make a mistake, then I'm not qualified. "


Not only did he not stop him just now...

Even with Wesson Wright.

Cedric felt that he should take good care of Wesson Wright in the future and not let this friend go further and further down the wrong path.

"Well, next time you have to remember to stop me."

Vincent Wright casually made a fool of Cedric.


However, Cedric looked into Wesson's eyes and agreed very seriously. This is really a sincere child suitable for Hufflepuff.


Not waiting for the two of them to sit down.

A flight attendant aunt walked over with a snack cart. She saw the three small luggage carts blocking the road and the three teenagers petrified in the car. She couldn't help shouting in surprise: "Oh, my God, who is this? What the hell, you even put three little guys here with a petrification spell!"

"...I'll go out and admit my mistake!"

As Cedric spoke, he wanted to open the door.

"Sit down!"

Vincent Wright stood up and pressed Cedric back to the seat. He straightened his clothes and said solemnly, "It's my fault, I should take it upon myself..."

"No, I did it with you..."


Wesson Wright's little face looked very serious and serious: "It's not what an honest Hufflepuff should do to let your friends take the blame for your own mistakes."


Cedric's face was surprised and somewhat relieved.

Facts have proved.

Cedric was still too young.

Just when Cedric thought Wesson went out to admit his mistake, he heard the fact that Wesson reported to the flight attendant aunt through the door.

"I did it."

"I was with my friends just now and asked people in other boxes in the carriage. After I enroll, what if I join Hufflepuff Academy?"

"As a result, these three people immediately started swearing. Only wizards who want to be humble will join the Hufflepuff Academy. I can't accept their abuse. I didn't expect to solve them with one move..."

"...Well done."

The flight attendant aunt subconsciously praised her.

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