Starting from Zero

Vol 14 Chapter 37: Summon room

The passage in our place was quickly completely submerged, and we had to support the wall to swim forward. In fact, swimming in this passage is more comfortable than walking, at least not to worry about the wet moss under the feet, and it will not be because of the passage. Low and feel groggy.

Swim forward for a short distance. The passageway ends abruptly, and a stone gate is completely closed in front. Kristina knocked on the door, then turned to us and said, "I'm dangerous to use magic underwater, or you come . "

Zhenhong swam to the front and looked at it, and then slammed a fist at Shimen, listening only to the loud noise, and there were many large cobwebs on Shimen, and we were all dizzy. The sound was in the water. The transmission effect is obviously better than in the air. Zhen Hong ’s fist is almost like hitting us. When I saw Zhen Hong ’s fist again, I quickly held her back: “Forget it, I ’ll come Come on! "

"Why can't you guys consider the next way?" We heard the sound of gold coins and looked back at her together, only to see that she pressed her hand against the wall slightly and slightly, and followed it. Just listening to the sound of the stone wall in front of us, the door opened by itself.

"Fuck!" We looked at each other embarrassingly, but fortunately, we were all underwater with masks and no expressions.

Behind the gate is a forward passage, but it is only a few meters long. Through the passage, a huge space is entered, but we don't know how big it is because it is a large water tank. Although the water is quite clear But the sight is still not very good, we can only see a distance of about 100 meters, and then there is a dark green. Just after we passed the ground door, the door closed suddenly behind us, and we did not care about it. This room and Before, there were obvious differences in the ground passages.The main thing was that there were no moss and waterweeds, and the walls were well preserved.

Zhenhong beckoned to us near a wall, and the three of us swam quickly. Zhenhong pointed at the wall and let us see. "Did you see something?"

Kristina looked close to the wall for a long time. Then suddenly realized something. After releasing a lighting technique, we reacted instantly. The wall was actually full of text, and it was very dense. These texts were all written on the ground with green ground paint, And the light in the room happens to be a color, so if you don't illuminate it with a light source of other colors, you can't see these words at all.

"Like Oracle," Kristina said.

"Not exactly." I took out a magnifying glass and leaned over to look at it. "This is a simplified text that looks similar to Oracle, but it's not at all."

"How do you know?" The gold coin asked me.

"Because I know Oracle." The biggest advantage of becoming a dragon is that the brain is easy to use. Any academic thing will be remembered as long as it is read. But this memory ability is limited to what I want to remember. If I do n’t want to remember I wo n’t write it down. Oracle has always been used as a computer graphic encrypted text inside Dragon Edge, so I took the time to learn it. Of course, these can't be compared with gold coins.

The gold coin looked at me exaggeratedly, only she could use the helmet in the water. Only she could see the expression. "No? Purple sun you are too great. You all learn Oracle?"

"It's just interest." I'm still studying the text on the wall. "This writing is not necessarily not Oracle, and it must not be magic."

Chris Dina patted me: "Isn't there a lot of your pets? Put out a few to recognize them, maybe someone knows them."

"Then let me try."

Only Ariana, the little dragon girl and the crystal were released.Others need to release the protective enchantment before entering the water.I simply did not let them out.

Azana looked close to the wall, then shook her head. "I have never seen such text."

Little Dragon Girl also shook her head: "It looks like Oracle, but it definitely isn't. Maybe it's some kind of improved text, I don't understand anyway."

Crystal looked closely and said, "I've seen this kind of text, but I don't know it."

"Have you ever seen this? Is it a text of the dragon family?" Crystal is a fairy dragon. The dragon of the dragon family has always been beautiful. Women have been synonymous with wisdom. This kind of text is not surprising.

Crystal reluctantly said: "This is the Dragon Dragon family long ago used Dilong text. Now the Dilong language is used to display the ground on this basis, but this text has not been used for a long time, I do not know."

Cristina said: "It seems we can't find any clues from this!"

"That may not be the case." As soon as I reached out, a huge faucet emerged. "Bannon, do you know the ancient language of the Dragons?"

"Of course." Banon Chan Lan looked around, and soon noticed the words on the wall. "Is that all?"

"Yeah, that's all." But this guy named Ban Nong Lan is a major scourge that caused the division of the Dragon family. Essinger's epic dragon Hong Yan is not as old as him. If he doesn't know it, then no one in the world knows This thing is up.

After getting my confirmation, Phanom Ran started to say, "Ankabela, ah ... (spell)"

When I heard the text that Phanom Lanlan read out, I could n’t understand it, so I wanted him to translate it and read it out. Who knows that I have n’t spoken yet, and the text on the wall that Phanomlan Lan read has suddenly lit up Followed by that text suddenly flew out of the wall, scaring us quickly to the side. Those texts flew to a square of a dozen meters behind us, and then suddenly gathered into a huge light ball, followed by the light ball suddenly It flickered and immediately went out. After the light ball went out, we only saw a giant shark that was more than one hundred meters long appeared in front of us, and it suddenly surprised a few of us.

"Fuck, what do you call out, Benon?

"It was you who let me read it," explained Bannon Chanlan. "This is a line of inheritance. As long as it can be read out correctly, it will start on its own. As long as it can defeat this magically formed creature, it can gain control of this creature. In the future, you can summon this creature just by saying the spell again. "

"What if we were defeated by it?"

"The creature will then change back to text and go back to the wall, waiting for it.

Later people go to start. "

"It was just the text you read. Does that mean that if we kill this thing now, you can summon big sharks of this level?"

"It's not this level, it's just this one. In addition, it doesn't have to be me, we are the same group of people. After killing, you can choose who inherits the land."

Kristina said excitedly: "It seems like a reward, let's kill this guy, right?"

I also pulled out eternity, and then said, "This thing is a reward for preparation, but not for us."


"Even if you defeat this guy, can you remember the spell?"

"This one……!"

Real red interrupted us: "You guys still think about how to deal with this guy! It started to move."

The shark had just been at a standstill, but now it started to move slowly. I saw the guy shake his tail a few times, and then turned to swim away.

"Isn't it going to run?" Asked Gold Coins.

"I can't see it."

Just called out to look at the text. Before it was time to take it back, Ariana suddenly reminded us: "It came over."

Arona has a sonar. She has a larger area of ​​observation than the ground in the water. Almost as soon as the voice falls, we see a huge black shadow in front of us, and it immediately arrives in front of our ground. The shark was just at all Not to escape, it feels that the distance is too close, and the special tour is a little more convenient to add. Now this guy's land has almost reached the peak. Although it doesn't look too fast, it is actually very dangerous for us because it is in the water We don't have the flexibility of 6 to go to the ground, and sharks can't take advantage of this degree.

Just a moment of God's time, the Seal of the Seal of the Throne came to us. This guy opened his huge mouth and swallowed all of us. It was not that we didn't want to run, but it was too late. The rank is also very high in the class, which is even more difficult for us. You must know that most fish land attack speed is faster than 6 creatures, such as those who can seal in a thousandth of a second. The skills of swallowing prey land in the throne are basically fish land specialties.

Just feeling a spin of the sky we were sucked into the mouth of the shark. Follow this guy and swallowed us directly into the stomach. It is a hundred meters long. How many people swallow it?

"Blasting." Cristina suddenly shouted. A huge waterspout sprayed directly from the tip of her staff, followed by Cristina to retreat high. Cristina fully regarded the waterspout as After the water jet propeller, she rushed over and pulled us all together, and then took us back to the shark's mouth. The ghost knew if there was something like digestive juice in the stomach of this guy, we Don't want to turn into shark dung.

Although he rushed back to the shark's mouth, we still couldn't get out. This guy's mouth has been closed. Fortunately, the shark doesn't have a tongue, otherwise we have to fight with its tongue.

Kristina finished her water spraying work, put in a lighting technique first, and then asked, "What shall we do now?"

"Of course I tried to get rid of this guy." Ban Nong Lan said, floating in the air in his head, "It is actually lucky to be swallowed in. If we were outside, we would not have hit this guy. But don't Go to this guy's belly. There is a magic digestive system over there, and it will be sucked in when entering. Still relatively safe in your mouth. "

Real Red suddenly pointed at the top of her finger and asked, "It should be the shark's brain if you go there?"

Kristina gave a thumbs up immediately: "Gao Ming, just punch a hole directly from here and you're done."

"Then let me. Cover your ears." Zhenhong first dropped to the lower edge of the shark's mouth, so she could stand on the shark's underground jaw to borrow. "Dawei Tianlongquan 37 — Qianlong ascended to heaven. ”A five-pronged golden dragon rushed up in a bright dragon groan, hit the shark's upper jaw, and then went straight in without any pause.

The big shark was swimming in the water well, and suddenly his body pumped, followed by a hole in his head like a whale, a golden dragon rushed straight up from the hole, and he just opened a big hole directly in the head of the shark. We have not yet As soon as I got out of that hole, the shark suddenly flashed into the pile of text before us and flew among us, then gathered into a light ball.

Ban Nong Lan said: "Whoever wants to touch the ball, then this spell will become a special attribute of your land. As long as you read it, you can summon it. Skills cannot be upgraded. If you die after each call, You have to wait 24 hours before you can call again. "

I said to Chris Dina: "Hold it. We have a lot of creatures, as if you are relatively few."

Cristina nodded, and he was also polite, holding the ball of light directly in her hand, and the ball of light disappeared on her palm.

We went back to the wall and looked at the other texts. This time, we didn't dare to let Phanom Orchid read them. The mantra that called the sharks on the wall was gone, and there were only bare walls. According to Nong Langdi, the densely written on this wall are all summoning spells, at least there are millions of summoning creatures. As long as you read a spell, it will lead to corresponding summoning creatures, but you must destroy them before you have them. .Bannon Chan Lan made a punch and found no other text.

Chris Christina said: "This side has nothing but words, and there is no exit. How can we find the inverse scale?"

"Better to reverse the scales is not here at all." Zhen Hongdao.

Gold Coin said: "What if I have to erase all these words to see the inverse scale?"

I shook my head: "There will not be such a perverted mission, there are at least millions of mantras here, let alone start one by one, that is, they come out together and stand and let us kill for a long time, the system will not be set like this Place of mission. Either the inverse scale is not here at all, or we are not at the institution. "

"I think I found it," Cristina suddenly said.

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