Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 13: Special compensation

Volume IX Chapter 13 Special Compensation

"Keke ... this thing ... kekekeke ... why is there still behind the fire!" Erlang asks Taibai Venus.

Venus, who has become a carbon black briquette, aggrieved while coughing, "Cough ... I ... cough ... I don't know! ... Cough ... Otherwise you thought I would ... cough ... ... stand here and wait for it to burn? "

I hurriedly said, "I know this thing anyway. It's very similar to a weapon from me. I think the performance should be pretty good, I want it. But you ... keke ... can you match a few of them? Haotianjing? This ... keke ... it doesn't seem to look at the target position! "

"Okay, no problem, let's go back and talk about it!" Tai Pingxing opened the portal while coughing.

After returning to the Qiankun Tower, he refreshedly showed me four sides of the skylight, saying that he can see anywhere in the world, and it is not affected by the weather and buildings. There are also buildings with magic defenses that make it impossible to see the inside. According to Taibaijinxing, at least this mirror is more convenient than the original Babel tower's viewer. That viewer can only look down from the top, and it is not easy to recognize the face. And the clouds and roof can block the view. Although this will also be blocked, at least better than the original.

Four sets of **** arrows combined with 34 astronomical sky mirrors were recorded on the roster and carried into the ground space door that I opened at the beginning. The issue of compensation for other items is discussed next.

In fact, the two things have just been solved, and the problem has been basically solved. Isinger also has some special buildings that are allowed to be built by the system. For example: Temple University, Heroes Monument, Space Connector, War Machine Research Institute, Magic Crystal Power Research Institute, Advanced Technology Dock, Urban Power Pipeline, Large Power Base, Blood Pool, Advanced Power Core, Magic Anti-Gravity Device, Transnational Teleportation Array, Colorful Fantasy Pool, Warcraft Nest.

These buildings are systematically allowed for us to build, not for us to find the land, so reconstruction is simple. Take the Magic Crystal Dynamics Institute, for example. This building is a system that allows us to build, we have everything like design drawings, as long as there are materials and manpower available at any time. This kind of thing doesn't have uniqueness, as long as it is destroyed, it can be rebuilt immediately. All the heavenly court needs to do is to provide special materials and help someone to build it. Because of this simplicity, we have no disagreements. Everyone soon finalized, and the court will provide materials quickly. Then someone helped us build it.

After solving these things, there is not much left. There are still six questions, the gate of truth, the four dragon statues, the statue of the goddess of life, the gathering tower, the thunderbolt, and the illusion.

The gate of truth was robbed from Japan. This time the city was destroyed and it was unfortunately killed. The gate has now been broken into several pieces, and it is impossible to repair it. Although this thing can be built as long as the city meets the requirements, Isinger is not a required city. When the city upgrades, choosing the temple of knowledge can indeed get the gate of truth, but Isinger ’s evolution direction is the fortress of war. He ca n’t build the gate of truth by himself.

The four dragon statues are even more terrible. These things were originally ancient relics of the Dragons, not even the Dragons themselves, let alone us. The four hanging statues are not only powerful and unique, but they are all right now and cannot be copied at all.

The statue of the goddess of life is also the one I grabbed back. The other side was a statue obtained in a large mission. It now seems that the unique item cannot be copied at all.

The tower is not the only item, and it can still be rebuilt by someone, but the construction technology is in the hands of the Dark Temple. We need not count.

The Lightning Cannon is a thing of the Dragons, so they should ask for another one, but it is estimated that they need to exchange conditions. It was given to us to help us defend the city. Finding them for no reason now must be conditional.

The illusion is even more terrible. This can be said to be an attribute. Isinger belongs to the demon capital. It is surrounded by illusions. People outside can't see the internal conditions. You can see Isinger only through the illusionary area. Now that the destroyed illusions of cities are naturally gone, we cannot rebuild the illusions when we rebuild cities. How to compensate for this is also a big problem.

I told Taibai Venus about the situation. After listening to it, he discussed with Erlang Shen: "We seem to have similar treasures about the gate of truth, but the level is higher than the thing you said." He seemed to It ’s very difficult: "That baby does n’t have a big deviation after the door you said. It basically solves most of the problems, but its task is proportional to the degree of completion. The more complicated the requirements you ask for , The more difficult its task is, it is estimated that it is difficult for you to control it. I do n’t know if you want this kind of thing. ”

"Yes, why not?" A high level is a good thing, if the task is difficult then simply increase the strength of the task force.

Taiping Jinxing said: "If this is the case, then I will give it to you."

Several paper men quickly moved down a strange object. This is something like an altar, but the area is not very large. The height of the altar is more than two meters, with stairs on all sides, and a square platform with a side length of more than 7 meters on the top. A huge Taiji gossip picture is painted on the platform.

Taibai Jinxing explained: "This is the Ruyi altar. As long as you stand there and make a wish, it will send you to the task site and give you a scroll with the task. When you complete the task, you will automatically return to the altar. If you want more Bring some people to do the task, and let everyone stand on the altar when making a wish, anyway, as long as the person standing on the altar at that time will be sent over. During the task, you can rest. But once you die, you will automatically return to this altar to be resurrected. .Unless you die before the end of the mission, you cannot leave the mission. Each death loses 20 levels of authenticity, without losing items and equipment. The altar has no limit on the number of uses, as long as you are enough. Go up to tens of thousands of teams within a day. It doesn't matter, but I suggest you don't do that. The task of this altar is very difficult. Unless your wish request is simple, you can either go into the world or die. "

"Okay, I'll take this, and use it to replace my door of truth." Hehe, although too much platinum emphasizes that the task is difficult, this thing can fully fulfill the requirements. Even if we make a wish to sink the Japanese island, as long as we can complete the task, it will come true. Of course. It is estimated that the kind of corresponding task requires the Chinese people to enter the task together to have hope.

I let lucky move this big guy into the space door, thanks to the large space inside the Qiankun Tower. Otherwise, it ’s not easy to handle such a big thing!

After the compensation of the gate of truth was successfully resolved, it was the problem of the four dragon statues. After listening to my description, Taibai Venus rummaged in the record book. After a long time, he finally found a suitable compensation plan.

He carefully said: "The four **** beasts each have a tower, collectively known as the Four Realms Tower. These four towers are left over from ancient times, their origins are unknown, but they are very useful."

"Where are these towers?"

"There is one around the Four God Beasts, and their collection places are all towers with their own names. The Suzaku Land Tower of Suzakudi is here with me, and the Qinglongjie Tower, White Tiger World Tower, and Xuanwu World Tower are at their own place. I can get it if you want. "

"What's the use of this tower?"

"The four towers have different functions. The effect of Suzaku Tower is fanatical, and the coverage area is 20 miles. When the enemy personnel release the spell, 10% of the spells may be unsuccessful, and 10% may become another spell that he can. If this spell has Targets or directional spells have a 10% chance that the spell falls on someone outside the target or deviates from the specified direction by a certain angle. In short, it is unlikely that the target will hit the target as desired. If it is a long-range strike such as an archer, it is subject to Chaos affects the hit rate will be reduced by 25%. The sound of close physical attack is affected by the chaos. 30% of the probability is impossible to control the intensity. Either you use too much force to keep a heel or too little force at all. It does not work. Up 10%.

The effect of the Blue Dragon Tower is divine power, covering 2030 miles. The morale of hostile forces is reduced, and as a result, the attack power and attack level are reduced. The degree of decline continuously fluctuates between 1% and 10%, and all creatures except adventures may have a 2% probability of escaping. The morale of their own members is high, and the attack and combat effectiveness increase due to the increase in morale. However, this increase is unstable and fluctuates between 1% and 10%. Allies' wound healing increased by 10%, and pain was reduced by 80% during the battle.

The effect of the White Tiger Tower is fighting spirit, and the range covers 2030 miles. Causes the enemy to have 10 chances in all creatures except adventures to disobey the command of the master, and has the possibility of mutiny, automatically attacking their own people until they leave the area of ​​effect or die. Your own personnel show a strong will and automatically resist all negative effects magic. Automatically stabilizes mental stability for all parties within all ranges, resisting all mental interference and manipulating spells. All own personnel have the final skill Jade Broken when within the effect range. When they die, they can assign a level but their own target funeral.

The effect of the basalt tower is belief. The range is 20, and the effect is only for yourself. The physical and magic defense of all own personnel is increased by only 15%, and 5% speeds up life recovery. The ultimate ultimate technique for the people within their range-strong mind induction. The effect of this spell is that when a creature's life is exhausted, it will not die. When it is hit again, its health value will be negative. The creature will die until the negative value partially exceeds 20% of the original health value, which is basically equivalent to increasing. 20% life limit.

In addition, the four statues can summon the avatars of the four gods in battle, but the avatars have only 1% of the strength of the body, which is about the same strength as your dragon named Hongyan. By the way, this method of participation can only be used in defensive battles, not in offense. "

"What about the guardian beast?" I asked: "Our guild players have two guardianships. It's because of the dragon statue, but these towers don't have this attribute!"

Tai Platinum said: "Will your guardian beasts disappear?"

I shook my head. Although the reason for having three guardians at first was because of four dragon statues and system rewards, our guardian beasts did not disappear when the statue and the city were scattered together. Fenglong, steel claws, and spears were still guarding us.

"What do you think of that statue?"

"In terms of attributes, it is guaranteed by the friendship of the Dragons. So that the city can have two kinds of city guardian beasts. One of our three types of guardian beasts is because of this attribute."

Taiping Jinxing said: "The attribute is guaranteed by the friendship of the dragon. Although the statue is gone, your friendship has not been destroyed. This is why the guardianship has not disappeared."

"But it was because of the dragon's guarantee that it was true that the former Suzaku destroyed the statue, and the statue's ability should be compensated."

Venus wants to bargain with me. "The attributes of the four towers are already much better than those of your statues. You are not losing. It would be too much for us to compensate for this?"

Of course I couldn't relax easily, so I started a fierce debate with Taibai Venus. After our upside-down fight with black and white fingers, Taibai Venus finally succumbed to my level of debate ability and the rebellious behavior of God Erlang. In the end, Taibai Venus helplessly helped me find the baby who guarded the beast.

After a long time, Taiping said: "I can't find anything to protect. Can you consider changing it next time?"

"What are you changing?"

"Like some gadgets. Or something else?"

"But you have so many things here. I don't have to look at them all for a few months?"

"Then I think about it!" Too Venus began to look through his record book again. Suddenly he said, "Yes. I think of a way."

"What way?"

"We have a large-scale spell called point warfare. This spell can be permanently fixed by a magic weapon. Every time you activate it, all free agents in the city will become soldiers, and they will automatically restore when the battle is over. , Casualties will also be resurrected, without affecting the safety of urban residents. "

The free agent that Taibaijinxing said actually refers to the existence of freedom in order to simulate the appearance of a bustling city, and generally does not have direct contact with players. However, occasionally I will make a guest appearance that the tasks are not included in this scope, but they were freely added together before entering the stores and offices. There were about four or five million!

"How many soldiers did this warfare change? What kind of soldiers are there?"

"What the point art changes can be counted as a militia, and the level is not necessarily determined. This depends on the strength of the free agents in your city. The lowest level is 100, and the highest is only 300. Does your city seem to be undead? It's a good militia. The average level is about 200. "

Add four or five million 200 level militia to Isinger? This should be considered a considerable force, right? However, I still have to fight for maximum benefits.

"My previous guardian was in the guild, not just guarding Isinger. If you only give Isinger a constant, I still suffer!"

Venus thought for a while and said, "That's it. I'll give you the book that records this spell. Then you can arrange this spell in every city. Is this always okay?"

"Well, that's fine."

Taibai Venus brought me a book of warfare and handed it to me: "That's it. But you shouldn't spread it. Only the city of your guild can be set. If this thing appears in other cities, heaven will immediately send troops to conquer you. . "

"I depend! What if you leak it yourself?"

"I still want you to bear it."

"Halo! Are you robbers?"

Taiping Jinxing said: "Because the heaven will never lose anything, and if it is really where we flow from here, we will know. It will not go to trouble you, you just need to be careful not to lose things."

"That's pretty much it!"

"These four towers have a lot of attributes just now, including the function of your third item. I don't think we need to lose it?" Too platinum star looked at me and waited for my answer.

In fact, I don't really have any reason to ask them for compensation for this statue of goddess of life. Those four towers have fully embraced these capabilities and need no additional calculations. In fact, I really said that they should be compensated, and it is estimated that too much platinum will not give me. It seems that I'm messing with the things of extorting heaven, but in fact I have a sense. Extortion is also a matter of learning. To master the opponent's bottom line to obtain the maximum benefits, if you do too much, you will gain nothing, and if you do not do it hard enough, you will not get the final benefit, so you must control this proportion. It's the limit now, and it's about to explode.

I smiled and answered Too Venus: "Even the statue of goddess of life is fine, anyway, the things in front are good, so you don't have to pay for this."

Venus smiled and said, "Let's talk about the next item."

I immediately said, "You can't make me too bad for this item. The Juling Tower is an iconic building of Isinger. It is almost our spiritual symbol. Now the tower is down. You must always give me a satisfaction. Answer it? "Just making a concession on the statue of the goddess of life means that you can now get emotional bonus points, so the compensation of this gathering tower can be a little bit indifferent.

"What's your role for this tower?" Taibai Venus asked.

"The Juling Tower can gather the souls of nearby dead creatures to replenish the city's power and automatically increase the attack power of the Eye of Hell. And this tower is also the source of the dark fog over our city. Essinger was once a magic capital, and this tower is A very important part. The Eye of Hell is our main reconnaissance and self-defense weapon, and our city used to have a lot of dark attributes. All enemies entering will be eroded by the darkness of the undead. These are our gatherings. The role of the spirit tower. "

"A lot of features!"

Erlang Shen also helped me: "Actually, I have heard of this tower before. Essinger was a relatively famous city in the past. The gathering tower also has the title of artificial artifact. It is a rare project."

With the words of Erlang God, Venus had to pay attention to it. He had not been to Isinger before and naturally did not know what the Juling Tower looked like. Hearing the words of Erlang God naturally understood it into something extraordinary, and naturally he was afraid to Negligence.

After flipping through the data for a long time, he even ran over and said, "This thing is really a bit tricky. Do you think you can consider the next thing first?"

I only need things, and the throne of time is not a problem. As long as I can get good things in the end, I don't need to compare with him now. "Then let's look at the back."

"Okay." Taibai Jinxing said directly: "I have seen your Thunderbolt Cannon, but he doesn't seem to be the only item. The dragon can be made. So my thought is whether you can go to the dragon Want another? "

I immediately said: "It was given to me by people with interests at first, and now they will not give it for no reason. It seems that now I am looking for you to gather the tower, and of course you have to pay me. But after I wait If I come to you every three to five, I'm sure you won't dump me. "

Taibai Jinxing said: "I heard that the dragons like flashing things very much. How about we exchange them?"

"You're right. The dragons like gold and everything that shines. But they are big, so the size of the things is also very big. If you want to buy them, you probably need a lot of treasure!"

"You don't have to worry about this. As long as they are willing to sell, we are responsible for the treasure."

"That's what you said, don't confess it later."

"The heavenly courts will not self-destruct credibility for some common things."

"That's good." I nodded. "The remaining one is what to do with my fantasy in the city? Essinger was previously protected by fantasy and is now lost. What do you say?" I am actually more worried about this. Isinger's illusion actually prevented us from a lot of trouble, and the enemy's several attacks on Isinger were basically affected by the illusion. It can be said that this illusion is the first wall of Isinger.

Too Venus laughed. "In fact, I don't think this illusion or anything is clever."

"Why?" Too Venus suddenly throws out such a theory and confused me.

"Your city can fly now, right?"

The little old man was quite informed. "My city can fly, what's wrong?"

"This is very serious." Too Platinum Venus analyzed to me: "Your original illusion enchantment is a static protection net. Once your city flies, it will not be able to follow the movement. Even if it can really Following this movement, this large-scale illusion must not be completely integrated with the surroundings, and it is also normal to be found. "

"Then what do you think?"

"I mean that illusions can be seen through, no matter how realistic they are, it might as well be a blind eye."

"Blind eye? What do you want to use?"

"Su Long has an artifact called the Shenwu Wind Chime. There are 5 wind chimes in total. As long as you hang these four strings of wind chimes, the quadrilateral they surround and a large area around them will be shrouded by fog and holding the main chime People can change the type of fog through special tips. You can turn the fog into a large white mist, and then quietly approach the ground or the sea target, or you can turn the fog into a large dense black cloud that looks like a dark cloud. People fly overhead. If you need to, you can also collect the clouds and let others see you. "

"That sounds good, but once the fog unfolds, can't the enemy see us, and can't we?"

"Who said that? This is the God Fog Wind Chime, the body and **** fog created by it. The use of the main bell and its companions will not be affected by this fog."

"That's pretty much it. What about the bell?"

"Did I say that this is Qinglong's thing? Qinglong's things are all there. Anyway, if you decide you want us, we will help you get it. Do you want it?"

"Yes ~ ~ Of course." I nodded immediately to confirm. This bell should be a good item. It seems that the bell is much better than the original fantasy. In the future, when we attack Japanese cities, we can disguise ourselves as a large cloud, and then we slowly float above their heads, and then ... hehehehehehe!

Seeing that I accepted the agreement, Taibai Jinxing said: "Okay, I need to go to the Jade Emperor to discuss the last remaining Juling Tower. You might as well go back to your city first, and let Zhenjun help you with those that have already been decided Get things over. When we discuss the results, I will go to you and discuss with you. "

"That's it."

Haha! I didn't expect that extortion was so easy. Go back and pack the newly moved things first, especially the magic arrow. Be sure to find a farther target to test the effect. Instead, experiment with the base camp of the Black Dragon Club! Anyway, they have been bombed by me more than once, don't care how many times they come again.

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