Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 407: Way back

"Bring Pandora over?" It was a bit difficult for me to hear Woma's request. "Going back is not a big problem for me. It is easy to find Pandora, but to bring her back again, this is ..."

"I know it's hard to do, but you should be able to do it, President? And if you can't do it, then I really can't think of anyone else who can do all this."

I thought about it a little bit, and then said, "Okay, I'll try it. But during the time I'm leaving, you'd better take the time to look at that arsenal."

"That's for sure. I just can't leave now, and I want to go there too!"

After getting Woma's confirmation, I started Wuma's request. Although Woma just said that I would bring Pandora back, but the task is not limited to this one, it ’s just the most difficult main task, the others are incidentally completed, so Woma only said the main task, and now But I got a note paper with a lot of tasks written on it.

First of all, the task of returning to the main map is an incompletable task for others, but it is not easy for me. Open the door of the earth, and then borrow the passage of the temple of the mother of the earth, and directly transfer from the palace of the mother of the earth to the temple of the mother of the earth on the main map in an adventive manner. The two are absolutely connected, not because of where I am. The space changes, and the v, ww↙w. Gates of the earth can be summoned regardless of the constraints of time and space, so the road is very clear. Moreover, the most important point is that Mother Earth does not mind me personally borrowing her channel, so she can use it at any time. Of course, if you take someone, you need to communicate with the Mother Earth first. After all, this is a place for others. I am more familiar with the mother of the earth. But of course if you take a stranger through, you still need to ask the master.

It took me less than ten minutes to teleport from this ectopic plane into the world of the main map, and at this time I was at the Earth Mother Temple in the depths of a tropical rain forest in South America. This position belongs to the super monster zone, and almost no players enter, because even if my fighting power is used in this place, if the battle occurs, it may not be able to retreat from the whole body. For other players, this kind of place is basically in or out. So it is estimated that no one dared to come in before rising to the 2000 level.

of course. I don't need to worry, because I came out of the Mother Earth Temple, and the monsters in this place are actually not wild monsters, but guardians of the temple. This thing is equivalent to the watchdog of Mother Earth. So, unless I am mentally disabled and actively attack these guys, they will automatically set me as a neutral target. Moreover, if I fight against hostile beings in the area, these guardians may help me fight directly. Because to them I am a guest of the mother of the earth, and alien creatures are strangers to them. Of course, guarding the temple will help them.

Our guild is in the final stage of completion in that elf city in South America. At least the transnational teleportation array is already available, so I smoothly transmitted directly from the Mother Earth Temple to the city ’s teleportation hall, and then used this As a springboard, the next stop is directly transmitted to the Isinger Mobile Fortress. At this time, Isinger's Mobile Fortress was no longer in the hands of Neptune Hall, and their lease contract had expired. Isinger Mobile Fortress is currently on its way back to China's coast, just now entering the Japanese island of Honshu. Flying at low altitude.

Unlike here before, now Japan is our ally due to the control and guidance of Matsumoto Masa, so the Isinger Mobile Fortress passed by Japan did not cause panic, but a large group of Japanese players engaged in the following Photography activities, after all, there are not many opportunities to shoot Isinger's mobile fortress up close. Especially for Japanese players, after all, we were still enemies before, so we must be prepared to be bombed into **** near this super armed fortress.

As soon as I appeared at the Mobile Fortress of Isinger, I received a notice from the **** of war, telling me the current situation in the guild. After we left this main map, Russia made a large-scale invasion of our guild's development zone in the Russian region. However, because of the guidelines we have formulated before, our camp did not fully resist, but exchanged space for time and carried out a phased retreat. This process was to gain time for the main force of our guild to shrink the defensive circle. On the other hand, it also used this opportunity to consume a lot of Russia's living power. Throughout the withdrawal process, although we lost all the land occupied in the Russian region, our casualties and material losses were less than one-fifth of the Russian side.

Of course, if it is a small country in general, even if the casualty ratio is five to one, Russian players will consume them, but this trick is not useful to us because we are the real superpowers in terms of population. Of course, the world ’s number one has been taken away by India recently. The reason is that they do n’t know that the end of the world is coming. All countries are planning family growth to control population growth and prepare to migrate. They are still thinking about expanding their population advantage to develop on the planet. .

Although it lost the occupied area that was hard to knock down, but because this is our planned operation, there is no loss. We have compensated those guilds who laid down the occupied area with us. Anyway, we will not let them suffer. Although this has caused us a lot of losses, the reputation of Frost Rose League is still very strong. As long as we shout a voice, these guilds will follow us again, because they have never lost money after following us.

Of course, the compensation is mainly for guilds in other Europe or some regions in Africa and the Americas. The Japanese guilds have not been compensated by our economy, because Matsumoto is planning to use this opportunity to organize and purify again. Japanese players have been playing with us for so long, of course, it is impossible to suddenly have no clue, so it is impossible to rely on only one or two cooperations to make the two parties intimate. Therefore, Matsumoto Masahiro and ours are in agreement, that is, continuous tissue purification, using a method similar to reflex training, slap a sweet date, and those who do not follow us will continue to suffer, willing Follow us all the way to the dark and let them continue to grow.

Every time Masahiro Matsumoto takes the Japanese guild to cooperate with us, it will attract some Japanese players to join because of huge benefits. Then we have a small, controlled loss, let those who just want to take advantage of the exit, then another profit operation, then attract people in, and then shake out and exclude some people. In this way, it is like continuous filtering, squeezing out those who are slightly disinterested. Then form a kind of conditioned reflex similar to reflexive memory for those who stay, and make them think that it is definitely good to just follow us. In this way, after a period of time, Japanese players will completely abandon the previous hatred and sit on our chariot.

Of course, even if this is the case, it is impossible for all Japanese players to board our tanks. After all, people are different, and the real country is still divided into many factions. Otherwise, this country is really invincible.

After listening to the general report on the Isinger Mobile Fortress, the people I had previously informed the army **** to contact me also arrived at the Isinger Mobile Fortress.

It wasn't just Pandora that was called to me. There is also a large group of technical staff.

"President." After seeing me, everyone stood consciously in front of me and waited for my instructions, and I could only arrange one thing by one thing.

"Pandora, take a break and wait for me to finish with them."

"It's okay, chairman you are busy." Pandora took a seat and sat down, then began to refine her faith. The clans of chaos and order in our guild are almost in a state where the power of faith is too late to absorb, so for them, as long as they have free time, they sit down and accelerate their cultivation to absorb those extra powers of faith. This kind of excitement is probably the protoss of chaos and order in our guild. Do n’t think about other pros.

Let Pandora take a break first, and then I'll call those technicians together. Then asked: "Who are you responsible for the maintenance of the power system at Isinger's Mobile Fortress?"

An npc stood up and said, "I am, what does the chairman have to command?"

"If I need this output. Can our core of power do it?"

The npc looked at the note I handed it over, and then said in surprise: "This is more than twice the normal output. Can I ask what needs such a large amount of energy?"

"Teleporter. And teleportation across planes and time barriers."

The npc said with such an expression: "It's strange! To be honest, this output is only a normal output range for the power core on the Isinger Mobile Fortress. The power core used by the Isinger Mobile Fortress is a super standard version. The output is far greater than the actual need. The extra surplus power is prepared for the warm-up of the power stove of large warships in emergency situations, so if the Isinger Mobile Fortress can land on the ground and shut down most equipment, this output is simply not a problem."

I nodded and said, "That's good. Here's a task for you. Get ready for a power pipeline that can withstand this output, and connect it directly from the power core to the transnational transport array above the Isinger Mobile Fortress, is there a problem?"

The npc said a little distressedly: "The pipeline is not a problem, but what about the heat generated by the pipeline with such a large output? Previously, the energy generated by the core was only half of the standard output. And after the power output leaves the booster, it will be split and raised. The power before the compressor is a large frost array that is responsible for cooling, and the frost array has energy supply. The output of the energy pipeline after the shunt is less than one percent of the transmission capacity of the pipeline you need, but even the Such pipes also have their own blade heat sink systems for cooling. Now you want me to concentrate all the output on this official way. This pipe can burn to a thousand degrees in less than a minute. How do we control this? Temperature? You ca n’t set a radiator for this thing, right? You see it as a temporary setting! This cost ... ”

"Stop. I ask you. If I let Essinger move the fortress to land in the Arctic Ocean and break through the ice to allow the entire city to soak in the sea, can this heat sink keep up?"

"Soaked in the waters of the Arctic Ocean?" The technical npc thought for a moment and said, "It should be fine, but the whole pipeline will turn into a huge heater, and the water vapor will surely be as large as a volcanic eruption. You have to be prepared for this. "

I nodded and said, "It's all right. You prepare now, I will use it soon."

After saluting the direction, I immediately took my order. These advanced npc services are very neat and neat. As long as the explanation is clear, don't worry about their efficiency.

After explaining this npc, I asked again: "Who is responsible for the maintenance of the transnational transport array on the Isinger Mobile Fortress?"

"It's me." Another npc stood up.

"You just heard what I said. We need to use transnational transport arrays for cross-plane teleportation, so we need access to super huge power. Can transnational transport arrays stand up?"

The other side nodded: "Yes. Just remove the overflow protector on the energy converter and replace it with Mithril wire. Directly connect the converter and the overflow protector. The principle of the transnational transmission array determines that it does not need to be in the transmission process itself. Energy flows through itself, and energy is emitted, so there is no need to worry about heating. "

I nodded and continued: "One more question. You also heard that the energy pipes need to be forced to cool in the sea water of the Arctic Ocean. Will this affect the use of transnational transport arrays?"

The other side pondered a little and said, "It will have an impact, but there are two ways to solve it."


"The first method is simpler, that is, let Essinger's mobile fortress not completely sink into the ocean floor, and then we try to increase the transnational transport array and connect the pipeline to the transnational transport array from below, and the transnational transport array itself does not enter Water so that it wo n’t be affected. But there is a problem. "

"what is the problem?"

"Because the dive is not deep enough, the seawater will be evaporated a lot, and then the surrounding seawater will be continuously replenished. This may cause a surge, and if it is not completely immersed in the water, the steam will cause the surroundings to be blurred. Clear, so the transmission process may not be judged visually. "

"What about the other method?"

"The other method is a little more complicated, but it has no side effects. This method is still to allow Essinger Mobile Fortress to dive into the deep water area, so that the gas generated after the seawater evaporates will be quickly cooled and absorbed by the surrounding cold seawater, which can greatly reduce The amount of steam and the pressure of the seawater can ensure that the bubbles do not spread. This will not interfere with our sight. "

"How do you ensure that the transmission is not affected by seawater? Water is also a substance, and seawater will cause transmission disturbances on a transnational transport array? I don't want to create an underwater fountain on the ectopic plane."

"The method is complicated. In fact, it is very simple. We just need to adjust the parameters so that the transnational transport array treats the seawater as an unnecessary transport object and does not control it. In this case, there will still be some parts in the transmission process. The seawater was teleported to the opposite side, but not too much, and it would not affect the teleportation itself. It was a waste of energy. "

I nodded and said, "Very well, then you do it now, adjust the parameters, and make some adjustments to the energy interface to prepare for the docking."


After finishing the work of the Transnational Array, I looked at the remaining technicians and asked, "Who is responsible for the damage management?"

"It's me." This time it was a player.

"You heard it before. We need cross-plane teleportation, so you have to make sure that all the space anchors on the Isinger Mobile Fortress can work properly. I don't want to have problems at critical moments and not pull people back there. As a result, we teleported ourselves. After the start of the teleportation, all space anchors must be activated to ensure that Essinger's Mobile Fortress would crucify me in any case. Can you guarantee it? "

"Small question, I can guarantee it."

"There is one more point." I watched the player and said, "We will let Isinger move the fortress and sink completely into the Arctic Ocean. There may be severe impacts when crossing the ice. You must check Isinger's movement first. All the protective devices on the fortress cannot be damaged by the ice. In addition, the city needs to be absolutely sealed after entering the water. If it leaks after going down, it is your responsibility, understand? "

"President, rest assured, I know this."

"Well, you're busy."

There were only a few people left on the scene after this player left. I said to them: "You are all the strongest space mages in our guild, so you must be guided by the teleport. The specific things are written on this paper, and you will see for yourself. I want you to The thing is to go back and adjust the magic. You must be in the best state after the teleportation starts. Can you guarantee it? "

"Guaranteed to complete the task."

"Very good, get ready. If you do n’t have any supplies, go to the guild warehouse. I will reimburse you. This time it is a public supply, a rare opportunity. Do n’t miss it."

The group of mages laughed when they heard me, then turned around and left the room.

After these people had gone, Pandora suddenly stood up and walked over me, and said, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?"

"President, haven't you prepared so many things just to prepare for trans-plane transmission?" Pandora said.

I looked at her in wonder and asked, "But does this have anything to do with you telling me to go?"

Pandora reluctantly turned around and looked at me and said, "General teleportation is like two people playing tossing a ball, one tossing one person. Although transplane transmission is equivalent to throwing a ball from one building to another. The span is very large. However, the basic principle is still the same. You have arranged so many output devices, and also emphasized the need for a large energy output. Although I did not look at the energy intensity written on the note you gave them, I knew from the researcher that the overflow protector should be removed. There must be a problem on the transmitter side, so all or most of the energy needs to be maintained by our side, so the overflow protector needs to be removed. Because you need to Let the energy overflow deliberately, so that the insufficient energy on the opposite side will be supplemented by the overflow energy on our side. Then, since the transmission point on the opposite side does not have enough output, then there must be a lack of powerful signal sources, because the signal sources also need powerful Energy support. You came to me at this time, didn't you just ask me to be a beacon? "

"You are very smart." I nodded directly. "Yes, I just need you to be a beacon, but I still want to go back."

"Can't you go back?" Pandora asked in surprise.

I shrugged and said, "When I first came here, I used the shrine of the Mother of Earth to transfer to the station. But it's easy to go back and get in trouble!"

"What then? Did you just come here without any preparation?" Pandora looked at me and asked.

"Of course it is impossible to prepare nothing. I actually have a general method. I just need to do a task first."

"Aren't you going to go back there with the door of truth?"

So long after our Frost Rose League, Pandora has understood our habits. Any problems that cannot be solved are all thrown to the gate of truth. As long as the fighting power is enough, the gate of truth can help you to handle all the requirements that are trivial and endless. . Of course, the gate of truth follows the principle of equivalence. The greater the required return, the more it is paid.

I explained to Pandora: "I dropped Ling over there, so it can be said that there is a very standard coordinate. If it is not a cross-plane transmission, we can use Ling's spatial positioning to make Ling react to me. Summoning, but this situation is definitely not reliant on counter-summoning. So the task we have to do is to make a scroll or something that can make counter-summoning ignore the plane barrier. "

"so complicated!"

"You can only use this method now."

"So what are you waiting for?"

"Let's go."

When we got to the gate of truth, the team usually responsible for this task was just ready to enter, but because my task is urgent, let us go first.

In fact, the prizes required for this task are not very complicated. After all, Ling and I could have counter-summoning. The only problem is that the energy required for inter-plane calling is too large, so Ling cannot support such a large amount. Consume. To solve this problem, only an amplifier is needed, but it must be used on our side, because the gate of truth does not send prizes directly to Ling, this is a sequence issue.

In order to reduce the difficulty and complexity of the task, we finally came up with the simplest requirement to get a scroll. This scroll should be able to extract energy from existing energy sources to supplement the energy requirements of the trans-plane anti-summoning, and the plane coordinates are provided by Ling and me.

This requirement can greatly reduce the difficulty of the task given by the gate of truth, because the scroll is a one-time, not a permanent device, which reduces a large part of the difficulty, after all, the value of one-time items is low, and the difficulty of the equivalent task is Not too high.

Secondly, we do not want the scroll to provide energy, but we intend to use the power core on the moving fortress to replace our output energy, which means that the scroll only serves as a guide. No energy is provided, so the level of the scroll does not need to be too high, which can further reduce the value of this scroll, and the difficulty of our task will decrease as the value of the scroll decreases.

Finally, because I and Ling are already two coordinate points, the scroll does not need to look for coordinates. There is also no need to establish a space channel, because Ling originally called me back. The scroll only needs to ensure that when Ling's energy is insufficient, the power core on the side of the moving fortress will make up for the insufficient energy.

Of course, such a simple requirement will not produce too complicated tasks, and I specifically set the type of the task before entering the task to be a difficult task with low complexity, which is even less of a particularly complicated task.

This is the gate of truth. Tasks can be set at will. As long as the principle of equivalent exchange is met, other gates of truth are set by you. If you think you have plenty of time and you are smarter. Then you can reduce the difficulty of the task, and then increase the complexity, so that the content of the character will become particularly long, and there will be many levels that require brains to solve, but the combat part of the task will change. Less, and the enemy's strength will not be too high. This is convenient for those players who have brains but no combat power. Conversely, if you have confidence in your combat effectiveness and are in a hurry. Then increase the difficulty of the task and reduce the complexity. Then the task will become super simple, and there may even be situations where the player directly enters the arena and kills the opposite monster to complete the task directly. Of course, because of the principle of equivalence, the cost of the reduced task complexity is that the monster must be extremely powerful.

After I set up this mission, I went directly to the gate of the earth, and Pandora entered with me. Because she will also need to take her when she teleports, so it will be less difficult to complete the task now. After all, this scroll is used by both of us, which is also a setting of the gate of truth. What you need to do the task yourself will decrease the difficulty, otherwise let others do it will make the task more difficult. of course. It's all fine-tuning.

When Pandora and I entered the gate of truth, they immediately stunned. I was still wondering if our setting would meet the task of the arena, which turned out to be the case. After we walked through the gate of truth, we went directly to an arena suspended in an endless void, but this arena was a little strange.

This arena is not the same place as the ancient Roman Colosseum. On the contrary, this place does not look like an arena at all. If it were not because you could see the boss at the end, I would not have thought of this. It's an arena because this mission scene is a cliff. Yes, it is the cliff. We are standing at the bottom of the cliff, and in front of us is a towering cliff. There are many small platforms on the cliff that are randomly distributed. All we have to do is climb along the platform to the top of the mountain, and there is something like a demon king standing there. I know it is the boss. Just kill this guy and you should be able to get the scrolls.

"Does this mean we are going to climb up?" Pandora asked, looking at the cliff above.

I nodded. "And I found a terrible situation."

"No flying here?"

I nodded helplessly. "And the use of summoning skills is also forbidden, I can't summon any magic pets now. I would have summoned it before I knew it!"

"It's just a cliff. It won't be long before we two climb up? As for that monster, I don't feel too strong."

"Although the task we set up wouldn't have been too difficult, the difficulty is still too low. I think there are other restrictions we don't know, so be careful."

Before I even spoke, I suddenly heard a click, and the ground trembled suddenly. My eyes quickly grasped Pandora, and I jumped onto a small platform just over one meter above the ground. As soon as we got up, the ground below suddenly collapsed, then shattered and fell into the void below.

"I rely, this is a time-limited task!" I finally knew where the other difficulties were. This cliff will definitely not only crack at the bottom, but also it will break up layer by layer, so we not only have to climb up, but also fast.

"Don't delay, climb fast!" Pandora reacted quickly, realized the situation here and looked around, and then jumped up in a few steps to run up. When the person was still in the air, he suddenly turned the magic gun in his hand toward The cliff slammed in, then grabbed the magic gun with both hands and rotated it for a week, then suddenly pulled out the magic gun, and the body rose again with the acceleration of rotation, and fell very lightly at least 20 meters away from my side, with a drop of ten. Meters above the platform. This series of movements is like dancing, if the average gymnast sees it and commits suicide. But think about others being goddesses after all, it doesn't seem to be such a thing to do such a thing, right?

I just patronized Pandora's action ~ ~ I suddenly heard the platform click, and apparently it started to collapse again.

I ca n’t wait any longer. I directly raised my right arm and aimed at a protruding platform on the top. I put my left hand on the right side to avoid the stable arm, and then clicked, followed by a click, and the dragon's tendon came straight out. A jingle nailed into the bottom of a platform tens of meters above the head. At this point, the platform under my feet just broke, but as the dragon's tendons on my hands began to close the line, I did not fall, but directly went up.

After being pulled near the platform, I took advantage of it to kick on the cliff. After the whole person flew out of the cliff, I was pulled back to the cliff by the dragon tendon, but because of the rising inertia, I had already fallen on the platform at this time. After retracting the dragon tendon, I looked directly at the bottom, and found that Pandora had actually jumped to a platform as high as me.

"Are you pretty fast?"

"Be careful." Pandora yelled nervously behind me instead of answering my words.

... & bsp;

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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