Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 447: Sturdy foreign aid and cute ghost Nobunaga

Although there is a three-party melee on the battlefield, it actually looks like a confrontation between the two armies. The combatants of the ghost-hand Nobunaga side and the mobile angels of our guild form a relatively obvious front. Our mobile The angel has always wanted to rush back to recover the lost core, and the staff of the ghost-hand Nobunaga hope to stop the mobile angels on our side from letting them pass, so the defense line formed on both sides is very tight. The mobile angels use concentration The way of assault is to increase the ability of penetration, while the people on the opposite side of the ghost hand Nobunaga have to be concentrated because of the attack method of our mobile angel to increase the defense strength of the line of defense. Together they formed a very dense line of defense. As for Matsumoto's Masaru, they are like the guild of our guild. They are constantly throwing various long-range attacks on the line of defense behind our mobile angel. The only difference is Matsumoto. Zheng He's people did not aim, completely covering both offensive and defensive sides.

Just as the three-party occupation reached the deadlock stage, I suddenly stepped on the flying bird in the supersonic assault mode from the top of the attacking team of Masamoto Matsumoto, and the huge air stream turned the players rushed by the players below. There was a short pause, followed by a space channel, and the bird directly drilled into it and disappeared, but I stepped away from the bird ’s back and escaped the space channel to turn eternal into a hook sickle mode with a huge The inertia suddenly hit the intersection of the two fronts. Immediately after landing, the eternal hook sickle in my hand was a sweep, wielding a purple half-moon light blade with the inertia of falling. Immediately, a large vacant lot of land was cleared from the front, and in addition to the people who were killed by a shot, dozens of people were directly overturned to the ground by a huge impact, relying on the help of the backcomers to get up again. .

After the dust on the ground was cleared, the group of Japanese players who belonged to Nobunaga on the other side saw a huge package of wings, and as the smoke spread, the wrapped wings quickly spread to both sides and gradually rose. Gao, I stood up slowly with the eternal hook sickle, the huge wings slowly gathered back with a little bit of starlight, and at the same time a huge purple magic halo began to spread out from under my feet, a sudden boom around The purple fuming flames were more than two feet high.

The Japanese players standing opposite were all old players who had been against our guild for a long time. As soon as they saw me, they immediately reached out and stopped the Korean and Russian players who were going to step forward, compared to the latter. Japanese players know more about the way I fight. So they also know more about how dangerous I am in this state.

A blocked South Korean player was quite unconvinced and a glance at the Japanese player who intercepted himself asked, "What are you doing to stop me?"

The Japanese player replied angrily: "This is Zi Ri's magic battle mode, and it is the fastest mode for clear soldiers. In this case, it will be delivery!"

"What? Qing Zabing?" South Korean players with a strong sense of self-esteem erupted instantly, and they could concede themselves as second-tier players. Actually said to be a miscellaneous soldier. It is naturally intolerable with their self-esteem. So the guy immediately pushed away the Japanese player in front of him and rushed straight up.

The Japanese player just looked at the relationship with the Allies and stopped it. Since people don't appreciate it, he is not mean, and of course it is impossible to continue intercepting. Just let go and let him pass. The South Korean player saw that no one stopped himself. Of course, he rushed up the first time. As a result, he just met me to complete the change of form. His hand was a flash of lightning and he immediately burned the South Korean player who rushed to the front. The pile of black ash was blown by the wind all over the sky.

Although an idiot has been burned to ashes, the players around him finally rushed up after looking at each other. After all, this is a war. You ca n’t just run away because of death? So, although helpless, the surrounding Japanese players and their allies eventually rushed together.

I certainly wouldn't be polite to see these players rushing up, and the eternal hook sickle spear danced a gun dragon over his head and smashed down. The Japanese player on the other side looked at me and hit me on the ground. I thought there was something wrong with my eyes. As a result, this idea was shot and killed immediately, because the whole ground suddenly banged after I hit the ground. I jumped upwards, and the hundreds of players on the other side did not stand. All of them were knocked down by the shock, and before they got up, they saw the ground suddenly burst, and countless bone hands extended from the ground. When they came out, they climbed up on their bodies and grabbed their arms and legs to prevent them from rising from the ground.

"What a joke? What skills are these!" A Russian player broke free of his bones and rushed towards me, but unfortunately he just ran out of the ground less than ten meters and was suddenly protruded from the ground. A huge bone claw gave a slap to the ground, followed by numerous thorns and vines swarming from below the ground, as if it were the devil's tentacles. The guy was wrapped into a huge rattan ball slowly and dragged in slowly. Ground.

"Everyone be careful, Zi Ri's pet is underground!" A player with knowledge found my little trick, but unfortunately this guy just shouted this sentence and saw a huge head suddenly rise from the place where he just stood. Swallowed it all in, and then the monster's head retracted into the ground like lightning, waiting for the people around him to have no chance of rescue in ancient times.

As this guy was killed, the surrounding Japanese players and allies started to go crazy, not because they got the motivation from grief, but because they saw that guy after they were swallowed. They have entered the scope of my attack. Even if they wait no longer, they will be killed by me one by one. It is better to be brave, maybe they can get more benefits.

When I saw so many ghost-handed people rushing up, of course, I immediately sent the magic flame of Cui to the extreme state, and then the whole person danced the eternal hook sickle into a red gunshot and killed them. Players within three feet of me will be struck by lightning first. Then it was followed by a large piece of unknown light particles floating in the air, which seemed nothing, but a slight touch immediately caused huge damage, and this was not the most terrible, because my gun storm was the most frightening. The large area of ​​the gun shadow brought up a large red light blade that could fluctuate within a certain range around it. At that time, someone might be punctured by a light blade that did not know how to emerge.

The fallen ghost Nobunaga watched his men piece by piece and finally couldn't sit still. "Hey, don't stand silly, hurry up."

The Russian player took the ghost by Nobuyuki and said, "What's the hurry? It's not good to consume more Ziri's combat power? Even if he is very strong, is he still alone? His physical strength and magic value will always be used up. Let him be prestigious for a while now, we just need to win in the end. "

"Ha ha ha ha! Isn't Russia known as a fighting nation? You also have time to be afraid!" The mysterious player who had previously used the No. 1 ghost Nobunaga suddenly laughed at this time.

The Russian player stared back angrily at the guy and said, "Don't be afraid to die. You're all right. We're here to see how you handle the purple sun of the heyday."

"Hum. Don't use aggressive methods, I'm really not afraid of that purple sun."

"Don't be afraid? Don't be afraid that you came to Japan anonymously? Don't think that we don't know your previous identity. The information from Nobunaga's hand is shared with us. We can't know what your identity is."

After hearing this guy's words, Nobunaga's hand immediately wanted to run when his expression changed. It was a pity that the mysterious man stopped him after taking two steps.

The mysterious man stared angrily at Nobunaga and asked, "What about our previous agreement? How did you assure me?"

Guizhou Nobunaga's guilty quibble said: "I and the Russian allies signed the information sharing agreement in the front. Your agreement is in the back. Of course, if you don't specify otherwise, you must abide by the previous agreement."

"Well, if it weren't for me now ..." The guy seemed to want to say something, but half of the words suddenly waved: "Forget it. The heroes don't mention the braveness of the year, I already recognize it now. Remember, we So far, the agreement between you and me has been settled since then. We will only have equal cooperation in the future. Don't expect me to help you complete any free tasks. This is the last time I have served you for free. "That guy With that in mind, the Russian player turned aside and turned towards me in the battlefield.

"Hey, hey, isn't that guy really going to deal with Ziri?" The Russian player was obviously really anxious. "Anyway, let's talk! I'll just talk, don't you?"

"The guy's psychology will be a little perverted after a few ups and downs, but this is not the time to discuss this. The only person we can hope to hold back Ziri is him. If we can't take advantage of his opportunity to fight with Ziri, we will die on the side. After that, I'm afraid we won't have any chance! "Said the mummy-wrapped guy.

"Then what do we do?" The Russian man asked anxiously.

The ghost-hand Nobunaga said angrily: "What can we do together? It will die if you eat a little bit of loss? You have to fight with him!" After talking about the ghost-hand Nobunaga, he turned and chased the guy and ran over. And that mummy was the first to follow. Seeing this situation, the Russian big man had no choice but to take a sigh of relief, then turned to a player behind him and said, "Looking at that thing, we will meet the purple sun."

A few people who rushed down the hill bag soon reached the battlefield, but the contemptuous attitude that was originally on the hillside is now gone, and the reason for this change is the small one under my feet. Mountain package. In fact, there was no mountain here. Except for the small soil **** where they had stood a few times before, Nobunaga's hands were almost a flat ground, but at this time, there was a little more under my feet. The mountain bag, but the composition of the mountain bag is special because it is piled up with corpses.

Just a few moments after they talked to them, I had already killed more than 300 people, and because I had n’t moved anywhere, the bodies of more than 300 people were piled up in this small piece under my feet. Above the area, this place was piled into a small hill by the body, and I stood at the top of this mountain with a red and purple eternal hook sickle in my hand and looked at the enemy player below. Those players from the Three Kingdoms who are still very powerful now feel that their calves are trembling. They have not seen players who can fight. But it's the first time I've seen it so fiercely. You know that they are not miscellaneous soldiers. These are elite players organized by the ghost-handed Nobunaga. If scattered, these people can say that each can be regarded as the top-level players in the large and medium guilds, but, This is the battle team composed of such powerful players. I and the slaughter dog and me killed a dead body like a mountain. This effect is so shocking that even the group of Korean players with the strongest self-esteem now have Stupid.

The clamor also needs to have confidence. Now those Korean players feel their eyelids jump as soon as they see the corpse in front of them, as if they can see that their bodies are also sandwiched between those corpses to become this corpse mountain. Part of it, and the blood flowing down the mountain makes them feel a surge in their stomachs. Many people almost spit it out. This vomiting does not come from an adverse reaction to the corpse. It was because of fear, a kind of fear that reached the bottom of my heart.

The mysterious player invited by the ghost-handed Nobunaga that I just said is also a little scared to see the corpse in front of me at this time. Before the head was hot, I rushed up. Now it seems that it seems a bit rash. A little comparison will make it clear. There should still be a certain gap between his own combat effectiveness and mine. Because he realized that he could not kill so many people without flushing and panting in such a short time. And I now look like I just finished warming up, without any sense of fatigue. This can only show that my combat effectiveness is actually above him, at least he is not as good as mine for his ability to clear up miscellaneous soldiers.

"Hello. Are you really sure that the four of us can get together with the purple sun?" Although the Russian player looks like a bear, he has no courage and is completely cowardly.

The mummy next to her didn't return her head and said, "It's time to be afraid of a fart? It's time to stop the chain. We need your help."

"That guy is more amazing than strange, I don't know if I can stand it!"

"Don't be humble. Some of us have calculated that guy, and it is most likely that we can get the combination of Ziri. If we can't work, Ziri will really be invincible in the future!"

"Then I'll try my best!" The Russian player said with uncertainty.

After hearing the discussion behind, the ghost-hand Nobunaga went straight out and waved at the players around him. "It's over to us here, you go and block the mobile angels."

"Yes." As soon as the players around them promised, they bypassed the corpse mountain and ran towards the mobile angels behind me.

"Did you finally get off the field?" Looking at the ordinary players evacuating around, I inserted the eternal hook sickle into the corpse under my feet, then freed up my hand and took a bottle of drink and drank two mouthfuls before casually saying: "You four Are you going to fight on wheels or go together? I will be accompanied. But I will take that thing away, and whoever blocks me will die. "I said, and suddenly kicked on the tip of the eternal hook sickle, and eternal hook under my feet. The body in the sickle pike flew out at the same time, and the eternal hook sickle gun returned to my hand and I was flattened and jumped down from the dead mountain.

The four ghost-handed Nobunaga saw the corpses flying down quickly, and a corpse hadn't hit them yet, but after the corpse landed, I had already fallen with the corpse in the middle of the four of them, and the eternal sickle in my hand The gun shook, holding the tail of the gun with one hand and stabbing towards the ghost hand Nobunaga in front.

I do n’t know three of the four people at the scene, so I do n’t know what they are good at, but I know the strength of the ghost-handed Nobunaga. It should be easy to win the first person if I stare at him, so I just rushed The ghost-handed Nobunaga went.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga rushed at him as soon as I didn't look for anyone, and was so scared that he hurried back and shouted, "Iron bear!"

The iron bear is the nickname of the Russian player. The full name of this guy is actually called the iron arm steel bear. Hearing the name, he knows that it is a defensive system. The biggest feature is that it resists crickets. The dragon, thick in blood, is comparable to the oss in the leveling area. Normally, if the player attacks him, he can exhaust his opponent even if he does not fight back.

When I heard the shouting of Nobunaga's iron arm, the Iron Bear Iron Bear rushed over and blocked it in front of the Nobunaga's hand. As a result, I shot directly at the guy's chest. Originally, this position should be considered a weak point, but this guy is just like practicing the thirteen taibao horizontal drill in the golden bell cover. The eternal hook sickle shot in the guy's chest actually made a crisp sound, and then Obstructed. But his defense is strong enough. But my strength is not small, but Zha did not get in, but my strength was to fly him hard and backward for several meters, slamming it on the ghost hand Nobunaga, almost knocking the ghost hand Nobunaga vomited blood.

The iron arm steel bear is a defensive specialization. Not only is his attributes all in defense, but more importantly, the equipment on this guy is also developing in this direction. This guy is at least two meters tall, and a person with a heavy plate armor does not think it is powered armor. In fact, it is not a powered armor at all, because it is too thick. So it looks like the armor with its own power system in science fiction.

This thing was not a big problem for the Iron Arms and Iron Bears themselves. But unfortunately, the small bones of Nobunaga's hand couldn't bear this weight. I was smashed by this guy's body of several tons and almost let the ghost-handed Nobunaga take away half his life. I regret that the ghost-handed Nobunaga just wished that he had not been called for help just now, but it was just a number of holes. Much better than this.

Although the ghost hand Nobunaga was miserable. But I was even more shocked. You know, I just used the eternal hook sickle. And eternity is eternal regardless of what shape it changes. Although the destructive power will change, the basic properties will not change much. In the form of the eternal hook sickle, it should be a puncture rule with an inevitable breakthrough. But just now I couldn't break through that guy's defense, and what surprised me even more was that my eternal hook sickle had clearly penetrated his armor, but it was still blocked. It seemed that it was not his armor. The reason was blocked by his muscles.

How hard is it to rely on muscle power to clamp eternity and keep it from advancing?

I was amazed here, and suddenly felt that a dangerous breath behind me was approaching quickly. I ca n’t care about that guy ’s defense either. I turned around in one place and swept out of the eternal hook sickle gun. The original intention was to force the other side to dodge, but I did n’t expect it to be a ruthless character. I traded for injuries. The guy who slammed my shot was stabbed into my chest with a sword, but I turned to the side a little before the moment his weapon was about to hit me. There was a bang on my right breastplate and it bounced, and then pulled out a Mars along the breastplate and wiped it away from me.

Taking advantage of the fact that he was too strong and could not stop rushing past me, I just let go and gave up the eternal hook sickle, and at the same time drew a sharp elbow on the front right elbow and hit the guy's right shoulder, but the guy It turned out that the sword was loosened and the wrist was turned over and dragged my falling elbow with the palm, but he still underestimated my strength and was slammed to the ground, just because the palm held my attack, This one didn't cause any harm except to make him physically crooked.

After falling to the ground, the guy did not lose his attack power like ordinary people. Following the force of being knocked down, he actually rolled on the ground with his hands and a support on the ground. Spinned and kicked at my head.

I didn't expect this guy's physical skills were so awesome. I wanted to make up for it when he fell down. I could only pull back and protect my head with the elbows erected. The guy kicked my wrist with a kick, and the tremendous strength shocked me a step back, but the guy didn't give up, and his hands on the opposite side bounced back again. This is the trick, just the direction Just changed it.

When I saw the flying leg that the guy swept again, I just reached out and pinched the guy's ankle, and then pulled back. The guy's hands on the ground were not as convenient as my legs. After being dragged by me, he immediately fell out of balance and fell to the ground. While he was out of balance, I suddenly grabbed his ankle and lifted it up, threw it over my head, and patted it on the opposite ground. However, this guy's response was beyond ordinary people, and even when he was thrown away, he bent over and folded himself, and clasped my head with both hands, exerting strength on my neck. Because of the sudden increase of power on my head, I lost my balance and was taken to the side, but the guy still underestimated my reaction. When I felt that I was out of balance, I just bounced hard with my legs, and then my body twisted in the air and turned around as if to do a flip. I slammed his head against the guy with a bang, and loosened his hands. I continued to roll away from him because of inertia.

As soon as I opened the distance, I immediately turned to stare at the guy, and reached out with one hand in the direction of the eternal hook sickle. The eternal hook sickle on the ground vibrated and flew towards my hand, but the guy actually raised his hand and threw a flying hammer after glancing at the eternal hook sickle. This flying hammer was so fast that it just hit the eternal hook sickle in the air, and even missed the direction of the eternal hook sickle and flew past me.

Looking back at the guy, I did n’t even wait for eternity, suddenly stood up from the ground and rushed directly, but when I was running, my double walls slammed hard, and six blades popped out and locked automatically. After that, I bumped into the guy, and the blade clawed on the guy's belly and then stunned. The guy squeezed my wrist with both hands to stop my blade from advancing. Pulling my wrist with both arms pulled my arms to the sides. At the same time, with the help of the force that I broke free, my feet bounced and slammed into my chest, except that he didn't expect that I actually did the same thing. My feet bounced and he kicked in the air at the same time.

Because our two colleagues lifted their feet, we lost support at the same time. However, in the process of falling, they have already kicked each other apart. In the air, I turned over with my hands and supported the ground, rolled over a few heads along the ground, removed the impact, and turned back to rush back.

That guy's movements were not as skillful as me but they were not injured. After removing the impact, he turned and rushed over.

Seeing that the two of us ran into each other again, and when they were still deadlocked, a black-red mummy suddenly smashed into my back from the sky. Followed by a dagger and struck my neck.

Because this guy appeared so suddenly, I didn't expect to be attacked from behind, but the moment the guy fell on my back, I knew someone was attacking me, but the guy thought I would react at this time But it ’s just that, I do n’t know that my reaction speed is far faster than human level. Just when the guy's feet touched my back and I didn't even remove the impact, I was ready. First of all, using the falling impact of the guy to force forward directly, slap the guy in front and flew out in a sudden palm, followed by the moment when the mummy in the back was about to get off the knife, he suddenly grabbed his arm and hardened it from behind. Tugged down.

This mummy probably knows his weaknesses. Looking at his thin monkey-like body and his behavior just now, he knows that this is an agile player, his defense is definitely bad, so he screamed at the moment he was caught.

A big man screaming is already disgusting, but this guy's screaming is even more disgusting, because as he opened his mouth and screamed, a large number of dense worms spewed out of his mouth and swarmed towards my face unit. Seeing the moment when the little bugs were about to rush into my cheeks, my helmet mask suddenly slammed down and locked my helmet completely, followed by me immediately throwing this guy's fists in front of each other and banging. A burst of flame erupted from between my fists, burning all the worms around them and blowing them away.

"Disgusting guy!" I whispered mocking the mummy that was thrown out of me and escaped again.

The guy didn't answer me, but shouted at the iron arm steel bear beside him: "Don't give him a chance to breathe, go up and drag him to death."

After hearing his words, the Iron Armed Iron Bear immediately rushed up like a bulldozer on one side of the shoulder, but I slammed the night shadow with a ringing finger, turned over and jumped into the night shadow and was preparing to play a game. The thought of seeing the mummy before I sat still didn't know how it came to me and dragged me out of Yeying.

"I am!" When I rolled over and jumped from the ground, I raised my hand and threw it with a flying knife. The guy flashed the handle sideways and flew away, followed by a scream behind him, surprised and looked back, but found that the unlucky man in the ghost-handed Nobunaga was lying in the gun and was shot. The knife shot into the thigh, and now he was holding the thigh and rolling.

"Are you an idiot here?" The mummy roared and turned around for three consecutive jumps to the side of the Nobunaga, then dragged it back and shouted: "Iron bear, seven nights back to the soul, stop that guy!"

The guy and the iron-armed steel bear who were slaped by the palm of my hand with the power of the mummy immediately rushed up again, and then pinched up from left to right, leaving me no time to ride the night shadow and simply send it away Go back. Then he took a swift shot of his wings and rose.

Seeing that I was lifted off, the guy named Qiyue Huihun immediately reached out and touched a hook from the back and threw it towards me. I lifted my leg in the air and gave the grabber The kicker flew out, but he didn't expect the guy to smash his fists into the ground, and then accompanied by a seemingly painful roar, he actually bulged two meat packs from the back, and then suddenly opened it with a bang. Same meat wings.

The guy with wings grew straight after me and rose to the air. The anxious iron arm steel bear jumped underneath and shouted, "What should I do if you all got up? I can't fly!"

The voice of the iron arm steel bear was directly ignored, and Qiye Huihun slammed into the air quickly. Then immediately tangled. The guy directly interfered with my wings and flew to fly me. I did not expect that my wings were not so elegant at all, and the feathers on them were all metal blades, sharp like a scalpel. The guy's wings and my wings were tangled in the air, and it was stirred into the sky, but after this guy suddenly lost his wings, the whole person hung on me. I had lost speed because of his interference just now, and I was planted with him directly to the ground as soon as he was pulled.

"Hahaha. Finally it came down!" The Iron Armed Iron Bear saw us re-landing and rushed up. As a result, a white lightning ball thrown up by my hand when I arrived nearby jumped up in place and flipped in the air for at least a dozen times before landing.

"Do you a **** need to fight like this? Am I killing your family or playing with your wife?" I was just dragged down from the sky and dropped a dog mud. This was the first time I was so embarrassed. I complained directly in anger, but I didn't expect to have accidentally guessed the truth. of course. Not that I really killed the whole family or touched his wife, but ...

"Hey, don't you remember?" Qiye Huihun looked at me for a while and then looked at me suddenly and said: "Anyway, you remember that we don't share the sky."

"Eh? Really hate it?" I was a little surprised to find such a thing unexpectedly, after all, I don't even know this guy! Although his looks may seem familiar, he must have changed his face, so I don't know who this person is. As for the character of this account, I am sure it is definitely the first time I have met.

The guy didn't seem to plan to elaborate. After finishing this sentence, he suddenly strove up the ground and rushed up again. This guy ’s equipment looks like an ordinary soldier, but I was absolutely disguised until this, otherwise he should have passed out from the sky just now. How can he be so lively?

Looking at the guy who rushed up again, I directly backhanded a little behind, and then pointed forward, the disciplinary wheel detached from the back, the light ball was positioned above the head, and two and a half months separated and spun and flew at the guy.

Seeing the half-moon flying over, the guy accelerated instead of dodging, and then when he was about to be hit, he suddenly jumped through the gap between the two and a half months, and after landing, he rolled forward and jumped up again and continued to I ran forward and rushed to me in a few steps.

I didn't expect this guy to be so difficult, and I had to take it seriously. Looking at the guy who rushed in front of me, I took out six flying knives and touched my waist again, and threw them all out. While the guy was dodging, my hands trembled, the blade claws were retracted, and the two dragon ribs blew. La Fei came out and hung a long section on the ground. When the guy rushed through the flying knife array, I suddenly shook my arm, and the dragon tendon pulled out like a braid. The guy squatted and drilled under the dragon tendon, but the dragon tendon on the other hand Suo Yisha immediately pressed down to seal his course, but he did not expect that the guy jumped to the side a little and then reversed a vertical direction. He actually drilled two consecutive dragons and ran towards me again.

The distance between the opponent is too close. This little trick is not enough to suppress the opponent. I just leaned back and raised my hands at the same time. The two dragon tendons quickly retracted into the box of the arm. At the same time, a ring finger and a flame generated from my feet. Quickly circled around my body, and after the flames burned away, my armor had become a golden piece.

Boom. The stick of the sun in his hand slammed on the ground, and a circle of light film suddenly spread out to retreat seven nights back to the soul, followed by squatting and holding the ground, a rotating magic array appeared on the ground. There is also an identical magic formation below Eternity. Then eternity sank into the magic circle as quickly as it fell on the quicksand and disappeared, while my hand suddenly pulled eternity out of my feet in the magic circle.

Seven Nights Back to the Soul looked back at the original location of eternity in the distance, and then found that the eternity over there knew that I had summoned eternity back, but then I threw eternity directly on the staff, The two immediately merged into a piece of equipment as soon as they came into contact. Although there is no change in the staff, at this time everyone knows that this is a new eternity. After all, eternity can be combined with any weapon.

Re-holding the eternally attached wand up one body, and then I took the wand directly towards the seven nights there and rushed back to the soul. The other person was stunned by my behavior. When he saw me holding out his staff, he thought I wanted to use spells, but I didn't expect that I rushed up again.

Although he didn't understand what I was going to do, he was better at melee. So when he saw me rushing up again, he naturally welcomed him.

In the glittering state, I and Qiye Huihun ran into each other halfway. I directly swiped with a stick as a sledgehammer and the guy raised his hand and wanted to stop it, but as soon as he raised his hand, he felt the billowing heat waves coming from his face, scaring him to pull back quickly. As a result, I was swung by a stick. A fire dragon spewed out and burned a large piece of ground directly in front. He even lost a few of his hair.

"Damn, what the **** are you doing?" Qiyue Huihun exclaimed and shouted as he stepped back. "If you have the skills, don't bully people with weapons."

"Okay." I pointed directly at the opposite Seven Nights back to the soul and said, "Destroy him."

"Holy Sword-Verdict." Lingling was a big move as soon as she appeared, and Qi Ye Huihun, who had already receded for a distance, was frightened and continued to retreat. The Iron Armed Iron Bear in the back ran up and blocked him, obviously the Iron Armed Iron Bear was stronger.

The holy swords in Lingling's hands all have their own skills, so these big moves are used very quickly. The huge holy sword of light suddenly takes shape, and then smashes with Lingling's action. The iron-armed steel bear came to protect his hands with his arms crossed and was shot with a sword on his head. I heard only a loud noise, and everyone around me felt the ground tremble, and then I saw a big ditch appeared on the straight line where Seven Nights Back Soul and the Iron Armed Iron Bear stood. Climbed out of the pit.

"Go to death." The mummy actually popped up again when I was planning to continue summoning, and this time I came with the ghost-handed Nobunaga, but he was faster, so he came to me first.

Feeling the wind on my ears, I suddenly tilted my head, a short knife flickered in front of me, and then went straight to Lingling without looking back. I lifted my leg and kicked Lingling into the phoenix dragon space just opened, then grabbed the mummy, but unfortunately the other party was on guard this time, as soon as I squatted, I ran over and ran straight away.

Without catching the Lord, I immediately turned back and pointed in the direction the guy came from and shouted, "Stop him."

"Where are you going, stupid?" Yeyue suddenly appeared on the path of Nobunaga's hand without warning. Although he was right next to me, he was not allowed to deposit. What's more depressing is that he didn't dare to see Yeyue at all. It's not that Ye Yue is wearing a wounded ghost hand Nobunaga who dares not look at it, but because Ye Yue has a small snake lying on his neck. Although Yeyue has the same petrified eyes as Medusa, Yeyue ’s petrified pupils are obviously much stronger than Medusa. Medusa has to look at people to have an effect. Yeyue does not need the other person to see For herself, as long as she can see each other, she can petrify each other. The only difference is that direct gaze can strengthen the effect.

Although Ye Yue could not be seen petrified, the little snake on Ye Yue's neck was different. The death eye of the **** snake can drain the vitality of the other person instantly as long as you look at it. Even if the magic resistance is too high, people will not be drained by one breath, but pumping 70% or 80% of you at a time is enough to make your hands soft. The feet are soft and let go. Therefore, now that the ghost-handed Nobunaga dare not look at Yeyue at all, he is afraid to match the eyes of that little snake.

However, not looking at Yeyue is not a good idea. As soon as the ghost-handed Nobunaga's eyes dodged, Yeyue rushed straight up with his hands and snake sword and opened two blood holes on the ghost-handed Nobunaga, while the ghost-handed Nobunaga could only hold his eyes in one hand and hold them in one hand. Weapons fire back, but it's really up to the bar to see how effective this "blind" approach is. Yeyue took the snake sword left and right for a while and cut a stab in his body. It was just making fun of him, and he had a heart that wanted to die.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga who was abused by Yeyue couldn't find North here. On the other hand, the Iron Armed Iron Bear and Qiyue Huihun had already climbed out of the pit. Both knew that they couldn't keep away from me because my profession was Beast Tamer itself is good at high-power skills. Although the melee is also very powerful, but I am better at large-scale field control and mid-range lore, so Qiyue Huihun and Iron Armed Iron Bear agree very much. I would rather not fight close combat with me, or I would definitely Played alive.

Looking at the seven nights coming back and the Iron Arms and Iron Bears, I do n’t need to think about and know their purpose ~ ~ It is nothing more than to come up and fight me. This tactic has long been summarized by many players. . Although everyone acknowledges that I am very close in combat, they also acknowledge that this is actually my weakest direction, and once I let the Magic Pet Army start, the opponent can basically wait to die.

Although I knew the other party's intentions, I didn't intend to stop them because I was afraid the other party would escape. The purpose of my visit this time is not to regain that core, it is a guise for deceiving people. Wouldn't it be an idiot if they even cheated in? My real purpose is to get this Seven Nights Soul back to help Matsumoto Masaru to completely destroy the group of people under the commander Nobunaga and recover our communicators. This is the business, so my current battle is not based on direct killing. The first priority is to nail here all the masters found by Qiyue Huihun and the ghost-hand Nobunaga. This is my task.

What I thought was pretty good, but unfortunately those guys on the other side refused to cooperate. Rushing to the half of the seventh night, Huihui stopped suddenly, and not only did he stop by himself, but he also reached out and held the iron arm and the iron bear.

When the Iron Armed Iron Bear looked back at him and couldn't understand why he wanted to hold himself, Qiyue turned back and said, "No, this is not Ziri's style, we should do it."

"Ah? What plan do we have?" The Iron Armed Iron Bear looked at Qiye Soul with a puzzled look, waiting for an answer. (To be continued ...)

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