Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 298: Stable situation

We and Masamoto Matsumoto are all three of them, so I'm definitely not going to let the demon kings deal with Masamoto Matsumoto, but the problem is that they don't know this, and we can't Let others know that we are actually a group, so the surface article is still to be done.

I looked at Masamoto Matsumoto pretending to be generous and said, "Matsumoto Masa, don't worry about me. One of the characteristics of this person is to talk about credit. Since an agreement has been reached, I will follow it to the end. Of course, the premise is Do n’t make it up to yourself. "

Matsumoto nodded and said, "I know how important it is, and I don't need to remind me of it anymore."

I nodded and didn't say much, and turned directly to the old Lich who had been restrained over there. The energy intensity of this guy is not even one-fifth of the beginning, and his body has changed from a state of almost opacity to a layer of mist. It is estimated that if he is present, he will give him a soul shock. This guy is definitely over.

"Gold coins, don't hold it, you used to collect it. Didn't you say it was useful?"

"Oh." The gold coin also reacted at this time, and hurriedly ran over to take out a piece of yellow paper and covered the old Lich's head. With a scream, the yellow paper quickly collapsed, and then when the gold coins were picked up, it was found that there were more personal portraits on the yellow paper, as if they were printed on the paper.

In fact, according to the biography in Europe, the Lich should be a demigod, and its strength is so great. And the Lich's body should actually be a kind of object called a life box, and the one that usually comes out like a ghost should actually be called a power projection. It is almost the same as the avatar. Anyway, as long as the Lich's life box is okay, the projection will be okay no matter how much damage it is, even if it is completely purified, it doesn't matter. As long as the life box is still there, it can be resurrected automatically after a while.

Of course, the above are the legendary orthodox settings, and the setting in the game "Zero" is like this. The Lich in Zero is roughly the same as the legend, after all, it was designed based on the legend. However, the Lich abilities in the game are not uniform. Lich in Europe, such as the ones I met in the Dark Temple. That's all orthodox Lich. Existing as much as the legend. However, the situation of the Lich encountered in other areas is more chaotic. It seems that the production method of the Lich has leaked in the game, so people from all over the world will make the Lich, except for Europe. Lich elsewhere are basically fakes.

These cottage lich are basically strange. Some don't have a life box. Just like the ghost, projection is the body, and being destroyed is completely non-existent. No ability to resurrect. Other Lich's strengths are so bad that they cannot even beat the higher ghosts. Even some Lich seem to be a bit mixed with the Undead Mage, they are actually physical, and the damage to the entity will affect their soul. These strange Lich characteristics are basically due to the difference between the development direction of the copycat version and the original version, and the old Lich just now is obviously the copycat version. On the one hand, it is unlikely to find an orthodox Lich production technology in Japan. On the other hand, this guy is a demon king, and his own ethnic characteristics determine that even an orthodox Lich is unlikely to mix with him. So, this old Lich Eight achievement is a copycat version of the Lich. As for why he became a Lich ... In fact, the origin of the Lich is basically the same. A powerful life is about to die. If you don't want to die, turning into a Lich is an option, so the transformation is logical.

This old Lich was the father of Leya, and a great demon, and it was quite powerful, but even the most powerful creatures could die, even the Protoss. Therefore, this old guy may have some kind of accident, and he was forced to turn into a Lich. But now it is cheaper for us.

The coin was stolen on the gold coin side, and Thunder Tooth naturally tried his best to save his father, but he did not resist before. What can I do if I am captive now? Although the thunder teeth pressed by our group of demon kings on the ground twisted their bodies desperately, all the pressure on him was a series with him, and there was no way to break free.

I looked at Lei Ya, who was struggling and twisting, and I asked the demon kings, "Who do you know how to receive Lei Ya's territory?"

The succubus who had previously looked at Masamoto Matsumoto stood out at this time and said, "We will naturally discuss how to allocate the place of Thunder tooth. You just want to let those small tribes that belonged to Thunder tooth back before. Do not attack your city. That ’s it. It ’s troublesome. After all, Leya was defeated by us. We need time to re-gather his subordinates, but for the power of your faith, we daemons can make a special trip. Those little guys rushed back. Although they are not yet our subordinates for the time being, we should have heard of our reputation. If we have so many demon kings together, no little devil dare to sing against us. "

When I heard this, I nodded and said, "It's troublesome." I said, and took out the storage tank of the power of the faith again, and then said, "Come here, I will distribute the power of faith. "

Because it is divided by heads, there is no problem. I have calculated the weight here. Naturally, everyone is lining up to receive their own faith.

On the surface, this time is actually our loss, because I lost a pot of faith for this, but if you think about it, you can think of it for good. Even if it is inferred from common sense, we are not losing. First, we reached our strategic goal, which is to prevent the relationship between Japan and China from further deteriorating. Secondly, we got a lot of captives in this battle, and these captives can be turned into magic pets in the end. Judging by the price of the in-game magic pet, even if we count the bottle of faith, we have made a lot of money.

Of course, if we look at the actual situation, then we will be even more profitable. After all, the power of faith is now in our eyes the same as the oil in the eyes of the Arab countries. That is too terrible. Even more exaggerated than the oil in those Arab countries. Although they have a lot of oil, anyway, there is a total reserve there, even if it is not the kind that can be used up in a few years, after all, the exhausted time can already be calculated. But by contrast, the power of our faith is endless. At present, the Faith Force Collector over Yincaodifu cannot work at full power at all. Not only can it run at a low speed, but it must also take a rest to suppress production. At the current rate of consumption, there is no possibility of exhaustion in the time we can predict. With such terrible reserves, do you say we care about the power of faith? If you didn't know the reason why things are scarce and you were worried that opening up the supply would make those forces too powerful. We have long sold the power of faith to the world.

After allocating the power of faith, those demon kings did not delay. Immediately began to absorb the scene. Although the power of these beliefs is not a lot, it cannot be said that they are too much for each person. Of course, the single absorption amount now says that the demon kings actually feel a little bit overwhelmed. But this feeling of being supported by the power of faith is really a rare experience for them. It can be said that the demon kings are now painful and happy. On the one hand, Nei Dan was exploded in the body, and on the other side, he felt that the whole body was full of strength, and there was a feeling of bursting out.

Although I also know that these demon kings have not fully adapted to the effects of the power of faith. But we really don't have much time. It is already more than 4 pm Japanese time, which means it should be dark in a few days. If those monsters outside the fulcrum decide to attack the city, they must grab it before dark. After all, although they all have very good night vision, the problem is that our guild's night fighting ability is more exaggerated. Japanese players have tested this before, and the conclusion is that the average night combat effectiveness of our guild personnel will increase by 18% to 20%. There are basically three reasons for this apparent change.

The first reason is that there are so many undead in our guild, and it is well known that undead creatures are hyperactive at night. This characteristic determines that the overall combat effectiveness of our guild begins to skyrocket at night, especially those undead forces.

This second reason should be attributed to the dual role of the **** of war and the detector. The Bank has a variety of battlefield detection systems, from the most basic individual crystal observation eyes to the most advanced super-large battlefield scanning magic array, the configuration of the Bank can be said to be extremely luxurious. These detectors constitute a three-dimensional cross battlefield map, and because of the cheating existence of the army god, the players in our guild and almost equivalent to a battlefield data link system. Can you imagine what happened to an ancient army that relied on signal flags and various musical instruments to conduct operations and encountered a digital corps equipped with a battlefield data link system? Players in our guild and night players in other countries are almost like this.

As for the third reason ... I think this may have something to do with the super building of our guild. Because we have the largest guild library in the world, our guild will have a complete way to learn and share skills. The reasonable and relatively low learning cost means that the guild players are happy to learn some practical small skills, and large-scale training The strong auxiliary training capabilities brought by the venues have determined that almost all of our bankers have played a special night battle mode, so it is not difficult to imagine what a group of players with night vision skills and specially trained overnight battles would encounter when they encounter a group of ordinary players. No The appearance of the Holocaust is already a blessing that the weapons in the game are not as fast as modern weapons. If all the swords in our players are replaced with assault rifles, I guess that during the night battle, other tenants may see us and plan to Run away, that's basically unilateral slaughter. Unfortunately, melee weapons determine that even if we can find the enemy several kilometers away, we still have to rush to fight, at most it is to throw a few flying knives in advance to weaken the combat effectiveness of some enemies. Of course, the mages and archers are still very cheap at night, but unfortunately there are not many archers, and the attack methods of the mage are actually very dynamic, so the concealment is very bad, and they can't be expected to play snipers at night. Hand-like effect. After all, you have a mage as well. Although you can find the enemy first, you only need to use the opposite side of the spell to know where you are. Besides the first round of strike power, our mage has little advantage.

Based on the Bank's strong night combat capabilities, as long as the enemy ’s head is okay, he will not consider playing night battles with us, let alone we are fully prepared. and so. They must be stopped as soon as possible, and the demon may attack at any time before dark.

Under the urging of Matsumoto and I, those demons, although reluctant, have signed an agreement, so they have no choice but to return to the fulcrum outside the city with us as agreed.

On the way back, we were always worried that when we came back, we saw a battlefield of smoke, but finally we did not expect what happened. Those Japanese players who were about to provoke the war were staring deadly at Masamoto Matsumoto at this time. They couldn't find a chance to start the war. On the other hand, the Yagi snake was still stunned by August. Opportunity to challenge those demons to fight. However, even without the involvement of the Yachi Great Serpent. Those demons also seem to be reaching the limits of Nexus.

The demon is not a patient race. These guys are strictly the existence of chaotic camps, and it is quite difficult to restrain their own impulse to endure. Of course, I think they have misunderstood the cause of the Yaki snake, which is the main component. After all, the strength of the Yaki snake is too strong. They were all afraid that if they did something wrong and caused the Yagi snake to attack them, they would be in trouble. This fear caused these demons to dare to rush forward to fight even if they were impatient. That's why we insisted that we come back.

Because there is an agreement. Therefore, we did not return separately from Masamoto Matsumoto, but everyone came back together. Anyway, Nobunaga's ghost hand is here. No need to hide anything. Of course, the situation when I returned with Masamoto Matsumoto was not only the Yaki snake, but also the Japanese guild presidents who followed Matsumoto Masako for a moment. The demons, who were originally blocked by these presidents, saw that these players were all settled, and immediately wanted to take the opportunity to launch the charge. As a result, they saw a large group of familiar figures in front of themselves before they could move.

"I rely, why are there so many demon kings?" The leader of a monster tribe recognized the identity of these guys.

The next tribal leader squinted and looked in the crowd for a long time before asking, "Strange, why aren't our kings?"

"Shouldn't it ..." One of the guys seemed to guess it probably.

Sure enough, the demon kings in front of him suddenly gave way when his voice didn't fall, and then saw me and Matsumoto stepping out from the back side by side. A guy who was tied like a mule was thrown directly to the ground by me. Those demons looked down and immediately startled. This turned out to be their demon king thunder.

"The demon king!" Some of those demon were excited to rush forward, but in the end was pulled by his boss.

Seeing the tribal leaders who took hold of my younger brother, I nodded with a smile, and then said, "Thunder has been defeated by us, and his territory will be ruled by these demon kings in the future. Do you want to resist these demon kings or Want to surrender? "

The monsters on the other side took a step back when they heard me, and then started a chaotic discussion. In the end, I didn't know which monster took the lead. All the monsters knelt down to our side and shouted: " Long live the King. "

In fact, this choice is not difficult. No matter how strong Lei Ya is, he is still a demon king, not to mention that they are still being captured. Their refuge in Lei Ya is just looking for asylum. Lei Ya can shelter them, these demon kings can. Although the former Raytheon was not so harsh to them, it was definitely not kind, so they did not have to be loyal to Raytheon. Besides, there are twenty demon kings on the opposite side! I challenged them with water in my head. What's the difference between finding death?

"Well, now that you are willing to surrender, evacuate here immediately, and return to your residence with these demon kings. After that, you should discuss the matter yourself."

The monsters below responded together, and then the tribal bosses stood up and began to gather their subordinates and evacuate. However, they were ready to withdraw, but the Yaki snake couldn't sit still. He had always thought that there would be a fight here. Who would have thought that we had found so many demon kings, and stopped those monsters who were just about to move. Once these guys evacuate ~ ~, then the plan of the Yachi Snake is a complete loss. In this case, how can you say that the Yagi snake can sit still.

Although August smoked the task to stop the Yaki snake, but since Matsumoto is congratulating them, and the demon here seems to be withdrawn, so August smoke does not stop the Yaki snake, let alone now The Octavius ​​serpent is obviously a bit out of control. If you stop it, conflict may occur. Once you really tear your face, it will be difficult to handle.

The Hachichi snake rushed to our side quickly, and the demon kings here just shook slightly. Although they are all demon kings, the Yaki snakes have been prestigious for a long time, not to mention that this guy has a formal title of the protoss and holds the core of the divine power in his hands. In addition, he is better than the average demon king. Diversified together, the demon kings at the scene are naturally afraid of him. However, although he was a little scared, it was because he was worse than him in the one-to-one situation. Now there are 20 demon kings here, plus Matsumoto Masako and I are not inferior to the demon king. Those guys are also full of confidence. Really want to fight, we fight together, even if it is the power of burning the faith in the hands, the Eight-Big Serpent wants to kill all of us today, we must pay a bitter price, and it is impossible to keep his own nickname . Such a great risk will not be taken by the demon kings, nor will the Yaki snakes.

"What are you trying to do?" Hachichi snake asked excitedly as he rushed over. (To be continued ...)

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