Starting from Zero

Vol 5 Chapter 102: Robbery while fire

After a busy day, everyone couldn't stand it anymore, I let them all go offline in advance. I stayed by myself and waited for 12 o'clock! Of course, I can't just stand there and wait for a while, and have a good chat with the acting legion leader during this time, mainly to ask the way out!

I was quite disappointed to post the news that I received from the head of the army! At first I heard him say that in addition to the road we came in, there were two exits. I also expected to leave the city of Nilan directly! Now if I ask in detail, I know that it is not as simple as I think! The Death Mountain does have multiple exits, but only three of these roads are spacious enough for large troops to pass, and the others are very narrow! And apart from the one we took when we came in, the other two roads are all going to other countries!

Release: The closer one of these two roads can be directly inserted into Switzerland, while the other road is dozens of kilometers long and leads to France! If I give up the way I came, I can indeed bypass the city of Neland, but what do I do when I enter those two countries?

Switzerland and any country are friendly, but it is a landlocked country. Do you want me to take millions of troops to climb mountains in Switzerland? France is worse! Although France has a long coastline, the French and the Germans are deadly enemies. When the Iron Crusade fleet took us to Germany last time, the French all saw it. This time we suddenly appeared in France and we will certainly immediately Causes suspicion, even worse with the French guild!

Post I am not afraid of the French! How to say I also carry millions of troops, although most of them are low-level skeletons, but the regular army also has nearly 300,000. These eight or nine hundred troops are definitely one-sided against players, and there is no possibility of a lot of casualties. My main consideration is the future issue. We have n’t really clashed with the players in France. The players in the two countries are still neutral to each other. The French now react badly to us because we are walking with their enemy German! If our trip to Europe can avoid friction with French players and give them some benefits later, the relationship between the two players will still be easy to restore. The Iron Crusaders have so far been very enthusiastic and kind to us, but as the saying goes, there must be no harm to the human heart, and no defense to the human heart! Relations in Europe cannot be hanged from a tree in Germany, and France is also pulled in. You can find a way out for yourself! If we relied on the Iron Crusaders, our future European operations would become quite troublesome in the event that they were behind. Therefore, this time the French are still angry, we should not provoke them.

Release: As for the few paths, one is closer to Austria, the other one is closer to Italy, and the other is to Slovenia. There is no second way to Germany!

Release I can't go on both sides after thinking about it, which means I have to return to the same way! The problem is that the women's federation is still blocked there. I really don't want to give them the tower!

Post "Master!" Ling came over and patted me on the shoulder. "It's past midnight!"

Post "Oh! Got it!" I stood up and walked to the next treasure storage warehouse. Opened the space door next to the treasure, then turned to Ling and said, "All move in. Don't let the four dragons know, just ask the Dark Iron Rider to help!"

Post "Relax, master!" Ling turned and ran to call someone back to help.

Release: I came to the four-headed dragon, and they were still playing with the treasures they collected, and when they saw me coming, they hurriedly put away the things and turned to run! "Come here for all of you!" The four dragons were preparing to escape in the air! "Come here, don't let it go!"

Posting Huhla, the four dragons came to me in an instant. "What did the host ask?"

Post "You four picked up a lot of things in the morning?"

Upon hearing what I said, the four dragons apparently froze. "It's just a little, nothing more!" The four dragons shook their heads desperately and humbled there.

Post "I have two messages to tell you, good or bad, which one do you want to hear first?"

Post "Bad!" Lucky called out first.

Seeing that the other three dragons had no objections, I continued: "Okay! Let ’s talk about the bad news first! The bad news is that I need to check your treasure, and may need to take back some of it!" : "The good news is that I have a lot of treasures to give to you, definitely more than you have collected!"

Posts 四 The expressions of the four dragons have been changing as I speak. When I was called together, it was cloudy. When I heard the bad news, it turned cloudy to heavy rain, but when the good news came out, the heavy rain gradually turned into sunny! Four miserables!

Release Finally, under the threat of my intimidation, the four dragons obediently handed over all the babies in the whole body. I looked at them one by one. There are really a lot of things, as long as they are confiscated! However, the dragons not only did not have any objection, but enthusiastically hoped that I would take more, because I promised them how much they would take now and return them ten times after returning!

After the release of the stuff, the sky is about to light up, just happen to have a meal offline and come back up. Everyone is here when they come back online.

Post "Can we go?" Rose asked me as she counted the troops.

Post "Yes, but some things need to be decided first!"

Post "What's up?"

Release: I summoned everyone and said, "Last night I talked with the NPC leader here. Death Mountain not only has one entrance, but we have many entrances!"

Post "That's not right, we can go around Nilan and go out somewhere else!"

Post "The problem is that the other channels are all connected to different countries. This is basically the connection point for many countries!"

Su Sumei asked, "Which countries are you specific to?"

"Some trails are not suitable for so many of us to pass," said the release. "The two main roads mentioned yesterday. One of them goes to Switzerland and the other to France."

Posting Su Mei quickly responded: "Switzerland does not have a coastline and it is useless to go in. If you go to France, it is not as safe as going through the Neland city. We are better off returning the same way!"

Post "I agree with Su Mei!" Rose nodded.

Post "I agree!" Ruthlessly and cauldron rice cried at the same time.

Post "Since it's more than half, then there is no need to say! We turn around and go back!" In the end we still feel like turning around!

The way back to the release of is much better, mainly because there is no illusion interference. Neylan arrived soon, and long distances saw a smoky stream of smoke rising from the city! This is the inevitable result of industrialization, and big industry brings high pollution! Suddenly the poisoner discovered that the situation was wrong. "Boss, it doesn't look like the factory is smoking!"

The release of Xisuo Ziyi also said: "It looks like something is burning, if the factory, this smoke is too much!"

Post "Is Neland under attack?"

The Shabu Cauldron was released, shaking his head and saying, "Isn't Nilan known as the world's first defensive force? Who beats them so stupidly? Besides, it's girls who can't do anything! Oops! What do you beat me?

Post "Don't bother! You walk slowly behind, I'll go check the situation first!"

Posting "I'm going too!" The people behind them cried almost at the same time.

Release: I took Su Mei from Xiu Luo Ziyi. "I'll take the negotiator with me!" Ye Ying stopped walking slowly after getting my instructions, and started running with his hoof raised!

Release: The two of us soon arrived next to Neland. This is still behind the city. There is no one around. Many large mining tools are still running on their own, but none of them are running. Obviously everyone runs very fast!

Post _______________________________________________________________

Post 嘭! Woo ...! boom! Something landed beside me with the sound of wind, and then suddenly exploded. I quickly protected Su Mei in my arms, and the shock wave lifted the night shadow with me dozens of meters away. We flew into a house that I didn't know about, and then it seemed as if something had been broken. The roof suddenly collapsed and buried us alive!

Release: At this time, the city wall on the other side of Nilan is blazing hot. The female warrior, their chairman, is running around the city wall to direct the battle! Outside the city is a huge army, an army with tens of thousands of people. These troops are constantly rushing towards the city wall, and behind the army, hundreds of giant trebuchets are working on the city with the help of nearly a thousand cannons. Intermittent strikes, it was obviously the shells of these cannons that just fell beside me!

Numerous artillery shells were released flying around the city walls. Players under the city also constantly turned into corpses and fell under the city walls, but the battles became more and more fierce!

Post Come back to me again. An arm suddenly stretched out from a piece of rubble, and the tiles slid to the sides, and I stood up from the rubble pile. "Sumei? Where are you?"

Post "Here! 呸! 呸! Oops! All my mouth is soil!" Su Mei's voice came down from a pile of rubble next to it!

Release "Don't worry, I'll get you out right away!" Hurriedly ran over, threw the rubble above a couple of times, and Su Mei finally climbed out of the rubble pile.

Post I help her pat the dirt on her body. "All right?"

Post "Okay! Oh? Where's Yeying?"

Post "Night Shadow?" Then I remembered that Night Shadow was gone! Quickly look around. A pile of rubble not far from me exploded, and Ye Ying stood up from inside.

Post "It's okay, it's okay!" Su Mei pointed to other buildings near us: "It seems that it is really fighting!"

Post "See it!"

Post "Let's go and see?"

Post "OK!"

The release took Sumei to the front of the city, and along the way there were collapsed rubble piles and burning buildings. The entire city has basically become ruins, and it looks like London in the documentary during World War II. It's a ruin!

The two of us have been forced to dismount before the frontal walls of the city have been reached. Night Shadow was sent to the rear of the city to wait for the troops behind them to stop moving forward, and I continued with Su Mei. Because the cannonballs and other messy things kept falling around us, I had to hold my shield and walk on top of my head. This would protect us from being bombarded by shells, or at least resist the shrapnel flying around!

It was not easy to get to the bottom of the city wall to find that it was already in a mess. The various strange weapons on the city wall were firing to the outside. Many people below are pushing something like a grinding disc. I do n’t know what it is for! Seeing us coming, although many players stared at us strangely, they did not stop, the battle continued, and time did not allow them to stay.

Release: I recognized the female warrior on the top of the city wall at a glance. Her armor was strange. It was an asymmetrical design with shoulders only on one side! The two of us climbed up the city wall and walked directly towards the female soldier. She saw us sharply.

Post I saw her notice that we speeded up and ran to the past, but suddenly halfway through it suddenly felt wrong! The mercury on my body suddenly appeared on my left to form a shield, followed by a boom, the shield shattered, and I flew out, but it did not damage the blood! The shock wave lifted me directly into the city from the wall, but fortunately a mercury shield blocked it!

I patted my wings and flew up from under the city wall. This scared the female soldier. She had never seen anyone who was hit directly by the shells and could still be harmless! I don't care if she is surprised or not, she walks directly with Su Mei. "We are back! What is going on with you?"

Post "Well? Oh! Just see, someone siege!"

Post "Are there a lot of people? What guild?"

Post "Not a guild, but a guild alliance, a total of 7 guilds! Will there be so many people in a guild alone?"

Post "It looks like you're in a tight situation!"

Post "I want you to say!"

Post "Need help?"

Post "You will not help us for free?"

Post "Of course!" I'm not a philanthropist! "If I help you destroy the enemy, you don't need that tower anymore!"

Post "Then you don't need your help! We can hold on to ourselves, at most, we can lose a lot!" The female soldier said angrily. It seems that she knows that the defense is difficult, and she is not willing to exchange for a tower!

Post If you want to hold on, I can't help it. "Well then! Fight slowly! My army is behind the city, and I will watch you fight here. If you figure it out, you can call me at any time!" After that, I let Su Mei run back first Let the army prepare for the back of the city, and I went to the corner of the wall to see how they fight!

The release of the puppet battle was indeed what I thought, and soon began to have problems. At the beginning, the two sides still interacted with each other, but the blue barrier in front of the city wall suddenly disappeared after the enemy's artillery shell destroyed the big grinding disc under the city wall. Without that thing, the opponent's infantry began immediately. Climbing the walls, and a few air forces in the other side also began to attack the city, and the enemy was sent into the city!

It's not bad to post that the soldiers were defeated! Players brought by the Air Force into the city immediately began to hit the wall in turn. This time, it was completely out of order. The women's federation players on the wall were obviously low in combat power. Soon, the giant defensive weapons stopped shooting because their drivers were The enemy is attacking!

Release I saw that the female warrior also joined the offensive and defensive battle of the city head. Her combat effectiveness is obviously good. Players outside can't treat her at all, but she cannot keep the city wall alone!

The release squinted and watched as the number of women's federations on the city walls became less and less, and the female soldiers were besieged by multiple players. She used a sword to block an enemy's attack in front of her, but more weapons were sent up. Seven or eight handle swords were pressed on her own sword. After all, she was a girl, and her strength was still weak. People push back step by step!

Post a look at the battle situation is almost over, it is time for me to pull business! He shouted at her with a trumpet, "Need help?"

Release: She looked at me hard, and then turned her head to suddenly push the swords away, it was really brutal! The pushed players reclined one after another, and she went up and turned up an enemy, but the others immediately pushed up again, forcing her back again!

With the release of a loud noise, the city gate finally became a pile of powder, and a large number of players rushed in through the gate. Seeing the city would be impossible to keep!

Released "Ah!" The female warrior was kicked off by someone else, and banged heavily beside me.

Hunchun looked at her rolling on the ground, but instead of helping her, I bent over and looked at her: "Need help? Is the price good?"

Release: She looked up at me with unwilling eyes, and then looked at the burning city and the girls being hunted down. The enemies on the front wall rushed up again, the female soldier was no longer able to fight, and as soon as those people arrived here, she would be killed immediately. I can see that she is shaking, but the people in front have arrived, and she doesn't seem to think long.

Suddenly she screamed. "Help us!"

Released a long gun suddenly in the air and blocked all 7 people in front of her, and this gun was of course my magic dragon gun! "No problem for you, but the price has changed!"

Post "You ...?"

Post "The situation just now is different, and my help is not very demanding. Now you are in a losing situation. The situation is different! I am not demanding, and I will help you if you look to bring benefits!"

Post "I ... I ...!"

Release: She hasn't said it yet. The seven people will quit first, and one of them asked, "Which guild do you have?"

Post "Don't be noisy!"

Post "This kid is not our guild!" A guy next to him cried suddenly.

Post: Another person called: "The Women's Federation actually has a man!"

It ’s why I ’ve been standing on the battlefield for so long that I have n’t had a fight with anyone ~ ~ The siege outside the guild knows that the women ’s federation is all female players, and I stand here as a man and they all think Myself, as for the players of the women ’s federation, they are defensive. As long as I do n’t move, they will not take the initiative to attack. Besides, most of them have seen us crossing the city, so many people have seen me! Now when they are fighting at close range, they find that I am not a siegeman, and several people are ready to attack me!

Post "Clone!" My body fluttered, and the two avatars appeared immediately. "Stop them for me!"

"Side dish!" The soldiers smiled and showed a row of fangs. "Come on! The game is starting!" 7 people were cut off without any response!

Post "Are you thinking about it?" There are avatars around, I can concentrate on negotiations.

Post "If you help us defend successfully, I am willing to merge the guild into your guild!" Said the female soldier.

Posting this answer surprised me! She had planned to do more good, but she didn't expect her to join the entire guild! "Are you right? Being trapped means the dissolution of the guild. What's the difference between bringing in guilds and being trapped?"

The release "There is a difference! Our guild just hopes that we can get a relatively stable research environment, but our fighting power is too low. If we can merge into a large guild like you, there will be no such problems. In addition, our guild will have a lot of research Achievements, these things can continue to be studied after joining your guild, but if they are captured, half of these things will disappear automatically, and the rest will be divided up by others, and we will get nothing! "

Post "I see now! Okay! The deal!" I pulled her up and then contacted Rose with a private chat. "All offensive!"

Post "Understand!"

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