Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 144: Peaceful advance

Chapter 144 Peaceful Advancement

With an extremely unpleasant roar, the entire catacombs began to tremble. / I looked back and found that the figure of the mixed-blood MM flashed at the entrance of the passage, then turned back to look at the stone gate that was slowly falling in front of me. After thinking for a moment, I still sighed and turned back. .

In fact, Shimen in the front fell very slowly. Not to mention running away, as long as I did n’t deliberately grind and walk a little faster than usual, I could easily rush down and drill before Shimen fell, but even if it passed, There is no difference in staying, it is nothing more than hitting a door. However, if I pass, the mixed-blood MM behind is absolutely dead, and when I return, she has at least some hope.

Anyway, I have decided to help. I did n’t stay at the aisle either. I turned around and went back to the tomb. As soon as I came in, I saw that stupid girl was lying on the lid of the sarcophagus of zhōngyāng, trying to stop the inside. Something comes out. This scene almost made me laugh. For the first time, the player who encountered this Coke actually tried to prevent the undead creatures in the coffin from coming out.

After entering the tomb, I haven't come to talk. The mixed-blood MM over there saw my presence at a glance, and yelled at me at the same time, "Hurry up and help. The monster inside will come out. It's up! "

Of course I would not go to help, but pointed to the caskets on the next wall and said, "There are nineteen sarcophagi here. Even if you can hold one, I will block one, and there are 17 inside What should we do when it comes out? "

I was stunned by the mixed-blood MM, but soon responded and yelled, "Even if I can't block everything, at least I have to do something. Come and help me! I can't hold it!"

"Don't bother, there is a King Knight below, you can't hold it."

"Can't hold back and wait for death!" Shouted the mixed-blood MM.

"Then you keep pressing." I said, and walked to a wall coffin beside the wall and knocked twice, then shouted to the opposite side: "When are you going to sleep? Come out and help. Rest assured If you don't let it dry up, it will give you dark energy. "

The mixed-blood MM over there was surprised and had forgotten what to say, but the wall coffin had shaken a bit, and then suddenly opened a gap in the mixed-blood MM's eyes. With the sound of friction between the sarcophagus cover and the ground, a circle of eighteen wall casket covers all bounced up, and then the sarcophagus cover was pushed away from the inside, followed by a sound of metal armor crashing. The heavy knight in heavy plate armor came out of it.

This king knight is slightly different from normal dark creatures. The level of this thing is not very high, of course, it is not low. However, this unit is considered to be one of the more difficult creatures in the Undead system. The most troublesome point is that these guys are not afraid of bright magic, and have their own auras. What is more annoying is that these auras can be infinitely stacked. That is to say, the more the number of kings and knights, the more terrible they are. King, any other service is a scum in front of them. Of course, the knights are not really able to strengthen infinitely. Although their auras can be infinitely stacked, the problem is that the range of influence of the auras is limited, so there is an upper limit on the number of kings and knights that appear in a unit area. This determines that their aura can't really be infinitely superimposed. According to the calculations of some players, the maximum stacking number is 3,800 auras without considering the battle. This is still under the premise of not fighting. If you want to participate in the battle, the knights cannot be too close to each other. Activity space, and the previous number is the number of auras superimposed on the knights of the team zhōngyāng. To fight, the front must be vacated. In this way, it is unlikely that the number of aura superimposed on the king and knights will exceed 1,500. It's not bad to reach a thousand. Of course, it doesn't make much sense to calculate these, because King Knights are rare arms, and even King Knights in dark temples usually don't exceed one thousand people, so the biggest obstacle to limit them is not the aura range but the number of King Knights themselves.

There are nineteen knights and knights here, but only eighteen of them came out, and one kīng sharp knight was left sealed in the sarcophagus of zhōngyāng. However, this is also a matter of time. Just after the undead creature wakes up, the strength will not instantly enter the normal state, but will start slowly like the person who wakes up in the morning. Physical strength and brain are slowly activated at first, and it takes a little time to gradually enter the state. However, although it takes time, this time is not long, because it should be said to be very short.

"Ah ..." Just after the eighteen kings and knights on this side came out, the mixed-blood MM there suddenly screamed and the sarcophagus cover was lifted down, and one wore better than the surrounding kings and knights. The exaggerated knight slowly sat up from the sarcophagus.

This is jīng, an English king knight, or a king knight leader. It is an advanced creature of the king knight. In addition to the aura's range of influence is much larger, its four-dimensional genus xìng is stronger than the average king knight, but these What really makes a guy sharper than an ordinary king and knight is that his combat skills are not the basis. Their high agility combined with combat skills, basically the probability of being hit is very low, even if the range of xìng damage, they can avoid hitting the front and reduce their own damage, which makes it very difficult to deal with them.

Although these guys belong to the higher ranks of undead creatures, as long as they are undead. Don't forget that my undead creature has a lot of affinity.

"Are you really willing to pay?" Asked the jīng knight from the sarcophagus.

I threw a cloth bag directly and it was filled with black crystal, and it was a charged black crystal. This thing is very different from the kind of crystal powder that I usually pay the undead for. The difference between them is like the difference between diamond and crystal. Although both are crystal clear, the value is not at all a level.

After receiving the bag, the King of Knights of the British King froze a bit, and then responded to quickly open the bag. As a result, they found that there were small pieces of charged black crystals in it, so they immediately poured out.

There are a total of twenty pieces of black crystals in this bag, and he did not swallow them alone. He called one of the surrounding companions to send one, and he took two of them and divided them up. After swallowing the black crystal directly, the jīng English king knight jumped out of the sarcophagus. After landing, it seemed to remember something. He turned and pulled a large sword from his sarcophagus and carried it behind his back.

"There was something to eat when I got out of bed, and it felt really cool." The jīng English knight sighed and said to me: "What do we need? Dear Lord of the Dark Lord."

This title made me stunned for a moment, and then I remembered that I just opened the dark demon halo to increase affinity. But it doesn't matter. I beckoned directly and said, "I'm going to the depths of the grave.

"That's okay, here is where we got the land. It doesn't matter where you go. But the undead creatures along the way are not necessarily intelligent. Those hoeheads still have to fight. There is no guarantee that you will arrive like a visit. destination."

"Do you look like I'm not fighting?"

"That's true!" Jīng the British King Knight nodded and asked, "So where are you going?"

I showed him the map directly and pointed him to the destination. "right here."

"How is this place?"

"Is there any problem?" I was a little curious to see that jīng British King Knight responded so much.

jīng The King of England shook his head and said, "The problem is fine, the key is that this place is not under my control!"

"Isn't there a lot of places that are not under your control? Don't you say you can be guaranteed to pass?"

"No, no, if I can pass in general, although there will be fighting, it will not affect our passage, except for this place."

"Why is this special?"

"Because there is a paradise for banshees."

"Sorceress?" I frowned and asked, "You mean the Styx Sorceress?"

"Do you think I'm afraid of that kind of thing?" Jīng the King of England asked me.

I shook my head. "I don't think it is possible. Then, the banshee you are talking about should be the Hanas banshee?"

"So you know?"

"I didn't know it, but I was lucky enough to have seen one before and knew it."

"You're such a great guy to see them still standing alive."

"No, no, we were allies when we met Hanas the Banshee last time."

The jīng British King Knight thought for a while and thought, "If you have ever been an ally with a Hanas Banshee, can I understand that you can actually communicate with them?"

"I'm sorry, but she can." As soon as I reached out, Ling appeared to me.

There was a sudden sound of metal impact all around, and the king and knight, who was still standing on the side, suddenly broke down, all kneeling on one knee, and then saluting neatly: "See my lord!"

"Do you know each other?" I asked, looking at the jīng English knight in amazement.

The jīng English King Knight immediately said: "No, we don't know, but this is a superior demon, and must be a top-level existence in the dark forces, so ..."

Ling turned to me and said, "Kings and knights are all senior demon guards, so I know a lot about these things."

I nodded and didn't ask this again, but said to them, "Can we pass now?"

The jīng knight of the King of England immediately nodded and said, "No problem, since there is a higher demons here, then it will not be a problem. Hanas Banshee is still a dark force in the final analysis, but I still want to give some of the higher demons' face of."

"Then hurry up, I don't want all my targets to be killed by the Hanas Banshee."

"Your goal?" Jīng asked the King of Knights in a bit unclear.

After hearing the other party's inquiries, I explained to them roughly this time. After that, the kings and knights understood my purpose. The jīng British King Knight who led the team directly said: "Your enemies may have been pitted. You actually want them to go to the house of Hanas Banshee to find things. Isn't this to death?"

I nodded and said, "I guess so. These guys must have been pitted. Even entering a graveyard of a lich is definitely safer than going to the Hanas banshee."

Ling also said, "Except for the Dragon Lich, I don't think there are any undead creatures that are comparable to the intricacies of Hanas Banshee, but there are many creatures that can kill Hanas Banshee. At least we have them here. Specially restrain her presence. "

"Do you still have a restrained Hanas banshee here?"

Ling nodded and said: "The Hanas Banshee is a materialized spirit. She can switch between energy and material state at will, so it is difficult for ordinary creatures to attack her, and because she has more special abilities, So it's very troublesome. But here we have an enhanced high-level hero who specializes in Hanas banshee. "

Originally I didn't know who Ling was talking about, but now I know. It turned out that Ling was talking about the king. I didn't know that a hero like the King actually restrained the Hanas banshee, but it's not too late to know it now.

Determined that we really don't need to be afraid of the Hanas Banshee, and then it's time to hit the road. As a local creature, the English king knight started to show us the way, but before we can solve the problem is how to get the jacks that landed down.

The chain of necklaces on the sarcophagus cover of this jīng British king knight was left untouched because the necklace was an organ starting device. As long as someone took the necklace, a large number of gates would be lowered in all the passages in the tomb to close the passages in sections. These gates are all made of half-meter-thick stone slabs, engraved with sturdy, defensive energy, forbidden teleportation and other defensive spells. As soon as this thing falls, basically people inside don't want to move. It is not impossible to destroy such a gate, but normally, it usually takes an hour or two to destroy a gate. Even if you are patient, you can destroy a dozen or twenty gates in a day, but even so many gates are destroyed. The range you can move will not be very large, after all, the arrangement of such doors is still quite dense.

However, these doors will not stay closed and trap the player inside. They will rise again after 24 hours after falling, which means that even if you do nothing, the stone door will open itself at this time tomorrow. Of course, this organ is not so simple. Although the door will open on the second day, there will be a large number of undead creatures in all closed compartments in these twenty-four hours, and then you just fight. Those undead are in the state of infinite resurrection in these twenty-four hours. After being defeated, they will be resurrected immediately, and then continue to attack you, and you must fight again and again. If you think you can use this method to level up, you are wrong, because these undead creatures only have experience when they are killed for the first time in these 24 hours. After that, no matter how many times they are resurrected, the experience value is Zero, relying on them to brush experience is basically equivalent to dreaming. The first reaction of most players when encountering this kind of thing is to go offline directly. Anyway, staying here to kill monsters has no experience. Those doors have the same effect to open them, so it is better to go down in time without being dragged into the combat mode by monsters. Line, these undead creatures will still be there when the next day comes online, but at this time the door of the passage will open, just clean up these undead creatures once.

Because of this **** pit father setting, no one touched the necklace at all, and everyone did n’t want to be locked in. Besides, the thing was useless at all. It looked like a gem, but after taking it down, it was found to be a mission item. , Can not be traded, can not be put into space equipment, can not leave a certain range of the human body, otherwise it will automatically transfer back to the original position on the sarcophagus cover. Of course, some players realize that this thing is definitely an important mission item, otherwise it will not start such a complicated pit father setting as soon as it is taken away, but the problem is that there is no hint on that thing, so far no one has found that this thing is In the end, no one cares about any quest items. Anyway, I couldn't find a place to hand in the task.

Anyway, now that the agency has been activated, the only thing we can do is go down a little bit. Although it is troublesome to open the doors, it is not absolutely impossible, and the key problem is that I do not have 24 hours to delay here at all, so I must go down.

"Get out of it." After letting all the kings and knights flicker a little, I plugged eternity under the door of the stone door, and then made the exposed part of eternity into a structure like expansion scissors.

With the existence of eternally deformable equipment, it is actually very easy to pry open the doors. Although each of these gates weighs four or five tons, it is still easy to use the principle of leverage. The key problem is that the average player does not have the right equipment. Although there is a gap between the gate and the ground, the wind system is not big enough, so you ca n’t plug in any general weapons or crowbars. Therefore, the method used by most players is to force the door and lift the door like me Not many methods are used.

After the eternal transformation was completed, it became a lever with a long arm. Then I asked the king of the King of England to help me to press down with me. The gate over there finally rose a little in our strength. . Frost and snow I just put out beside the door immediately stretched my hand into the gap under the door. A large block of ice appeared instantly between the gate and the ground, easily filling the gap between the two and putting the door there so that it could not fall.

After the door was withstood, we relaxed and pulled out the eternity to make it change again. It became a structure suitable for the current situation, and then continued to apply force to lift the gate up again. Frost quickly followed, holding the gate with ice, and then we continued to deform and pry the door, and then she continued to support it.

After six consecutive times, a gap about a foot high was finally exposed under the door. Of course, this gap is still too small, and people must not be able to get through it. However, the main reason why the gate is not good is that it cannot be exhausted. With such a large gap, it can already be lifted up with force. Of course, there is something else to do before doing this.

jīng The British King Knight went straight to the door and lay down, then shouted a few words at it, and soon there was an undead creature lying down under the door and exchanged a few words with him. After the undead opposite knew about our situation, the knight of the King of England got up and said to us, "Okay, we can start."

After passing through the dead soul ditch there, we can guarantee that the dead souls on the opposite side will not disturb us, and we can still get some help from them. Under the command of jīng, the British king knight, the four king knights approached the door, reached under the door to support the bottom of the gate, and asked if the opposite side was ready. After learning that there was ready, we shouted one, two, three, all the kings and knights worked together, and then heard the rumbling sound of friction that the gate was finally slowly lifted up.

As the gate rose, the situation across the door became apparent. Because the gates are thick, people standing on both sides of the gate at the same location will not interfere with each other. There are four people standing by the door on our side, and the same is the opposite, but instead of the King and Knight, there are four bronze zombies. The power of these guys is also very scary. There are four zombies and four knights on our side. Eight people share the weight of these four or five tons. Although each person still has to bear the weight of five or six hundred kilograms, this is after all Games, these are high-level undead creatures, not humans in reality, and the weight of five or six hundred kilograms can still be lifted.

With the combined force of eight undead creatures, the gate was finally lifted completely. When the bottom of the gate was one meter and eight meters away from the ground, suddenly the force loosened, and the gate itself rose up, and then locked in the wall with a click. This is also a setting, as long as the gate is lifted at a height of 1.8 meters, it will automatically return to the position and lock. Unless someone moves the necklace again, it will not fall again.

With a gate, the undead creatures on either side of us are regarded as Victory Magistrates. Compared with ours, the number of undead on the opposite side is obviously much larger. The dense range in the area that can be seen on the channel at least squeezes dozens of undead creatures, and at a glance, at least intermediate-level undead creatures. You can't even see a lower-level unit.

After seeing us, these guys didn't rush to fight like they saw ordinary players, but they were very polite to Lingxing, and then paid their respects to me. Because of the communication in advance, and the breath of Ling and me, these undead creatures are basically full of our favor. As long as we don't take the initiative to do anything harmful to their interests, they will not take the initiative to attack me.

After saying hello on both sides, the undead immediately let to the sides of the passage, leaving us the national road, and we were preparing to walk over, but suddenly heard a scream coming from behind, and then all the undead present and a few of us All eyes suddenly turned back.

When I saw the source of the noise, I felt a headache. The mixed-blooded MM didn't faint all the time. At this time, she got up again.

Seeing her like that, I could only shook my head helplessly, and then said to her: "Don't make a fuss. Follow me if you want to follow me, but don't bother me if you don't want to follow it Stay, the door will open automatically after 24 hours, and you can go back by then. "

"I'm going to find my brother. I can't go back."

"Your brother must have gone back."

"You lied. How could he go back alone if he fell below?" The mixed-race MM questioned me indignantly.

I pointed at the sarcophagus outside and said, "Because you've killed him. So now he should be on his way back to the Temple of Resurrection."

"What? I killed my brother?"

"It's the necklace you just moved. It's an institution. As soon as it is activated, a lot of such gates will be lowered in the entire grave, and then a large number of undead creatures will be dropped in each closed area. This is how these undead creatures around me come from. . Your brother's fighting power is basically negligible. He is not an opponent of these undead creatures. Once he starts a war, he will die. He was a small child. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to challenge, those undead creatures will not attack him. But I think Your brother, the xìng, expects that he will not proactively provoke those undead creatures. It is better to believe that the sow will be on the tree more reliably. So I guess he must be hung up now. Besides, it is best to go offline immediately after you go out , Because you touch the organ, there will be undead creatures chasing you within three days, so you will be very dangerous after you go out. Also, not only the undead creatures, maybe the players here will also chase you, because you touch the organ After that, the entire graveyard is closed, so it is estimated that many players have been killed by you. Although they do not know who The organ, but just look at the souls here who kill the guards, followed the chase on the line, so I suggest you immediately after leaving off the assembly line. "

"It's impossible, my brother won't touch those undead creatures. Although he is not very good, he is not stupid. He knows what can't be touched, so I will follow you."

"It's up to you. I don't care anyway, and I won't go to your brother deliberately, I will leave when I find my goal."

The mixed-blood MM did not speak, and I ignored her and walked directly through the channel of the undead.

In front of this passage is a quite large burial chamber, which is almost the same as the one we met before, but the area is many times larger, and there are many sarcophagi in the room. Of course, because the agency was touched, all the kings and knights here also got up.

I do n’t know if the undead creatures here often cross each other. The jīng English king knight here and the jīng English king knight around us know each other. After two jīng English king knights chatting with each other, the jīng UK here The king knight began to help us advance to the next entrance.

The passageway here is also closed by the gate, but it is not a problem for us. Use the old method to open the road, pry open the seam of the door and hold it with ice. After the height is sufficient, first communicate with the undead on the opposite side to confirm that there will not be a fight. After that, cooperate with the undead to lift the gate up.

After opening the second gate, of course, I encountered a large group of undead creatures. After a brief communication, we continued to move forward. There are no undead creatures in the following passages. I said before that King Knights are rare arms even in the Dark Temple. Of course it is impossible to have King Knights in every tomb. However, although the King Knight is gone, there are many other undead creatures in the tomb below. Various zombie skeletons along the way caused us to encounter a lot, but also happened to encounter a large group of rotten worms during the period.

Although carrion worms have also been classified into the category of undead creatures, these things cannot actually be considered undead creatures. They basically have no intelligence, and they are not really eating carrion. Compared to rotting flesh, these guys actually prefer living flesh, just because these guys often appear near rotting corpses, so they are named rotten insects, not that they only eat rotting flesh.

Our affinity for undead creatures is only effective for undead creatures with a certain basic intelligence, just like you can't train mosquitoes, and bugs without intelligence are very difficult to communicate. Although there are also high IQ bugs in the game, the rotten worms are obviously not included. Not only do these guys eat everything, they are also very aggressive, and any creature or non-creature that unfortunately enters their sensing range will become the target of attack. It is even said that these guys sometimes eat stones, so there is no way to communicate with them.

After arriving at the passageway controlled by these rotten bugs, the previous work is the same, but when we pry open the gap in the door and jīng the British King Knight to communicate, there is no response from the undead creatures on the contrary. A rotten worm scooped out directly from the door slit and plucked it on the face of the jīng British king knight. This guy bounced straight from the door slit.

"I'm x! Let go!" Ling, after all, had been a goddess of darkness. Of course, this creature knew something. When she saw the rotten bug that hung on the face of jīng English king knight, she called immediately. stand up. The king and knight next to me and withdrew my eternity as soon as I let go, but after the gate fell, it was blocked by ice, and it did not land completely, leaving a pretty big gap.

After we let go, there was a sound of rattling sound under the door slit over there, listening to it as if a large group of crabs were crawling everywhere. This is actually the sound of a carrion. These guys have very sick bodies. Unlike ordinary arthropods, these guys can't see the flat exoskeleton on the body surface, but a kind of dark brown skin with green spots. This skin is not only ugly, but also very wrinkled and disgusting. There are also a lot of brown bristles, which makes people feel uncomfortable at first glance. In addition to this huge, ugly-looking, somewhat sculpted body, these guys also have eight arthropods, of which the last two are very similar to the sloping back, which is longer and obviously has the ability to jump. However, their facial features are not the usual pliers-like mouthparts, but a kind of spring-like mouthparts like a flower. This thing can be split like a petal, and then a shark with a length of more than one meter is ejected. This spine has a lot of barbs on the surface. Once it touches the body of the creature, it will hang. Pull yourself to the creature's body, and then use the huge sting under the mouthpiece to constantly bite the target creature. This sting can secrete a substance that can corrode, and can decompose most organic or inorganic substances.

The huge crawling sound means that there are many rotten bugs over there, and they are still running to this side. But the ice blocked the gate and the gate could not fall. Seeing that the worms were coming over, Frost and Snow suddenly ran over to catch the ice with one hand, and then the ice immediately melted and was blocked by the gate. Crushed. It is a pity that under this delay, more than a dozen rotten worms were drilled out. The rotten worms were smashed into mud by the gate. Among the dozen rotten worms that were drilled out here, Just went directly towards the frost and snow over there.

"Ah ..." is also a female xìng. Shuangxue was startled by the disgusting bug in front of her, but when she thought she was about to be hit by the bug, a green flame suddenly flashed in front of her. Those The worm crawling towards her instantly turned into a pile of fly ash and fell to the ground.

Frightened, Panic Xue glanced gratefully at a big Lich shot over there ~ ~ This guy was originally the guard of this passage, but because of our reasons, he has become a temporary ally. Actually speaking, the rotten bug is definitely a kind of annoying creature among the undead creatures. It ’s as if mice and humans are both mammals, but humans do n’t like rats. Although carrion worms are undead creatures, these guys are also pest-like things among undead creatures, so they are a thing that everyone hates. Kind of creature.

The rotten worms that climbed towards Frost and Snow were corroded by the shè line and burned into fly ash. The remaining ones climbed onto the nearby kings and knights, but the knights had heavy armor. These rotten bugs will not be able to treat them for a while. If there are enough, maybe you can get the King and Knight, but there are only a few of them here, which really pose no threat. The undead creatures on our side helped each other, and in a few clicks they killed all the rotten insects that came over. Although these bugs are annoying, their defense is actually very weak, and even ordinary people can easily kill a few. Their strength lies in the amount of terror and their high speed of movement. These are their advantages. In the case of relatively small numbers, it poses no threat.

"There is a rotten worm over there, how can we get over?" The rotten worm was eliminated, and the jīng English King Knight looked at us and asked. Although he is a local creature, there is no good way to deal with carrion. (To be continued.

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