Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 135: Strange enemies

Chapter 135 Strange Enemies

"Okay, okay, it's okay, come over and let me handle it for you."

The way to rescue Ashford is actually very simple. First, let Ashford stand up, then use the skill Tai Chi to lock the soul array at the position under his feet, and then walk over to the palm of his head. A faint, translucent white sè Ashford stunned and fell out of the locket.

"What are you doing?" Ashford asked, annoyingly slapped for no reason.

"It's just for you." I said indifferently, and at the same time canceled the soul-locking array, and then laid down Ashoford, who was still standing there, while Ashoford, who was sitting on the ground, saw The other one reacted afterwards.

Tai Chi's ability to lock the soul array is to separate the soul from the soul, and it is non-killing separation. As long as the separated body and soul are not destroyed, it will not cause death. This ability is very useful, especially when dealing with special problems. Ashford was struggling because of worrying too much, but now that the soul is out, there is no problem. Although pain is still felt, As the soul is not in the body, Ashford himself is not. As for the damage afterwards ... as long as the wound is healed before the soul returns.

The action quickly put Ashford's body or corpse on the ground, and then changed eternity into a small pair of pliers, holding a small part of the tail behind the Ashford chrysanthemum, and then ignored it. Pull hard. With a flutter, accompanied by a large amount of blood, a large group of purple-red sè's intestines were forcibly pulled out of the body by the barbs on the arrows. If in reality, this time, the death can be basically declared. But this is a game, so it's not a big problem.

After throwing away the arrow, I randomly picked up the weapon that dropped the other person, and stuffed Ashford's intestine back into the body. After throwing away the blood-stained weapon, I began to use healing. If it wasn't for this **** task to limit the summons, this kind of work can be handled by Xiaochun. With her ability, one resurrection can completely deal with all the damage. Unfortunately, I can't summon it now, so I can only do it myself.

Normally, the training method of the beast trainer is to kill the pet in front, and then the beast trainer brushes auxiliary skills, curses enemy units, heals the pet's injuries, and draws colds to give the opponent a sneak attack. Therefore, the healing of the beast trainer is generally very powerful. Of course, I am not in the general situation. Because the development process is slightly different, my cure is more troublesome.

First of all, because there is a powerful healing unit like Xiaochun in my magic pet, I have n’t practiced much healing skills.

Secondly, because our bank has built a civilized and miracle-level functional building in the World Library, let ’s not compare the healing technique of my club with the animal trainer, even if many other guild priests do not have as many types of healing techniques as me. Not that they don't want to learn, but that the study of therapy requires certain restrictions, and you must at least find someone who knows this before you can consider learning. The World Library of our bank not only can automatically collect the skills of all players and players in the guild, but also can teach cross-professional and affiliate xìng skills that members of our bank could not learn at all. More importantly, the world library has been greatly reduced. In order to meet the learning requirements, skills that were highly demanding now can be learned as long as the normal genera xìng is half or lower, and this learning process can be repeated multiple times.

There are three restrictions on skill learning. One is that your own genus xìng and the target skill genre xìng must match, and your various genus xìng must meet the genre xìng requirements for that skill. At this point, the World Library of our guild can help players skip and lower the threshold directly. The second limitation is that you must find someone who knows this skill, or a carrier that records skill data, such as a skill book. This point the World Library can also help players decide, because our library can automatically include the members and guild members of the guild who have signed the skill sharing agreement. As for the lay members and others, as long as the other party agrees to teach, the World Library It can be recorded, and this record is 100% successful, will not fail, and can be passed on to other players unlimited times.

This third limitation is also the most annoying one. Even if you find a player who knows this skill, others are willing to teach you, your own genus also meets the skill requirements, and you still cannot guarantee that you will learn it because there is a failure rate for skill transfer.

Generally, the failure rate of skills transfer items is the lowest, generally not more than 5%, and there are even 100% successful types. However, the occurrence rate of this skill-carrying item is really low and unimaginable. Basically, it is entirely possible for ordinary players to treat this kind of thing as it does not exist, because it is unlikely that they will encounter one in their lifetime.

The higher failure rate is the skill book. The output of this thing is relatively more. Of course, compared to other skills carrying items, the total amount is still very small, and it is difficult for you to reach the skills you need by yourself. Auction, then exchange the skill books you need.

This skill book is divided into levels, and the success rate changes according to the level of the skill book. Generally, it is not less than 75%, and the high one can reach 95%, which is a fairly good probability. Already. Of course, considering the price and difficulty of obtaining this skill book, in the unfortunate event of failure, it is really depressing to death.

The last way to learn skills is to teach between players. The failure rate of this teaching process is the most exaggerated, or it should be reversed to say that the success rate is very low, because the success rate of this teaching method is usually less than 20%, which means that you may not be able to succeed once five times. In addition, this teaching mode cannot be interrupted halfway, and the time is generally longer. It also requires the use of a lot of additional materials. In short, it is troublesome, wastes time, and costs money. It may not guarantee success. What's more terrible is that you can't learn together. After failure, there is a certain time limit, and you can't repeat learning in a short time.

By contrast, the World Library in our guild is going to be much better. Although there is a failure rate for learning skills, the failure rate is very low, generally only 10% to 20%, and it is even better than the skill book. In addition, although each study also costs money, the cost is really low. Compared with going out to buy or finding a way to exchange, the actual cost may be less than one percent of those two methods. In other words, you can learn a hundred skills of the same level in our world library by buying a skill outside.

In addition, although there is a chance of failure when learning skills in the library, you can re-learn immediately after failure, there is no cooling time, and as long as you do not leave the library, immediately re-learn the skills that have just failed to learn, as long as you pay half of the last time The cost is fine. Of course, if you fail again, you can still learn again immediately, but the cost will be stabilized at half the price of the first time, and you will not always be discounted. However, even so, learning skills is much simpler than elsewhere. Taking into account the highest failure rate of 20%, it is estimated that those who cannot learn even three times will be out of a hundred.

Because our guild will have a world-famous functional building, the players in our guilds generally have a lot more skills than the players in lay guilds. It is not that they are diligent, but that the cost is too low and too many choices, so most players will unconsciously learn a lot of messy skills.

As the president of the guild, compared with ordinary members, not only do I not have to pay, but even the contribution points of the guild can be free. More importantly, as a president, I have a bonus in terms of learning requirements. Others need 50% of the skills to learn. I can learn as long as I have reached more than 30% of the skill requirements. Of course, this does n’t make any sense to me because my genus is so far You haven't encountered any skills that you can't learn. In addition, in addition to the lower requirements for the xìng point, my learning success rate is also close to 100%. Although there are occasional failures, the probability is very low and can be ignored.

With such good conditions, how could I not make good use of it. Therefore, I will have a lot of skills like healing, but the problem is that I have never practiced them. I also have advanced skills, that is, all proficiency is zero.

Because I have no proficiency skills, I can only brush it once with large skills, and then continue to use the small healing technique to reply a little bit. Fortunately, although the level of the large healing technique is zero, the skill level is there, after all, the effect is It's still very good, and it shows the effect immediately after finishing it.

After using more than a dozen small healings in conjunction with that large restoration, Ashford's injury was finally dealt. Pulling Ashford's soul back into his body smoothly, Ashford bounced off the ground immediately. Of course, the first thing Ashford did after the restoration was to threaten me not to talk about it, and to no one. Of course, I promise to keep the promise absolutely, or else I ca n’t count on becoming an enemy with Ashford?

After the fog was removed, the battle outside was not over yet, and to my surprise, not only did the fighting on the soldiers' end not end, even the other archers were not completely dead. Of course, the archers can't be compared with the soldiers, so now there are only seven or eight archers remaining to resist, and they are all close to the limit. The situation on the fighter side is only slightly better than the archer. Although the fighters are more able to carry it, these fighters have engaged in the battle earlier than the archers, the medicine on their bodies has been used up, and more importantly, the physical strength is reaching the limit. Now, they are not much better than archers.

"It seems that we still need to take the action ourselves." I looked at the two battlefields over here and asked Ashford, "Which side do you choose?"

Asheford didn't answer, he went straight to the archer with a weapon, and of course I knew he was going to take revenge. Shaking his head helplessly, I had to turn around and walked towards the soldier over there.

There are only ten soldiers left here, and all of them are wounded, obviously at the end of the crossbow. After the skeleton soldiers in the front gave me a way out, I walked directly. The other skeleton soldiers around me stopped attacking after I entered the encirclement. They just formed a line of defense to prevent the people inside from running out.

Because there was a short gap in the battle, the soldiers noticed my arrival, and then these people showed a generous expression and rushed towards me with a renewed expression.

I didn't show any doubts about the reaction of these guys, and of course I showed no mercy at all. Standing in the same place, I just held the eternal left and right to split the ten swords back and forth, and then the battle was over. There is such a big difference between the rank and the genus, and the other party is in a state of exhaustion. If this can become a protracted war, shouldn't I be despised?

After getting the fighters here, I turned around and walked towards Ashoford. Compared to my neat settlement of the battle, the situation on Ashford is obviously not so good. There are three remaining archers, but to my surprise, Ashurford had three arrows in his body, and he was still sitting on the ground, and in front of him was a group of skeleton soldiers fighting the counterattacks of those archers. Had it not been for the protection of the Skeleton Soldiers, Ashford would have killed the archers.

I walked to Asheford in surprise. Before I could ask him what was going on, I suddenly saw Asheford turned and shouted at me: "Be careful, there is another enemy in the dark!"

"Dark place?" To this jǐng told me immediately looked up in doubt at the top of the cave. This place is full of my undead corps, which can be described as densely packed. Such an environment is impossible to hide, even if your stealth is more powerful, the entity exists after all. Even if it can't be seen, it is almost inevitable that so many undead here will be bumped. Besides, undead creatures are not affected by stealth at all. They mainly chase the target by the induction of the breath of living beings, and vision is only an aid, so invisibility is almost useless in the presence of undead.

It was because I was sure there would be no danger on the ground, so I turned my eyes to the top of the cave, but when I looked up, I suddenly felt a sense of crisis. When I lowered my head again, I saw a bright line flying in front of me, scared me to quickly lower my head, and a click in the back, a skeleton soldier burst into a broken bone **** directly, and the flying thing did not stop Down, but continued to point forward and shè into the ground behind, the depth was so high that the entire weapon was useless, leaving only a flat gap about two inches long on the ground.

"I'm x, what kind of weapon is this?" He said to himself again from the ground, and I focused my eyes directly on the direction of the hidden weapon. There you can see a black figure jumping forward to the cave, apparently moving. I thought about it, but I didn't catch up immediately, but turned my head and whistled to call the two big Liches, and then pointed at the archer over there: "Kill them." I watched the Big Lich go and I turned and turned towards The guy disappeared after him.

I was blocked by a large number of skeleton soldiers before, but after I came here, I found that there were bone scum on the ground. Obviously, a lot of skeleton soldiers were broken here. It's strange that these undead are all converted in batches using a conversion matrix. I do n’t have the high intelligence I called, and even if I am attacked, I do n’t get any notifications. Besides, the scene is just so messy, even if the system prompts me May not pay attention.

Because the opponent and my skeleton soldiers engaged in battle, many skeleton soldiers chased after them. Following these skeleton soldiers chasing all the way, I soon got away from the previous battlefield a long distance. After running for a while, I saw a group of skeletons digging stones in front of a rock wall. It was obvious that the guy had drilled through here and sealed the hole.

"Everything flickers away." After the order of the skeleton soldiers gave way, I directly changed eternity into a combined warhammer. Once rounded, I knocked on the rock wall. With a loud noise, the boulder blocking the road broke into a pile of crushed stones and flew out to the other side of the wall.

Because the boulder obstructing the road no longer exists, the passage is directly unblocked. After I drilled through, I found a strange cave here. The wall of the cave looks very smooth. It feels cold and feels watery. Depending on the angle of the downward **** of the passage, 80% of the passage can be used as a slide.

Because there was only one road here, I jumped without hesitation. The **** in the front of the passage is relatively gentle. In some places, you need to use some effort to glide up, but after you have advanced more than 50 meters, the passage quickly begins to **** downward, and it becomes a distance less than 3 meters. An inclination angle of nearly sixty degrees, this angle plus the slippery cave wall, is more exaggerated than the water slide of the playground. I just felt that my speed suddenly went up, and a real person slipped down and out at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour. Fortunately, this slide is not very long. After falling for a while, it suddenly turned into a spiral shape. Then I followed a roller coaster to make three consecutive 360 ​​degree loops and then passed a short distance. After decelerating uphill, we left this relatively narrow passage and entered a larger space.

Immediately after flying out of the tunnel, I felt a weightlessness. After instinctively spreading my wings, I immediately pushed forward, and then stabilized my body shape. However, my side just stopped and followed closely. I heard the sound of flapping wings.

The sound of my own wings flapping, of course, I know that the sound of this flapping wings is obviously not mine. The other party rushed towards me at a very exaggerated speed, and I could even feel a kind of heavy breathing sound from the air fluctuations.

Although this underground cave has no light source at all, my perfect dark vision allows me to worry about no visual problems, so I have no visual impairments and found my target.

This is a fairly large creature, and it is estimated that it may be a bit larger than a human, and this thing has a pair of huge wings, and its face is very sloppy, it looks like a big devil, but this thing has no horns In addition, the face of the devil is not so ugly, especially the higher demons, like Ling, are even very beautiful.

Anyway, the enemy has rushed in, and I didn't hesitate. The eternal sword shakes away instantly, and then flicks it away. The eternal moment transformed into a whip sword form breaks down and grows into a long whip, and then throws it out horizontally. Because the impact speed is too fast, the creatures on the opposite side did not escape eternity at all, and were directly drawn on the chest by the eternity like a whip.

Eternity is not a real soft whip, it can be controlled by my will, so after encountering that guy, eternity immediately entangled like a snake and wrapped around this guy for several laps. The latter pulled and snorted, and the guy was directly dismembered into several sections by eternity in the air, and then crackled and fell to the ground below.

I thought that killing this guy would have been done. Who knows that this guy's death is like the Charge. As the body of the guy fell to the ground, there was a strong **** smell in the immediate surroundings, and then the surrounding cave walls seemed to have come alive. Various strange creatures in each of them were large and small from the surrounding cave walls. Small holes were drilled out and gathered towards the corpse below. This doesn't count. On top of my head, in the middle of the hanging bells and ochers, a thing exactly the same as the creature just killed came out. As soon as I saw this posture, I rushed to guard with a weapon, who knew that the guys just rushed towards the same corpse below as if they didn't see me.

What happened next was a bit amazing. I myself often keep track of corpses and piles, so I'm quite adaptable to this scene, and if the average person estimates that it will collapse directly. I saw that the fastest monster of the same kind flew to the corpse on the ground first, but to my surprise, these guys didn't go down to cry, but predatory.

The guy who flew to the ground first picked up a similar body, and then turned to kick off the ground and wanted to take off, but unfortunately he just lifted more than two meters high, but a long burst suddenly appeared in the oblique stab. With six legs, a creature like a mutant dog. The creature hugged the monster directly in the air, then bit it around its neck, and then the two creatures fell to the ground together with their weights and hit them.

The two creatures just landed there, and there was another trumpet, like a lizard, but a creature with more than ten legs flung onto one of the pieces of meat and then tried to run, but another monster of the same kind He swooped down, and then bite the monster's back with a bite. The monster immediately flung off the flesh in his mouth and twisted to attack the demon-shaped monster on his back. The two monsters immediately fell into a **** battle.

The subsequent scenes are basically a true reproduction of a Shura field. All kinds of monsters were attracted to the meat pieces and rushed together, then biting each other and twisting into a ball.

The monsters inside are smashing into groups, and the flesh and blood are flying, but the monsters outside are not the slightest stage fright. Instead, the fresh blood stimulates their fierce vigor and rushes into the war circle even more madly, regardless of whether they meet As soon as they meet, they will immediately twist into a ball and fight. Some mighty monsters will kill their own targets, and then they will immediately be pushed down by new monsters and continue to fight. It seems that the monsters here are not dead and will not stop fighting.

The scene was so chaotic that I even stumbled, but I soon recovered. Anyway, the ones below are not under my control. They are willing to fight and let them fight. It is better than them attacking me together. ?

The first thing I did after recovering from the shock was to find the person who had run away. Sure enough, the other party didn't run far, and at this time was quietly moving towards a distant hole behind a stalagmite. Obviously he intends to take advantage of this opportunity to run.

When I found the target, I didn't rush to it immediately, but the imagination threw away eternity. The whip-shaped eternity pulled out suddenly, wrapped around an injured monster, and then suddenly pulled it out of the battlefield and threw it to the ground in front of the guy over there. Because I used a lot of energy, the monster fell to a half dead immediately after landing, and the blood sprayed everywhere.

That guy was also startled by the creature that suddenly fell in front of him, and I saw an interesting thing from his reaction, that this guy didn't have perfect vision.

He should also be able to see things in the dark, but the range he can see should be small. I have the same visual range in a completely light-free environment as under normal lighting conditions. After starting the star pupil, I can even use it as a telescope. The guy's line of sight should not exceed ten meters because the monster fell behind him. He actually hesitated for a while, then moved forward carefully for a distance, and then moved safely when he got closer. Obviously, he only heard the sound of the monster landing before seeing the monster directly, and the monster was only about ten meters away from him at that time.

Although he relaxed after seeing the monster dead, his relaxation lasted for less than a second before disappearing, because after he found the body, the hole in the cave on the front suddenly passed There was a whispered voice. Sure enough, less than two seconds later, I saw a long foot with four crabs, no head, and a creature like a turtle shell got out of a small hole.

With the emergence of this monster, a large group of these small things emerged instantly in the cave behind, and then they only stopped for less than a second after appearing here and began to rush towards the monster body in front.

The player started to instinctively move backward almost immediately, but then he felt something close behind him. Relying on his excellent reaction ability, he squatted quickly, then rolled sideways, flashing a fatal blow. But the monster that attacked him didn't seem to intend to let him go, but instead stared at him and slowly moved towards him.

The guy didn't get up immediately after avoiding the attack, but squatted on the ground and immediately stopped moving. However, his eyes were always locked on the monster in front of him, only to see that the monster didn't leave. Instead, when he walked towards him, he suddenly held up his body, then looked down at himself, but when he saw the splash on his chest After those few drops of blood, he jumped up without hesitation, and then ran quickly in the other direction.

It ’s like getting a start signal. With this guy's dashing, the monster over there has also changed its slow image and accelerated towards the player in front. It ’s faster than even many Mounted Warcraft on the ground. Blame a lot.

The player's specialty is not linear speed, the monster quickly caught up with that player, and then another claw hit. One of the player's panicked rollbacks to dodge the attack was a throwaway. I heard a faint noise, and then saw something passing by, and then the monster made a scream. A lot of blood spurted from the guy. At the edge of the melee monster group over there, several other monsters turned their heads and ran towards this side. The speed was not slower than that of the previous monster.

The player did not attack again after hurting this monster, but climbed up and ran, very fast. Although the monster behind still wanted to chase it, it was a pity that the monster who had left the main battlefield had been killed before, and directly lumped with him to prevent its pursuit.

Although it has been less than three minutes since I entered the cave, I have basically figured out the situation here. First of all, all the monsters here are very bloodthirsty, and they can hardly control their own attacks. It can be said that they are even more beasts than beasts. The second finding is that the monsters here basically have no visual ability, and their senses should be mainly smell and hearing. Relying on the sense of smell in the case of long-distance enemies, the goal of judging the goal is achieved by identifying the **** smell, and once they are close to a certain range, they will switch to the auditory mode.

The player was apparently here just now, at least he knew the behavior of these monsters. After being chased by the monster, he did not immediately get up and continued running after avoiding the attack, but stopped in place, this is actually to avoid the sound. He thought that the monster would pass towards the corpse according to his sense of smell after losing the sound target, but the monster passed towards him, which made him realize that there should be something attracted to the monster on his body, so he looked down to check As a result, I saw the blood spray that was sprayed in front of me. Knowing that he could not hide, he started to turn around and ran away at this time. Although the monster could determine that the target was ahead by smelling, but because the other party suddenly stopped, he could only hear slowly if he could not hear the sound. Forward. When the guy ran, the sound signal returned to normal, and the monster immediately entered the violent mode and began to run wild. This is the behavior mode caused by their special senses.

The player's subsequent attack on the monster actually took advantage of this. When he kills a monster, he will attract other monsters, and the fresh blood must be heavier than the blood on his body, plus the noise made by the injured monster, naturally attracting other monsters to start attacking it, so that player himself You can run away.

I have to say that his method is very targeted at xìng, and the actual test also shows that the effect is outstanding, but what he didn't expect is that I have seen his behavior in the sky, not only determined the behavior patterns of the monsters, but even his characteristics. Found.

The guy who attacked the monster just now should be the kind of attack that hit me before. Although I still can't see exactly what happened this time, I know that he needs to shake his arm to make an attack. It's as if the master who dodged the bullet is not a bullet, but a straight line of the opponent's muzzle. I don't have to hide what he sends, as long as he can avoid his arm.

Knowing this guy's approximate attack mode, I immediately instigated a swoop of wings to fly over his head. In order to reduce the possibility of being discovered, I did n’t even fan my wings during the fall process, but only gliding past the buoyancy of the wings.

After all, I ’m not a silent killer. Even if I ’m gliding, I still have a certain sound. More importantly, my wings are too exaggerated. When I dive down, I will have a large wind pressure. So after I approached, he immediately Feeling the cool breeze behind, immediately a lazy donkey replaying the old trick rolled away and quickly dodged to the side, but unfortunately the target of this dodge was not a monster but me, more importantly, I had perfect dark vision, Therefore, his reaction had no effect on the slightest. I directly folded my wings and smashed the ground. At the same time, the eternity in my hand had turned into a sickle rifle with a length of more than three meters and chopped at him on the ground.

Although the guy mistaken the type of enemies, he still found the unique wind breaking sound of the weapon before my hook sickle and body, and then bounced on the ground with his hands, and my eternal hook sickle directly He slipped down from him and cut a large groove on the ground without hurting him.

The guy didn't stop after he landed. As soon as his feet stood, it was a series of continuous back flips, which opened his distance from me a few times, but he just heard the whistling sound when he just stood still. Although he gave a quick sideways response, he still had a cut on his arm. Of course this is not bad. If he slows down a bit, his entire arm will have to be removed.


Suddenly the injury caused the other party to scream out of control. Obviously this one also turned on the **** mode, and the level of the tone was not low, but the screaming made me scream. Unexpectedly, after attacking for a long time, the target was actually a female player, and it seemed that the sound was not old.

Although it was found that the other party was a female, this time was not the time to develop style. If you meet a woman in the game and stop playing, how can a male player mix? Of course, there are also such male players, but that kind of people usually do not have any success. After all, if you meet a female and you automatically give up the battle, the probability of being killed by the opponent accidentally will increase a lot, and because there are fewer Many kills, so there will be gaps in the acquisition of their own experience, and more importantly, most of these players are of the type that can't move when they see beautiful women. As a result, as soon as female players are coquettish, what equipment, leveling field, The monsters have given up to others. But what does it take for players to upgrade and strengthen? I gave it up to others. How can I get stronger?

Although I have respect for women, I think the best way to respect women is to treat them equally. Whether it is discrimination against women or looking up at women, this is actually an inequality. Only if you treat them equally with male players, that is true respect for female players. You must know that female players with self-esteem do not like other men to see that they are female and take the initiative to give way, which will hurt their self-esteem. Of course, it is not excluded that there are many women who like to be treated like this. However, I think the females themselves are thinking of taking advantage of you, so there is no need to be polite with them.

Although this is a female player in front of me, no matter whether she has self-esteem and does not want to be modest, or wants to take advantage of a man without self-esteem, I should not and need to be modest with her. If I give up because she is a female, then I am sorry for her, and if she is the one without self-esteem, I am sorry for myself. I don't want to be sorry for her or myself, so I can only continue to fight.

Although the opponent who successfully passed an attack was injured, it was just scratched. The incision was shallow and did not pose a serious problem at all, so she rolled back quickly without any dullness, and then suddenly lifted her left hand while supporting her body. Dump. When I saw this action, I was on my side at once. Sure enough, I only heard a bang. A stalagmite behind me broke into two pieces directly from the middle, and the top half of the piece crashed down from the bottom half and hit the ground. .

Even if the distance is so long ago, this time the distance is so close, I still can't see what kind of attack she used. If her attack method is not transparent, then the only explanation is that her attack speed is too fast. The eyes can no longer catch the target.

The blow didn't hit, and the opponent didn't pause. His hands crossed in front of me and flung again. I could feel that it was a cross cut, but because I couldn't see anything, so I had to dodge by feeling, and at the same time I was in the process of dodge. The middle hook sickle swept across one of the attack lines intentionally.

I just picked her up intentionally. The main purpose was to see what kind of thing she was attacking. At least I had to figure out what kind of physical thing she was attacking, or pure energy attack. .

Not bad, my judgment is very accurate. Immediately after my hook sickle went out, I heard a dingling, and at the same time I felt that the tip of the hook sickle sank and was obviously hit. Of course, having a force does not mean that the other party must be an entity, but near the point of the force, I seem to see something scattered around, as if it did have an entity.

After confirming that the opponent was using physical attacks, I immediately adjusted the fighting method accordingly. Because the opponent uses a physical attack, the energy shield is meaningless. Without continuing to add the magic shield on my body, I directly let go of my hands and feet and rushed towards the other side. I turned the hook sickle gun for a half circle, then turned it over suddenly, and picked the gun from the bottom up. A red mang flashed in the darkness.

The other side was also startled by the sudden light, and quickly evaded. The light rushed straight to the wall of the cave behind it, and then a large hole burst into the rock wall, showing that the power was quite scary.

The woman didn't expect me to start directly, but I didn't recover from shock after shunning the attack. Suddenly I saw that I played a gun flower and chopped it down on her side, and this The gun head was obviously red again.

Knowing that it was a skill attack, the woman adapted a little bit than the last time. She turned sideways and let it go half a step. At the same time, she turned out two attacks with the turning force of the turn. Immediately after I hacked it out, it was a back pull and a horizontal block. After two consecutive tinkers, the flying debris was seen again, and one of them fell on my face.

This one surprised me quite, because the thing that fell on my face came a cold, I reached out and touched it, it was water.

It is true that something like water can produce a terrible destructive force after reaching a certain speed, but it is a bit wrong to say a silent attack. Linked to the coldness of that moment, I suddenly understood. The opponent's attack weapon is not water, but ice. The water is condensed into very thin ice flakes, and then sent out at super high speed. Because it is extremely cold, the ice will not melt away in a short time, and maintaining a solid ice shape is conducive to maintaining aerodynamics. Very often this weapon can fly. It's so fast and silent. As for the invisible attack, I don't see the reason for the speed. I'm afraid the reason for the borneol itself's transparency. The nearly transparent thin borneol was not easy to find at first, and it was naturally impossible to catch it at a fast speed, so the illusion that the attacking object could not be seen.

I have to say that these partial attack methods can sometimes be surprisingly successful. This time, I was able to deal with it easily by relying on the strength of the opponent too much, plus the power of observation and judgment on the battlefield ~ ~ For another player, even if she has a lot of comprehensive strength above her, she can easily be dropped without knowing the situation. After all, she doesn't even know how to prevent others from attacking her.

In fact, I still think things are simple.

Immediately after I discovered that the attack weapon used by the opponent was ice, and thought that he had mastered the characteristics of the opponent, the opponent immediately gave me a shot.

Seeing that I blocked her attack three times in a row, the opponent immediately frowned, and then raised her hand again to throw out an attack. I saw that her action was a horizontal gun block immediately, but I did not hear the impact, and I did not feel any impact on my hand. At that moment I knew I wasn't blocking, but any reaction at this time was futile, because there was no time to do anything. Even if this time can be paused and made me think about countermeasures and restart, I have no way to respond at all.

In fact, almost as soon as I realized that my block was failing, a clanging sound came from behind me. At the same time, my shoulder hurt and it was obviously injured. However, compared to the pain, the shock in my heart was even greater.

Why does the attack come from behind? Did she launch an attack in front of me? Does she have a companion? Or……? (To be continued.

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