Starting from Zero

Vol 21 Chapter 22: Break into command center

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The weapon used by Victoria is her cross-bow crossbow in her advanced version. That thing is completely an assault rifle except that the ammunition fired is as long as chopsticks. The speed of fire is almost destructive, and the most important thing is that The gadgets are infinite, as long as Victoria's magic value is not used up, this thing can be launched wirelessly, and there is no need to worry about the overheating of the barrel and the problem of jamming. It is simply a god-level individual weapon. m. As for my Avengers, the rate of fire is indeed incomparable to that of Victoria's son of destiny, but in terms of power, the son of destiny is not an opponent.

If we were to use modern weapons as a metaphor, Victoria's son of fate would be an assault rifle, and my Avengers would be anti-equipment snipers. However, the son of Victoria's destiny is an infinite ammunition, and its power is equivalent to a heavy machine gun assault pistol, and my Avengers is an anti-equipment sniper with the same infinite ammunition and a rate of fire comparable to a semi-automatic rifle.

As soon as the vitality on the other side stopped, the two of us stood up immediately. Jingjing in front had already stepped down the shield to give up the shooting space, and then I heard a strange sound of wailing beside me, followed by me There was a muffled sound here, and two of the eight people on the opposite side shook violently as if they were shocked, while the person in the center suddenly slipped back more than a meter and straightened. Standing at the door, with his eyes looking straight ahead, but the person has no response. Looking up, we can see that this guy is inserting a crossbow in the center of his forehead and has passed through his head. Into the back wall, which is why he can't fall down even if he is dead.

Victoria and I immediately crouched on the spot after the genetic shot. Jingjing immediately stood up and raised the shield up again. Immediately afterwards, I heard a clanging noise outside the shield, which was obviously the enemy's counterattack.

"These guys have a good attack speed." I said while squatting behind Jingjing.

"How many do you kill?" Jingjing had been bending over the shield before seeing the situation on the opposite side, and asked at this time while supporting the shield.

Victoria replied, "I killed two, and the host seemed to shoot one. The opponent responded well and used his own shield, but the next time they changed their bullets, we should be powerful."

"It's not necessary." I said Effritt as I said it. Then briefly explained. Everett understood what I meant and immediately changed positions with me and stood behind Jingjing, and Jingjing controlled my shield to shrink a little bit according to my requirements, leaving a gap above our heads. (Please use our Pinyin domain name to visit us.) Everett quickly deformed a finger out of the shield, followed by a boom, and a fire dragon sprayed from Everett's fingertips. And out, it swept across the entire channel in an instant. Although Jingjing has long turned the shield into a rectangle, covering the entire passage like a wall, but in order to give Evrit the place. Just put a slit on top of our heads, and now we can see the tumbling flames rolling along that slit. Fortunately, this is only a flickering seedling that escapes, not the main spray direction, plus its own attack. It is immune to some injuries, so we don't worry about injuries except we feel the heat waves rolling. but. Unlike us, the group of people across was miserable.

If the magic bomb fired by Everett, it is impossible to hurt the opponent under the cheats of the opponent, because the magic bomb will be exploded in advance when it is hit by something else during the flight. The magic bomb is fired directly, and the other party hits the moment when the magic bomb is fired, otherwise we will hurt ourselves. However, what Everett just used was not a magic bomb, but a flame that burst out. It's like a fire dragon from a flamethrower. This kind of thing will not be affected even if hit by the opponent, so the flame is still accurately sprayed in front of the opponent.

There was no place to hide in the narrow passage, and the opponent was devoured by the flames almost immediately. It is impossible for the undersea race to evolve fire resistance at this time. At this time, it was swept by the flames and immediately began to roll around. After we heard the scream, we immediately let Jingjing put away the shield, and then I returned with Victoria. In an instant, a large arrow rain flew past. The previous reason to kill three people was because the opponent had a strong sense of fighting, knew how to avoid and use various conditions, and even the body of his companion blocked our attack. That's why it killed three people. But now covered by flames. These guys are rolling all over the ground. How can there be any evasion and occlusion? We were all nailed to the ground in an instant.

Pass through the still burning channel. Let Everett absorb the excess flame, and we stood directly next to a high-voltage gate. Victoria was useless to deal with this kind of thing. I directly took her and Jingjing back, and then I did it myself, turning the eternity into a sword shape and slamming it against the door.

The senior Commander of the Traveler City located inside the door heard a dingling from the door, and then saw a sharp blade passing through the door. Before these people reacted, the long sword immediately began to move horizontally, and soon cut a horizontal line on the door, followed by the blade disappeared, but changed its direction when it appeared again, and then began to cut longitudinally.

Seeing this, the guys inside had realized that the front door couldn't stop the people outside, and it seemed that the door could only support it for dozens of seconds at most. However, this command center originally designed only one entrance to prevent anyone from sneaking in. The purpose was to facilitate defense and prevent infiltration by enemy personnel. However, the other party never thought that there would be a strong person like me appearing outside the gate. As a result, this design to prevent penetration has sealed them all inside the command room, and it is impossible to go out.

As the people inside panicked, the cut on the door had turned into four. The four incisions on the four sides of the door finally closed completely, and then the sword abruptly disappeared into the room. The people inside the door stared at the door stupidly, and the room was quiet all over the world. Two seconds later, with a sudden loud noise, the cut gate suddenly detached from the door frame and flew in. The two unlucky guys were directly hit by the door panel, and the blood flowed to death.

As soon as I stepped into the door, I felt keenly that something was flying towards me. I made a stop and clanged two times. A beam of energy bomb was directly ejected by eternity, and then a chandelier above it was blown up. A pile of debris.


"Yes." The door of the earth popped up, and Scarlett ran out with the ringing knights, and then blocked the door with a rattle. After confirming that no one would run away, I walked directly into the command room.

In fact, the traveler ’s command room is not sci-fi or even fantasy. This place feels like a control room in a machinery factory, and it is still the old-fashioned control room. There is no computer or even There aren't even buttons, joysticks and pull rings that pull up and down everywhere, which is completely the technology of the steam engine era. Of course, after all, this is the general control room used by senior staff in Traveler City, so although the joysticks and pull rings have no technical content, they are not as concise as those in the factory. All the joysticks have embossed designs, and those pull rings are also exquisitely made, and some also use wood carving. Anyway, it looks gorgeous. If it weren't for the consoles around, the average person thought it was a study of an ancient aristocracy.

"who are you?"

The first guy to speak came to me with a sword when I asked this sentence. I took Eternity from his body, wiped it on his clothes, and then I stepped over his body and stood in the center of the command room. This place is actually the shortest in the room. The consoles around it are higher than here. The consoles in the real room are arranged upwards and downwards around this center.

"First of all, we should make it clear that I am the only person here who is qualified to question. Of course, you have the right to refuse to answer, but I also have the right to deal with those who refuse to answer as I wish. If anyone Dissatisfied with my words, please stand up, I can make you like this one on the ground, so that people who want to communicate with me can better communicate with me. "

After I said this, there was no response in the entire command room, but it also meant that no one stood up to die. The richer the more afraid of death, this kind of thing is the same everywhere. All of us here are the most powerful group of travelers, so these guys won't give up their lives easily.

I looked around and made sure that no one was going to mess up before continuing to say, "Very well, then, let's start the Q & A?"

On the dark seabed outside the Traveler City ~ ~ A large army is gradually approaching the Traveler City. Said to be the city defense army, this unit is not only responsible for the defense, they are also responsible for attacking.

"Where is the Traveler City now?" The leader of the city defense forces asked Haier, who showed him the way.

"It should be nearby. The road map I got when I left was to pass here," Haier said.

The commander frowned and said, "But I don't see the target now!"

Haier also said with some uncertainty: "Just spread the search and you should be able to get back. We have two companions and President Ziri to come to the Traveler City together, and they should leave something like a mark to guide them. we."

"Then ..." The commander was about to let people scatter the search, but he paused as soon as he said two words, because in front of him, a large cloud of white light suddenly appeared. The bottom of the sea is absolutely dark. This kind of fuzzy light cluster only represents one kind of thing-a light source, and it is a very powerful light source, and the distance is far, otherwise the light will not be blurred into a mass that can't distinguish the original appearance of the object. "Haha, it looks like our scouts are doing well." The commander shouted excitedly: "Ladies, Traveler City is right in front, catch up and dismantle it for me."

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