Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 105: Finally got it

Volume 8] Chapter 205 of Volume 20 is finally available


After that blank space, I thought that it should be the dense minerals of the colorful magic crystals and mother crystals, or simply piles of crystal mother crystals, and I can't see a colorful magic crystal. \\> __ <\\ But this is a real situation?

There are indeed many things stacked on the ground as I expected, but none of them are colorful magic crystals or mother crystals. All I can see is piles of black, like coke from the coking plant.

The gems or crystal mines in the game are different from the real ones. In reality, what we buy in the mall are polished stones, and their raw ore is crooked and in any shape. Except for the sharp edges and corners, the crystal ore will not follow the desired shape. To grow. However, this rule does not apply in-game. The ore in the game has been processed in a regular form since it was dug out, and its processing technology actually represents the grade of the gem. For example, if you find an ice diamond with a cone shape as the base of a regular pentagon, then this must be a low-quality ice diamond of low quality, and if this is a star and arrow with bright fire Congratulations, you found a high-quality ice diamond. Even if the two volumes are equal, the value of high-level ice diamonds will be tens of times higher than that of low-level ice diamonds.

It is precisely because the gems in the game appear in a processed form, so these things made me give up the idea of ​​treating them as raw gemstones, because no matter whether it is color or shape, these things are not touched by the gems. Instead, it is exactly the same as coke.

Although it seems completely indifferent, but with great hope coming, I can't just give up. Unbelief went over and picked one up, and then used the appraisal technique to check the attributes ... Really he * is coke.

Crystallized carbon: The woody structure of all types of demonized trees belonging to the demonized plant gate, the demon tree class, the passive demon tree gate, and the semi-active demon tree gate belongs to the special environment. After the metamorphosis, the crystalline carbon has been in a high-magic environment for a long time, and the material in the body will gradually absorb the surrounding magical power and transform into a crystal structure. After a period of time, a corresponding magic crystal can be formed according to the quality characteristics of the crystalline carbon.

After reading this property, I immediately understood what these things were. These black materials are clearly the original ore of colorful magic crystals and crystal mothers, as if the original ore of the dinosaur fossils are the bones of dinosaurs. The colorful magic crystals and mother crystals are actually these crystal-forming carbons after long-term energy absorption Change formed something. Although there are quite a lot of crystals mined by the Frost Rose League, to be honest, I really know something like crystallized carbon for the first time. But ... "How long does it take for this thing to turn into a colorful magic spar?"

The crystal mother does not need to form crystalline carbon to form white magic crystals in the space around her, and occasionally mixed with higher crystals such as colorful magic crystals. Everyone thought it was good luck, but now it seems. The reason why colorful magic crystals appear around the mother crystal is probably because of the distribution of crystalline carbon near the mother crystal, so those scattered crystalline carbons absorbed the energy emitted by the mother crystal and turned into high-quality magic crystals such as colorful magic crystals. . However, the speed at which the mother crystal forms the magic crystal is relatively fast, if it is only a small magic crystal used daily. A batch usually grows in a week. However, how long does it take for this crystallized carbon to become a colorful magic crystal and crystal mother? Will not always have a speed with the white magic spar? But if it's too slow, when will it have to be productive?

Although I am very worried that it will take too long for crystal carbon to become usable colorful magic crystals and mother crystals, but it is not the time to worry about this. The key issue now is to find the mother of the possible crystal mother as soon as possible, so I flew up again, and then floated directly over the piece of crystal-forming carbon. Then flew straight to its core.

In fact, after crossing the crystalline carbon, the area in the middle is already very narrow. In the inner circle of crystalline carbon, there is another blank area, and there is no gem on the weedy ground. Of course, there is no crystalline carbon. However, as I flew over this area, I seemed to find a problem, that is-the monster is gone.

From when I arrived at the outermost colorful magic spar and crystal mother, the attack power of the monsters changed by the mist soul has been rising. They seem to want me not to be near the center area, so constantly increasing the attack power to try to stop me near. But this situation seemed to stop after I crossed the area where the colorful magic crystal and mother crystal were located and entered the blank space behind. Not gradually disappearing. It was sudden. Those mist souls seem to be afraid to approach the middle area, even if I enter there. They could only grin and grin at me outside, but none dared to rush in. However, it is more convenient to do things without monsters interfering with me. After all, even if the magic is infinite, the magical attack must still be controlled. I can't throw it with my eyes closed. Now don't worry about the interference of monsters, it will be convenient for me to investigate the situation here.

Moving along the blank area all the way to the center, I soon reached the center point of that area. Here I found some again-gems. Not the colorful magic spar or crystal mother I imagined, but a golden crystal. Honestly, I really saw golden crystals for the first time. After all, crystals in nature are colorful, but I have never seen golden crystals. Of course, there are yellow gems, but yellow and gold are similar but not exactly the same. However, these crystals in front of me are golden, like gold in the sun, and because they are crystals, they are much brighter than pure gold, and even feel a bit dazzling.

In fact, if it is just a bunch of golden gems, it's fine, but the color is more shiny. The key is the shape of these golden gems. They are not simply stacked together to form a small gem mountain, but a crater shape. The top of the pile of gems above the ground is not pointed, but has a bowl-shaped depression. Although there is nothing in it temporarily, this thing is undoubtedly a nest, a creature's nest.

What can build a nest in such a place? Also, are the golden gems the mother of the crystal mother, or is the creature that used them to make the nest the real reason for the large number of mother crystals and colorful magic crystals? Also, why didn't the mist soul outside dare to approach here? Is it because of that creature or these crystals?

My side was in doubt, and suddenly I felt a chill spreading from the coccyge to the top of my head, and my scalp was tingling. Obviously, I was stared at something, and the thing was very hostile, otherwise I wouldn't feel so murderous before.

Although the enemy was approached. But I didn't show it, but pretended not to find it. I lowered my head and picked up a golden gem on the ground to check it. Of course, in fact, I have been watching the movement of the enemy over there, and bending down to pick up the gems is just to induce the opponent to shoot.

Sure enough, the intelligence of that thing was not very high, and immediately acted as soon as I found a flaw. I bent down and just got the gem. Before the waist was straight, the thing decisively emerged from the hiding fog. Then instantly came to the top of my head and fell towards me.

Although the other party's movements are keen and the sound is very small, but because I have been watching the movement over there, even if it is just a little movement, I still noticed it. The moment he emerged from his hideout, I rolled forward and then supported the ground with one hand. The whole person flipped backward from the ground a few flips and fell to the ground. The person has turned around, and the two-handed blade claws have also popped up, and Eternity has already covered the blades.

The reason why I use the blade claw instead of the eternal sword is because I just glanced at the target's body shape during the tumbling process and found that the opponent's body was very small, probably only about the size of a domestic cat. And it can be seen in the blink of an eye that he can scramble from the hiding place over my head. This guy is very fast.

The small size indicates that the body is agile, the defense is not high, the fast speed means that it is difficult to hit, and the combat rhythm is fast. The heavy weapon used against such creatures is purely unsatisfactory with itself, so instead of eternal into a sword. It's better to use the blade claw, because what I need now is speed rather than attack power.

The creature on the opposite side did not catch up after a miss, but jumped directly to the center of the pile of gems, and then, like a puppy punching, pulled up quickly with two front paws in the gem pile, Within three seconds, he had dug out a golden spherical crystal with a big fist. The moment I saw this crystal, I realized that this is the mother of the mother crystal, which can produce a large number of mother crystals and super crystals of colorful magic crystals. Of course, while paying attention to this thing, I also paid attention to the creature.

Because it can't move during punching. So I thoroughly saw the appearance of this creature. This ... it should be a fox. Compared with the real fox, this guy's figure is closer to the arctic fox. That is, the figure is relatively short and looks round. Very cute and cute. There is also this guy's fur, which is all golden, and looks bling like a fox made of gold. Of course, although it looks cute and cute, and the fur is super gorgeous, I don't think that this thing is not threatening. To survive in such a dangerous area that ordinary players can't get in and out, this fox is definitely not as simple as it seems.

After digging up the spherical crystal, the little fox suddenly sat up like a kangaroo, and then pulled a pocket on his stomach. This pocket is not something artificially put on, but rather it grows on its belly like a kangaroo's nursery bag. However, this small bag's telescopic ability is really exaggerated, and it must be connected to the magic space, because the little fox directly opened the crystal the size of its head into the bag after opening the bag. Inside, and when it loosened the edge of the pocket, it didn't even see the bag swell at all, as if it was still empty inside.

Warcraft with storage space, to be honest, it is rare, especially for such a small fox, it is not a general commodity at first glance. If it is sold, it is definitely a sky-high price. Of course, first of all, make sure that this thing has no special ability. If it is really good, of course, keep it yourself, or give gold coins and Kristina. But before that, you have to catch it. After all, the piece that is likely to be the mother of the crystal is still on it. I won't regret it if I don't get the thing!

The little fox probably realized that I was strong, maybe it was because he didn't care if it was occupied after he got the crystal. In short, it completely gave up the plan to continue to stay, turned around and ran after collecting the crystal, there is no plan to stay and fight hard with me.

However, although he wants to run, does it run in front of me if he wants to run?

Just when the little fox turned around, before it was able to get out, two people who were the same as me suddenly appeared around me, and then two people who were the same appeared on the left and right sides of the two. From left to right, the little fox's den was surrounded by the same circle in less than two seconds.

Suddenly seeing so many identical individuals, the little fox was dumbfounded immediately. but. It was so obsessed with the plan to escape, and after looking around for a while, the little fox suddenly started and rushed in the direction of the right. Although surrounded by exactly the same me, this little fox is obviously not stupid. It determined that all around were illusions, and there should be only one body, so it just rushed in any direction, hoping to break through the illusions. But ... unfortunately, these are not illusions at all.

I am currently in a state of fit. In other words, I can use any magic pet ability, and now I use the big cat's legion avatar ability. The big cat race is Legionnaire. The Legion Beast's housekeeping ability is the Legion avatar. Although these avatars are only half the strength of the body, they are all entities, and each of them has independent thinking. As long as the body releases a general combat mission, the avatars can take reasonable tactics to cooperate with each other to combat. and. The most amazing thing about Legion Beast's Legion clone is that the body can switch position with the clone at will. In other words, as long as the big cat is willing, he can appear at any avatar position at any time.

Now I use the Big Cat's Legion avatar ability, so I have the same ability as Big Cat. That little fox may not be strong in combat, but it is fast, so it may be able to break through half of my normal combat power. The problem is that I'm not in normal mode at all. I am now in the fit mode. Even if the clone can only copy one half of my strength, the clone in this mode is several times away from the usual body of me. Although the little fox might break through half of my normal strength avatars, I wanted to run away from these half strength avatars in the fit state. That is simply dreaming.

Just as the little fox was about to fly over the head of my clone in front of me, my clone suddenly raised his hand and slashed at it. The little fox twisted flexibly in the air and flickered from under the avatar's sword, but immediately following it, he felt himself covered by a huge black shadow. Before waiting for the reaction to happen, I saw a huge shield suddenly fell in the air, and the little fox slammed into the ground. However, after all, the fox was n’t a general commodity. When it hit the ground, it immediately turned over and jumped out of the pit. But before it could see the surrounding form, it felt a gust of wind coming. Hit by another shield, the whole body flew out.

The little fox who flipped in the air with his four feet on the ground and slid backwards on the ground for four or five meters was considered a complete stop. But what surprised him was that just when it stopped, a large white net fell from the sky. Although it responded quickly, it wanted to dodge immediately. But it was still a half-time slow, caught by the edge of the net. As soon as the whole net was closed, it was completely wrapped in instantly.

As the little white fox entangled the little fox, all of my avatars disappeared in situ immediately, and only my body walked slowly. The little fox saw that the enemies around him had disappeared, and immediately jumped up and wanted to run again, but naturally he couldn't get up fast by dragging a large net. I moved forward quickly and stepped on the end of the net rope. Although the little guy is fast, he has little strength, and after I step on the net rope, I can no longer move. But even so, it still didn't give up. After finding that it couldn't run, it turned at me and tried to force me to let go through an attack.

Of course I wouldn't give it a chance. Raising my hand is a punch, hitting its head, and knocked it out instantly. However, after stunning this guy, I suddenly felt that something was wrong.

I have found two kinds of monsters in the nightmare zone so far. One is the mist soul, which is the most numerous category. The whole nightmare zone seems to be all this stuff. The other is the little fox in front of me, and it seems like this one. The Mist Souls are not strong in combat, but they have enough experience points, but in general, they should be regarded as high-level monsters because they are special scene monsters. Because of their characteristics, they are almost invincible in this environment except for special situations like mine. So, as the core monster here, only one little fox should exist only like ss, but what about this guy's fighting power? It's really fast. But it is relatively fast. It does not reach the speed of light like a dart, nor does it have the effect of several times or ten times the speed of supersonic speed like a bird. It can only be said that it is faster in general Warcraft, and everything else is considered No longer. In addition to speed, this guy has to attack and not attack, and defense has no defense. It's just a terrible low-level Warcraft, and I haven't even seen it use magic. of course. The dimension bag on its stomach cannot be counted, that thing can only be regarded as a good storage item, not magic.

Based on the above, we can draw a conclusion. This fox is just a low-level Warcraft that looks very good, but actually has no combat power at all. Its strength is completely indistinguishable from its current position.

However, is it reasonable that such a high-level taboo map has such an exaggerated treasure, but it has no guardians? Of course, those mist souls can also be regarded as guardians. But I think they should only be regarded as miscellaneous soldiers. The role of miscellaneous soldiers encounters the intruders who are not strong, and the job of the guard is to intercept the existence of those individuals with super strength. However, this fox is obviously not as good as the outside soldiers, at least the soldiers are not afraid of death. But it only knew to run. This is abnormal and unreasonable. This is why I find it strange. Because I don't think this fox should be so weak, it's too abnormal.

To be honest, sometimes I really feel too smart and not a good thing, such as now.

Just when I just thought that the little unconscious fox in his hand should not be so weak, it immediately began to change.

The little fox I was holding in my hand suddenly twisted like a cramp, and then suddenly woke up. As soon as he woke up, this guy immediately looked up and stared at me fiercely, and then saw his body began to swell. And I also feel the weight in my hand is increasing. It took almost two seconds for this guy to start from a small fox that was about the same size as a domestic cat. Become a giant fox almost the size of a fat pig. Although I can still move it now, I have no intention of stopping it. I just threw it to the ground, because I didn't want to get too close to it until I figured out what it was about to do.

At this time, the giant fox, which was longer than 1.5 meters, was still growing, and the speed was not meant to be slow, but it was meant to be faster and faster. But soon it couldn't grow anymore, because the net wrapped around it had reached its limit. However, this guy's strength obviously increased along with his body size. I saw that he first curled his body to fit the size of the net, and then when it really didn't work, he slackened his body and only heard a clatter of my compound The twisted wire mesh was torn into pieces.

After breaking the big net, the guy's body began to increase at an exaggerated speed, and its body shape was also changing. The shape of the head of the short calf looks cute and cute, but now its body is developing to a slim and slim direction, and the shape of the head is changing from a round shape to a pointed shape. Obviously, its shape is more and more suitable for attacking instead of selling cute.

After tearing my net, it took about ten seconds for this guy to stop growing completely. However, at this time, the cute little fox, which was only the size of a domestic cat, had become ten, not counting its tail. A behemoth that is 50 meters long and over 50 meters tall. Its legs stood in front of me and looked like a huge Qin Tianzhu, and the horrible claws looked like the bow of a battleship. Of course, the worst thing about this guy's wide open mouth is the sharp fangs like giant daggers.

In fact, now I think this guy is more suitable than a fox, rather than a wolf, and not a normal wolf, but a giant devil wolf.

After the transformation was complete, the giant fox looked down at me, then gnashed its teeth and made the dull growl from his throat. As soon as I saw the situation, I knew it was going to be bad, so I activated the teleporting ability as soon as possible.

Alas, just as I suddenly disappeared, a giant claw swept across the position where I had just stood. If I didn't flash away, I would definitely shoot me out. Although the injury may not hurt me, being a racket is always very unpleasant.

I didn't go far after a momentary move away. The fox in front of me just looks bigger, and the magic pet around me is not without big chunks. In terms of volume, Hei Yan is more than him. So even if it becomes such a big one, I am not afraid. Besides, I am not at all normal now. My combat power has skyrocketed in a state of infinite magic. If I ca n’t figure it out. Then I might as well kill myself.

"Damn nods, get out of me." The giant fox shouted without a hit. I found out that this was a mess.

I used to think it was just a normal Warcraft, but now it seems far from simple. This guy can not only transform, but also speak. In "Zero", any fighting creature that can talk is generally not too low-level, and the opponent is so large and lives in the core of such a dangerous area. Then it will not be simpler.

"Are you looking for me?" Since the other party spoke, it would not work without responding. By the way I also want to escape the news.

Hear my voice. The fox swept away and swept towards me, but when its paw came over, a light ball hit against its paw. With only a bang, the giant fox was flipped back by the shock wave. The huge body flipped in the air for two and a half weeks before falling abruptly, and the ground hit was like an earthquake.

"Hello. Are you okay? Are you dead?" After bombarding the opponent, I flew directly over it, and then started looking down at the guy who fell to the ground. Although its volume has become much larger, I am not even afraid of the Protoss, and naturally cannot be killed by a monster. Besides, my current state is almost like doping. Don't say it's just a World of Warcraft. Even if Zeus comes, I will give him a kick or two.

Smoke and dust mixed on the ground for a long time, but the fox was lying there without any reaction. No soul power was absorbed from me, indicating that this guy was not dead. Then he has only three possibilities without moving now. The first was that it was dizzy and intended to wait for me to suddenly launch a counterattack. The second is that it's really dizzy. The third is that it was not dizzy, but it was too injured to climb up.

Although there are three possibilities, I think it is actually the first one that is the most reliable. It is basically impossible to say that such a large World of Warcraft was stunned by me. As for saying that the injury is too heavy to move, this can also be ignored. Although I just used Qinglong's skill, Lei, it just hit its claws. Now he didn't even break the claw he hit directly. How could its body hurt it so much that it couldn't get up? So the purpose of this guy is obvious. Just sneaking on me.

Now that I know what it is about, I certainly won't let it stupidly go by. So I just flew near it and didn't move any further. Then I raised my hand and gathered a new mine in the palm of my hand, and held it in my hand and said, "Don't think about me, I'm not so stupid. If you pretend to be dizzy, don't blame me for hitting your head. "

The guy didn't move at all when he heard my shout, presumably he thought I was cheating it. However, it was simply me, it was not moving, I threw the mine directly, and the goal was exactly its head.

Sure enough, the guy has been sensing the terrible light ball in my hand. It was scared completely before that. Lei Lei is a skill of Qinglong. Even though the basic attributes are slightly lower, the Lei I used is not as powerful as the original one, but its power is not to be underestimated. Just now its paw was hit, and now the entire forelimb has not felt the slightest bit. If such a strong attack force directly hits its forehead, the consequences would not be better if I thought.

Feeling that I really threw the light ball in my hand, that guy couldn't hold it anymore. Quickly rolled over and attacked, taking advantage of the turbulence caused by the explosion to cover the sight, it burst out from the explosion air and bit it at me. However, just as it was about to bite me, a transparent mask suddenly popped out of my body, and then heard a click, followed by a wail, and the wolverine howled back. Lao Yuan then bowed his head and vomited there, and immediately two broken teeth and a large mouthful of blood were spit out.

Just before it was about to bite me, I activated my absolute barrier. However, the absolute barrier I use is not the attribute of the wing blade, but Jingjing's skills. The absolute barrier on my wing blade is completely invincible in defense, regardless of any attack. However, this skill is time limited. As soon as thirty seconds have elapsed, it will immediately enter the cooling period, and you can say goodbye to it within twenty-four hours. Relatively speaking, Jingjing's absolute barrier is much more flexible, it can be released at any time and cancelled at any time, and there is no time limit. However, Jingjing's absolute barrier is supported by magic. The stronger this absolute barrier is attacked. The faster it consumes magic power, so although it is more flexible than my absolute barrier, if it encounters a super-strike, it will have the possibility of collapse. After all, Jingjing's magic power is limited and the opponent's attack power is too If it is strong, once Jingjing's magic drains. The defense collapsed. However, I am using it now without any problems. Because I'm in a magic short circuit, I can't run out of magic at all. Therefore, under the endless magical support, what I use Jingjing's absolute barrier will be the invincible barrier, the true absolute barrier that will never be destroyed.

That fox's teeth may be very aggressive. But unless the absolute barrier is broken ~ ~, it has no elasticity at all, so the fox is equivalent to using his whole body strength to bite on a piece of metal that cannot move at all. The tooth broke.

The fox, missing a few teeth, whimpered and started to circle around me. Obviously it wanted revenge, but it realized that it was not my opponent at all even in its current state. therefore. After a short hesitation, this guy immediately showed his nature.

Just when I was ready to deal with its next attack, the guy turned around and ran without any warning, and I was stunned. Until that guy's figure almost disappeared into the mist. I just reacted and hurried to catch up.

The so-called panic. This fox was escaping itself, and its size was large enough that the big trees were basically not a problem for it, so I saw that guy on the way ramming all the way like a bulldozer and knocking the big trees along the way East and west crooked.

Although this way of running has earned it a little speed advantage, it is actually a faint move, because the fallen tree has become my natural guide. I don't have to bother to follow. Just follow the fallen tree forward.

in spite of

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