Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 87: Monster with problematic head

The monster's voice was not very loud. Obviously, the volume was deliberately suppressed by the kite. After all, such a big head really wanted to let go of its voice, which was definitely no less than the loudspeaker installed in the Wan kite stadium. It can be seen that although this monster is very large and looks handsome, in fact, its character is still good. If it's a kind of cruel monster, it's not bad to bite you. How can you think about your feelings and lower the volume?

"Hello, powerful creature. Zero soul, I am the president of the adventurer's guild, Frost Rose League, Ziri. How do you call it?"

"What's the name?" The guy suddenly pulled his head back, then sat cross-legged in front of me, and then seemed to be scratching his head, remembering something: "It's too long, it seems like I don't remember much. Let I think, what should it be called? What is it? "

Seeing where the big guy looked very distressed and desperately thinking about the name, I suddenly felt that the probability of this guy who had flickered this time was fierce. This guy is obviously the type that doesn't have a good mind. Isn't it clear that I am kidnapped by old monsters? No, maybe this guy is not an old monster. It is said that the life span of monsters is not necessarily, some are only a dozen years, and some live for tens of thousands of years are trivial, after all, the lifespan of the creatures set in the magic class is usually not short, so the life of individual powerful creatures may be It's terrible, and it's normal to live forever. Therefore, you can't think that this guy is an old monster because he has been here for a long time. Maybe because of the life of the kite family, it is said that they are still in the green kite period!

After some meditation, until Zero Soul could not help but interrupt his thinking, the guy suddenly called out. "Ah, remember, I should be called Godzilla."

咣 Dang.

"Huh?" The finished monster was attracted by the sudden impact and turned to look at the source of the sound, and I immediately followed my head.

Because the source of the sound was behind me, that is, near the entrance with the waterproof door that entered here, so when I looked back, it was over. I only saw Prometheus' stupid (dog) on ​​his back lying on the ground next to the waterproof door, and it looked faint. However, although I did not see what happened, I roughly guessed what was going on. It should be that Prometheus was carefully trying to approach us after finding that the monster and I could communicate with each other, but he was still very cautious. After all, he was in the face of the existence of the eighth grade, and he was inevitably afraid. As a result, he just moved a few steps, and suddenly heard the guy yelling, and then Prometheus was frightened and immediately turned to escape. As a result, because he was too nervous, he forgot that he had already moved a few steps to the slant side while moving, so when he turned and ran back, he didn't face the water gate directly, but slammed into the wall, and hit himself. fainted.

The monster looked at Prometheus for a while before pointing at him and asking me, "This is your companion?"

I thought about it for a while before nodding: "It's right. It's just acting together temporarily, not very familiar."

The monster nodded, and then asked, "Did he encounter any unfortunate thing?"

"Ah?" To tell the truth, this monster's mind is really jumping enough, this question asked me a moment, but I still shook my head and said: "It should be all right!"

"Then why did he hit the wall?"

"Zi, ... what, he didn't kill himself!"

"But I just saw him hitting the wall with his head, and he was very strong."

"This ... It's like this ..." I took a breath, and then said, "He was frightened by you and was about to run away, but because he was too nervous, he didn't align ( Let's hit the door by hand) and it hit the wall. "

When the monster heard me, he suddenly asked in wonder: "Scared by me? Why should he be afraid of me?"

"So what ...

You don't know why he is afraid of you? After I said that, the monster immediately shook his head vigorously and said that he really didn't know. I watched for a while and confirmed that he didn't joke with me before speaking again, but instead of answering his question: "Do you know how strong you are? "

"Strength?" The guy seemed to think the same thing: "Oh, confrontation. I seem to have 8000, this little guy has more than a thousand episodes, so much weaker than me. It should be very scared. Yes, but after he wakes up, you can tell him, don't worry about me, I'm a pacifist. "

I feel so cold, if you see a nuclear warhead with the eye-catching color "For the peace of mankind", what would you think? Anyway, I think this is a cold joke, but it is really cold to the kind of dross.

"So what, let's not discuss this first." I really couldn't understand it. I changed the topic and asked, "Are you sure you call yourself Godzilla?"

The monster looked up at the ceiling and thought for a while before he said, "Is it the name? I seem to remember that I once went to an island, and then the humans there desperately ran away And called "Godzilla." Godzilla "It's like this."

Well, it was a vain question before.

"So what, unfortunately I inform you, this is not your name."

"Ah? This is not my name? How do you know? Do you know what my name is?"

I shook my head, and then said, "The island you came to should be a projection of Japan, because" Godzilla "means" monster "in Japanese. They were not calling your name at that time, but treating you as if It's a monster. "This guy was originally a monster. Level 8000! One stroke is dead!

"Is that so? I'm not Godzilla. What's my name?" The guy looked at me like this and asked.

At that moment I was completely crazy. What's wrong with this guy? Does this guy have no brain at all? no no

Correct. After a little calm down, I suddenly reacted. This guy's language is old and polite.

Personal appearance, wearing a black tuxedo, will definitely be regarded as an identified gentleman. None of this is true

The monster in the brain can do it. In other words, this guy's intelligence is absolutely okay. His problems should lie in his memory and mental model.


His intelligence should be sealed, or the impact of his head on memory affects his memory. In short, he is not really stupid, but

It is the acquired insufficiency of thinking function, which may be accompanied by partial amnesia.

Just when I just judged the situation of this guy ~ ~ The monster suddenly screamed again, but in the end I was 咣

When it sounds. It turned out that Prometheus, who had just woke up, heard the cry of a monster, and immediately straightened from the ground like a corpse.

Booming up and wanting to continue to escape, but one didn't notice and hit the wall again!

I looked back at the unfortunate Prometheus and I left him alone, and the monster seemed too excited so I didn't notice it

Case. He turned around and ran back to the wall behind him, then began to pull on the wall with his claws, and finally he pulled a piece

Megalithic bricks as high as six floors were pulled out. Follow him and turn the stone over with the inside of the stone facing

I then put it in front of me.

"This, this ..." The guy pointed excitedly at the dense text on the brick surface, "This is a very important thing.

West, it has something to do with me. Come on, help me see what is written? This thing is important to me. "

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