Starting from Zero

Vol 20 Chapter 67: Super Edition Victoria

Scratch from scratch 67, Scratch text Twenty-sixth chapter Super Chapter Victoria

This article comes from [% 绿 [色] novel net] "I rely on, isn't it?" After Victoria finally stopped firing, she looked at the square that was about to turn into a golden meadow, not to mention those Olympians that were targeted. The Protoss, even I started to feel trembling (high-quality text first, all on% green "color" novel network).

Different from the "fate" arrow that was previously "shot", after using the crossbow "shot" structure, Victoria's "fate" arrow appeared to change from an energy arrow to a semi-entity. After being "shot" on the surface of an object, it will not only Wear it like a real arrow, and stay inside. Obviously, in addition to exerting the original destiny effect given by the arrow of destiny, this new breed of arrow of destiny also seems to have physical damage.

Just because there were too many arrows of destiny that were "shot", most of them did not "shoot" the target, so at this time, the ground was full of oblique "plugged" arrows of destiny, because the arrows were too dense, So looking from above it looks like a large piece of golden "color" grass. Of course, those who were stuck under the "grassland" would be almost as rotten meat.

Just when I was wondering how the "confuse" arrows of destiny turned into real arrows, a golden light suddenly flashed on the ground, and those "shots" of the arrows of destiny on the ground lit up, and then directly decomposed into a lot of gold. The light spots of "color" then dissipated in the air.

"Victoria, you arrow ...?"

Before I finished asking Victoria, I straightened the golden crossbow upright, ‘shot’ and raised it with a very handsome one-handed hand, and then said, “I feel like the other half of my soul is waking up. I think that half of my soul It should be near here. I'm absorbing the power of that demigod. The attack method just now is the second-order mode of the arrow of fate that was unblocked after absorbing the power. "

"Second order? You don't have third or fourth order, do you?"

"Exactly fifth-order." Victoria explained very carefully: "The one I used before was the first-order mode, which can shoot arrows of fate that cannot accurately control probability. Second-order mode will evolve into this A fast "shooting" mode with superimposed effects. In the third order, you can specify that three of the eight destinies will never appear, and the remaining five can increase the probability of the occurrence of one of them to 30. %. The other four are evenly divided into 70% (high-quality text starters, all in% Green [色] 小说 网%) Victoria suddenly stopped here.

I watched her anxiously and asked, "What about the fourth-order and fifth-order modes?"

Victoria hesitated a little before he said, "Even if I completely absorbed the other half of the spirit, I can only reach the third-order mode."

"Then you say there are fourth and fifth orders?"

"I did have 4th and 5th order abilities before, but the long-term separation between the soul and the body has caused my strength to drop very badly. Even if the arm is broken and reconnected, the ability to exercise will also drop significantly, not to mention that I am the soul and After being separated for such a long time, it is not bad to use the third-order ability. "

"Then you have a way to recover fourth- and fifth-order strength?"

"Yes. As long as I absorb that half of the spirits to make me complete, and then absorb a certain amount of faith to make up for the lost power. I can restore the fourth-order ability."

"What is the effect of the fourth-order ability? Is there still a fifth-order ability?"

"In the fourth-order ability, my destiny arrow can still be" shot "as fast as the second and third order, but the arrow of destiny will have the tracking ability of a guide arrow. Of course, this is not a hit, but I just want to avoid it. It ’s not easy. In addition, at the fourth level, I can specify that four abilities will never appear. Among the remaining four, I can specify that one of the abilities has a 40% chance of occurrence, and the remaining three are equally divided. 60%. This does not require special preparation. As long as I get used to the fourth-order ability, I will naturally recover the fifth-order ability after a little adaptation. "

"What is the effect of the fifth order? Specify five species of" **** "does not appear?"

Victoria nodded and said, "Every hundred shots of the fifth-order speed" shooting "arrows can appear with a necessary arrow, that is, the first 99 rounds have their own tracking, but you only need to be fast enough to escape, but the 100th The arrows of destiny of multiples of 100, 200, 300 will become the kind of arrows that must be hit in the first stage. This kind of arrow of fate will ignore the movement speed of obstacles and enemies, no matter how far you are and dodge speed How fast, how many things are blocked in the middle, they will definitely hit in the end. There is also the "sex" aspect that is exactly the same as you guessed. At the fifth level, I can specify five kinds of "sex" that will never appear. The remaining three One species can be assigned a genus of "sex" with a probability of 50%. The remaining two are each 25%. "

I nodded and switched to spiritual contact and said to Victoria: "It's a really good effect. The part of the soul is over. We should be able to get her back from the Olympians, as for the power of faith, this It's easier, just go to Hades. "

Victoria nodded, and then said more in my contact: "Actually, my ability is not the fifth-level cap, and there should be two levels later, but even I have not reached that state before."

"Sixth-order and seventh-order? Do you know what needs to be done to achieve this? And how effective is it?"

Victoria nodded: "At the sixth level, I can make every 20 arrows in the speed" shoot "arrows shoot out. In addition, I can specify that the six genera" **** "do not appear, and the remaining two genera" I can specify one of them to have a chance of 75%. As for the seventh level, that should be my limit state. After this state, every arrow I "shot" will be in a state of perfection, and I All eight of the arrows of fate will be combined into one effect, that is, I will be able to increase or weaken any or all of the targets as desired. Of course, in this state, I can also specify that 100% of the death genus "Sex", of course, the restriction that the enemy's strength cannot exceed five times my overall strength still exists, otherwise I will really be invincible! "

"This is already very invincible. When you reach the seventh-order state, you are already the main god-level strength. At that time, except for the elders and **** kings of the major protoss forces, it is estimated that no one can stand it!"

When Victoria heard me, she smiled and said, "In fact, even the people you said probably saw me walking around."


"Because even if the opponent ’s strength is more than five times higher than me, I can't kill him directly, but he can reduce his percentage of" sexuality. " Guy ~ ~ After being weakened by me, I guess that if I want to defeat your Divine Fit mode, I also need to be ready to be beaten. "

"To be honest, I'm looking forward to your seventh level, but now we better plan how we can leave here. I don't want to fight with these guys here, they are too many people. Your magic I'm afraid I can't hold them all down? "

As the number one in the battle list, my ranking is not in vain. Being calm in all circumstances is one of my strengths. The recent outbreak in Victoria looked scary, as if one person had suppressed the entire Olympus Protoss, but that was at the cost of high-speed consumption of magic. Victoria's arrows of fate are all energy arrows. Where does the energy come from? Of course, it's all transformed by Victoria's magic. To put it bluntly, Victoria's skill is a heavy machine gun, which is absolutely powerful, but it also consumes ammunition very quickly. But now it seems that Victoria's magic bullet "medicine" is obviously not as powerful as her skill power. At least, according to the "shot" method just now, it must be dumb. I don't want to be a 30-second Superman and then besieged to death by the enemy! (To be continued)

From scratch 67, the text of the twentieth volume, Chapter 67, Super Edition Victoria has been updated!

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